The Ancient Life History of the Earth Part 32

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AZOIC (Gr. _a_, without; _zoe_, life). Dest.i.tute of traces of living beings.

BACULITES (Lat. _baculum_, a staff). A genus of the _Ammonitidoe_.

BALaeNA (Lat. a whale). The genus of the Whalebone Whales.

BALANIDae (Gr. _balanos_, an acorn). A family of sessile _Cirripedes_, commonly called ""

BATRACHIA (Gr. _batrachos_, a frog). Often loosely applied to any of the _Amphibia_, but sometimes restricted to the Amphibians as a cla.s.s, or to the single order of the _Anoura_.

BELEMNITIDae (Gr. _belemnon_, a dart). An extinct group of Dibranchiate Cephalopods, comprising the Belemnites and their allies.

BELEMNOTEUTHIS (Gr. _belemnon_, a dart; _teuthis_, a cuttle-fish).

A genus allied to the Belemnites proper.

BELINURUS (Gr. _belos_, a dart; _oura_, tail). A genus of fossil King-crabs.

BELLEROPHON (Gr. proper name). A genus of oceanic Univalves (_Heteropoda_).

BELOTEUTHIS (Gr. _belos_, a dart; _teuthis_, a cuttle-fish). An extinct genus of Dibranchiate Cephalopods.

BEYRICHIA (named after Prof. Beyrich). A genus of Ostracode Crustaceans.

BILATERAL. Having two symmetrical sides.

BIMANA (Lat. _Bis_, twice; _ma.n.u.s_, a hand). The order of _Mammalia_ comprising man alone.

BIPEDAL (Lat. _bis_, twice; _pes_, foot). Walking upon two legs.

BIVALVE (Lat. _bis_, twice; _valvoe_, folding-doors). Composed of two plates or valves; applied to the sh.e.l.l of the _Lamellibranchiata_ and _Brachiopoda_, and to the carapace of certain _Crustacea_.

BLASTOIDEA (Gr. _blastos_, a bud; and _eidos_, form). An extinct order of _Echinodermata_, often called _Pentremites_.

BRACHIOPODA (Gr. _brachion_, an arm; _pous_, the foot). A cla.s.s or the _Molluscoida_, often called "," characterised by possessing two fleshy arms continued from the sides of the mouth.

BRACHYURA (Gr. _brachus_, short; _oura_, tail). A tribe of the Decapod _Crustaceans_ with short tails (_i.e._, the Crabs).

BRADYPODIDae. (Gr. _bradus_, slow; _podes_, feet). The family of _Edentata_ comprising the Sloths.

BRANCHIA (Gr. _bragchia_, the gill of a fish). A respiratory organ adapted to breathe air dissolved in water.

BRANCHIATE. Possessing gills or branchiae.

BRONTEUS (Gr. _brone_, thunder--an epithet of Jupiter the Thunderer).

A genus of Trilobites.

BRONTOTHERIUM (Gr. _bronte_, thunder; _therion_ beast). An extinct genus of Ungulate Quadrupeds.

BRONTOZOUM (Gr. _bronte_, thunder; _zoon_, animal). A genus founded on the largest footprints of the Tria.s.sic Sandstones of Connecticut.

BUCCINUM (Lat. _buccinun_, a trumpet). The genus of Univalves comprising the Whelks.

CAINOZOIC (_See_ Kainozoic.)

CALAMITES (Lat. _calamus_, a reed). Extinct plants with reed-like stems, believed to be gigantic representatives of the _Equisetaceoe_.

CALCAREOUS (Lat. _calx_, lime). Composed of carbonate of lime.

CALICE. The little cup in which the polype of a coralligenous Zoophyte (_Actinozoon_) is contained.

CALYMENE (Gr. _kalumene_, concealed). A genus of Trilobites.

CALYX (Lat. a cup). Applied to the cup-shaped body of a _Crinoid_ (_Echinodermata_).

CAMAROPHORIA (Gr. _kamara_, a chamber; _phero_, I carry). A genus of Brachiopods.

CAMELOPARDALIDae. (Lat. _camelus_, a camel; _pardalis_, a panther).

The family of the Giraffes.

CANINE (Lat. _canis_, a dog). The eye-tooth of Mammals, or the tooth which is placed at or close to the praemaxillary suture in the upper jaw, and the corresponding tooth in the lower jaw.

CARAPACE. A protective s.h.i.+eld. Applied to the upper sh.e.l.l of Crabs, Lobsters, and many other _Crustacea_. Also the upper half of the immovable case in which the body of a Chelonian is protected.

CARCHARODON (Gr. _karcharos_. rough; _odous_, tooth). A genus of Sharks.

CARDIOCARPON (Gr. _kardia_, the heart; _karpos_, fruit). A genus of fossil fruit from the Coal-measures.

CARDIUM (Gr. _kardia_, the heart). The genus of Bivalve Molluscs comprising the c.o.c.kles. _Cardinia, Cardiola_, and _Cardita_ have the same derivation.

CARNIVORA (Lat. _caro_, flesh; _voro_, I devour). An order of the _Mammalia_. The "Beasts of Prey."

CARNIVOROUS (Lat. _caro_, flesh; _voro_, I devour). Feeding upon flesh.

CARYOCARIS (Gr. _karua_, a nut; _karis_, a shrimp). A genus of Phyllopod Crustaceans.

CARYOCRINUS (Gr. _karua_, a nut; _krinon_, a lily). A genus of Cystideans.

CAUDAL (Lat. _cauda_, the tail). Belonging to the tail.

CAVICORNIA (Lat. _cavus_, hollow; _cornu_, a horn). The "hollow-horned" Ruminants, in which the horn consists of a central bony "horn-core" surrounded by a h.o.r.n.y sheath.

CENTRUM (Gr. _kentron_, the point round which a circle is described by a pair of The central portion or "body" of a vertebra.

CEPHALASPIDae. (Gr. _kephale_, head; _aspis_, s.h.i.+eld). A family of fossil fishes.

CEPHALIC (Gr. _kephale_, head). Belonging to the head.

CEPHALOPODA (Gr. _kephale_; and _podes_, feet). A cla.s.s of the _Mollusca_, comprising the Cuttle-fishes and their allies, in which there is a series of arms ranged round the head.

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