The 5000-year-old Herbivorous Dragon Chapter 8

The 5000-year-old Herbivorous Dragon -

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Translator: Luk2048

"Gra.s.s is the best."

So peaceful. I was carrying ample cloth bags along with Rēko on my back, moving forward through the endlessly stretching gra.s.sland. I've absolutely no intention of competing with the overtaking me horse. A horse is an animal specialized as humans' means of fast transportation, so there's no way a herbivorous dragon like me can match it. So I've been stopping here and there every few hours to munch some gra.s.s.

"Evil Dragon Lord, are you sure? As long as you are hungry, I would be more than happy to offer you my soul as a meal."

"No need. A soul is like a sweet dessert, you can't eat only that. Usually an ordinary meal is enough."

"Then instead of gra.s.s I will hunt something nutritious."

"I feel like eating gra.s.s now. Not wasting your strength pointlessly is also your task."

Muu, Rēko indicated her sulkiness. According to her, an appropriate meal for me must be swallowing a whole ox in one bite. In comparison to that image, chewing on gra.s.s has to be too plain.

"I understand. In that case, at least let me prepare a drink."

"Ah, I'll leave it to you."

Rēko hopped down from my back, pulled out a metal plate from the bag and put it on the ground. At first I thought she's going to pour water from a flask Ariante gave us.

But Rēko put her arm over the plate while drawing over it the jewelled dagger's blade.

"Let me now wetten Evil Dragon Lord's throat with my blood."

"Why are you so eager to make it a dark meal like that? Just water, please."

Rēko, who shut her eyes from frustration, poured water from the flask. But while hanging her head down before the plate, she was muttering "My blood isn't to Evil Dragon Lord's taste…" with vexation.

Putting things bluntly, it's scary. I don't think I can put up with such anxiety each and every meal.

"Listen well Rēko. You're looking down too much on the act of eating gra.s.s."

"… What do you mean, Evil Dragon Lord?"

"Plants are living by absorbing energy directly from the earth. Eating them is similar to absorbing that energy directly."

Rēko was nodding eagerly indicating she's listening closely.

"Therefore, one can say gra.s.s is a supreme delicacy. Blessed by the earth gra.s.s is also the reason I've lived for so long."

"Is —— that so. I apologize. Please forgive the ignorance of me; the prisoner of human's eating habits."

"Okay. Well, since you understood, from now on my meals are ordinary water and gra.s.s, alright?"

"Yes, of course. To think gra.s.s was that amazing…"

While still answering, Rēko started plucking gra.s.s at her feet and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Hey, what are you suddenly doing?"

"I intend to imitate Evil Dragon Lord and from now on live eating gra.s.s."

"Our feeding habits are fundamentally different so it's impossible. More importantly it's dirty, hurry up and spit it out. You'll break your stomach."

"No, I can do it. After all I'm the Evil Dragon Lord's kin."

Face of the obstinately objecting Rēko was distorted by the astringent taste of gra.s.s.

"These are clothes Ariante was kind enough to give you, so don't go staining them with weeds. It hasn't been long since you've become my kin, so if you don't have human meals you'll just wreck your body."

There was no response, which was unlike her. Her body hardened like a statue, not moving an inch while gazing somewhere far away.

In the next instant, with a "blergh" she spurted green juice from her mouth, magnificently soiling her brand new clothes.

"Although the appearance might be a little showy, it's a combat attire. Let us think of dirt as medals."

"I've thought it for a while but, you're quite optimistic."

Taking a look once more, her clothes were considerably different from the think silk sacrificial gown she wore yesterday.

Draping over her wide light red knee-long pants was a translucent skirt. The former was made of Boulder Digging Goat's skin excelling at physical resistance, while the latter was woven from Samsara Silkworm's thread, which is resistant to magic.

As for the upper body she wore a short cotton robe. Although the fabric is ordinary, the used valuable blue dye was collected from the ancient forest's G.o.d Tree, which is said to grant divine protection to every being clad in it.

According to Ariante, just those three pieces of clothing are worth quite a decent mansion. And now, it's thoroughly dirtied with weeds.

"Maybe you should find some water to clean it?"

"Yes, I intend to do that, however first let's get through all the dirty business."

Rēko sat in a seiza on my back and started sniffing like a dog.

"Ah… As expected we're starting today?"

"No matter how much magic power Evil Dragon Lord seals, you are still the Evil Dragon Lord. The monsters in these tranquil plains are not your opponents."

I drooped my shoulders and looked down upon my body. On my limbs was something akin to samurai's armour, while a type of extending blades was attached to my claws. There are also various other parts, but if it becomes too heavy I won't be able to move, so in the end it's just a bare minimum.

Honestly speaking, I also wanted super equipment like Rēko's. However, if the equipment is too great it might lead to suspicion, so the equipment's quality was suppressed to commercial level.

"Well then Evil Dragon Lord, let us begin hunting. First I will search out the enemy. I have already sniffed it out, so it won't take long."

"Just please get me a weak one."


Rēko, who took off from my back, quickly finished searching just as she promised. But, the figure with which she was returning was somewhat unexpected.

Three heads with six tusks. A giant elephant monster, which wasn't weak looking at all, despite being still alive, was carried by Rēko with one hand.

"Come now, Evil Dragon Lord. It's today's training dummy. Please torment it to your heart's content. I'm sure it will only bring this beast satisfaction."

Even though it was caught alive, its eyes already looked dead.

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