Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race Part 47

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NEMGLAN. Commands Conary go to Tara, 168; he declares Conarys _geise_, 168

NENNIUS. British historian in whose Historia Britonum (A.D. 800) is found first mention of Arthur, 336

NESSA. Daughter of Echid Yellow-heel, wife of Fachtna, mother of Conor, 180; loved by Fergus, 180

NETHERLANDS. Place-names of, Celtic element in, 27

NEW GRANGE. Tumulus at, regarded as dwelling-place of Fairy Folk, 69, 70; symbolic carvings at, 70, 71; the s.h.i.+p symbol at, 71-73; Angus Ogs palace at, 121; Angus fairy palace at Brugh na Boyna identical with, 143

NIAM (neeam).

1. Wife of Conall of the Victories; tends Cuchulain, 229; Bave puts a spell of straying on her, 230 2. Of the Golden Hair; daughter of the King of the Land of Youth, 270; Oisin departs with, 271, 272; permits Oisin to visit the Land of Erin, 273

NISSYEN. Son of Eurosswyd and Penardun, 366

NODENS. See Nudd

NUADA OF THE SILVER HAND (nooada). King of the Danaans, 107-108; his encounter with Balor, champion of the Fomorians, 117; belongs to Finns ancestry, 255; identical with solar deity in Cymric mythology, viz., Nudd or Lludd, 346, 347

NUDD, or LLUDD. Roman equivalent, Nodens.

A solar deity in Cymric mythology, 346, 347; identical with Danaan deity, Nuada of the Silver Hand, 347; under name Lludd, said to have had a temple on the site of St. Pauls, 347; entrance to Lludds temple called _Parth Lludd_ (British), which Saxons translated _Ludes Geat_our present Ludgate, 347; story of Llevelys and, 385, 386; Edeyrn, son of, jousts with Geraint for Enid, 399, 400

NUTS OF KNOWLEDGE. Drop from hazel-boughs into pool where Salmon of Knowledge lived, 256

NUTT, MR. ALFRED. Reference to, in connexion with the Hill of Ain, 128, 129; reference to, in connexion with Oisin-and-Patrick dialogues, 288, 289; reference to object of the tale of Taliesin in his edition of the Mabinogion, 412

NYNNIAW. Peibaw and, brothers, two Kings of Britain, their quarrel over the stars, 355, 356


ODONOVAN. A great Irish antiquary; folk-tale discovered by, 109-119

ODYNA, CANTRED OF. Dermots patrimony, 300



References to his Critical History of Ireland on the founding of Emain Macha, 119, 120, 151, 152; his Masque of Finn referred to, 280, 281 2. STANDISH HAYES.

Reference to his Silva Gadelica, 250, 276, 281

OCEAN-SWEEPER. Mananans magical boat, 125

ODYSSEY, THE. Mr H.B. Cotterills hexameter version, quotation from, 79, 80

OGMA. Warrior of Nuada of the Silver Hand, 112, 118

OISIN (usheen). Otherwise Little Fawn.

Son of Finn, greatest poet of the Gael, 261; father of Oscar, 261; buries Aideen, 261; birth of, from Saba, 266-270; loved by Niam of the Golden Hair, 270-272; returns from Land of Youth, 273; Keelta and, resolve to part, 282; a.s.sists Keelta bury Oscar, 307

OLD CELTIC ROMANCES. Reference to Dr. P.W. Joyces, 303, 309, 312

OLLAV. Definition of the term, 149

OLLAV FOLA. Eighteenth King of Ireland from Eremon, the most distinguished Ollav of Ireland, 149-150; compared with Goban the Smith and Amergin the Poet, 150

OLWEN. The story of Kilhwch and, 386-392; daughter of Yspaddaden, 387; how she got the name She of the White Track, 390; bride of Kilhwch, 392

ORLAM. Slain by Cuchulain, 209

OSCAR. Son of Oisin; slays Linn, 261; Aideen, wife of, 261; her death after battle of Gowra, 261; type of hard strength, 262; reference to death at battle of Gowra, 275; his death described, 306, 308

OSIRIS. Feet of, symbol of visitation, in Egypt, 77

OSSIANIC SOCIETY. Transactions of, 278-280; battle of Gowra (Gabhra) described in, 305

OSTHANES. Earliest writer on subject of magic, 62

OTHER-WORLD. Keelta summoned from, 81; faith of, held by Celts, 82; Mercury regarded by Gauls as guide of dead to, 87

OWAIN. Son of Urien; plays chess with King Arthur, 393; the Black Knight and, 396-399; seen by Peredur, 401

OWEL. Foster-son of Mananan and a Druid, father of Ain, 127

OWEN. Son of Duracht; slays Naisi and other sons of Usna, 201

OWENS OF ARAN. Ailill, of the sept of, 311; Maeldun goes to dwell with, 311

OWL OF CWM CAWLWYD (coom cawlwud), THE, 392


PATRICK, ST. Ireland apostolised by, 51; symbol of the feet and, 77

PASTHOLAN. His coming into Ireland from the West; his origin, 96

PARTHOLANIANS. Battle between the Fomorians and, 97; end of race by plague on the Old Plain, 97; Nemedians akin to, 101

PEIBAW. Nynniaw and, two brothers, Kings of Britain, their quarrel over the stars, 355, 356

PENARDUN. Daughter of Don, wife of Llyr, and also of Eurosswyd, sister of Math, 349, 366; mother of Bran, also of Nissyen and Evnissyen, 366


Danaans dwindle into fairies, otherwise the, 137

PERDICCAS II. Son of Amyntas II., killed in battle, 23

PEREDUR. The tale of, and the origin of the Grail Legend, 400, 407; corresponds to Perceval of Chrestien de Troyes, 400

PERGAMOS. Black Stone of, subject of from Rome during Second Punic War, 66

PERILOUS GLEN. Cuchulain escapes beasts of, 187

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