A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume Xviii Part 32

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106. Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia. By Olivier.

Translated from the French, 1802. 4to.

107. Dr. Ed. Dan. Clarke's Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. Vol. 1. Russia, Turkey, Tartary. Vol. 2. & 3.

Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. Vol. 4. The same Countries, and a Journey from Constantinople to Vienna, and an Account of the Gold Mines of Transylvania and Hungary. Vols. 5. & 6. Scandinavia.--There is no department of enquiry or observation to which Dr. C. did not direct his attention during his travels: in all he gives much information in a pleasant style; and to all he evidently brought much judgment, talent, and preparatory knowledge.

108. Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, 1806-7. 2 vols. 8vo.--Those who admire this author's manner and style will be gratified with these travels: and those who dislike them, may still glean much information on antiquities, manners, customs, religion, &c.

109. Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Translated by Charles Stewart. 1814. 3 vols. 12mo.--These travels, of the genuineness of which there can be no doubt, derive their chief interest, as depicting the character and feelings of the author, and the impressions made on his mind by what he saw and heard.

110. Les Observations de plusieurs Singularites et Choses memorables trouvees en Greece, en Asie, Inde, Arabie, Egypte, &c. Par Pierre Belon.--Various editions from 1550 to 1585. 4to. Belon is supposed to have travelled between 1547 and 1550. His work is rich in botany and natural history, especially considering the period in which he lived; and the accompanying plates are very accurate.

111. Voyage a Constantinople, en Perse, en Egypte, dans l'annee 1546, et les annees suivantes. Par G. Lues d'Aramon, Amba.s.sadeur de France a Constantinople. Paris, 1739. 3 vols. 4to.--This relates chiefly to the manners and customs; other pieces are contained in these volumes, which relate, in a manner more minute than important and edifying, the various journies in France, of the Kings of France, from Louis the Young to Louis XIV. inclusive.

112. Les Navigations, Peregrinations, et Voyages, faits en Turquie. Par Nicholas Nicholai, Antwerp, fol. 1576.--This also is instructive, relative to the manners, &c. of many parts of Europe, Africa, and Upper Asia: the plates are engraved on wood, after the designs of t.i.tian.

113. Relations des Voyages de M. de Breves, tant en Grece, Terre Sainte.

Egypte, qu'aux Royaumes de Tunis et Alger. Paris, 1628. 4to. De Breves was amba.s.sador from Henry IV. to the Porte, and sent afterwards on a special mission to Tunis and Algiers. What he relates regarding these states is the most curious and valuable part of his work.

114. Les Voyages et Observations du Sieur Laboulaye-le-Goux, ou sont decrits les Religion, Gouvernment, et Situation, des Etats et Royaumes d'Italie, Grece, Natolie, Syrie, Perse, Palestine, &c; Grand Mogul, Indes Orientales des Portugais, Arabie, Afrique, Hollande, Grande Bretagne, &c.

Paris, 1657. 4to.--This work bears a high character for veracity and exactness; and is very minute in its account of the casts and religions of India. Prefixed to it is a short critical notice of travellers who preceded him, written with great judgment and candour.

115. Voyage de Paul Lucas au Levant. Paris, 1704. 2 vols. 12mo.

116. Voyage de Paul Lucas, dans la Grece, l'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine, et l' Afrique. Paris, 1712. 2 vols. 12mo.--The credit and veracity of this author, which was long suspected, has, in many of his most suspicious parts, been confirmed by modern travellers.

117. Memoire du Chevalier D'Arvieux: contenant ses Voyages a Constantinople, dans l'Asie, la Palestine, l'Egypte, la Barbarie, &c.

Paris, 1735. 6 vols. 12mo.--This author was well qualified from his knowledge of the oriental languages, and from the official situations he filled, to gain an accurate and minute knowledge of the people among whom he resided. His account of his sojourn among the Bedouin Arabs is particularly curious.

118. Viaggi di P. della Valle dall Anno 1614, fin al' 1626. Venice, 1671. 4 vols. 4to.--These travels comprehend Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Persia, and the East Indies. They are written in a pleasant, lively manner; what relates to Persia is most valuable. They have been translated into French, English, and German.

119. Schultz, Reisen durch Europa, Asien, und Africa. Halle, 1771-75. 5 vols. 8vo.

120. Laeflingii Petri iter Hispanic.u.m. Stockholm, 1758. 8vo.--This work, originally published in Swedish, was translated by C. Linnaeus into German, under the following t.i.tle: Reise nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und Amerika, 1751--56. Berlin, 1776. 8vo. It is chiefly valuable for its natural history information.

121. Voyage en Amerique, en Italie, en Sicile, et en Egypte, 1816--19. 2 vols. 8vo.

122. The true Travels of Captain J. Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from 1593 to 1629. London, 1664. fol.--This work, like most of the old travels, derives its value from enabling us to compare the countries visited, and their inhabitants, with their present state; and its interest from the personal adventures of the author. To such works, as well as to minute biography, time gives a value and utility, which they do not intrinsically possess.

123. Itinerarium Portugalensium e Lusitania in Indiam et inde in Occidentem et demum ad Aquilonem, ab. Arch. Madrignan. 1508. fol.--Originally published in Portuguese.

124. Josten, Reisebeschreibung durch die Turkey, Ungern, Polen, Reussen, Bohemen, &c. neue Jerusalem, Ost und West Indien. Lubec, 1652. 4to.

125. Graaf, Reisen naer Asia, Africa, America, en Europa. Amsterdam, 1686.


126. Historia y Viage del Mundo en los cincos Partes; de la Europa, Africa, Asia, America y Magellanica. Par Levallos. Madrid, 1691. 4to.

127. John Ovington's Voyage to Surat, with a Description of the Islands of Madeira and St. Helena. London, 1698. 8vo.

128. Le Bruyn's Voyage to the Levant. Translated from the French. London, 1702. fol.--This work bears a similar character as the preceding travels of the author already noticed. The plates are excellent.

129. Irwin's Adventures in a Voyage up the Red Sea; and a Route through the Thebaid hitherto unknown, in the year 1779. London, 4to. and 8vo.--Chiefly valuable for the information which his personal adventures necessarily gives of the manners, &c. of the Arabians.

130. Memoirs and Travels of Count Beniousky. London, 1790. 2 vols.

4to.--Amidst much that is trifling, and more that is doubtful, this work contains some curious and authentic information, especially relating to Kamschatka and Madagascar: what he states on the subject of his communications with j.a.pan, is very suspicious.

131. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria. By W.G. Browne. London, 1799.

4to.--A most valuable work, and except in some few peculiarities of the author, a model for travellers: it is particularly instructive in what relates to Darfour.

132. Travels in Asia and Africa. By A. Parsons. 4to. 1809.--These travels were performed in 1772--78: they indicate good sense, and are evidently the result of attentive and careful observation and enquiry. From Scanderoon to Aleppo; over the desert to Bagdat: a voyage from Bussora to Bombay, and along the west coast of India; from Bombay to Mocha; and a journey from Suez to Cairo, are the contents.

133. Travels. By John Lewis Burckhardt. Vol.1. Nubia; vol. 2. Syria and the Holy Land; vol.3, in the Hedjaz. 1823. 4to.--Few travellers have done more for geography than this author: antiquities, manners, customs, &c., were examined and investigated by him, with a success which could only have been ensured by such zeal, perseverance, and judgment as he evidently possessed.

134. Lord Valentia's Travels in India. Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt. 1802-6. 3 vols. 4to.--It is not possible for a person to travel so long, in such countries, without collecting information of a novel and important kind: such there is in this work on antiquities, geography, manners, &c.; but it might all have been comprised in one third of the size.

135. Travels along the Mediterranean and Parts adjacent, 1816-17-18, extending as far as the second Cataract of the Nile, Jerusalem, Damascus, Balbec, &c. By Robert Richardson, M.D. 1822. 2 vols. 8vo.--Much information may be gleaned from these volumes; but there is a want of judgment, taste, and life in the narrative.

136. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey.

1803-7. By Ali Bey. 3 vols. 4to.--This traveller procured access to many places, in his a.s.sumed character, to which Christians were not permitted to go: from this cause the travels are instructive and curious; but they certainly disappointed the expectations of the public.

137. Ludovici Patricii Romani Itinerarium Novum Ethiopiae, Egypti, utriusque Arabiae, Persidis, Syriae, ac Indiae ultra citraque Gangem. Milan, 1511.

fol.--This work is supposed to have been written originally in Italian.

In the Spanish translation, published in Lisbon, 1576, the author's name is given, Barthema. This a very curious and rare work. It has been translated into German and Dutch.

138. Baumgarten, Peregrinatio in Egyptum, Arabiam, Palestinam, et Syriam.

Nuremberg, 1621. 4to.

139. Voyages au Levant, 1749-52. Par Fred. Ha.s.selquist. Paris, 1769. 1 vol.

12mo.--This, originally published in Swedish by Linnaeus, and translated into German and Dutch, is uncommonly valuable to the natural historian.

140. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, et de Jerusalem a Paris, en allant par la Grece. Par Chateaubriand. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810.

141. Le Nouveau Monde, et Navigations faites par Americ. Vespuce, dans les Pays nouvellement trouves, tant en Ethiopie qu'en Arabie. Paris, 4to.--Translated from the Italian: both are rare. The claims and merits of Vespucius may be judged of from the following works: Canovai Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci. Florence, 1798.; Tiraboschi Storia dell Litt. vol. 1. p.

1. lib. 1. c. 6.; the Letters of Americo in Ramusio, 1. 138.; Bandini Vita del Amerigo, and an article in the North American Review, for 1822.

142. Voyage d'un Philosophe (M. Poivre). Paris, 1797. 18mo.--This little work, which embraces remarks on the arts and people of Asia, Africa, and America, deserves the t.i.tle it bears better than most French works which claim it.

143. Langstadt, Reisen nach Sud-America, Asien, und Africa. Hildesheim, 1789. 8vo.

144. Recueil de divers Voyages faites en Afrique et Amerique. Paris, 1674.


145. Voyages du Cheval. Marchais en Guinee, Isles voisines, et a Cayenne.

Par Labat. Paris, 1780. 4 vols. 12mo.

146. Voyage en Guinee et dans les Isles Carabes. Par Isert. 1793. 8vo.

Translated from the German.

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