Latin for Beginners Part 65

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FUTURE audito, _thou shalt hear_ auditor, _thou shalt be heard_ audito _he shall hear_ auditor, _he shall be heard_ auditote, _ye shall hear_ ---- audunto, _they shall hear_ audiuntor, _they shall be heard_

INFINITIVE _Pres._ audire, _to hear_ audiri, _to be heard_ _Perf._ audivisse, auditus, -a, -um esse, _to have heard_ _to have been heard_ _Fut._ auditurus, -a, -um [[auditum iri]], esse, _to be_ _to be about to be heard_ _about to hear_

PARTICIPLES _Pres._ audiens, -entis, _Pres._ ---- _hearing_ _Fut._ auditurus, -a, -um, _Ger._ audiendus, -a, -um, _to be heard_ _about to hear_ _Perf._ ---- _Perf._ auditus, -a, -um, _having been heard, heard_

GERUND _Nom._ ---- _Gen._ audiendi, _of hearing_ _Dat._ audiendo, _for hearing_ _Acc._ audiendum, _hearing_ _Abl._ audiendo, _by hearing_

SUPINE (Active Voice) _Acc._ [[auditum]], _to hear_ _Abl._ [[auditu]], _to hear, in the hearing_


PRINc.i.p.aL PARTS > PRES. STEM cape- PERF. STEM cep- PART. STEM capt-

ACTIVE Pa.s.sIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT capio capimus ca'pior ca'pimur capis capitis ca'peris, -re capi'mini capit capiunt ca'pitur capiun'tur

IMPERFECT capiebam capiebamus capie'bar capieba'mur capiebas capiebatis capieba'ris, -re capieba'mini capiebat capiebant capieba'tur capieban'tur

FUTURE capiam capiemus ca'piar capie'mur capies capietis capie'ris, -re capie'mini capiet capient capie'tur capien'tur

PERFECT cepi, cepisti, cepit, etc. captus, -a, -um sum, es, est, etc.

PLUPERFECT ceperam, ceperas, ceperat, captus, -a, -um eram, eras, erat, etc.


FUTURE PERFECT cepero, ceperis, ceperit, captus, -a, -um ero, eris, erit, etc.


SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT capiam, capias, capiat, capiar, -iaris, -re, -iatur, etc.


IMPERFECT caperem, caperes, caperet, caperer, -ereris, -re, -eretur, etc.


PERFECT ceperim, ceperis, ceperit, captus, -a, -um sim, sis, sit, etc.


PLUPERFECT cep.i.s.sem,, captus, -a, -um essem, esses, esset, cep.i.s.set, etc. etc.

IMPERATIVE PRESENT _2d Pers._ cape capite capere capimini

FUTURE _2d Pers._ capito capitote capitor ---- _3rd Pers._ capito capiunto capitor capiuntor

INFINITIVE _Pres._ capere capi _Perf._ captus, -a, -um esse _Fut._ capturus, -a, -um [[captum iri]]


PARTICIPLES _Pres._ capiens, -ientis _Pres._ ---- _Fut._ capturus, -a, -um _Ger._ capiendus, -a, -um _Perf._ ---- _Perf._ captus, -a, -um

GERUND _Gen._ capiendi etc.

SUPINE (Active Voice) _Acc._ [[captum]]

_Abl._ [[captu]]


[Transcriber's Note: Asterisks in this section are from the original text ("marked with a star").]


I. >, _urge_ II. >, _fear_ III. >, _follow_ IV.

>, _share, divide_

NOTE. In addition to the pa.s.sive conjugation, deponent verbs use certain forms from the active. These are marked with a star. Deponent -io verbs of the third conjugation are inflected like the pa.s.sive of capio.

INDICATIVE _Pres._ hortor vereor sequor partior hortaris, -re vereris, -re sequeris, -re partiris, -re hortatur veretur sequitur part.i.tur hortamur veremur sequimur partimur hortamini veremini sequimini partimini hortantur verentur sequuntur partiuntur _Impf._ hortabar verebar sequebar partiebar _Fut._ hortabor verebor sequar partiar _Perf._ hortatus sum veritus sum secutus sum part.i.tus sum _Plup._ hortatus eram veritus eram secutus eram part.i.tus eram _F.P._ hortatus ero veritus ero secutus ero part.i.tus ero

SUBJUNCTIVE _Pres._ horter verear sequar partiar _Impf._ hortarer vererer sequerer partirer _Perf._ hortatus sim veritus sim secutus sim part.i.tus sim _Plup._ hortatus essem veritus essem secutus essem part.i.tus essem

IMPERATIVE _Pres._ hortare verere sequere partire _Fut._ hortator veretor sequitor part.i.tor

INFINITIVE _Pres._ hortari vereri sequi partiri _Perf._ hortatus esse veritus esse secutus esse part.i.tus esse _Fut._ *hortaturus *veriturus *secuturus *part.i.turus esse esse esse esse

PARTICIPLES _Pres._ *hortans *verens *sequens *partiens _Fut._ *hortaturus *veriturus *secuturus *part.i.turus _Perf._ hortatus veritus secutus part.i.tus _Ger._ hortandus verendus sequendus partiendus

GERUND *hortandi, etc. *verendi, etc.

*sequendi, etc. *partiendi, etc.

SUPINE *[[hortatus, -tu]] *[[veritum, -tu]]

*[[secutum, -tu]] *[[part.i.tum, -tu]]


<494.>> >, _am, be_


INDICATIVE PRESENT SINGULAR PLURAL sum, _I am_ sumus, _we are_ es, _thou art_ estis, _you are_ est, _he (she, it) is_ sunt, _they are_

IMPERFECT eram, _I was_ eramus, _we were_ eras, _thou wast_ eratis, _you were_ erat, _he was_ erant, _they were_

FUTURE ero, _I shall be_ erimus, _we shall be_ eris, _thou wilt be_ eritis, _you will be_ erit, _he will be_ erunt, _they will be_

PERFECT fui, _I have been, was_ fuimus, _we have been, were_ fuisti, _thou hast been, wast_ fuistis, _you have been, were_ fuit, _he has been, was_ fuerunt, fuere, _they have been, were_

PLUPERFECT fueram, _I had been_ fueramus, _we had been_ fueras, _thou hadst been_ fueratis, _you had been_ fuerat, _he had been_ fuerant, _they had been_

FUTURE PERFECT fuero, _I shall have been_ fuerimus, _we shall have been_ fueris, _thou wilt have been_ fueritis, _you will have been_ fuerit, _he will have been_ fuerint, _they will have been_

SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT IMPERFECT SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL sim simus essem essemus sis sitis esses essetis sit sint esset essent

PERFECT PLUPERFECT fuerim fuerimus fuissem fuissemus fueris fueritis fuisses fuissetis fuerit fuerint fuisset fuissent

IMPERATIVE PRESENT _2d Pers. Sing._ es, _be thou_ _2d Pers. Plur._ este, _be ye_ FUTURE _2d Pers. Sing._ esto, _thou shalt be_ _3d Pers. Sing._ esto, _he shall be_ _2d Pers. Plur._ estote, _ye shall be_ _3d Pers. Plur._ sunto, _they shall be_

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