Laurence Sterne in Germany Part 21

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[Footnote 61: I, pp. 225 ff.]

[Footnote 62: I, pp. 245 ff.]

[Footnote 63: A subst.i.tution merely of another animal for the pa.s.sage in "Empfindsame Reise," Bode's translation, edition of 1769 (2d ed.), I, p. 109.]

[Footnote 64: pp. 241 ff.]

[Footnote 65: Vol. II, pp. 333 ff.]

[Footnote 66: See the record of Pankraz's sentimental interview with the pastor's wife.]

[Footnote 67: For example, see Pankraz's prayer to Riepel, the dead cat, when he learns that another has done more than he in raising a lordlier monument to the feline's virtues: "Wenn du itz in der Gesellschaft reiner, verklarter Kazengeister, Himnen miaust, O so sieh einen Augenblick auf diese Welt herab! Sieh meinen Schmerz, meine Reue!" His sorrow for Riepel is likened to the Nampont pilgrim's grief for his dead a.s.s.]

[Footnote 68: IV, pp. 222-235.]

[Footnote 69: IV, pp. 253 ff.]

[Footnote 70: IV, pp. 113 ff.: "Wenn ich so denke, wie es Elisen beruhrt, so wird mir schwindlich . . . . Ich mochte es umschlingen wie es Elisen's Bein umschlungen hat, mogt mich ganz verweben mit ihm," etc.]

[Footnote 71: IV, pp. 214 ff.]

[Footnote 72: 1781, p. 573: "Da.s.s er einzelne Stellen aus unsern angesehensten Schriftstellern heraus rupfet und in eine lacherliche Verbindung bringt."]

[Footnote 73: 1781, pp. 265-7.]

[Footnote 74: LI, I, p. 234.]

[Footnote 75: LII, 1, p. 149.]

[Footnote 76: Reviewed in _Almanach der deutscher Musen_, 1779, p. 41. The work was published in Leipzig, I, 1777; II, 1778.]


The Case of Elijah and the Widow of Zerephath considered: A charity sermon preach'd on Good Friday, April 17, 1747. York, 1747.

The Abuses of Conscience set forth in a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter's, York, July 29, 1750. York, 1750.

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, vols. I, II, York, 1759. 2d.

ed. London, 1760. Vols. III, IV, London, 1761. Vols. V, VI, London, 1762. Vols. VII, VIII, London, 1765. Vol. IX, London, 1767.

Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Vols. I, II, London, 1760. Vols. III, IV, London, 1766. Vols. V, VI, VII, London, 1769.

A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 2 vols. London, 1768.

A Political Romance addressed to ----, esq., of York, 1769. The first edition of the Watchcoat story.

Letters from Yorick to Eliza. London, 1775.

Twelve Letters to his Friends on Various Occasions, to which is added his history of a Watchcoat, with explanatory notes. London, 1775.

Letters of the Late Reverend Laurence Sterne to his most intimate Friends with a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais to which are prefixed Memoirs of his life and family written by himself, published by his daughter, Lydia Sterne de Medalle. London, 1775.

Seven Letters written by Sterne and his Friends, edited by W. Durrant Cooper. 1844.

Unpublished Letters of Laurence Sterne. In Philobiblon Society Miscellanies. 1855, Vol. II. The Kitty Correspondence.

Works of Laurence Sterne. 10 vols. London, Dodsley, etc., 1793.

Works. Edited by G. E. B. Saintsbury, 6 vols. London, 1894.

These two editions have been chiefly used in the preparation of this work. Because of its general accessibility references to Tristram Shandy and the Sentimental Journey are made to the latter.

Ill.u.s.trations of Sterne, by Dr. John Ferriar. Manchester, 1798. 2d edition: London, 1812.

Life of Laurence Sterne, by Percy Fitzgerald. 1864. Revised edition, London, 1896. 2 vols.

Sterne, in English Men of Letters Series, by H. D. Traill. 1883.

Sir Walter Scott. Lives of the Novelists, Vol. I, p. 156-186.

Paul Stapfer. Laurence Sterne, sa personne et ses ouvrages etude precedee d'un fragment inedit de Sterne. Paris, 1882.

William M. Thackeray. Sterne and Goldsmith, in English Humorists, 1858, pp. 286-341.

J. B. Montegut, Essais sur la Litterature anglaise. 1883, pp. 279-364.

Walter Bagehot, Sterne and Thackeray, in Literary Studies. 1902, Vol.

II, pp. 282-325.

E. Scherer. Laurence Sterne or the Humorist, in Essays on English Literature. 1891, pp. 150-173.

Sir Leslie Stephen. Hours in a Library. 1852. Vol. III, pp. 139-174.

Herbert Paul. Men and Letters. 1901. Pp. 67-89.

Whitwell Elwin. Some XVIII Century Men of Letters. 1902. Vol. II, pp. 1-81.

Sidney Lee. Article on Sterne in the National Dictionary of Biography.


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