A History of Sanskrit Literature Part 28

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On the sutras in general consult Hillebrandt, Ritual-Litteratur, in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, 1897; Acvalayana crauta Sutra, ed. R. Vidyaaratna, Calc., 1864-74 (Bibl. Ind.); cankhayana crauta, ed. Hillebrandt, 1885-99 (Bibl. Ind.); Latyayana crauta, ed. A. Vagica, Calc., 1870-72 (Bibl. Ind.); Macaka and Drahyayana crauta, unedited; Katyayana crauta, ed. Weber, London, Berlin, 1855; Apastamba crauta, in part ed. by Hillebrandt, Calc., 1882-97 (Bibl. Ind.); Vaitana Sutra, ed. Garbe, London, 1878; trans. by Garbe, Strasburg, 1878. Acvalayana Grihya Sutra, ed. with trans. by Stenzler, Leipsic, 1864-65; ed. with comm. and notes, Bombay, 1895; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; cankhayana Grihya, ed. and trans. into German by Oldenberg, Indische Studien, vol. xv.; Eng. trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Gobhila Grihya, ed. with comm. by Ch. Tarkalamkara, Calc., 1880 (Bibl. Ind.); ed. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1884; trans. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. x.x.x.; Paraskara Grihya, ed. and trans. by Stenzler, Leipsic, 1876; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Apastamba Grihya, ed. Winternitz, Vienna, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. x.x.x.; Hiranyakeci Grihya, ed. Kirste, Vienna, 1889; trans. Sacred Books, vol. x.x.x.; Mantrapatha, ed. Winternitz, Oxford, 1897; Manava Grihya, ed. Knauer, Leipsic, 1897; Kaucika Sutra, ed. Bloomfield, New Haven, 1890; Pitrimedha Sutras of Baudhayana, Hiranyakecin, Gautama, ed. Caland, Leipsic, 1896. Apastamba Dharma Sutra, ed. Buhler, Bombay Sansk. Ser., two parts, 1892 and 1894; Baudhayana Dh. S., ed. Hultzsch, Leipsic, 1884; Gautama Dharma castra, ed. Stenzler, London, 1876; Vasishtha Dharma castra, ed. Fuhrer, Bombay, 1883; Hiranyakeci Dharma Sutra, unedited; Vaikhanasa Dharma Sutra, described by Bloch, Vienna, 1896; Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishtha, Baudhayana, trans. by Buhler, Sacred Books, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1897. Rigveda Praticakhya, ed. with German trans, by Max Muller, Leipsic, 1856-69; ed. with Uvata's comm., Benares, 1894; Riktantravyakarana (Sama Pr.), ed., trans. Burnell, Mangalore, 1879; Taittiriya Prat., ed. Whitney, Journ. of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. ix., 1871; Vajasaneyi Prat., ed. with comm. of Uvata, Benares Sansk. Series, 1888; Atharvaveda Prat., ed. Whitney, Journal Am. Or. Soc., vols. vii. and x. The culva Sutra of Baudhayana, ed. and trans. by Thibaut, in the Pandit, vol. ix.; cf. his article on the culvasutras in the Jour. of As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xliv., Calc. 1875. Six Vedangas, Sanskrit text, Bombay, 1892; Yaska's Nirukta, ed. R. Roth, Gottingen, 1852; ed. with comm. by S. Samacrami (Bibl. Ind.); Sarvanukramani, ed. Macdonell, Oxford, 1886 (together with Anuvakanukramani and Shadgurucishya's comm.); Arshanukramani, Chhandonukramani, Brihaddevata, ed. R. Mitra, 1892 (Bibl. Ind.); Pingala's Chhandah Sutra, ed. in Bibl. Ind., 1874; in Weber's Indische Studien, vol. viii. (which is important as treating of Sanskrit metres in general); Nidana Sutra, partly edited, ibid.; Sarvanukrama Sutras of White Yajurveda, ed. by Weber in his ed. of that Veda; ed. with comm., Benares Sansk. Ser., 1893-94; Charanavyuha, ed. Weber, Ind. Stud., vol. iii. On Madhava see Klemm in Gurupujakaumudi, Leipsic, 1896.


On the Mahabharata in general, consult especially Holtzmann, Das Mahabharata, 4 vols., Kiel, 1892-95; Buhler, Indian Studies, No. II., Trans. of Imp. Vienna Academy, 1892; cf. also Jacobi in Gottinger Gelehrte Anzeigen, vol. viii. 659 ff.; Winternitz, Journal of the Roy. As. Soc., 1897, p. 713 ff.; Indian Antiquary, vol. xxvii. Editions: 5 vols., Bombay, 1888, Calc. 1894; trans. into Eng. prose at the expense of Pratapa Chandra Ray, Calc., 1896; literal trans. into Eng. by M. N. Dutt, 5 vols., Calc., 1896. Episode of Savitri, ed. Kellner, with introd. and notes, Leipsic, 1888; Nala, text in Buhler's Third Book of Sanskrit, Bombay, 1877; text, notes, vocabulary, Kellner, 1885; text, trans., vocab., Monier-Williams, Oxford, 1876. On the Puranas in general, consult introd. of H. H. Wilson's trans. of the Vishnu P., 5 vols., ed. Fitzedward Hall, 1864-70; Holtzmann, op. cit., vol. iv. pp. 29-58; Garuda P., ed. Bombay, 1888; ed. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1891; Agni, ed. R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind., 1870-79, J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1882; Vayu, ed. R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind., 1888; Bombay, 1895; Matsya, Bombay, 1895; Kurma, Bibl. Ind., 1890; Markandeya, ed. Bibl. Ind., 1855-62; trans. by Pargiter, Bibl. Ind., 1888-99, by C. C. Mukharji, Calc., 1894; Padma, ed. V. N. Mandlik, 4 vols., Anand. Ser., 1894; Vishnu, ed. with comm., Bombay, 1887; five parts, Calc., 1888; prose trans. by M. N. Dutt., Calc., 1894; Wilson, op. cit.; Bhagavata, ed. with three comm., 3 vols., Bombay, 1887; 2 vols., Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1894; ed. and trans. by Burnouf, 4 vols., Paris, 1840-47, 1884; Brahma, ed. Anand. Ser., 1895; Varaha, Bibl. Ind., 1887-93. On the Ramayana in general, consult Jacobi, Das Ramayana Bonn, 1893; also Journal of the Germ. Or Soc., vol. xlviii. p. 407 ff., vol. li. p. 605 ff.; Ludwig, Ueber das Ramayana, Prag, 1894; Baumgartner, Das Ramayana, Freiburg i B., 1894; Bombay recension, ed. Gorresio, Turin, 1843-67; with three comm., 3 vols., Bombay, 1895; Bengal recension, Calc., 1859-60; trans. by Griffith into Eng. verse, Benares, 1895; into Eng. prose, M. N. Dutt, Calc., 1894.


On the age of Kavya poetry consult especially Buhler, Die indischen Inschriften und das Alter der indischen Kunstpoesie, in Trans. of the Imp. Vienna Academy, Vienna, 1890; Fleet, Corpus Inscr. Ind., vol. iii., Calcutta, 1888. On the Vikrama era see Kielhorn, Gottinger Nachrichten, 1891, pp. 179-182, and on the Malava era, Ind. Ant., xix. p. 316; on the chronology of Kalidasa, Huth, Die Zeit des Kalidasa, Berlin, 1890. Buddha-charita, ed. Cowell, Oxford, 1893; trans. by Cowell, Sacred Books, vol. xlix. Raghuvamca, ed. Stenzler, with Latin trans., London, 1832; ed. with Mallinatha's comm., by S. P. Pandit, Bombay Sansk. Ser.; text with Eng. trans. by Jvalaprasad, Bombay, 1895; ed. K. P. Parab, with Mallinatha, Nirnaya Sagara Pr., Bombay, 1892; i.-vii., with Eng. trans., notes, comm. of Mallinatha, and extracts from comm. of Bhatta Hemadri, Charitravardhana, Vallabha, by G. R. Nangargika, Poona, 1896. k.u.mara-sambhava, ed. with Latin trans. by Stenzler, London, 1838; cantos i.-vi., ed. with Eng. trans. and comm. of Mallinatha, by S. G. Despande, Poona, 1887; second part, with full comm., ed. by J. Vidyasagara, 4th ed., Calc., 1887; ed. with comm. of Mallinatha (i.-vii.) and of Sitaram (viii.-xvii.), 3rd ed., Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1893; ed. with three commentaries, Bombay, 1898; trans. by Griffith, London, 1879. Bhattikavya, ed. Calc., 1628; cantos i.-v., with comm. of Jayamangala, English trans., notes, glossary, by M. R. Kale, Bombay, 1897; with comm. of Mallinatha and notes by K. P. Trivedi, Bombay Sansk. Ser., 2 vols., 1898; German trans. of xviii.-xxii., by Schutz, Bielefeld, 1837. Kiratarjuniya, ed. by J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1875; with Mallinatha's comm., Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1885; cantos i.-ii., trans. by Schutz, Bielefeld, 1843. cicupalavadha, ed. with Mallinatha's comm., by Vidyasagara, 1884; also at Benares, 1883; German trans. by Schutz, cantos i.-ix., Bielefeld, 1843. Naishadhiya-charita, ed. with comm. of Narayana, by Pandit Sivadatta, Bombay, 1894. Nalodaya, ed. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1873; German trans. by Shack, in Stimmen vom Ganges, 2nd ed., 1877; Raghavapandaviya, ed. with comm. in the Kavyamala, No. 62. Dhanamjaya's Raghavapandaviya, quoted in Ganaratnamahodadhi, A.D. 1140, is an imitation of Kaviraja's work: cf. Zachariae in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, pp. 27-28. For a modern Sanskrit drama constructed on a similar principle see Scherman's Orientalische Bibliographie, vol. ix., 1896, p. 258, No. 4605. Haravijaya, ed. in Kavyamala, 1890; see Buhler, Detailed Report, p. 43, Bombay, 1877. Navasahasankacharita, ed. Bombay Sansk. Series, 1895; see Buhler and Zachariae in Trans. of Vienna Acad., 1888. Setubandha (in the Maharashtri dialect), ed. with trans. by S. Goldschmidt, 1884; ed. in Kavyamala, No. 47, Bombay, 1895. Vasavadatta, ed. with introd. by Fitzedward Hall, Bibl. Ind., 1859; ed. with comm. by J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1874. Kadambari, ed. P. Peterson, Bomb. Sansk. Ser., 1889; ed. with comm. in Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1896; with comm. and notes by M. R. Kale, Poona, 1896; trans., with occasional omissions, by C. M. Ridding, Royal As. Soc, London, 1896. Harshacharita, ed. by J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1883; ed. with comm., Jammu, 1879; Bombay, 1892; trans. by Cowell and Thomas, Roy. As. Soc. London, 1897. Dacak.u.mara-charita, Part i., ed. Buhler, Bomb. Sansk. Ser., 2nd ed., 1888; Part ii., P. Peterson, ibid., 1891; ed. P. Banerji, Calc., 1888.


Meghaduta, ed. with vocab. by Stenzler, Breslau, 1874; with comm. of Mallinatha, Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1894; ed. by K. B. Pathak, Poona, 1894. Eng. verse trans, by Wilson, 3rd ed., London, 1867; by T. Clark, London, 1882; into German by Max Muller, Konigsberg, 1847, by Schutz, Bielefield, 1859, Fritze, Chemnitz, 1879. Ritusamhara, ed. with Latin and German trans. by P. v. Bohlen, Leipsic, 1840; with notes and Eng. trans. by Sitaram Ayyar, Bombay, 1897. Ghatakarpara, ed. Brockhaus, 1841, trans. into German by Hofer (in Indische Gedichte, vol. ii.). Chaurapanchacika, ed. and trans. into German by Solf, Kiel, 1886; trans. by Edwin Arnold, London, 1896. Bhartrihari's Centuries, ed. with comm., Bombay, 1884, trans. into Eng. verse by Tawney, Calc., 1877; cringara-cataka, ed. Calc. 1888. cringaratilaka, ed. Gildemeister, Bonn, 1841. Amarucataka, ed. R. Simon, Kiel, 1893. Saptacataka of Hala, ed. with prose German trans. by Weber, Leipsic, 1881 (in Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. viii., No. 4). Mayura's Surya-cataka, or Hundred Stanzas in praise of the Sun, ed. in Kavyamala, 1889. Gitagovinda, ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1882; Bombay, Nir. Sag. Pr., 1899; trans. into German by Ruckert, vol. i. of Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Leipsic.


On the Sanskrit drama in general, consult especially H. H. Wilson, Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, 2 vols., 3rd ed., London, 1871; Sylvain Levi, Le Theatre Indien, Paris, 1890. cakuntala, Bengal recension, ed. by Pischel, Kiel, 1877; Devanagari recension, Monier-Williams, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1876; M. R. Kale, Bombay, 1898; trans. by Monier-Williams, 6th ed., London, 1894; into German by Ruckert, Leipsic, 1876; Fritze, 1876; Lobedanz, 7th ed., Leipsic, 1884; there are also a South Indian and a Kashmir recension (cf. Buhler, Report, p. lx.x.xv). Vikramorvaci, ed. S. P. Pandit, Bombay, 1879; Vaidya, 1895; South Indian recension, ed. Pischel, 1875; trans. Wilson, op. cit.; Cowell, Hertford, 1851; Fritze, Leipsic, 1880. Malavikagnimitra, ed. Bollensen, Leipsic, 1879; S. P. Pandit, Bombay, 1869, S. S. Ayyar, Poona, 1896; trans. by Tawney, 2nd ed., Calc., 1891; into German by Weber, Berlin, 1856; Fritze, Leipsic, 1881. Mricchakatika, ed. Stenzler, Bonn, 1847; J. Vidyasagara, 2nd ed., Calc., 1891; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Bohtlingk, St. Petersburg, 1877; by Fritze, Chemnitz, 1879. Ratnavali, ed. Cappeller, in Bohtlingk's Sanskrit-Chrestomathie, 1897; with comm. Nir. Sag. Pr., Bombay, 1895; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Fritze, Chemnitz, 1878. Nagananda, ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1873; ed. Poona, 1893; trans. by Palmer Boyd, with preface by Cowell, London, 1872. Bana's Parvatiparinaya, ed. with trans. by T. R. R. Aiyar, k.u.mbakonam, 1898; Germ. by Glaser, Trieste, 1886. Malatimadhava, ed. R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1876; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; by Fritze, Leipsic, 1884. Mahavira-charita, ed. Trithen, London, 1848; K. P. Parab, Bombay, 1892; trans. by J. Pickford, London, 1871. Uttararamacharita, ed. with comm. and trans., Nagpur, 1895; ed. with comm. by Aiyar and Parab, Nirnaya Sagara Press, 1899; trans. by Wilson, op. cit. Mudrarakshasa, ed. Telang, Bombay, 1893; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Fritze, Leipsic, 1887. Venisamhara, ed. K. P. Parab, Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay, 1898; N. B. G.o.dabale, Poona, 1895; Grill, Leipsic, 1871; trans. into English by S. M. Tagore, Calc., 1880. Viddhacalabhanjika, ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1883. Karpuramanjari, ed. in vol. vii. of The Pandit, Benares. Balaramayana, ed. Govinda Deva castri, Benares, 1869; J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1884. Prachandapandava, ed. Cappeller, Strasburg, 1885. (On Rajacekhara, cf. Kielhorn, Epigr. Ind., part iv. 1889; Fleet in Ind. Antiq., vol. xvi. pp. 175-178; Jacobi in Vienna Or. Journal, vol. ii. pp. 212-216). Chandakaucika, ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calcutta, 1884; trans. by Fritze (Kaucika's Zorn). Prabodhachandrodaya, ed. Nir. Sag. Pr., Bombay, 1898; trans. into German by Goldstucker, with preface by Rosenkranz, Konigsberg, 1842; also trans. by Hirzel, Zurich, 1846; Taylor, Bombay, 1886.


Panchatantra, ed. Kosegarten, Bonn, 1848; by Kielhorn and Buhler in Bomb. Sansk. Ser.; these two editions represent two considerably divergent recensions; trans. with very valuable introd. by Benfey, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1859; English trans., Trichinopoli, 1887; German by Fritze, Leipsic, 1884. The abstract of the Panchatantra in Kshemendra's Brihatkathamanjari, introd., text, trans., notes, by Mankowski, Leipsic, 1892. Hitopadeca, ed. F. Johnson, London, 1884; P. Peterson in Bomb. Sansk. Ser. Kamandakiya Nitisara, ed. with trans. and notes, Madras, 1895; text ed. by R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind. Calc., 1884. civadasa's Vetalapanchavimcatika, ed. H. Uhle (in Abhandlungen der deutschen morgenl. Gesell. vol. viii., No. 1), Leipsic, 1881. Sir R. F. Burton, Vikram and the Vampire, new ed., London, 1893. Simhasana-dvatrimcika, ed. (Dwatringshat puttalika), J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1881. cukasaptati, ed. R. Schmidt, Leipsic, 1893 (Abh. f. d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes), Munich, 1898; trans., Kiel, 1894; Stuttgart, 1898. Kathasaritsagara, ed. trans. by Brockhaus, Leipsic (Books i.-v.) 1839, (vi.-xviii.) 1862-66; ed. Bomb., 1889; trans. by Tawney in Bibl. Ind., 1880-87. Brihatkathamanjari, chaps. i.-viii., ed. and trans. by Sylvain Levi in Journal Asiatique, 1886. Jataka-mala, ed. Kern, Boston, 1891; trans. by Speijer in Sacred Books of the Buddhists, vol. i., London, 1895. Kathakoca, trans. by C. H. Tawney from Sanskrit MSS., Royal As. Soc., London, 1895. Pali Jatakas, ed. by Fausboll, London, (completed) 1897; three vols. of trans. under supervision of Cowell have appeared, I. by Chalmers, Cambridge, 1895; II. by Rouse, 1895; III. by Francis and Neil, 1897. Warren, Buddhism in Translations, Harvard, 1896. Bhartrihari's Niti and Vairagya catakas, ed. and trans., Bombay, 1898 (on Bhartrihari and k.u.marila see Pathak in Journ. of Bombay Branch of Roy. As. Soc., xviii. pp. 213-238). Mohamudgara, trans. by U. K. Banerj, Bhawanipur, Bengal, 1892. Chanakya catakas, ed. Klatt, 1873. On the Nitimanjari cf. Kielhorn, Gottinger Nachrichten, 1891, pp. 182-186; A. B. Keith, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1900. carngadhara-paddhati, ed. Peterson, Bombay, 1888. Subhas.h.i.+tavali, ed. Peterson and Durgaprasada, Bombay, 1886. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche, 2nd edition, 2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1870-73; index by Blau, Leipsic, 1893. Dhammapada, trans. by Max Muller in Sacred Books of the East, vol. x., 2nd revised edition, Oxford, 1898.


On Indian philosophy in general see Garbe's useful little book, Philosophy of Ancient India, Chicago, 1897; F. Max Muller, Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, London, 1899. Garbe, Sankhya Philosophie, Leipsic, 1894; Sankhya und Yoga in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, Strasburg, 1896 (complete bibliography); Sankhya-karika, text with comm. of Gaudapada, ed. and trans. by Colebrooke and Wilson, Oxford, 1837, reprinted Bombay, 1887; ed. in Benares Sansk. Ser., 1883; trans. Ballantyne (Bibl. Ind.); Sankhyapravachana-bhashya, ed. by Garbe, Harvard, 1895, trans. into German, Leipsic, 1889; Aniruddha's comm. on Sankhya Sutras, trans. by Garbe, Bibl. Ind., Calc., 1888-92; Sankhya-tattva-kaumudi, ed. with Eng. trans., Bombay, 1896, trans. by Garbe, Munich, 1892; cankara's Rajayogabhashya, trans. Madras, 1896; Svatmarama's Hathayogapradipa, trans. by Walther, Munich, 1893; Hathayoga Gheranda Sanhita, trans. Bombay, 1895. On fragments of Panchacikha cf. Garbe in Festgruss an Roth, p. 74 ff., Stuttgart, 1893; Jacobi on Sankhya-Yoga as foundation of Buddhism, Journ. of Germ. Or. Soc., 1898, pp. 1-15; Oldenberg, Buddha, 3rd ed. Mimamsa-darcana, ed. with comm. of cabara Svamin (Bibl. Ind.), Calc., 1887; Tantravarttika, ed. Benares, 1890; clokavarttika, fasc. i., ii., ed. with comm., Benares, 1898; Jaiminiya-nyaya-mala-vistara, ed. in Anand. Ser. 1892. Arthasamgraha, as introd. to Mimamsa, ed. and trans. by Thibaut, Benares, 1882. Most important book on Vedanta: Deussen, System des Vedanta, Leipsic, 1883; Deussen, Die Sutra's des Vedanta, text with trans. of Sutras and complete comm. of cankara, Leipsic, 1887. Brahma Sutras, with cankara's comm., ed. in Anand. Ser., 1890-91; Vedanta Sutras, trans. by Thibaut in Sacred Books, vol. x.x.xiv., Oxford, 1890, and x.x.xviii., 1896. Panchadaci, ed. with Eng. trans., Bombay, 1895. On date of cankara cf. Fleet in Ind. Ant., xvi. 41-42. Vedanta-siddhanta-muktavali, ed. with Eng. trans. by Venis, Benares, 1890. Vedantasara, ed. Jacob, with comm. and notes, Bombay, 1894, trans. 3rd ed., London, 1892. Bhagavadgita with cankara's comm., Anand. Ser., 1897, trans. in Sacred Books, vol. viii., 2nd ed., Oxford, 1898; by Davies, 3rd ed., 1894. Nyaya Sutras in Vizianagram Sansk. Ser., vol. ix., Benares, 1896. Nyayakandali of cridhara, ibid., vol. iv., 1895. Nyaya-kusumanjali (Bibl. Ind.), Calc., 1895. Vaices.h.i.+ka-darcana, ed. with comm., Calc., 1887. Saptapadarthi, ed. with comm., Benares, 1893; text with Latin trans. by Winter, Leipsic, 1893. Tarkasamgraha, ed. J. Vidyasagara, Calc., 1897; ed. with comm., Bombay Sansk. Ser., 1897; text and trans. by Ballantyne, Allahabad, 1850. Sarvadarcana-samgraha, ed. by T. Tarkavachaspati, Calc., 1872; trans. by Cowell and Gough, 2nd ed., London, 1894.


M'Crindle, Ancient India as Described by Cla.s.sical Authors, 5 vols., especially vol. v., Invasion of India by Alexander, London, 1896. Weber, Die Griechen in Indien, in Transactions (Sitzungsberichte) of the Roy. Prussian Acad., Berlin, 1890. Sylvain Levi, Quid de Graecis veterum Indorum monumenta tradiderint, Paris, 1890; also La Grece et l'Inde (in Revue des Etudes Grecques), Paris, 1891. Goblet d'Alviella, Ce que l'Inde doit a la Grece, Paris, 1897; also Les Grecs dans l'Inde, and Des Influences Cla.s.siques dans la Culture Scientifique et Litteraire de l'Inde, in vols. x.x.xiii., x.x.xiv. (1897) of Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. L. de la Vallee Poussin, La Grece et l'Inde, in Musee Belge, vol. ii. pp. 126-152. Vincent A. Smith, Graeco-Roman Influence on the Civilisation of Ancient India in Journal of As. Soc. of Bengal, 1889-92. O. Franke, Beziehungen der Inder zum Westen, Journ. of Germ. Or. Soc., 1893, pp. 595-609. M. A. Stein in Indian Antiquary, vol. xvii. p. 89. On foreign elements in Indian art see Cunningham, Archaeological Survey of India, vol. v. pp. 185 ff.; Grunwedel, Buddhistische Kunst, Berlin, 1893; E. Curtius, Griechische Kunst in Indien, pp. 235-243 in vol. ii. of Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Berlin, 1894; W. Simpson, The Cla.s.sical Influence in the Architecture of the Indus Region and Afghanistan, in the Journal of the Royal Inst.i.tution of British Architects, vol. i. (1894), pp. 93-115. P. 413: On the cakas and Kushanas, see Rapson, Indian Coins, pp. 7 and 16, in Buhler's Encyclopaedia, Strasburg, 1898. On the relation of Indian to Greek fables, cf. Weber in Indische Studien, vol. iii. p. 327 ff. Through the medium of Indian fables and fairy tales, which were so popular in the Middle Ages, the magic mirror and ointment, the seven-league boots, the invisible cap, and the purse of Fortunatus (cf. Burnell, Samavidhana Brahmana, preface, p. x.x.xv), found their way into Western literature. For possible Greek influence on Indian drama, cf. Windisch, in Trans. of the Fifth Oriental Congress, part ii., Berlin, 1882. On chess in Sanskrit literature, cf. Macdonell, Origin and Early History of Chess, in Journ. Roy. As. Soc., 1898. On Indian influence on Greek philosophy, cf. Garbe in Sankhya und Yoga, p. 4. L. von Schroeder, Buddhismus und Christenthum, Reval, 2nd ed., 1898. P. 422-23: It seems quite possible to account for the ideas of the Neo-Platonists from purely h.e.l.lenic sources, without a.s.suming Indian influence. On the relation of cakuntala to Schiller (Alpenjager) and Goethe (Faust), cf. Sauer, in Korrespondenzblatt fur die Gelehrten und Realschulen Wurttembergs, vol. xl. pp. 297-304; W. von Biedermann, Goetheforschungen, Frankfurt a/M., 1879, pp. 54 ff. (cakuntala and Faust). On Sanskrit literature and modern poets (Heine, Matthew Arnold), cf. Max Muller, Coincidences, in the Fortnightly Review, New Series, vol. lxiv. (July 1898), pp. 157-162.


[1] vii. 59, 12; x. 20, 1; 121, 10; 190, 1-3.

[2] The other three systems are: (1) that of the Maitrayani and Kathaka Samhitas (two recensions of the Black Yajurveda), which mark the acute with a vertical stroke above; (2) that of the catapatha Brahmana, which marks the acute with a horizontal stroke below; and (3) that of the Samaveda, which indicates the three accents with the numerals 1, 2, 3, to distinguish three degrees of pitch, the acute (1) here being the highest.

[3] In verse 10, which is a late addition; see p. 51, footnote.

[4] A reference to dropsy, with which Varuna is thought to afflict sinners.

[5] The sun is probably meant.

[6] The component parts of this name are in Sanskrit pancha, five, and ap, water.

[7] From the Sanskrit daks.h.i.+na, south, literally "right," because the Indians faced the rising sun when naming the cardinal points.

[8] German, vieh; Latin, pecus, from which pecunia, "money."

[9] The word "frolic" alludes to the a.s.sembly-house (sabha) being a place of social entertainment, especially of gambling.

[10] Na nonanunno nunnono nana nananana nanu Nunno 'nunno nanunneno nanena nunnanunnanut.

[11] Devakanini kavade, &c.

[12] Referring to the poetical belief that the ac.o.ka only blossoms when struck by the foot of a beautiful girl.

[13] E.g. amala-kamala-dala-lochana bhava-mochana.

[14] It is interesting to note that two Sanskrit plays, composed in the twelfth century, and not as yet known in ma.n.u.script form, have been partially preserved in inscriptions found at Ajmere (see Kielhorn, in Appendix to Epigraphia Indica, vol. v. p. 20, No. 134. Calcutta, 1899).

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