English Travellers of the Renaissance Part 8

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1592. Stradling, Sir John. _A Direction for Travailers taken out of Justus Lipsius and enlarged for the behoofe of the right honorable Lord, the young Earle of Bedford, being now ready to travell_. London, 1592.

1595. Devereux, Robert, Earl of Ess.e.x (or Bacon ?). Harl. MS. 6265, p.

428. _Profitable instructions_, for Roger Manners, Earl of Rutland.

1595 (?). Davison, William (Secretary of Queen Elizabeth.) Harl. MS.

6893. _Instructions for Travel_.

1598. Loysius, Georgius. _G. Loysii Curiovoitlandi Pervigilium Mercurii, quo agitur de praestantissimis peregrinantis virtutibus_, ... Curiae Variscorum, 1598.

1598. Dallington, Sir Robert. _A Method for Travell, shewed by taking the view of France as it stoode in the yeare of our Lord_, 1598. N.D., London, printed by Thomas Creede.

c. 1600. _A True Description and Direction of what is most worthy to be seen in all Italy_. Anon., N.D. _Harleian Miscellany_, vol. v. No. 128.

1604. Pitsius, Joannes, _Ioannis Pitsii Anglii Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris de Peregrinatione libri septem_. Dusseldorpii, 1604.

1605 (?). Neugebauer, Salomon. _Tractatus de peregrinatione ...

historcis, ethicis, politicisque exemplis ill.u.s.tratus ... c.u.m indice rerum et exemplorum_. Basileae.

1606. Palmer, Thomas. _An Essay of the Meanes how to make our Travailes into forraine Countries the more profitable and honourable._ London, 1606.

1608. Ranzovinus, Henricus Count. _Methodus apodemica seu peregrinandi perl.u.s.trandique regiones, urbes et arces ratio_ ... (With a dedication by Tob. Kirchmair.) Argentinae, 1608.

1609. Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke. _A Letter of Travell_, to his cousin Greville Varney. (In _Certaine Learned and Elegant Works of the Right Honorable Fulke, Lord Brooke_. London, 1633.)

1611. Kirchnerus, Hermannus. _An Oration made by Hermannus Kirchnerus ... concerning this subject; that young men ought to travell into forraine countryes, and all those that desire the praise of learning and atchieving worthy actions both at home and abroad._ (In _Coryat's Crudities_, London, 1611.)

1616. Sincerus, Iodocus. _Itinerarium Galliae, ita accommodatum, ut eius ductu mediocri tempore tota Gallia obiri, Anglia et Belgium adiri possint; nec bis terve ad eadem loca rediri oporteat; notatis cuiusque loci, quas vocant, deliciis_. Lugduni, 1616.

1617. Moryson, Fynes. _Of Travel in General; Of Precepts for Travellers_. (In the _Itinerary_ of Fynes Moryson. Ed. Glasgow, 1907.)

1622. Peacham, Henry. _The Compleat Gentleman_. 1634 Ed., reprinted in Tudor and Stuart Library by Clarendon Press, with introduction by G.S.

Gordon. Oxford, 1906.

1625. Bacon, Francis. _Of Travel._ In _Works_. Ed. James Spedding.

London, 1859.

1631. Erpenius, Thomas. _De Peregrinatione Gallica utiliter inst.i.tuenda Tractatus._ Lugduni Batavorum, 1631.

1633. Devereux, Robert, Earl of Ess.e.x. _Profitable Instructions: Describing what speciall Observations are to be taken by Travellers in all Nations, States and Countries; Pleasant and Profitable. By the three much admired, Robert, Late Earl of Ess.e.x, Sir Philip Sidney and Secretary Davison_. London, 1633.

1637. Wotton, Sir Henry. Letter of Instruction to John Milton, about to travel. In _Life and Letters_, ed. by Pearsall Smith. Oxford, 1907.

1639. _Le Voyage de France, Dresse pour l'instruction et commodite tant des Francois, que des Estrangers_. Paris, 1639. (Du Verdier.)

1642. Howell, James. _Instructions for Forreine Travell, Shewing by what cours, and in what of time, one may take an exact Survey of the Kingdomes and States of Christendome, and arrive to the practicall knowledge of the Languages, to good purpose._ London, 1642.

1652. Evelyn, John. _The State of France as it stood in the IXth yeer of this present Monarch, Lewis XIIII_. Written to a Friend by J. E. London, 1652. (Discussion of travel in the preface.)

1653. Zeiler, Martin. _Fidus Achates qui itineris sui socium ... non tantum de locorum ... situ, verum etiam, quid in plerisque spectatu ...

dignum occurrat ... monet ... Nunc e Germanico Latinus factus a quodam Apodemophilo_.... Ulmae, 1653.

1656. Osborn, Francis. _Travel_, in _Advice to a Son_. Ed. E. A. Parry.

London, 1896.

1662. Howell, James. _A New English Grammar, whereunto is annexed A Discours or Dialog containing a Perambulation of Spain and Portugall which may serve for a direction how to travell through both Countreys_.

London, 1662.

_c_. 1665. Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon. _A Dialogue concerning Education_ in _A Collection of Several Tracts_. London, 1727.

1665. Gerbier, Balthazar, Knight; Master of the Ceremonies to King Charles the First. _Subsidium Peregrinantibus or An a.s.sistance to a Traveller in his Convers ... directing him, after the latest Mode, to the greatest Honour, Pleasure, Security, and Advantage in his Travells.

Written to a Princely Traveller for a Vade Mec.u.m_. Oxford, 1665.

1670: La.s.sels, Richard: _The Voyage of Italy or a Compleat Journey through Italy.... With Instructions concerning Travel_; by Richard La.s.sels, Gent., who travelled through Italy Five times, as Tutor to several of the English n.o.bility and Gentry. Never before Extant. Newly printed at Paris and are to be sold in London by John Starkey. 1670.

1670. ---- _A Letter of Advice to a young Gentleman Leaving the University, concerning his behavior and conversation in the World_, by R(ichard) L(a.s.sels). Dublin, 1670.

1671. Leigh, Edward. _Three Diatribes or Discourses; First of Travel, or a Guide for Travellers into Foreign Parts; Secondly, of Money or Coyns; Thirdly, of Measuring the Distance betwixt Place and Place_. London, 1671.

1678. Gailhard, J. (Who hath been Tutor Abroad to severall of the n.o.bility and Gentry.) _The Compleat Gentleman: or Directions for the Education of Youth as to their Breeding at Home and Travelling Abroad_.

London, 1678.

1693. Locke, John. _Some Thoughts concerning Education_. Fourth Edition.

London, 1699.

1688. _A Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman of an Honorable Family, now in his Travels beyond the Seas: for his more safe and profitable conduct in the three great Instances, of Study, Moral Deportment and Religion_. In three parts. By a True Son of the Church of England.

London, 1688.

1688. Carr, Will, late Consul for the English Nation in Amsterdam.

_Remarks of the Government of severall Parts of Germaniae, Denmark ...

but more particularly the United Provinces, with some few directions how to Travell in the States Dominions_. Amsterdam, 1688.

1690. ---- _The Travellers Guide and Historians Faithful Companion_.

[London? 1690?]

1695. Misson, Maximilian. _A New Voyage to Italy: With a description of the Chief Towns ... Together with Useful Instructions for those who shall Travel thither. Done into English, and adorn'd with Figures_. 2 vols. London, 1695.



Ascham, Roger. _Works_. Ed. Giles. London, 1865.

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