Latin for Beginners Part 76

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> or Translated _on_ in >, _cut_]], _cut off_ > or >, _take_]], _receive, accept_ With the gerund or gerundive, _to, for_ >, _do_]], _affect, visit_ >, _hold_]], _apply, employ, use_ Cf. >, _speak_]], _speak to, address_, with acc.>, _come_]], _approach, arrival_ (--466) >, _adversity_ >, _make_]], _build_ _one of the same age_ >, _at the beginning of summer_ >, _the van_ >, _pa.s.s life_ >, _cultivate_]], _farmer_ >, dat. >), adj. _another, other_.>, dat. >), adj. _the one, the other_ (of two).>), _both_ >, _throw_]], _throw around, wrap about, clothe_ > > > >, _write_]], _enroll, enlist_ B >, f. _ballista_, an engine for hurling missiles (p. 220) >, m. _belt, sword belt_ >, m. _barbarian, savage_ >, n. _war_.>, with dat. _make war upon_ >, adv. [[for >, from >]], compared >, _well_ >, adv. [[>, _kind_]], compared >, _kindly_ >, adj. _good-natured, kind_, often used with dat.>, distributive numeral adj. _two each, two at a time_ (--334) >, adv. _twice_ >, adj. compared >, _good, kind_ (--469.a) > (gen. plur. > or >, dat. and abl. plur. > or >), m. and f. _ox, cow_ >, n. _arm_ >, adj. _short_ >, n. _Brundisium_, a seaport in southern Italy. See map >, f. _bulla_, a locket made of small concave plates of gold fastened by a spring (p. 212) C > abbreviation for >, Eng. _Caius_ >, _fall_ >, f. [[>, _cut_]], (_a cutting down_), _slaughter, carnage_ (--465.a) >, n. _sky, heavens_ >, m. _Caesar_, the famous general, statesman, and writer >, f. _loss, calamity, defeat, disaster_ >, n. _spur_ (--465.b) >, f. _Campania_., a district of central Italy. See map >, adj. _of Campania_ >, m. _plain, field_, esp. the _Campus Martius_, along the Tiber just outside the walls of Rome >, m. and f. _dog_ >, ----, _sing_ > [[>, _sing_]], _sing_ >, adj. _of Capena_, esp. the _Porta Cape'na_, the gate at Rome leading to the Appian Way >, _take, seize, capture_ (--492) >, adj. _belonging to the Capitol, Capitoline_ >, n. [[>, _head_]], _the Capitol_, the hill at Rome on which stood the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus and the citadel >, f. _box_ for books >, m. [[>, _take_]], _captive_ >, f. _Capua_, a large city of Campania. See map >, n. _head_ (--464.2.b) >, m. _prison, jail_ >, m. _cart, wagon_ >, adj. _dear; precious_ >, f. _hut, cottage_ >, n. [[dim. of >, _fort_]], _redoubt, fort_ >, n. _fort_. Usually in the plural, >, a military _camp_.>, _to pitch camp_ >, m. [[>, _fall_]], _chance; misfortune, loss_ >, f. _catapult_, an engine for hurling stones >, f. _chain_ >, f. _inn_ >, f. _cause, reason_, >, _for this reason_ >, _give way, retire_ >, adj. _swift, fleet_ >, f. [[>, _swift_]], _swiftness, speed_ >, adv. [[>, _swift_]], compared >, _swiftly_ >, f. _dinner_ >, indecl. numeral adj. _hundred_ >, m. _centurion, captain_ > (dissyl.), > (acc. >), m. _Cepheus_, a king of Ethiopia and father of Andromeda >, m. _Cerberus_, the fabled three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to Hades >, n. [[>, _struggle_]], _struggle, contest, rivalry_ >, adv. [[>, _sure_]], compared >, _surely, certainly_ >, adj. _fixed, certain, sure_.>, m. _stag, deer_ >, _delay, cease_ >, n. plur. _food, provisions_ >,, victuals_ >, m. plur. _the Cimbri_ >, adj. _Cimbrian_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _surround_]], _girt, surrounded_ >, _gird, surround_ >, adv. _about_ >, prep, with acc. _around_ >, _place around, surround, inclose_ >, _go around_ >, ----, _stand around, surround_ > (_come around_), _surround_ >, adj. in comp., superl. >, _hither, nearer_ (--475) >, adj. [[>]], _civil_ >, m. and f. _citizen_ (--243.1) >, f. [[>, _citizen_]], (_body of citizens_), _state; citizens.h.i.+p_ >, m. _shout, cry_ >, adj. _clear; famous, renowned; bright, s.h.i.+ning_ >, f. _fleet_ >, _shut, close_ >, m. _stripe_ >, m. _dependent, retainer, client_ (--465.a) >, m. (_blind in one eye_), _Cocles_, the surname of Horatius >, _learn, know, understand_. Cf.> (--420.b) > [[>, _together_, + >, f. _cohort_, the tenth part of a legion, about 360 men >, m. _hill_, >, _on top of the hill_ (--247.2.a) >, n. _neck_ >, _cultivate, till; honor, wors.h.i.+p; devote one's self to_ >, f. _column, pillar_ >, a prefix, _together, with_, or intensifying the meaning of the root word >, f. _hair_ >, m. and f. [[>, _together_, + >, _go_]], _companion, comrade_ >, m. [[>, _accompany_]], _escort, company_ >, dep. verb [[>, _companion_]], _accompany_ >, m. _supplies_ >, adv. [[>, _together_, + >, _hand_]], _hand to hand_ >, _join together; commit, intrust_.>, _join battle_.> with dat, _trust one's self to_ >, adv. [[>, _fit_]], compared >, _conveniently, fitly_ >, adj. _suitable, fit_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _move_]], _aroused, moved_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _prepare_]], _prepare; provide, get_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _fill_]], _fill up_ >, m. _embrace_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _press_]], _press together, grasp, seize_ >, ---- [[>, intensive, + >, _fall_]], _fall down_ >, n. _meeting, council_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _close_]], _shut up, close; end, finish_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _run_]], _run together; rally, gather_ >, f. [[>, _together_, + >, _talk_]], _agreement, condition, terms_ >, _pardon_ >, _hire_ >, _bring together_.>, _betake one's self_ >, adj. _crowded, thick_ >, adv. _immediately_ > [[>, _completely_, + >, _do_]], _make, complete, accomplish, finish_ >, _make firm, establish, strengthen, affirm, a.s.sert_ >, ----, _flow together_ >, _flee for refuge, flee_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _throw_]], _hurl_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _join_]], _join together, unite_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _swear_]], _unite by oath, conspire_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _place_]], _arrange, place, station_ >, n. [[>, _together_, + >, _speak_]], _conversation, conference_ >, dep. verb, _endeavor, attempt, try_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _climb_]], _climb up, ascend_.>, _embark, go on board_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _write_]], (_write together_), _enroll, enlist_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _consecrate_]], _consecrate, devote_ >, dep. verb [[>, intensive, + >, _follow_]], _pursue; overtake; win_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _save_]], _preserve, save_ >, n. _plan, purpose, design; wisdom_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _cause to stand_]], _stand firmly, halt, take one's stand_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _spy_]], _look at attentively, perceive, see_ >, f. _firmness, steadiness, perseverance_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _set_]], _establish, determine, resolve_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _stand_]], _agree; be certain ; consist of_ >, m. _consul_ (--464.2.a) > [[>, intensive, + >, _take_]], _consume, use up_ >, _strain; hasten; fight, contend, struggle_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _hold_]], _hold together, hem in, contain; restrain_ >, prep, with acc. _against, contrary to_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _draw_]], _draw together;_ of sails, _shorten, furl_ >, f. _dispute, quarrel_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _come_]], _come together, meet, a.s.semble_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _turn_]], _turn_ > [[>, _together_, + >, _call_]], _call together_ >, dep. verb [[>, intensive, + >, _rise_]], _rise, break forth_ >, f. [[>, intensive, + >, _wealth_]], _abundance, wealth, plenty_. Plur. >, _troops_ >, _cook_ >, f. _Corinth_, the famous city on the Isthmus of Corinth >, f. _Cornelia_, daughter of Scipio and mother of the Gracchi >, m. _Cornelius_, a Roman name >, n. _horn; wing_ of an army, >, f. _garland, wreath; crown_ >, adj. _crowned_ >, n. _body_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _seize_]], _seize, grasp_ >, adj. _daily_ >, adv. _daily_ >, adj. _thick, crowded, numerous, frequent_ >, _trust, believe_, with dat. (--501.14) >, _burn_ >, _make; elect, appoint_ >, m. _Creon_, a king of Corinth >, _rise, grow, increase_ >, f. _Crete_, a large island in the Mediterranean >, adj. _Cretan_ >, n. _leg_ >, n. _pastry, cake_ >, n. _bed_ >, f. _culture, cultivation_ >, conj. with the indic. or subjv. _when; since; although_ (--501.46) >, prep, with abl. _with_ (--209) >, adv. [[>, _desirous_]], compared >, _eagerly_ >, f. [[>, _desirous_]], _desire, longing_ > or >, _desire, wish_. Cf. > >, adv. _why, wherefore_ >, f. _care, pains; anxiety_ >, f. _senate house_ > [[>, _care_]], _care for, attend to, look after_ >, _run_ >, m. _chariot_ >, m. _course_ > [[>, _guard_]], _guard, watch_ D >, m. _Daed'alus_, the supposed inventor of the first flying machine >, m. _Davus_, name of a slave >, prep, with abl. _down from, from; concerning, about, for_ (--209).>, _for this reason, wherefore_ >, f. _G.o.ddess_ (--461.a) > [[>, _from_, + >, _hold_]], _owe, ought, should_ >, indecl. numeral adj. _ten_ > [[>, _from_, + >, _separate_]], _decide, decree_ >, ---- [[>, _down_, + >, _fall_]], _fall down_ >, numeral adj. _tenth_ >, adj. _sloping downward_ >, _give up, surrender_, >, _surrender one's self_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _lead_]], _lead down, escort_ >, _ward off, repel, defend_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _bring_]], _bring down; report, announce_ (--426) >, adj. _tired out, weary_ > [[>, _from_, + >, _make_]], _fail, be wanting; revolt from_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _fasten_]], _fasten, fix_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _hurl_]], _hurl down; bring down, kill_ >, adv. _(from thence), then, in the next place_ >, _delight_ >, _blot out, destroy_ >, _weigh, deliberate, ponder_ > [[>, _from_, + >, _gather_]], _choose, select_ >, adj. _Delphic_ > [[part. of >, _send down_]], _downcast, humble_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _point_]], _point out, show_ >, adv. _at last, not till then_.>, _then at last_ >, adv. _at last, finally_. Cf. > >, m. _tooth_ (--247.2.a) >, adj. _dense, thick_ >, ----, ---- [[>, _down_, + >, _hang_]], _hang from, hang down_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _wail_]], _bewail, deplore_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _put_]], _put down_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _climb_]], _climb down, descend_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _write_]], _write down_ >, _long for_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _leap_]], _leap down_ > [[>, _away from_, + >, _hope_]], _despair_ > [[>, _down_]], _look down upon, despise_ > [[>, _away from_, + >, _be_]], _be wanting, lack_, with dat. (--426) >, m. _G.o.d_ (--468) > [[>, _down_, + >, _roll_]], _roll down_ > [[>, _down_, + >, _swallow_]], _devour_ > (>), adj. _to the right, right_.>, f. _Diana_, G.o.ddess of the moon and twin sister of Apollo > (imv. >), _say, speak, tell_. Usually introduces indirect discourse (--420.a) >, m. [[>, _dictate_]], _dictator_, a chief magistrate with unlimited power > or >, m., sometimes f. in sing., _day_ (--467) > [[>, _apart_, + >, _carry_]], _carry apart; differ_.>, _differ from each other_ >, adj. [[>, _not_, + >, _easy_]], _hard, difficult_ (--307) >, f. [[>, _hard_]], _difficulty_ >, adv. [[>, _careful_]], compared >, _industriously, diligently_ >, f. [[>, _careful_]], _industry, diligence_ >, _fight, struggle_ > [[>, _off_, + >, _send_]], _send away, dismiss, disband_.>, _direct one's mind to, apply one's self to_ >, m. _Di-o-me'des_, a name >, a prefix expressing separation, _off, apart, in different directions_. Often negatives the meaning > [[>, _apart_, + >, _go_]], _depart from, leave, withdraw, go away_ > [[>, _apart_, + >, _sift_]], _separate; distinguish_ >, f. _instruction, training, discipline_ >, m. [[>, _learn_]], _pupil, disciple_ >, ----, _learn_ > [[>, _apart_, + >, _shake_]], _shatter, dash to pieces_ > [[>, _apart_, + >, _put_]], _put here and there, arrange, station_ >, adj. [[>, _apart_, + >, _like_]], _unlike, dissimilar_ (--307) >, _divide, distribute_ >, adv., compared >, _for a long time, long_ (--477) >, _give_.>, _put to flight_.>, _teach, show_ >, f. [[>, _teacher_]], _teaching, learning, wisdom_ >, m. _pain, sorrow_ >, adj. [[>, _house_]], _of the house, domestic_ >, n. _dwelling; house, abode_. Cf. > >, f. _mistress_ (of the house), _lady_ (--461) >, m. _master_ (of the house), _owner, ruler_ (--462) >, f. _house, home_.>, locative, _at home_ (--468) >, _sleep_ >, m. _serpent, dragon_ >, _hesitate_ >, adj. [[>, _two_]], (_moving two ways_), _doubtful, dubious_ >, numeral adj. _two hundred_ > (imv. >), _lead, conduct_ >, conj. _while, as long as_ >, numeral adj. _two_ (--479) >, indecl. numeral adj. _twelve_ >, adj. _hard, tough; harsh, pitiless, bitter_ >, m. and f. [[cf. >, _lead_]], _leader, commander_ E > or >, prep, with abl. _out of, from, off, of_ (--209) >, adj. _of ivory_ >, adv. _see! behold! there! here!_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _lead_]], _lead out, draw out_ > [[>, _thoroughly_, + >, _do_]], _work out; make, cause_ > [[>, _from_, + >, _flee_]], _escape_ >, ----, _be in need of, lack_, with abl. (--501.32) >, pers. p.r.o.n. _I_; plur. >, _we_ (--480) >, dep. verb [[>, _out of_, + >, _go_]], _go out, go forth_.>, _disembark_ > [[>, _forth_, + >, _hurl_]], _hurl forth, expel_ >, n., in plur. _first principles, rudiments_ >, m. _elephant_ >, f. _E'lis_, a district of southern Greece >, _buy, purchase_ >, conj., never standing first, _for, in fact, indeed._ Cf. > >, m. _Ennius_, the father of Roman poetry, born 239 B.C.> (>), >, _go_ (--499) >, adv. _to that place, thither_ >, f. _Epi'rus_, a district in the north of Greece >, m. [[>, _horse_]], _horseman, cavalryman_ >, m. [[>, _ride_]], _cavalry_ >, m. _horse_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _make straight_]], _raise up_ > [[>, _out of_, + >, _seize_]], _seize, rescue_ > [[>, _forth_, + >, _break_]], _burst forth_ >, f. _sally_ >, adj. _Erymanthian, of Erymanthus_, a district in southern Greece >, conj. _and, also_. >, _both ... and_. Cf. >, adv. (rarely conj.) [[>, _also_, + >, _now_]], _yet, still; also, besides_. Cf. >.>, _not only ... but also_ >, m. _the Etruscans_, the people of Etruria. See map of Italy >, f. _Europe_ >, m. _Eurys'theus_, a king of Tiryns, a city in southern Greece > [[>, _out_, + >, _go_]], _go forth, escape_ >, see > > [[part. of >, _put out of breath_ (> [[>, _out_, + >, _take_]], _welcome, receive_ >, n. _example, model_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _go_]], _go out, go forth_ (--413) > [[>, _out_, + >, m. [[>, _train_]], _army_ > [[>, _out_, + >, dep. verb [[>, _forth_, + >, _rise_]], _come forth, rise_ >, adj. _without baggage_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _drive_]], _drive out_ > [[>, intensive, + >, _atone for_]], _make amends for, atone for_ >, m. [[>, _investigate_]], _spy, scout_ >, _examine, explore_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _fight_]], _take by storm, capture_ >, n. [[>, _exile_]], _banishment, exile_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _look_]], _expect, wait_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _build_]], _build up, erect_ >, adj., compared > or >, _outside, outer_ (--312) >, prep, with acc. _beyond, outside of_ > [[>, _out_, + >, _drag_]], _drag out, pull forth_ >, adj., superl. of >, _utmost, farthest_ (--312) F >, f. _story, tale, fable_ >, adv. [[>, _easy_]], compared >, _easily_ (--322) >, adj. [[cf. >, _make_]], _easy, without difficulty_ (--307) > (imv. >), _make, do; cause, bring about_.>, _make an attack upon_.>, _fight a battle_.>, _make a march_ or _journey_.>, _speak in behalf of_.Pa.s.sive >, _be done, happen_.>, _be informed_ >, _trip, betray, deceive_ >, f. _report, rumor; renown, fame, reputation_ > (abl. >), f. _hunger_ >, f. _servants, slaves; household, family_ > (plur. of >), f. _fasces_ (p. 225) >, n. _top; slope, descent_ >, n. _fate, destiny_ >, f. plur. _jaws, throat_ >, _be favorable to, favor_, with dat.(--501.14) >, adj. _happy, lucky_ >, f. woman. Cf. > >, f. [[>, _wild_]], _wild beast_ >, adj. _fertile_ >, adv. _about, nearly, almost_ >, _bear_.> or >, _be annoyed_ (--498) >, adj. [[>, _iron_]], _made of iron_ >, adj. [[>, _trust_]], _faithful, true_ > _or_ >, _trust, faith; promise, word; protection_.>, _come under the protection_.>, _remain loyal_ > (dat. and abl. plur. >), f. _daughter_ (--461.a) > (voc. sing, >), m. _son_ >, m. _boundary, limit, end;_ in plur. _territory, country_ (--243.1) >, adj. [[>, _boundary_]], _adjoining, neighboring_.Plur. >, m. _neighbors_ >, used as pa.s.sive of >. See > (--500) >, f. _fire, flame_ >, m. _flower_ >, m. [[of. >, _flow_]], _flood, wave, billow_ >, n. [[cf. >, _flow_]], _river_ (--464.2.b) >, _flow_ >, m. [[cf. >, _flow_]], _river_ >, _dig_ >, m. _fountain_ (--247.2.a) >, f. _form, shape, appearance; beauty_ >, f. _Formiae_, a town of Latium on the Appian Way.See map >, adv. [[abl. of >, _chance_]], _by chance_ >, adj. _strong; fearless, brave_ >, adv. [[>, _strong_]], compared >, _strongly; bravely_ >, f. [[>, _chance_]], _chance, fate, fortune_ >, n. _market place_, esp. the >, where the life of Rome centered >, _Forum of Appius_, a town in Latium on the Appian Way >, f. [[cf. >, _dig_]], _ditch_ >, m. [[cf. >, _break_]], _crash, noise_ >, _break_ >, m. _brother_ >, m. _loud noise_ >, _attend_ >, adj. _supported, trusting_. Usually with abl. of means >, f. _front_, >, m. _fruit_ >, adj. _pertaining to grain_.>, _grain supplies_ >, n. _grain_ >, adv. _in vain, vainly_ >, f. [[cf. >, _flee_]], _flight_.>, _put to flight_ >, _flee, run; avoid, shun_ >, _smoke_ >, m. _rope_ >, m. [[>, _rage_]], _madness_.>, _go mad_ G >, m. _Gaius_, a Roman name, abbreviated >, English form _Caius_ >, m. _Galba_, a Roman name >, f. _helmet_ >, f. _Gaul_, the country comprising what is now Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and France >, adj. _Gallic_ >, f. _hen, chicken_ >, m. _a Gaul_ >, n. _joy_ >, f. _Geneva_, a city in Switzerland >, f. [[cf. >, _beget_]], _race, family; people, nation, tribe_ >, n. _kind, variety_ >, f. _Germany_ >, m. _a German_ >, _carry, wear; wage_.>, _wage war_.>, _exploits_.>, _carry on successfully_ >, adj. _gladiatorial_ >, m. _sword_ >, f. _glory, fame_ >, m. _Gracchus_, name of a famous Roman family >, adj. _slender_ (--307) >, n. plur. _Greek writings, Greek literature_ >, adv. _in Greek_ >, f. _Greece_ >, m. _grammarian_ >, f. _thanks, grat.i.tude_ >, adj. _acceptable, pleasing_. Often with dat.(--501.16) >, adj. _heavy; disagreeable; serious, dangerous; earnest, weighty_ >, adv. [[>, _heavy_]], compared >, _heavily; greatly, seriously_.>, _bear ill, take to heart_ >, m. [[>, _pilot_]], _pilot_ H >, f. _halter, rein_.>, _have, hold; regard, consider, deem_ > [[cf. >, _have_]], _dwell, abide, inhabit_. Cf. > >, adv. _thus far_ >, m. _the Helvetii_, a Gallic tribe >, m. _Hercules_, son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and G.o.d of strength >, f. _the Hesperides_, daughters of Hesperus, who kept the garden of the golden apples >, demonstrative adj. and p.r.o.n. _this_ (of mine); as pers. p.r.o.n. _he, she, it_ (--481) >, adv. _here_ >, f. _winter_ >, adv. [[>, _here_]], _from here, hence_ >, f. _Hippolyte_, queen of the Amazons >, adv. [[modified form of >, _on this day_]], _to-day_ >, m. and f. _(human being), man, person_ >, adv. [[>, _honor_]], _respected, honorable_ >, m. _honor_ >, f. _hour_ >, m. _Horatius_, a Roman name >, adj. _terrible, horrible_ >, dep. verb, _urge, incite, exhort, encourage_ (--493) >, m. _garden_ >, n. [[>, _host_]], _hospitality_ >, m. and f. _enemy, foe_ (--465.a) >, adj. _low, humble_ (--307) >, f. _the Hydra_, a mythical water snake slain by Hercules I >, _throw, hurl_ >, adv. _now, already_.

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