English Travellers of the Renaissance Part 9

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Aubrey, John. _Letters written by Eminent Persons in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries_; and _Lives of Eminent Men_. London, 1813.

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Boorde, Andrew. _The First Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, made by Andrew Boorde, of Physycke Doctor_; also _A Compendyous Regyment, or a Dyetary of Helth, made in Montpelier, compyled by Andrew Boorde, of Physycke Doctour_. Ed. F.J. Furnivail, for the Early English Text Society. Extra Series, IX.-X. London, 1869-70.

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Caxton, William. Dialogues in French and English. Ed. from text printed about 1483, by Henry Bradley, for the Early English Text Society. Extra Series, lxxix. London, 1900.

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Coryat, Thomas. _Coryat's Crudities hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members of this kingdome._ London, 1611. Reprint by James Maclehose & Sons. Glasgow, 1905.

Dallington, Robert. _A Survey of the Great Dukes State of Tuscany in the yeare of our Lord 1596._ Printed for Edward Blount at London, 1605.

_Description Contenant les Antiquitez, fondations et singularitez des plus celebres Villes, Chasteaux et Places remarquables du Royaume de France, avec les choses plus memorables advenues en iciluy_ (par F. Des Rues). Constance, 1608.

Dudithius, Andreas. _Vita Reginaldi Poli._ Venetiis, 1558.

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J.E.B. Mayor. 1855.

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---- _Florios Second Frutes to be gathered of twelve Trees, of divers but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and Englishmen._ ...

London, 1591.

France: _The Survey or Topographical Description of France; with a new Mappe.... Collected out of sundry approved authors; very amply, truly and historically digested for the pleasure of those who desire to be thoroughly acquainted in the state of the kingdome and dominion of France._ London, 1592.

---- _The View of France._ Printed by Symon Stafford. London, 1604.

Fuller, Thomas. _The Church-History of Britain from the Birth of Jesus Christ untill the year MDCXLVIII. Endeavoured by Thomas Fuller._ London, 1655.

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Gascoigne, George. _The Posies._ Ed. J.W. Cunliffe. Cambridge University Press, 1907.

Gerbier, Balthazar. _The Interpreter of the Academie for Forrain Languages and all n.o.ble Sciences and Exercises._ 1648.

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