Latin for Beginners Part 22

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SINGULAR I had loved I had advised I had ruled I had taken I had heard

1. ama'veram monu'eram re'xeram ce'peram audi'veram 2. ama'veras monu'eras re'xeras ce'peras audi'veras 3. ama'verat monu'erat re'xerat ce'perat audi'verat

PLURAL 1. amavera'mus monuera'mus rexera'mus cepera'mus audivera'mus 2. amavera'tis monuera'tis rexera'tis cepera'tis audivera'tis 3. ama'verant monu'erant re'xerant ce'perant audi'verant


SINGULAR I shall have I shall have I shall have I shall have I shall have loved advised ruled taken heard

1. ama'vero monu'ero re'xero ce'pero audi'vero 2. ama'veris monu'eris re'xeris ce'peris audi'veris 3. ama'verit monu'erit re'xerit ce'perit audi'verit

PLURAL 1. amave'rimus monue'rimus rexe'rimus cepe'rimus audive'rimus 2. amave'ritis monue'ritis rexe'ritis cepe'ritis audive'ritis 3. ama'verint monu'erint re'xerint ce'perint audi'verint

1. Observe that these are all inflected alike and the rules for formation given in --187.2-4 hold good here.

2. In like manner inflect the pluperfect and future perfect indicative active of >,

>, >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >

<195.>> > The perfect active infinitive is formed by adding <-isse>> to the perfect stem.

CONJ PERFECT STEM PERFECT INFINITIVE I. amav- amavis'se, _to have loved_ II. monu- monuis'se, _to have advised_ III. (_a_) rex- rexis'se, _to have ruled_ (_b_) cep- cepis'se, _to have taken_ IV. audiv>> audivis'se, _to have heard_ sum fu- fuis'se, _to have been_

1. In like manner give the perfect infinitive active of >,

>, >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >.


I. 1. Habuisti, moverunt, miserant. 2. Vidit, dixeris, duxisse.

3. Misistis, paruerunt, discesseramus. 4. Munivit, dederam, misero.

5. Habuerimus, delevi, paruit, fuisse. 6. Dederas, muniveritis, veneratis, misisse. 7. Veneras, fecisse, dederatis, portaveris.

8. Quem verba oraculi moverant? Populum verba oraculi moverant.

9. Cui Cepheus verba oraculi narraverit? Perseo Cepheus verba oraculi narraverit. 10. Amici ab Andromeda discesserint. 11. Monstrum saevum domicilia multa deleverat. 12. Ubi monstrum vidistis? Id in aqua vidimus. 13. Quid monstrum faciet? Monstrum Andromedam interficiet.

II. 1. They have obeyed, we have destroyed, I shall have had. 2. We shall have sent, I had come, they have fortified. 3. I had departed, he has obeyed, you have sent (_sing. and plur._). 4. To have destroyed, to have seen, he will have given, they have carried. 5. He had destroyed, he has moved, you have had (_sing. and plur._). 6. I have given, you had moved (_sing. and plur._), we had said. 7. You will have made (_sing.

and plur._), they will have led, to have given.

8. Who had seen the monster? Andromeda had seen it. 9. Why had the men departed from[1] the towns? They had departed because the monster had come. 10. Did Cepheus obey[2] the oracle[3]? He did.

[Footnote 1: >. What would

[Footnote 2: _Did ... obey_, perfect tense.]

[Footnote 3: What case?]



[Special Vocabulary]

ADVERBS >, _quickly_ (celerity) >, _finally_ >, _heavily, severely_ (gravity) >, _suddenly_

VERB >, _bring back, restore; win, gain_ (report)

<197.>> A review of the tenses of the indicative active shows the following formation:

{ PRESENT = First of the parts TENSES { IMPERFECT = Present stem + -ba-m OF THE { FUTURE = Present stem + -bo, Conj. I and II INDICATIVE { -a-m, Conj. III and IV { PERFECT = Third of the parts { PLUPERFECT = Perfect stem + -era-m { FUTURE PERFECT = Perfect stem + -ero

<198.>> The synopsis of the active voice of



{ _Pres._ amo INDIC. { _Imperf._ amabam { _Fut._ amabo PRES. IMV. ama PRES. INFIN. amare


{ _Perf._ amavi INDIC. { _Pluperf._ amaveram { _Fut. perf._ amavero PERF. INFIN. amavisse

1. Learn to write in the same form and to give rapidly the parts and synopsis of

>, >, >, >, >, >,


[Footnote 1: Learn to give synopses rapidly, and not only in the first person singular but in any person of either number.]

<199.>> Learn the following parts:[2]


IRREGULAR VERBS sum esse fui _be_ ab'sum abes'se a'fui _be away_ do dare dedi _give_

CONJUGATION II contineo continere continui _hold in, keep_ doceo docere docui _teach_ egeo egere egui _need_ faveo favere favi _favor_ iubeo iubere iussi _order_ noceo nocere nocui _injure_ persuadeo persuadere persuasi _persuade_ respondeo respondere respondi _reply_ sedeo sedere sedi _sit_ studeo studere studui _be eager_

CONJUGATION III ago agere egi _drive_ credo credere credidi _believe_ fugio fugere fugi _flee_ iacio iacere ieci _hurl_ interficio interficere interfeci _kill_ rapio rapere rapui _seize_ resis'to resis'tere re'st.i.ti _resist_

CONJUGATION IV repe'rio reperi're rep'peri _find_

[Footnote 2: These are all verbs that you have had before, and the perfect is the only new form to be learned.]

<200.>> PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Concluded_)

First learn the special vocabulary, p. 290. Read the whole story.

Perseus semper proelio studebat[3] et respondit,[3] "Verba tua sunt maxime grata," et laetus arma sua magica paravit.[3] Subito monstrum videtur; celeriter per aquam properat et Andromedae adpropinquat. Eius amici longe absunt et misera puella est sola. Perseus autem sine mora super aquam volavit.[3] Subito descendit[3] et duro gladio saevum monstrum graviter vulneravit.[3] Diu pugnatur,[4] diu proelium est dubium. Denique autem Perseus monstrum interfecit[3] et victoriam reportavit.[3] Tum ad saxum venit[3] et Andromedam liberavit[3] et eam ad Cepheum duxit.[3] Is, nuper miser, nunc laetus, ita dixit[3]: "Tuo auxilio, mi amice, cara filia mea est libera; tua est Andromeda." Diu Perseus c.u.m Andromeda ibi habitabat[3] et magnopere a toto populo amabatur.[3]

[Footnote 3: See if you can explain the use of the perfects and imperfects in this pa.s.sage.]

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