Latin for Beginners Part 18

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PRESENT INDICATIVE PERSONAL ENDINGS SINGULAR a'mor, _I am loved_ mo'neor, _I am advised_ -or[1]

ama'ris or ama're, mone'ris or mone're. -ris or -re _you are loved_ _you are advised_ ama'tur, _he is loved_ mone'tur, _he is advised_ -tur

PLURAL ama'mur, _we are loved_ mone'mur, _we are advised_ -mur ama'mini, _you are loved_ mone'mini, _you are advised_ -mini aman'tur, _they are loved_ monen'tur, _they are advised_ -ntur

[Footnote 1: In the present the personal ending of the first person singular is <-or>>.]


SINGULAR ama'bar, mone'bar, -r _I was being loved_ _I was being advised_ amaba'ris or amaba're, moneba'ris or moneba're -ris or -re _you were being loved_ _you were being advised_ amaba'tur, moneba'tur, -tur _he was being loved_ _he was being advised_

PLURAL amaba'mur, moneba'mur, -mur _we were being loved_ _we were being advised_ amaba'mini, moneba'mini, -mini _you were being loved_ _you were being advised_ amaban'tur, moneban'tur, -ntur _they were being loved_ _they were being advised_


SINGULAR ama'bor, mone'bor, -r _I shall be loved_ _I shall be advised_ ama'beris, _or_ ama'bere mone'beris _or_ mone'bere, -ris or -re _you will be loved_ _you will be advised_ ama'bitur, mone'bitur, -tur _he will be loved_ _he will be advised_

PLURAL ama'bimur, mone'bimur, -mur _we shall be loved_ _we shall be advised_ amabi'mini, monebi'mini, -mini _you will be loved_ _you will be advised_ amabun'tur, monebun'tur, -ntur _they will be loved_ _they will be advised_

1. The tense sign and the personal endings are added as in the active.

2. In the future the tense sign <-bi->> appears as <-bo->> in the first person, <-be->> in the second, singular number, and as <-bu->> in the third person plural.

3. Inflect >, >,

>, >, >, >, in the present, imperfect, and future indicative, active and pa.s.sive.

<166.>> Intransitive verbs, such as >, _I hasten_; >, _I dwell_, do not have a pa.s.sive voice with a personal subject.


I. 1. Laudaris _or_ laudare, laudas, datur, dat. 2. Dabitur, dabit, videmini, videtis. 3. Vocabat, vocabatur, delebitis, delebimini.

4. Parabatur, parabat, curas, curaris _or_ curare. 5. Portabantur, portabant, videbimur, videbimus. 6. Iuberis _or_ iubere, iubes, laudabaris _or_ laudabare, laudabas. 7. Moveberis or movebere, movebis, dabantur, dabant. 8. Delentur, delent, parabamur, parabamus.

II. 1. We prepare, we are prepared, I shall be called, I shall call, you were carrying, you were being carried. 2. I see, I am seen, it was being announced, he was announcing, they will order, they will be ordered.

3. You will be killed, you will kill, you move, you are moved, we are praising, we are being praised. 4. I am called, I call, you will have, you are cared for. 5. They are seen, they see, we were teaching, we were being taught, they will move, they will be moved.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288.

Perseus filius erat Iovis,[2] maximi[3] deorum. De eo multas fabulas narrant poetae. Ei favent dei, ei magica arma et alas dant. Eis telis armatus et alis fretus ad multas terras volabat et monstra saeva delebat et miseris infirmisque auxilium dabat.

Aethiopia est terra Africae. Eam terram Cepheus[4] regebat. Ei[5]

Neptunus, maximus aquarum deus, erat iratus et mitt.i.t[6] monstrum saevum ad Aethiopiam. Ibi monstrum non solum latis pulchrisque Aethiopiae agris nocebat sed etiam domicilia agricolarum delebat, et multos viros, feminas, liberosque necabat. Populus ex agris fugiebat et oppida muris validis muniebat. Tum Cepheus magna trist.i.tia commotus ad Iovis oraculum properat et ita dicit: "Amici mei necantur; agri mei vastantur. Audi verba mea, Iuppiter. Da miseris auxilium. Age monstrum saevum ex patria."

[Footnote 2: >, the genitive of >.]

[Footnote 3: Used substantively, _the greatest_. So below, l. 4, > and > are used substantively.]

[Footnote 4: p.r.o.nounce in two syllables, _Ce'pheus_.]

[Footnote 5: >, _at him_, dative with >.]

[Footnote 6: The present is often used, as in English, in speaking of a past action, in order to make the story more vivid and exciting.]



[Special Vocabulary]

VERBS >, _respond, reply_ >, _save, preserve_

ADJECTIVE >, _dear_ (cherish)


NOUN >, f., _life_ (vital)

<169.>> Review the present, imperfect, and future indicative active of > and

_a._ Observe that the tense signs of the imperfect and future are the same as in the active voice, and that the pa.s.sive personal endings (--164) are added instead of the active ones.

_b._ Note the slight irregularity in the second person singular present of the third conjugation. There the final <-e->> of the stem is not changed to <-i->>, as it is in the active. We therefore have > or >, _not_ >, >.

_c._ Inflect >, >, >, >, in the present, imperfect, and future indicative, active and pa.s.sive.


I. 1. Agebat, agebatur, mittebat, mittebatur, ducebat. 2. Agunt, aguntur, mittuntur, mittunt, muniunt. 3. Mittor, mittar, mittam, ducere, ducere. 4. Dicemur, dicimus, dicemus, dicimur, muniebamini. 5. Ducitur, ducimini, reperimur, reperiar, agitur. 6. Agebamus, agebamur, reperiris, reperiemini. 7. Munimini, veniebam, ducebar, dicetur. 8. Mittimini, mitt.i.tis, mitteris, mitteris, agebamini. 9. Dicitur, dicit, muniuntur, reperient, audientur.

II. 1. I was being driven, I was driving, we were leading, we were being led, he says, it is said. 2. I shall send, I shall be sent, you will find, you will be found, they lead, they are led. 3. I am found, we are led, they are driven, you were being led (_sing. and plur._). 4. We shall drive, we shall be driven, he leads, he is being led, they will come, they will be fortified. 5. They were ruling, they were being ruled, you will send, you will be sent, you are sent, (_sing. and plur._). 6. He was being led, he will come, you are said (_sing. and plur._).

<171.>> PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Continued_)

First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288.

Tum oraculum ita respondet: "Mala est fortuna tua. Neptunus, magnus aquarum deus, terrae Aethiopiae inimicus, eas poenas mitt.i.t. Sed para irato deo sacrum idoneum et monstrum saevum ex patria tua agetur.

Andromeda filia tua est monstro grata. Da eam monstro. Serva caram patriam et vitam populi tui." Andromeda autem erat puella pulchra. Eam amabat Cepheus maxime.



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