A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume Xviii Part 42

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From the above list of Tours in Wales which comprehends, we believe, the best, it will be seen that this part of the united kingdom has not been neglected by travellers. Indeed, its natural scenery, mineralogy, geology, botany, antiquities, manners, &c. have been more frequently and better described by travellers, than those of any other portion of the British empire.

496. The History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton.

By the Rev. Gil. White. 1789, 4to.--This most delightful work has lately been republished in 2 vols. 8vo. It is an admirable specimen of topography, both as to matter and style; and proves in how laudable and useful a manner a parish priest may employ his leisure time, and how serviceable he may be to the natural history and antiquities of his country.

497. Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. By Arthur Young.--Six Months' Tour through the North of England. 4 vols.--Farmer's Tour through the East of England.--Though these works are almost entirely directed to agriculture, yet they contain much information on the subject of manufactures, population, &c. as they were about the middle of the last century.

498. Ha.s.sel's Tour in the Isle of Wight, 1790. 2 vols. 4to.--1798. 2 vols.


499. A Picture of the Isle of Wight. By Penruddocke Wyndham, 1794.--This author also wrote a Tour in Monmouths.h.i.+re and Wales; they are both picturesque.

500. Observations relative chiefly to the Natural History, Picturesque Scenery, and Antiquities of the Western Counties of England, 1794-96. By W.

George Maton. 1796, 2 vols. 8vo.--The t.i.tle sufficiently indicates the nature of the work, which is valuable, especially in what relates to natural history.

501. Journal of Tour and Residence in Great Britain, 1810-11. By a Frenchman. M. Simond. 2 vols. 8vo.--There are few Travels superior to these: literature, politics, political economy, statistics, scenery, manners, &c. are treated of in a manner that displays much talent and knowledge, and less prejudice than foreigners usually exhibit. The only branch of natural history, on which the author descants, is mineralogy and geology.

502. Itinerarium Magnae Brittaniae, oder Reise Beschrievbung durch Engel.

Schott. und Irland. Strasburg, 1672. 8vo.

503. Reise durch England. Von Volkman. Leipsic, 1781-2. 4 vols. 8vo.--Arts, manufactures, economy, and natural history.

504. Der l.u.s.tand der Staats, der Religion, &c. in Gros Britanien. Von Wendeborn. Berlin. 4 vols. 8vo.--This work, which exhibits a pretty accurate picture of the statistics, religion, literature, &c. of Britain, at the close of the eighteenth century, has been translated into English.

505. Beschriebung einer Reise, von Hamburgh nach England. Von P. A Nemnich.

Tubingen, 1801. 8vo.--The state of our manufactures is the almost exclusive object of this work.

506. Mineralogische und Technologische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen in England und Schottland. Von J.C. Fabricius.

Leipsic, 1784. 8vo.--This work, the nature of which is indicated in the t.i.tle, is enriched by the notes of that distinguished mineralogist Ferber.

507. Reise nach Paris, London, &c. Von. Franck. Vienna, 1804. 2 vols.

8vo--This work of Dr. Franks, which is chiefly confined to England and Scotland, is interesting to medical men, as it contains an account of hospitals, prisons, poor-houses, infirmaries, &c.

508. Gedenkwaardije a antkeningen gedaan door en reisiger, van geghel England, Schottland, ent Irland. Utrecht, 1699. fol.

509. Kort Journel eller Reise beskrievelse til England, ved Christ Gram.

Christiana, 1760. 4to.

510. Reise durch einen Theil von England und Schottland, 1802-3. 8vo.

Marburg, 1811.--These travels,--which, like all travels in our own country by foreigners, are interesting, independently of any intrinsic merit, because they exhibit the impressions made on them by what to us is either common or proper,--are translated from the Swedish: the author's name is Svedensgerna.

511. Erinnerungen von einer Reise durch England, 1803-5. Von Johanna Schopenhauser. 2 vols. 8vo. Rudolst, 1813.--Light and lively sketches.

512. P. Coronelli Viaggio nell' Enghilterra. Venice, 1697. 8vo.--These three works, Nos. 509, 510, and 512, by a Dutchman, a Dane, and Italian, are interesting from the picture they exhibit of Britain at the close of the seventeenth, and in the middle of the eighteenth century.

513. Journee faite en 1788 dans la Grande Bretagne. Paris, 1790. 8vo.--The author, who recommends himself by stating that he could speak English, directs his enquiries to agriculture and manufactures.

514. Voyages dans les Trois Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande, 1788-89. Par Chantreau. Paris, 1792. 3 vols. 8vo.--The political const.i.tution, religious opinions, manners, prejudices, state of arts and sciences, &c. of Britain, are treated of here with considerable talent for observation, and on the whole not unfairly.

515. Tableau de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande. Par A. Baert. Paris, 1800. 4 vols. 8vo.--This author frequently visited England, and resided here for some time: his work relates to our commerce, finances, naval and military force, religious opinions, literature, arts and manufactures, and physical and moral character.

516. Voyage de trois Mois en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et en Irlande. Par M.A.

Pictet. Paris, 1802. 8vo.--The state of the arts and sciences, and the state of agriculture, and the natural history, especially geology, are the objects of this work. The literary character of the author is well known; this work, perhaps, hardly is worthy of it.

517. Londres et les Anglais. Par Saint Constant. Paris, 1804. 4 vols.

8vo.--Manners, government, religion, domestic life, and the state of agriculture, the arts, sciences, manufactures, and of literature in general,--all fall within the observation of our author, and are treated of fully, and with fewer mistakes and prejudices than Frenchmen generally discover when writing on England.

518. Voyage en Ecosse, &c. Par L.A. Necker-Saussure. Paris, 1821. 3 vols.

8vo.--These travels, by the honorary professor of mineralogy and geology at Geneva, were performed in 1806--8. They relate chiefly to the geology of the country, and the character and usages of the Highlanders, and will be found interesting to the general reader, as well as instructive to the scientific.

519. Faujas St. Fond's Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 1797. 2 vols. 8vo.--Amidst much mineralogical and geological information (the latter, perhaps, led sometimes astray by theory), there are some interesting notices of the arts and sciences, and of literary men.

520. Monroe's Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, in 1549. Edin.

1774. 12mo.

521. Account of the Orkney Islands. By James Wallace. Edin. 1693. 8vo.

522. Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda. Lond. 1698. 2 vols. 8vo.

523. Martin's Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, and of the Orkney and Shetland Isles. 1716. 8vo.

524. Edmonstone's View of the Ancient and Present State of the Shetland Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. 1809.--Dr. E. is a native of these Islands, and has long resided there: perhaps, if these favourable circ.u.mstances had been aided by a sounder judgment, a better taste, and more knowledge, this work would have been improved. As it is, it may advantageously be consulted for what relates to the civil, political, and natural history; agriculture, fisheries, and commerce; antiquities, manners, &c. of these islands.

525. Description of the Shetland Islands, comprising an Account of their Geology, Scenery, Antiquities, and Superst.i.tions. By Dr. Hibbert. 4to.--The t.i.tle indicates the objects of the work: the information is valuable: some of it new; but not sufficiently select or condensed.

526. The Rev. Dr. Barry's History of the Orkney Islands. 4to.--Besides historical information, Dr. B. gives full notices on the inhabitants and natural history: in the latter respect, however, this work is improved in the Second Edition, published by Mr. Headrich.

527. Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man. By Dr. J. Macculloch. 2 vols. 8vo. and 1 vol. of plates, 4to.

1819.--Although, as might be expected from the pursuits of the author, mineralogy and geology are particularly attended to, yet this work is valuable and instructive also on the subjects of the agriculture, scenery, antiquities, and economy of these islands, and is indeed a work of great merit.

528. Sibbald's History and Description of Fife. 1720. fol.

529. Sibbald's History and Description of Lithgow and Stirlings.h.i.+res. 1710.


These works are curious from the description they give of these parts of Scotland, at a period when manners, customs, sentiments, feelings, and superst.i.tions, had not been acted upon by much civilization, knowledge, or intercourse with England. Sir Robert Sibbald's works also are valuable, even yet, for their natural history.

530. Letters from the North of Scotland. Written by a Gentleman to his Friend in London. 2 vols. 8vo.--These letters, which describe the Highlanders a century ago, are extremely curious and interesting. They seem to have been little known, till the author of Waverley introduced them to public approbation. Since that they have been twice republished; once with dissertations and notes.

531. Pennant's Tour to Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides. 3 vols. 4to.


532. Dr. Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 1775. 8vo.

533. Account of the present State of the Hebrides and Western Coast of Scotland. By John Anderson. Edin. 1785.--Written expressly to point out means of improvement. The two following works had the same object in view:

534. Knox's Tour in the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebrides. 1786. 2 vols. 8vo.

535. Buchanan's Travels in the Western Hebrides, 1782-90. Lond. 1793. 8vo.

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