Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race Part 41

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GALIOIN. See Firbolgs, 103

GALLES, M. REN. Tumulus of Man-er-Hoeck described by, 63

GARACH. Mac Roth views Ulster men on Plain of, 223; the battle of, 223-225

GAUL-S. Under Roman yoke, 35; Csars account of, 37; described by Diodorus Siculus, 41, 42; described by Ammia.n.u.s Marcellinus, 42; Dr. Rice Holmes describes, 43; commerce on Mediterranean, Bay of Biscay, &c., of, 44; religious beliefs and rites described by Julius Csar, 51, 52; human sacrifices in, 84; votive inscriptions to sus, Teutates, and Tara.n.u.s, found in, 86, 87; Dis, or Pluto, a most notable G.o.d of, 88; dead carried from, to Britain, 131; Maon taken to, 153

GAULOIS, LA RELIGION DES. Reference to, 55, 83

GAUVAIN (SIR GAWAIN). Fellow-knight with Perceval, 406

GAVRINIS. Chiromancy at, 64

GEENA MAC LUGA. Son of Luga, one of Finns men, 262; Finn teaches the maxims of the Fianna to, 262, 263

GEIS-E (singular, gaysh; plural, gaysha). The law of the, 164; meaning of this Irish word explained, 164; instances: Dermot of the Love Spot, Conary Mor, and Fergus mac Roy, 165; Grania puts Dermot under, 298

GELON. Defeat of Hamilcar by, at Himera, 22

GENEALOGY. Of Conary Mor, from Eochy, 164; of Conor mac Nessa, from Ross the Red, 181; of Cuchulain and Conall of the Victories, from Druid Cathbad, 181; of Don, 350; of Llyr, 351; of Arthur, 352

GENEIR. Knight of Arthurs court, 401

GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. Bishop of St. Asaph; his Historia Regum Britani written to commemorate Arthurs exploits, 337

GERAINT. The tale of Enid and, 399, 400

GERALD, EARL. Son of G.o.ddess Ain, 128

GERMAN (ghermawn_g_ hard). Diuran and, companions of Maeldun on his wonderful voyage, 313

GERMANIC WORDS. Many important, traceable to Celtic origin, 32

GERMANS. Menace to cla.s.sical civilisation of, under names of Cimbri and Teutones, 31; de Jubainvilles explanation regarding, as a subject people, 31; overthrow of Celtic supremacy by, 33; burial rites practised by, 33; chast.i.ty of, 41

GERMANY. Place-names of, Celtic element in, 27

GILLA DACAR (The Hard Gilly). Story of, 292-295

GILVAETHWY. Son of Don, nephew of Math, 378; his love for Goewin, and its sequel, 378-380

GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS. Testimony to the fairness of the Irish Celt, 21.

See Bleheris

GLEN ETIVE. Dwelling place of Naisi and Deirdre, 198

GLOUCESTER. Mabon released from prison in, 392; the nine sorceresses of, 404

GLOWER. The strong man of the Wee Folk, 246

GLYN CUCH. Pwylls hunt in woods of, 357

GOBAN THE SMITH. Brother of Kian and Sawan; corresponds to Wayland Smith in Germanic legend, 110, 117; Ollav Fola compared with, 150

G.o.d. Cythrawl and, two primary existences in the Cymric cosmogony, standing for principles of life and destruction, 333-335; the ineffable Name of, p.r.o.nounced, and the Manred formed, 333

G.o.dS. Megalithic Peoples conception of their, 86, 87; of Aryan Celts, equated by Csar with Mercury, Apollo, Mars, &c , 86; triad of, sus, Teutates, and Tara.n.u.s, mentioned by Lucan, 86; Lugh, or Lugus, the G.o.d of Light, 88

GOEWIN (go-aywin). Daughter of Pebin; Gilvaethwys love for, and its sequel, 378-380

GOLASECCA. A great settlement of the Lowland Celts, in Cisalpine Gaul, 56

GOLEUDDYDD. Wife of Kilydd; mother of Kilhwch, 386, 387

GOLL MAC MORNA. Son of Morna, captain of the Fianna of Erin, 257; swears service to Finn, 258; Finn recalls the great saying of, 267; rescues Finn from the enchanted cave, 277, 278; Keva of the White Skin given as wife to, 278; adventure with the wether, 291, 292

GONEMANS. Knight who trains Perceval (Peredur), 405

GORBODUC. Historia Regum Bntani furnished subject for, 337 338

GORIAS, THE CITY OF (see Dana), 105, 106

GOWRA (GABHRA). References to Oscars death at, 261-275; battle of, between Clan Bascna and Clan Morna, 305-309; Oscars death at, 305-308; King of Irelands death at, 306

GRAIL. Legends of the, 400; the tale of Peredur and the 400; Chrestien de Troyes story of, 404; identical with the Cup ot the Last Supper, 406; Wolfram von Eschenbachs conception of the story of the 407; preserved in Castle of Munsalvsche, 407; the, a talisman of abundance, 409; false derivation of the word, from _grable_, 409; true derivation, 409, _note_; combination of Celtic poetry, German mysticism, Christian Chivalry, and ancient sun-myths contained in, 411, 412

GRANIA. Loved by Dermot of the Love Spot, 123; elopes with Dermot, 261; tales of Deirdre and, compared, 296-304; borne to Hill of Allen as Finns bride, 304

GREAT BRITAIN. Western extremity of, is Land of the Dead, 131

GREECE. Dolmens found in, 53; oppression in, of the Firbolgs, 102, 103

GREEK-S. Celts and, 17; wars in alliance with Celts, 22; break monopoly of Carthaginian trade with Britain and Spain, 22; secure overland route across France to Britain 22; type of civilisation, Celtica preserved, 22

GREY OF MACHA. Cuchulains horse, ridden by Sualtam to rouse men of Ulster, 221, 222; resists being harnessed by Laeg, 230; mortally wounded by Erc, 232; defends Cuchulain, 233

GRONW PEBYR (gronoo payber).

Loved by Blodeuwedd, 383; slain by Llew, 384

GUAIRY, HUGH (gwairy).

Arrested for murder, and tried at Tara by Dermot, 48

GUARY (gwary).

High King; taunts Sanchan Torpest about the Tain, 234


Her collections of tales, 412 See Mabinogion

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