Monsieur Cherami Part 95

Monsieur Cherami -

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"Yes, with an Irish officer."

"Everybody seems to be duelling, nowadays! He must have wanted to follow his friend Cherami's example. What about his business?"

"His uncle has just made him his partner. Gustave will have at least forty thousand francs a year for his share."

"Is it possible! he's a lucky fellow! And he's been in Paris a week, and I had no idea of it! Hallo! everything seems to be topsy-turvy here!

Have you been buying all these things?"


"Are you going to a ball?"

"Better than that: I am going to a wedding."

"To a wedding! and I am not invited! Who's to be married, pray?"

Adolphine was hesitating over her reply, when the door opened and Gustave appeared. When she saw the man whom she had twice promised to marry, f.a.n.n.y dropped into an easy-chair, threw back her head, and pretended to faint. Adolphine became deathly pale; but a glance from Gustave rea.s.sured her. He went to her side, took her hand, and pressed it affectionately in his.

f.a.n.n.y, seeing that n.o.body thought of coming to her a.s.sistance, decided to recover; so she straightened herself up, and said in a tremulous voice:

"Ah! mon Dieu! Monsieur Gustave, your presence caused me such a thrill of emotion! I almost fainted."

Gustave bowed gravely to f.a.n.n.y, saying, in an indifferent tone:

"Madame is well, I trust?"

"Why, no, I have been ill, I have suffered a great deal. You must find me changed, do you not?"

"I fancy we shall have fine weather to-day," said Gustave, turning to Adolphine, who whispered:

"She knows nothing."

"Very well! we will give her a surprise."

"What does this mean? He doesn't listen to me," thought f.a.n.n.y.

She sprang to her feet and went up to the young man, saying:

"I have a great deal to say to you, monsieur. I have some important explanations to make to you. I hope that you will be kind enough to escort me home, where we can talk without disturbing anyone."

Adolphine clung to Gustave's arm, as he replied with perfect tranquillity:

"Madame, I am very sorry to refuse; but I have determined never to enter your house again, and I do not require any explanation."

The little widow bit her lips in her wrath, while Adolphine breathed more freely.

"What, monsieur! Do you mean that you are afraid to come to my house?"

said f.a.n.n.y, trying to smile.

"I know very well, madame, that I have nothing to fear from your presence now. But I have no reason for calling upon you. Allow me to say, further, that I have every reason to be surprised at your invitation."

f.a.n.n.y paced the floor, with every indication of the most intense annoyance; at last she returned to Gustave, and said in a determined tone:

"I tell you again, monsieur, that I must speak to you alone, that I have some things to make known to you, which I can tell only to you. As you absolutely refuse to come to my house, I will speak to you here. My sister will be good enough, I trust, to leave us for a moment.--Oh! I will not abuse monsieur's good-nature."

Adolphine was sorely disturbed; she seemed not at all inclined to leave her sister alone with Gustave; but he took her hand and put it to his lips, saying:

"Since madame insists upon it, go, my dear Adolphine; but don't go far, for our interview will not be a long one."

"How gallant he is to my sister!" said f.a.n.n.y to herself, as Gustave escorted Adolphine to the door. "Well! we'll see about it!"

"We are alone, madame, and I am listening," said Gustave.

Instantly f.a.n.n.y threw herself at the young man's feet, crying in a tone which she tried to make heart-rending:

"Gustave! forgive me! Oh! in pity's name, forgive me, or I shall die here at your feet!"

"Rise, madame, I beg; I do not understand this scene at all."

"Ah! you do not choose to understand me; but I will not shrink from accusing myself! Yes, I was guilty, very guilty! Ambition, the longing to bear a t.i.tle, had turned my head. I did not know what I was doing; I was mad. You must know that it was not love which attracted me to the count. Poor man! No, I have never loved but one man, and that man--was you; yes, you--despite my idiotic conduct. And then--I don't know--but the last time that you found fault with me, it seemed to me that you were jealous. I am too sensitive; I lost my temper all of a sudden. But, I tell you again, I didn't know what I was doing! Gustave! my dear Gustave! I will not rise until you have granted my pardon!"

"Have you said all that you have to say, madame?" rejoined Gustave, with a calmness which disconcerted the little widow and induced her to rise.

"Yes, of course. I think that I have fully expressed my regret and my remorse, at least."

"Very well, madame, your wish is gratified; I forgive you--all the more freely, because, by not marrying me, you actually did me a very great service."

"What do you mean by that, monsieur? Surely that answer of yours is far from gallant."

"Oh! madame, you have given me the right not to be gallant to you.

Observe that I am not reproaching you; G.o.d forbid! But, frankly, you might well have spared yourself this last comedy. I can understand that you must have a very poor opinion of my sense--I have given you the right. But, after all, there are bounds to everything; and I didn't suppose that you considered me an absolute idiot. It seems that I flattered myself too much."

"What do you mean by _comedy_, monsieur? What is the significance of this tone, this satirical air?"

"Oh! let us not lose patience, madame; and to put an end to the discussion, allow me to present my wife."

As he spoke, Gustave stepped to the door and opened it. Adolphine appeared with a radiant face, for she had heard every word. She gave her hand to Gustave, and they both bowed to the little widow, who became white, red, and green, in turn, and who cried at last:

"Ah! so you are to marry my sister! I might have suspected as much! As you please, monsieur. In fact, you will suit each other admirably.

Accept my congratulations."

"Won't you come to my wedding, f.a.n.n.y?" said Adolphine, offering her sister her hand.

"Go to the devil!" she retorted, pus.h.i.+ng the hand away. And she rushed from the room, exclaiming: "I'd much rather you would marry him than I, for I think the fellow's perfectly frightful with his scar!"

On returning home from Monsieur Gerbault's, Gustave found Cherami waiting for him.

"Well! how is everything?" inquired Beau Arthur, when Gustave appeared.

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