De Re Metallica Part 28

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Cupel _Catillus _Capelle_ cinereus_

Cupellation _Secunda _Treibherd_ furnace fornax_

Flux _Additamentum_ _Zusetze_ p. 232

Furnace _Cadmia _Mitlere und accretions fornac.u.m_ obere offenbruche_

Galena _Lapis _Glantz_ Lead sulphide p. 110 plumbarius_

Gla.s.s-gall _Recrementum _Gla.s.sgallen_ Skimmings from p. 235 vitri_ gla.s.s melting

Grey antimony or _Stibi_ or _Spiesglas_ Antimony sulphide, p. 428 stibium _stibium_ stibnite

Hearth-lead _Molybdaena_ _Herdplei_ The saturated p. 476 furnace bottoms from cupellation

Hoop (iron) _Circulus _Ring_ A forge for p. 226 ferreus_ crucibles

Iron filings _Ferri scobs _Eisen feilich_ Metallic iron elimata_

Iron scales _Squamae ferri_ _Eisen Partly iron oxide hammerschlag_

Iron slag _Recrementum _Sinder_ ferri_

Lead ash _Cinis plumbi _Pleiasche_ Artificial lead p. 237 nigri_ sulphide

Lead granules _Globuli _Gekornt plei_ Granulated lead plumbei_

Lead ochre _Ochra _Pleigeel_ Modern ma.s.sicot p. 232 plumbaria_ (PbO)

Lees of _aqua_ _Feces aquarum _Scheidewa.s.ser Uncertain p. 234 which separates quae aurum ab heffe_ gold from argento silver secernunt_

Dried lees of _Siccae feces _Heffe des Argol p. 234 vinegar aceti_ essigs_

Dried lees of _Feces vini _Wein heffen_ Argol p. 234 wine siccae_

Limestone _Saxum calcis_ _Kalchstein_

Litharge _Spuma argenti_ _Glette_

Lye _Lixivium_ _Lauge durch Mostly potash p. 233 a.s.schen gemacht_

m.u.f.fle _Tegula_ _m.u.f.fel_ Latin, literally "Roof-tile"

Operculum _Operculum_ _Helm oder Helmet or cover alembick_ for a distillation jar

Orpiment _Auripigmentum_ _Operment_ Yellow sulphide p. 111 of a.r.s.enic (As_{2}S_{3})

Pyrites _Pyrites_ _Kis_ Rather a genus p. 112 of sulphides, than iron pyrite in particular

Pyrites (Cakes _Panes ex _Stein_ Iron or Copper p. 350 from) pyrite matte conflati_

Realgar _Sandaraca_ _Rosgeel_ Red sulphide of p. 111 a.r.s.enic (a.s.s)

Red lead _Minium_ _Menning_ Pb_{3}O_{4} p. 232

Roasted copper _Aes ustum_ _Gebrandt Artificial p. 233 kupffer_ copper sulphide (?)

Salt _Sal_ _Saltz_ NaCl p. 233

Salt (Rock) _Sal fossilis_ _Berg saltz_ NaCl p. 233

_Sal _Sal A stock flux? p. 236 artificiosus_ artificiosus_

Sal ammoniac _Sal _Salarmoniac_ NH_{4}Cl p. 560 ammoniacus_

Saltpetre _Halinitrum_ _Salpeter_ KNO_{3} p. 561

Salt (refined) _Sal facticius NaCl purgatus_

_Sal tostus_ _Sal tostus_ _Gerost saltz_ Apparently p. 233 simply heated or melted common salt

_Sal _Sal _Gerost saltz_ p. 233 torrefactus_ torrefactus_

Salt (melted) _Sal _Geflossen Melted salt or p. 233 liquefactus_ saltz_ salt gla.s.s

Scorifier _Catillus _Scherbe_ fictilis_

Schist _Saxum fissile_ _Schifer_

Silver minerals (see note 8, p. 108)

Slag _Recrementum_ _Schlacken_

Soda _Nitrum_ Mostly soda from p. 558 Egypt, Na_{2}CO_{3}

Stones which _Lapides qui _Flus_ Quartz and p. 380 easily melt facile igni fluorspar liquesc.u.n.t_

Sulphur _Sulfur_ _Schwefel_ p. 579

_Tophus_ _Tophus_ _Topstein_ Marl(?) p. 233

Touchstone _Coticula_ _Goldstein_

Venetian gla.s.s _Venetianum vitrum_

Verdigris _Aerugo _Grunspan_ Copper p. 440 oder sub-acetate Spanschgrun_

Vitriol _Atramentum _Kupferwa.s.ser_ Mostly FeSO_{4} p. 572 sutorium_

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