The Ancient Life History of the Earth Part 33

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CERATIOCARIS (Gr. _keras_, a horn; _karis_, a shrimp). A genus of Phyllopod Crustaceans.

CERAt.i.tES (Gr. _keras_, a horn). A genus of _Ammonitidoe_.

CERATODUS (Gr. _keras_, a horn; _odous_, tooth). A genus of Dipnoous fishes.

CERVICAL (Lat. _cervix_, the neck). Connected with or belonging to the region of the neck.

CERVIDae (Lat. _cervus_, a stag). The family of the Deer.

CESTRAPHORI (Gr. _kestra_, a weapon; _phero_, I carry). The group of the "Cestraciont Fishes," represented at the present day by the Port-Jackson Shark; so called from their defensive spines.

CETACEA (Gr. _ketos_, a whale). The order of Mammals comprising the Whales and the Dolphins.

CETIOSAURUS (Gr. _ketos_, whale; _saura_, lizard). A genus of Deinosaurian Reptiles.

CHEIROPTERA (Gr. _cheir_, hand; _pteron_, wing). The Mammalian order of the Bats.

CHEIROTHERIUM (Gr. _cheir_, hand; _therion_, beast). The generic name applied originally to the hand-shaped footprints of Labyrinthodonts.

CHEIRURUS (Gr. _cheir_, hand; _oura_, tail). A genus of Trilobites.

CHELONIA (Gr. _chelone_, a tortoise). The Reptilian order of the Tortoises and Turtles.

CHONETES (Gr. _chone_ or _choane_, a chamber or box). A genus of Brachiopods.

CIDARIS (Lat. a diadem). A genus of Sea-urchins.

CLADODUS (Gr. _klados_, branch; _odous_, tooth). A genus of Fishes.

CLATHROPORA (Lat. _clathti_, a trellis; _porus_, a pore). A genus of Lace-corals (_Polyzoa_).

CLISIOPHYLLUM (Gr. _klision_, a hut; _phullon_, leaf). A genus of Rugose Corals.

CLYMENIA (_Clumene_, a proper name). A genus of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods.

COCCOSTEUS (Gr. _kokkos_, berry; _osteon_, bone). A genus of Ganoid Fishes.

COCHLIODUS (Gr. _kochlion_, a snail-sh.e.l.l; _odous_, tooth). A genus of Cestraciont Fishes.

COELENTERATA (Gr. _koilos_, hollow; _enteron_, the bowel). The sub-kingdom which comprises the _Hydrozoa_ and _Actinozoa_. Proposed by Frey and Leuckhart in place of the old term _Radiata_, which included other animals as well.

COLEOPTERA (Gr. _koleos_, a sheath; _pteron_, wing). The order of Insects (Beetles) in which the anterior pair of wings are hardened, and serve as protective cases for the posterior pair of membranous wings.

COLOSSOCHELYS (Gr. _kolossos_, a gigantic statue; _chelus_, a tortoise). A huge extinct Land-tortoise.

COMATULA (Gr. _koma_, the hair). The Feather-star, so called in allusion to its tress-like arms.

CONDYLE (Gr. _kondulos_, a knuckle). The surface by which one bone articulates with another. Applied especially to the articular surface or surfaces by which the skull articulates with the vertebral column.

CONIFERae (Lat. _conus_, a cone; _fero_, I carry). The order of the Firs, Pines, and their allies, in which the fruit is generally a "cone" or "fir-apple."

CONULARIA (Lat. _conulus_, a little-cone). An extinct genus of Pteropods.

COPRALITES (Gr. _kopros_, dung; _lithos_, stone). Properly applied to the fossilised excrements of animals; but often employed to designate phosphatic concretions which are not of this nature.

CORALLITE. The corallum secreted by an _Actinozoon_ which consists of a single polype; or the portion of a composite corallum which belongs to, and is secreted by, an individual polype.

CORALLUM (from the Latin for Red Coral). The hard structures deposited in, or by the tissues of an _Actinozoon_,--commonly called a "coral."

CORIACEOUS (Lat. _corium_. hide). Leathery.

CORYPHODON (Gr. _korus_, helmet; _odous_, tooth). An extinct genus of Mammals, allied to the Tapirs.

CRANIUM (Gr. _kranion_, the skull). The bony or cartilaginous case in which the brain is contained.

CRETACEOUS (Lat. _creta_, chalk). The formation which in Europe contains white chalk as one of its most conspicuous members.

CRINOIDEA (Gr. _krinon_, a lily; _eidos_, form). An order of _Echinodermata_, comprising forms which are usually stalked, and sometimes resemble lilies in shape.

CRIOCERAS (Gr. _krios_, a ram; _keras_, a horn). A genus of _Ammonitidoe_.

CROCODILIA (Gr. _krokodeilos_, a crocodile). An order of Reptiles.

CROSSOPTERYGIDae. (Gr. _krossotos_, a fringe; _pterux_, a fin). A sub-order of Ganoids in which the paired fins possess a central lobe.

CRUSTACEA (Lat. _crusta_, a crust). A cla.s.s of Articulate animals, comprising Crabs, Lobsters, &c., characterised by the possession of a hard sh.e.l.l or crust, which they cast periodically.

CRYPTOGAMS (Gr. _kruptos_, concealed; _gamos_, marriage). A division of plants in which the organs of reproduction are obscure and there are no true flowers.

CTENACANTHUS (Gr. _kteis_, a comb; _akantha_, a thorn). A genus of fossil fishes, named from its fin-spines.

CTENOID (Gr. _kteis_, a comb; _eidos_, form). Applied to those scales of fishes the hinder margins of which are fringed with spines or comb-like projections.

CURSORES (Lat. _curro_, I run). An order of _Aves_, comprising birds dest.i.tute of the power of flight, but formed for running vigorously (_e.g._, the Ostrich and Emeu).

CUSPIDATE. Furnished with small pointed eminences or "cusps."

CYATHOCRINUS (Gr. _kuathos_, a cup; _krinon_, a lily). A genus of Crinoids.

CYATHOPHYLLUM (Gr. _kuathos_, a cup; _phullon_, a leaf). A genus of Rugose Corals.

CYCLOID (Gr. _kuklos_, a circle; _eidos_, form). Applied to those scales of fishes which have a regularly circular or elliptical outline with an even margin.

CYCLOPHTHALMUS (Gr. _kuklos_, a circle; _ophthalmos_, eye). A genus of fossil Scorpions.

CYCLOSTOMI (Gr. _kuklos_, and _stoma_, mouth). Sometimes used to designate the Hag-fishes and Lampreys, forming the order _Marsipobranchii_.

CYPRaeA (a name of Venus). The genus of Univalve Molluscs comprising the Cowries.

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