The First Governess of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria Part 28

The First Governess of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria -

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259. Depuis c'est Inventaire fait, a recu le dit garde joyaux ung riche ciel de tapp.i.s.serie--fait par Pietre Tannemarie a Bruxelles, auquel est figure Dieu le Pere et le St. Esprit, environnez de plusieurs anges.

_Hornemens de Chappelle._

_Linge de Table._

260. Une riche nappe dama.s.see de grandes fleurs, de xii aulnes quart de long et iiii de largeur.

261. Une aultre nappe, ouvraige de Tournay, contenant vii aulnes de long iii aulnes de large.

262. Une aultre grosse nappe, ouvraige de Venise.

263. Une nappe en touaille dama.s.see, figuree de la Pa.s.sion au milieu et aussi du nom de Jesus.

De toutes lesquelles pieces de vaicelle d'or, d'argent, tapp.i.s.series et aultres biens, meubles, estans presentement es mains, des officiers cy devant nommes ou d'aultres officiers advenir--(ils en tiennent compte) Ainsi fait et conclud par madite Dame, en la ville d'Anvers, le xvii d'Avril MVXXIIII.


One wonders what became of such a large number of treasures and pictures. By Margaret's will, dated 20th of February 1508, and by the codicils of a later date, she left Charles V. her sole heir, but gave her religious pictures to the church of Brou. The first clause distributed the portraits and pictures throughout the royal residences of Austria and Spain; the second gave the others to Brou, where for more than two centuries they remained until they were plundered by sacriligious hands.

M. Baux, in his description of the church of Brou, has mentioned a fragment of Margaret's inventory, which he dates from 1533.

The inventory of 1516 was drawn up by Margaret herself, and the original, or at least the copy published by M. Le Glay, gives this same article thus written. The original, written on parchment and signed by the archd.u.c.h.ess herself, is in the collection said to be the 500 Colbert, in the Bibliotheque Nationale. M. Le Glay found in the archives at Lille, and published, an inventory written partly by Margaret and drawn up partly under her supervision. It would be interesting to verify if he has not made duplicate copies of pages drawn up at different times, and which describe the same picture several times over. The inventory of 1524 is more complete, richer, and longer.

The description of the following seven objects I have not noticed in the inventory of 1524:--

Ung tablaux d'argent dore, d'ungne nonciade a deux feuillies de porselleyne, la ou est (l'Ymaige) de feu roy don Philippe et la reyne Joanne, sa fame.

Ung pet.i.t preaux dedanz lequel a ungne Nostre Dame et ung Sainct Josef.

Ung autre: Au mylieu dudit preaux a ung aubepin flory et madame la d.u.c.h.esse de Norefork l'a donne a Madame.

Ung pet.i.t parady ou sont toux les apostres.

Ung pet.i.t tableau du chief d'un portugalois fait sans couleur par Maistre Jacques Barbaris.

Ung pet.i.t tableau du chief de la royne dame Ysabel, en son eage de x.x.x ans, fait par Maistre Michiel.

Ung tableaul de bonne paincture d'une belle fille esclave, sur la couverte duquel sont Charles Oursson, contrerolleur de Madame, et son pere, et aussi le chien de Madame qui s'appelle Boute (ou Bonte).

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