A History of Sanskrit Literature Part 27

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On the native grammatical literature see especially Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik, vol. i. p. lix. sqq. The oldest grammar preserved is that of Panini, who, however, mentions no fewer than sixty-four predecessors. He belonged to the extreme north-west of India, and probably flourished about 300 B.C. His work consists of nearly 4000 sutras divided into eight chapters; text with German trans., ed. by Bohtlingk, Leipsic, 1887. Panini had before him a list of irregularly formed words, which survives, in a somewhat modified form, as the Unadi Sutra (ed. by Aufrecht, with Ujjvaladatta's comm., Bonn, 1859). There are also two appendixes to which Panini refers: one is the Dhatupatha, "List of Verbal Roots," containing some 2000 roots, of which only about 800 have been found in Sanskrit literature, and from which about fifty Vedic verbs are omitted; the second is the Ganapatha, or "List of Word-Groups," to which certain rules apply. These ganas were metrically arranged in the Ganaratna-mahodadhi, composed by Vardhamana in 1140 A.D. (ed. by Eggeling, London, 1879). Among the earliest attempts to explain Panini was the formulation of rules of interpretation or paribhashas; a collection of these was made in the last century by Nagojibhatta in his Paribhashenducekhara (ed. by Kielhorn, Bombay Sansk. Ser., 1868 and 1871). Next we have the Varttikas or "Notes" of Katyayana (probably third century B.C.) on 1245 of Panini's rules, and, somewhat later, numerous grammatical Karikas or comments in metrical form: all this critical work was collected by Patanjali in his Mahabhashya or "Great Commentary," with supplementary comments of his own (ed. Kielhorn, 3 vols., Bombay). He deals with 1713 rules of Panini. He probably lived in the later half of the second century B.C., and in any case not later than the beginning of our era. The Mahabhashya was commented on in the seventh century by Bhartrihari in his Vakyapadiya (ed. in Benares Sansk. Ser.), which is concerned with the philosophy of grammar, and by Kaiyata (probably thirteenth century). About 650 A.D. was composed the first complete comm. on Panini, the Kacika Vritti or "Benares Commentary," by Jayaditya and Vamana (2nd ed. Benares, 1898). In the fifteenth century Ramachandra, in his Prakriya-kaumudi, or "Moonlight of Method," endeavoured to make Panini's grammar easier by a more practical arrangement of its matter. Bhattoji's Siddhanta-kaumudi (seventeenth century) has a similar aim (ed. Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1894); an abridgment of this work, the Laghu-kaumudi, by Varadaraja (ed. Ballantyne, with English trans., 4th ed., Benares, 1891), is commonly used as an introduction to the native system of grammar. Among non-Paninean grammarians may be mentioned Chandra (about 600 A.D.), the pseudo-cakatayana (later than the Kacika), and, the most important, Hemachandra (12th cent.), author of a Prakrit grammar (ed. and trans. by Pischel, two vols., Halle, 1877-80), and of the Unadigana Sutra (ed. Kirste, Vienna, 1895). The Katantra of carvavarman (ed. Eggeling, Bibl. Ind.) seems to have been the most influential of the later grammars. Vararuchi's Prakrita-prakaca is a Prakrit grammar (ed. by Cowell, 2nd ed., 1868). The Mugdhabodha (13th cent.) of Vopadeva is the Sanskrit grammar chiefly used in Bengal. The Phit Sutra (later than Patanjali) gives rules for the accentuation of nouns (ed. Kielhorn, 1866); Hemachandra's Linganucasana is a treatise on gender (ed. Franke, Gottingen, 1886). Among European grammars that of Whitney was the first to attempt a historical treatment of the Vedic and Sanskrit language. The first grammar treating Sanskrit from the comparative point of view is the excellent work of Wackernagel, of which, however, only the first part (phonology) has yet appeared. The present writer's abridgment (London, 1886) of Max Muller's Sanskrit Grammar is a practical work for the use of beginners of Cla.s.sical Sanskrit.


Zachariae in Die indischen Worterbucher (in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, 1897) deals with the subject as a whole (complete bibliography). The Sanskrit dictionaries or kocas are collections of rare words or significations for the use of poets. They are all versified; alphabetical order is entirely absent in the synonymous and only incipient in the h.o.m.onymous cla.s.s. The Amarakoca (ed. with Mahecvara's comm., Bombay), occupies the same dominant position in lexicography as Panini in grammar, not improbably composed about 500 A.D. A supplement to it is the Trikanda-cesha by Purushottamadeva (perhaps as late as 1300 A.D.). cacvata's Anekartha-samuchchaya (ed. Zachariae, 1882) is possibly older than Amara. Halayudha's Abhidhanaratnamala dates from about 950 A.D. (ed. Aufrecht, London, 1861). About a century later is Yadavaprakaca's Vaijayanti (ed. Oppert, Madras, 1893). The Vicvaprakaca of Mahecvara Kavi dates from 1111 A.D. The Mankha-koca (ed. Zachariae, Bombay, 1897) was composed in Kashmir about 1150 A.D. Hemachandra (1088-1172 A.D.) composed four dictionaries: Abhidhana-chintamani, synonyms (ed. Bohtlingk and Rieu, St. Petersburg, 1847); Anekartha-samgraha, h.o.m.onyms (ed. Zachariae, Vienna, 1893); Decinamamala, a Prakrit dictionary (ed. Pischel, Bombay, 1880); and Nighantu-cesha, a botanical glossary, which forms a supplement to his synonymous koca.


Cf. Sylvain Levi, Theatre Indien, pp. 1-21; Regnaud, La Rhetorique Sanskrite, Paris, 1884; Jacob, Notes on Alamkara Literature, in Journal of the Roy. As. Soc., 1897, 1898. The oldest and most important work on poetics is the Natya castra of Bharata, which probably goes back to the sixth century A.D. (ed. in Kavyamala, No. 42, Bombay, 1894; ed. by Grosset, Lyons, 1897). Dandin's Kavyadarca (end of sixth century) contains about 650 clokas (ed. with trans. by Bohtlingk, Leipsic, 1890). Vamana's Kavyalamkaravritti, probably eighth century (ed. Cappeller, Jena, 1875). cringara-tilaka, or "Ornament of Erotics,"

by Rudrabhata (ninth century), ed. by Pischel, Kiel, 1886 (cf. Journal of German Or. Soc., 1888, p. 296 ff., 425 ff.; Vienna Or. Journal, ii. p. 151 ff.). Rudrata catananda's Kavyalamkara (ed. in Kavyamala) belongs to the ninth century. Dhanamjaya's Dacarupa, on the ten kinds of drama, belongs to the tenth century (ed. Hall, 1865; with comm. Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1897). The Kavyaprakaca by Mammata and Alata dates from about 1100 (ed. in the Pandit, 1897). The Sahityadarpana was composed in Eastern Bengal about 1450 A.D., by Vicvanatha Kaviraja (ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calcutta, 1895; trans. by Ballantyne in Bibl. Ind.).


The only work dealing with this subject as a whole is Thibaut's Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik, in Buhler-Kielhorn's Encyclopaedia, 1899 (full bibliography). See also Cantor, Geschichte der Mathematik, pp. 505-562, Leipsic, 1880. Mathematics are dealt with in special chapters of the works of the early Indian astronomers. In algebra they attained an eminence far exceeding anything ever achieved by the Greeks. The earliest works of scientific Indian astronomy (after about 300 A.D.) were four treatises called Siddhantas; only one, the Suryasiddhanta (ed. and trans. by Whitney, Journ. Am. Or. Soc., vol. vi.), has survived. The doctrines of such early works were reduced to a more concise and practical form by Aryabhata, born, as he tells us himself, at Pataliputra in 476 A.D. He maintained the rotation of the earth round its axis (a doctrine not unknown to the Greeks), and explained the cause of eclipses of the sun and moon. Mathematics are treated in the third section of his work, the Aryabhatiya (ed. with comm. by Kern, Leyden, 1874; math. section trans. by Rodet, Journal Asiatique, 1879). Varaha Mihira, born near Ujjain, began his calculations about 505 A.D., and, according to one of his commentators, died in 587 A.D. He composed four works, written for the most part in the Arya metre; three are astrological: the Brihat-samhita (ed. Kern, Bibl. Ind., 1864, 1865, trans. in Journ. As. Soc., vol. iv.; new ed. with comm. of Bhattotpala by S. Dvivedi, Benares, 1895-97), the Brihaj-jataka (or Hora-castra, trans. by C. Jyer, Madras, 1885), and the Laghu-jataka (partly trans. by Weber, Ind. Stud., vol. ii., and by Jacobi, 1872). His Pancha-siddhantika (ed. and for the most part trans. by Thibaut and S. Dvivedi, Benares, 1889), based on five siddhantas, is a karana or practical astronomical treatise. Another distinguished astronomer was Brahmagupta, who, born in 598 A.D., wrote, besides a karana, his Brahma Sphuta-siddhanta when thirty years old (chaps. xii. and xviii. are mathematical). The last eminent Indian astronomer was Bhaskaracharya, born in 1114 A.D. His Siddhanta-ciromani has enjoyed more authority in India than any other astronomical work except the Surya-siddhanta.


Indian medical science must have begun to develop before the beginning of our era, for one of its chief authorities, Charaka, was, according to the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka, the official physician of King Kanishka in the first century A.D. His work, the Charaka-samhita, has been edited several times: by J. Vidyasagara, 2nd ed., Calcutta, 1896, by Gupta, Calcutta, 1897, with comm. by C. Dutta, Calcutta, 1892-1893; trans. by A. C. Kaviratna, Calcutta, 1897. Sucruta, the next great authority, seems to have lived not later than the fourth century A.D., as the Bower MS. (probably fifth century A.D.) contains pa.s.sages not only parallel to, but verbally agreeing with, pa.s.sages in the works of Charaka and Sucruta. (The Sucruta-samhita, ed. by J. Vidyasagara, Calcutta, 3rd ed., 1889; A. C. Kaviratna, Calcutta, 1888-95; trans. by Dutta, 1883, Chattopadhyaya, 1891, h.o.e.rnle, 1897, Calcutta.) The next best known medical writer is Vagbhata, author of the Ashtanga-hridaya (ed., with comm. of Arunadatta, by A. M. Kunte, Bombay, Nir. Sag. Press, 1891). Cf. also articles by Haas in vols. x.x.x., x.x.xi., and by A. Muller in x.x.xiv. of Jour. of Germ. Or. Soc.; P. Cordier, etudes sur la Medecine Hindoue, Paris, 1894; Vagbhata et l'Astangahridaya-samhita, Besancon, 1896; Lietard, Le Medecin Charaka, &c., in Bull. de l'Ac. de Medecine, May 11, 1897.


On Indian music see Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore, Hindu Music from various Authors, Calcutta, 1875; Ambros, Geschichte der Musik, vol. i. pp. 41-80; Day, The Music and Musical Instruments of Southern India and the Deccan, Edinburgh, 1891; carngadeva's Samgitaratnakara, ed. Telang, Anand. Sansk. Ser., 1897; Somanatha's Ragavibodha, ed. with comm. by P. G. Gharpure (parts i.-v.), Poona, 1895.

On painting and sculpture see E. Moor, The Hindu Pantheon, London, 1810; Burgess, Notes on the Bauddha Rock Temples of Ajanta, Bombay, 1879; Griffiths Paintings of the Buddhist Cave Temples of Ajanta, 2 vols., London, 1896-97; Burgess, The Gandhara Sculptures (with 100 plates), London, 1895; Fergusson, Tree and Serpent Wors.h.i.+p (ill.u.s.trations of mythology and art in India in the first and fourth centuries after Christ), London, 1868; Cunningham's Reports, i. and iii. (Reliefs from Buddha Gaya); Grunwedel, Buddhistiche Kunst in Indien, Berlin, 1893; Kern, Manual of Buddhism, in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, pp. 91-96, Strasburg, 1896; H. H. Wilson, Ariana Antiqua, London, 1841.

On Indian architecture see Fergusson, History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, London, 1876; The Rock-Cut Temples of India, 1864; Cunningham, The Bhilsa Topes, or Buddhist Monuments of Central India, London, 1854; Reports of the Archaeological Survey of India, Calcutta, since 1871; Mahabodhi, or the great Buddhist Temple under the Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya, London, 1892; Burgess, Archaeological Survey of Western India and of Southern India; Daniell, Antiquities of India, London, 1800; Hindu Excavations in the Mountain of Ellora, London, 1816; R. Mitra, The Antiquities of Orissa, Calcutta, 1875.

On Technical Arts see Journal of Indian Art and Industry (London, begun in 1884).



On the history of Sanskrit studies see especially Benfey, Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, Munich, 1869. A very valuable work for Sanskrit Bibliography is the annual Orientalische Bibliographie, Berlin (begun in 1888). Page 1: Some inaccurate information about the religious ideas of the Brahmans may be found in Purchas, His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages, 2nd ed., London, 1614; and Lord, A Discoverie of the Sect of the Banians [Hindus], London, 1630. Abraham Roger, Open Deure, 1631 (contains trans. of two centuries of Bhartrihari). Page 2, Dugald Stewart, Philosophy of the Human Mind, part 2, chap. i. sect. 6 (conjectures concerning the origin of Sanskrit). C. W. Wall, D.D., An Essay on the Nature, Age, and Origin of the Sanskrit Writing and Language, Dublin, 1838. Halhed, A Code of Gentoo [Hindu] Law, or Ordinations of the Pandits, from a Persian translation, made from the original written in the Shanscrit language, 1776. Page 4: F. Schlegel, Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Inder, Heidelberg, 1808. Bopp, Conjugationssystem, Frankfort, 1816. Colebrooke, On the Vedas, in Asiatic Researches, Calcutta, 1805. P. 5: Roth, Zur Literatur und Geschichte des Veda, Stuttgart, 1846. Bohtlingk and Roth's Sanskrit-German Dictionary, 7 vols., St. Petersburg, 1852-75. Buhler's Encyclopaedia of Indo-Aryan Research, Strasburg (the parts, some German, some English, began to appear in 1896). Page 6: See especially Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum (Leipsic, 1891; Supplement, 1896), which gives a list of Sanskrit MSS. in the alphabetical order of works and authors. Adalbert Kuhn, Herabkunft des Feuers, 1849; 2nd ed., Gutersloh, 1886. Page 11: A valuable book on Indian chronology (based on epigraphic and numismatic sources) is Duff's The Chronology of India, London, 1899. On the date of Buddha's death, cf. Oldenberg, Buddha, Berlin, 3rd ed., 1897. Page 13: Fa Hian, trans. by Legge, Oxford, 1886; Hiouen Thsang, trans. by Beal, Si-yu-ki, London, 1884; I Tsing, trans. by Takakusu, Oxford, 1896. Fuhrer, Monograph on Buddha Sakyamuni's Birthplace, Arch. Surv. of India, vol. xxvi., Allahabad, 1897; Alberuni's India, trans. into English by Sachau, London, 1885. Page 14: Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, vol. i., 1877, vol. iii., 1888, Calcutta. Epigraphia Indica, Calcutta, from 1888.

Important Oriental journals are: Indian Antiquary, Bombay; Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Leipsic; Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London (with a Bengal branch at Calcutta and another at Bombay); Journal Asiatique, Paris; Vienna Oriental Journal, Vienna; Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Conn. On the origin of Indian writing (pp. 14-20), see Buhler, Indische Palaeographie, Strasburg, 1896, and On the Origin of the Indian Brahma Alphabet, Strasburg, 1898. Page 18: The oldest known Sanskrit MSS., now in the Bodleian Library, has been reproduced in facsimile by Dr. R. h.o.e.rnle, The Bower Ma.n.u.script, Calcutta, 1897. The Pali Kharoshthi MS. is a Prakrit recension of the Dhammapada, found near Khotan; see Senart, Journal Asiatique, 1898, pp. 193-304. Page 27: The account here given of the Prakrit dialects is based mainly on a monograph of Dr. G. A. Grierson (who is now engaged on a linguistic survey of India), The Geographical Distribution and Mutual Affinities of the Indo-Aryan Vernaculars. On Pali literature, see Rhys Davids, Buddhism, its History and Literature, London, 1896. On Prakrit literature, see Grierson, The Mediaeval Vernacular Literature of Hindustan, trans. of 7th Oriental Congress, Vienna, 1888, and The Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan, Calcutta, 1889.


On the text and metres of the Rigveda see especially Oldenberg, Die Hymnen des Rigveda, vol. i., Prolegomena, Berlin, 1888; on the accent, Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik, vol. i. pp. 281-300 (full bibliography), Gottingen, 1896; on the Rigveda in general, Kaegi, The Rigveda, English translation by Arrowsmith, Boston, 1886. Editions: Samhita text, ed. Max Muller, London, 1873; Pada text, 1877; Samhita text (in Roman characters), ed. Aufrecht, Bonn, 1877 (2nd ed.); Samhita and Pada text with Sayana's commentary, 2nd ed., 4 vols., by Max Muller, London, 1890-92. Selections in Lanman's Sanskrit Reader (full notes and vocabulary); Peterson's Hymns from the Rigveda (Bombay Sanskrit Series); A. Bergaigne and V. Henry's Manuel pour etudier le Sanskrit Vedique, Paris, 1890; Windisch, Zwolf Hymnen des Rigveda, Leipzig, 1883; Hillebrandt, Vedachrestomathie, Berlin, 1885; Bohtlingk, Sanskrit-Chrestomathie, 3rd ed., Leipsic, 1897. Translations: R. H. T. Griffith, The Rigveda metrically translated into English, 2 vols., Benares, 1896-97; Max Muller, Vedic Hymns (to the Maruts, Rudra, Vayu, Vata; prose), in Sacred Books of the East, vol. x.x.xii., Oxford, 1891; Oldenberg, Vedic Hymns (to Agni in Books i.-v.: prose), ibid., vol. xlvi., 1897; A. Ludwig (German prose), 6 vols., Prag, 1876-88 (introduction, commentary, index). Lexicography: Gra.s.smann, Worterbuch zum Rigveda, Leipsic, 1873; the Vedic portion of Bohtlingk and Roth's Lexicon and of Bohtlingk's smaller St. Petersburg Dictionary (Leipsic, 1879-89); Monier-Williams, Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1899; Macdonell, Sanskrit-English Dictionary (for selected hymns), London, 1893. Grammar: Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 3rd ed., Leipzig, 1896; Wackernagel, op. cit., vol. i. (phonology); Delbruck, Altindische Syntax (vol. v. of Syntaktische Forschungen), Halle, 1888; Speijer, Vedische und Sanskrit Syntax in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, Strasburg, 1896.


Consult especially Macdonell, Vedic Mythology, in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, vol. iii. part 1 (complete bibliography), 1897; also Kaegi, op. cit.; Muir, Original Sanskrit Texts, vol. v., 3rd ed., London, 1884; Barth, The Religions of India, English trans., London, 1882; Hopkins, The Religions of India, Boston, 1895; Oldenberg, Die Religion des Veda, Berlin, 1894; Bergaigne, La Religion Vedique, 3 vols., Paris, 1878-83; Pischel and Geldner, Vedische Studien, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1889-92; Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. i. part 1: Philosophie des Veda, Leipsic, 1894. On method of interpretation (pp. 59-64), cf. Muir, The Interpretation of the Veda, in the Journal of the Roy. As. Soc., 1866. Page 68: On the modification of the threefold division of the universe among the Greeks, cf. Kaegi, op. cit., note 118. P. 128: On dice in India and the Vibhidaka tree, cf. Roth in Gurupujakaumudi, pp. 1-4, Leipsic, 1896.


Consult especially Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, Berlin, 1879. On the home of the Rigvedic Aryans (p. 145) cf. Hopkins, The Panjab and the Rig-Veda, Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., 1898, p. 19 ff. On the Hamsa (p. 150) cf. Lanman, The Milk-drinking Hansas of Sanskrit Poetry, ibid., p. 151 ff. On the Vedic tribes (pp. 153-157), cf. Excursus I. in Oldenberg's Buddha, Berlin, 1897. On the origin of the castes (p. 160) cf. Oldenberg, Journal of the Germ. Or. Soc., 1897, pp. 267-290; R. Fick, Die Sociale Gliederung im nordostlichen Indien zu Buddha's Zeit, Kiel, 1897.


Samaveda: text with German trans. and glossary, ed. by Benfey, Leipsic, 1848; by Satyavrata Samacrami, Calcutta, 1873 (Bibl. Ind.), trans. by Griffith, Benares, 1893. Yajurveda: 1. Vajasaneyi Samhita, ed. Weber, with the comm. of Mahidhara, London, Berlin, 1852; trans. by Griffith, Benares, 1899; 2. Taittiriya Samhita, ed. (in Roman characters) Weber, Berlin, 1871-72 (vols. xi.-xii. of Indische Studien); also edited with the comm. of Madhava in the Bibl. Ind.; 3. Maitrayani Samhita, ed. (with introduction) by L. v. Schroeder, Leipsic, 1881-86; 4. Kathaka Samhita, ed. in preparation by the same scholar. Atharvaveda: text ed. Roth and Whitney, Berlin, 1856 (index verborum in the Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. xii.); trans. into English verse by Griffith, 2 vols., Benares, 1897, and (with the omission of less important hymns) by Bloomfield into English prose, with copious notes, vol. xlii. of the Sacred Books of the East. Subject-matter: Bloomfield, The Atharvaveda in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, Strasburg, 1899.


Aitareya Brahmana, ed. Aufrecht, Bonn, 1879 (best edition); ed. and trans. by Haug, 2 vols., Bombay, 1863; Kaus.h.i.+taki or cankhayana Brahmana, ed. Lindner, Jena, 1887; Aitareya Aranyaka, ed. R. Mitra, Calcutta, 1876 (Bibl. Ind.); Kaus.h.i.+taki Aranyaka, unedited; Tandya Mahabrahmana or Panchavimca Brahmana, ed. A. Vedantavagica, Calcutta, 1869-74 (Bibl. Ind.); Shadvimca Brahmana, ed. J. Vidyasagara, 1881; ed. with trans. by Klemm, Gutersloh, 1894; Samavidhana Brahmana, ed. Burnell, London, 1873, trans. by Konow, Halle, 1893; Vamca Brahmana, ed. Weber, Indische Studien, vol. iv. pp. 371 ff., and by Burnell, Mangalore, 1873. Burnell also edited the Devatadhyaya Br., 1873, the Arsheya Br., 1876, Samhita Upanishad Br., 1877; Mantra Br., ed. S. Samacrami, Calc., 1890; Jaiminiya or Talavakara Br., ed. in part by Burnell, 1878, and by Oertel, with trans. and notes, in the Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. xvi. pp. 79-260; Taittiriya Br., ed. R. Mitra, 1855-70 (Bibl. Ind.), N. G.o.dabole, Anand. Ser., 1898; Taittiriya Aranyaka, ed. H. N. Apte, Anand. Ser., Poona, 1898; catapatha Br., ed. Weber, Berlin, London, 1859; trans. by Eggeling in Sacred Books, 5 vols.; Gopatha Br., ed. R. Mitra and H. Vidyabhushana, 1872 (Bibl. Ind.), fully described in Bloomfield's Atharvaveda, pp. 101-124, in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, 1899. The most important work on the Upanishads in general is Deussen, Die Philosophie der Upanishads, Leipsic, 1899; trans. of several Upanishads by Max Muller, Sacred Books, vols. i. and xv.; Deussen, Sechzig Upanishad's (trans. with valuable introductions), Leipsic, 1897; a very useful book is Jacob, A Concordance to the Upanishads and Bhagavadgita (Bombay Sanskrit Series), 1891. P. 226: Thirty-two Upanishads, ed. with comm. in Anandacrama Series, Poona, 1895; Aitareya Upanishad, ed. Roer, 1850 (Bibl. Ind.), also ed. in Anandacrama Series, 1889; Kaus.h.i.+taki Brahmana Upanishad, ed. Cowell, Calc., 1861 (Bibl. Ind.); Chhandogya Up., ed. with trans. by Bohtlingk, Leipsic, 1889; also in Anand. Ser., 1890. P. 229: Kena or Talavakara, ed. Roer, Calc., 1850; also in Anand. Ser., 1889; Maitri Up., ed. Cowell, 1870 (Bibl. Ind.); cvetacvatara, ed. Roer, 1850, Anand. Ser. 1890; Kathaka Up., ed. Roer, 1850, ed. with comm. by Apte, Poona, 1889, by Jacob, 1891; Taittiriya Up., ed. Roer, 1850, Anand. Ser., 1889; Brihadaranyaka Up., ed. and trans. by Bohtlingk, Leipzig, 1889, also ed. in Anand. Ser., 1891; Ica Up., ed. in Anand. Ser., 1888; Mundaka Up., ed. Roer, 1850, Apte, Anand. Ser., 1889, Jacob, 1891; Pracna Up., Anand. Ser., 1889, Jacob, 1891; Mandukya Up., Anand. Ser., 1890, Jacob, 1891; ed. with Eng. trans. and notes, Bombay, 1895; Mahanarayana Up., ed. by Jacob, with comm., Bombay Sansk. Ser., 1888; Nrisimhatapaniya Up., Anand. Ser., 1895. P. 242: The parallelism of cankara and Plato is rather overstated; for Plato, on the one hand, did not get rid of Duality, and, on the other, only said that Becoming is not true Being.

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