Laurence Sterne in Germany Part 20

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[Footnote 15: I, p. 151.]

[Footnote 16: See also I, p. 139.]

[Footnote 17: II, p. 209; III, p. 11; VII, p. 133.]

[Footnote 18: I, p. 136; II, pp. 13, 39, 209; 165, "Die Nachahmer Sterne's sind gleichsam die Pajazzi desselben."]

[Footnote 19: In _Gottingisches Magazin_, 1780, Schriften IV, pp.

186-227: "Thoricht affectirte Sonderbarkeit in dieser Methode wird das Kriterium von Originalitat und das sicherste Zeichen, da.s.s man einen Kopf habe, dieses wenn man sich des Tages ein Paar Mal darauf stellt. Wenn dieses auch eine Sternisch Kunst ware, so ist wohl so viel gewiss, es ist keine der schwersten."]

[Footnote 20: II, pp. 199-244.]

[Footnote 21: V, p. 250.]

[Footnote 22: VI, p. 195.]

[Footnote 23: Tristram Shandy, I, pp. 172-180.]

[Footnote 24: II, p. 12.]

[Footnote 25: Weimar, 1899.]

[Footnote 26: These dates are of the departure from and return to Copenhagen; the actual time of residence in foreign lands would fall somewhat short of this period.]

[Footnote 27: _Deutsches Museum_, 1777, p. 449, or Schriften, I, pp. 12-13; "Bibliothek der deutschen Kla.s.siker," Vol. VI, p. 652.]

[Footnote 28: English writers who have endeavored to make an estimate of Sterne's character have ignored this part of Garrick's opinion, though his statement with reference to the degeneration of Sterne's moral nature is frequently quoted.]

[Footnote 29: _Deutsches Museum_, II, pp. 601-604; Schriften, II, pp. 288-291.]

[Footnote 30: Gedichte von L. F. G. Goeckingk, 3 Bde., 1780, 1781, 1782, Leipzig.]

[Footnote 31: I, pp. 94, 116, 160.]

[Footnote 32: Hamburg, pp. 44.]

[Footnote 33: Hamburg, Bohn, 1785.]

[Footnote 34: Published in improved and amplified form, Braunschweig, 1794.]

[Footnote 35: II, Nr. 204, August 25, 1808, Tubingen.]

[Footnote 36: Breslau, 1779, 2d edition, 1780, by A. W. L. von Rahmel.]

[Footnote 37: See M. Denis, "Literarischer Nachla.s.s," edited by Retzer, Wien, 1801, II, p. 196.]

[Footnote 38: "Sammtliche Werke," edited by B. R. Abeken, Berlin, 1858, III, pp. 61-64.]

[Footnote 39: First American edition as "Practical Philosophy,"

Lansingburgh, 1805, p. 331. Sterne is cited on p. 85.]

[Footnote 40: Altenburg, 1778, p. 90. Reviewed in _Gothaische Gelehrte Zeitungen_, 1779, p. 169, March 17, and in _Allg.

deutsche Bibl._, x.x.xVII, 2, p. 476.]

[Footnote 41: Hempel, VIII, p. 354.]

[Footnote 42: In a review of "Mamsell Fieckchen und ihr Vielgetreuer, ein Erbauungsbuchlein fur gefuhlvolle Madchen,"

which is intended to be a warning to tender-hearted maidens against the sentimental mask of young officers. Another protest against excess of sentimentalism was "Philotas, ein Versuch zur Beruhigung und Belehrung fur Leidende und Freunde der Leidenden,"

Leipzig, 1779. See _Allg. deutsche. Bibl._, XLIV. 1, pp. 128-9.]

[Footnote 43: See Erich Schmidt's "Richardson, Rousseau und Goethe," Jena, 1875, p. 297.]

[Footnote 44: See _Jenaische Zeitungen von Gel. Sachen_, 1780, pp. 627, 761.]

[Footnote 45: The full t.i.tle is "Der Empfindsame Maurus Pankrazius Zipria.n.u.s Kurt auch Selmar genannt, ein Moderoman," published by Keyser at Erfurt, 1781-83, with a second edition, 1785-87.]

[Footnote 46: "Faramonds Familiengeschichte, in Briefen," Erfurt, Keyser, 1779-81. _Allg. deutsche Bibl._, XLIV, 1, p. 120; _Jenaische Zeitungen von Gel. Sachen_, 1780, pp. 273, 332; 1781, pp. 113, 314.]

[Footnote 47: Pp. 8-9.]

[Footnote 48: Goethe's review of Schummel's "Empfindsame Reise"

in _Frankfurter Gel. Anz._ represents the high-water mark of understanding criticism relative to individual work, but represents necessarily no grasp of the whole movement.]

[Footnote 49: Frankfurt, 1778, _Allg. deutsche Bibl._, XL, 1, 119.

This is by Baker incorrectly ascribed J. F. Abel, the author of "Beitrage zur Geschichte der Liebe," 1778.]

[Footnote 50: P. 15.]

[Footnote 51: P. 17.]

[Footnote 52: P. 18.]

[Footnote 53: I, pp. 313 ff.]

[Footnote 54: This distinction between Empfindsamkeit and Empfindelei is further given II, p. 180.]

[Footnote 55: Pp. 33-39.]

[Footnote 56: I, pp. 88 ff.]

[Footnote 57: See discussion concerning Tristram's tutor, Tristram Shandy, II, p. 217.]

[Footnote 58: III, pp. 318 ff.]

[Footnote 59: Vol. IV, p. 12. "Zoologica humana," and treating of Affen, Gekken, Narren, Schelmen, Schurken, Heuchlern, Schlangen, Schafen, Schweinen, Ochsen und Eseln.]

[Footnote 60: I, p. 72.]

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