A Concise Dictionary of Middle English - LightNovelsOnl.com
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+Naylen+, _v._ to nail, Cath.; +na?len+, S; +nailen+, PP, C2.
+Nayten+, _v._ employ, use, S2, WA.--Icel. _neyta_; cp. AS. _notian_; weak verb, from Icel. _njota_; cp. AS. _neotan_. Cf. +Noten+.
+Naytly+, _adv._ neatly, fit for use, S2.--From Icel. _neytr_, fit for use.
+Naytyn+, _v._ to deny, Prompt., SD, HD.--Icel. _neita_. Cf. +Niten+.
+Ne+, _adv._ and _conj._ not, nor, S, S2, S3.--AS. _ne_, not, nor.
+Neb+, _sb._ face, S, HD. _Der._: +nebsseft+, face, appearance, presence, S2; +nebscheft+, SD.--AS. _nebb_, beak, face (OET).
+Nece+, _sb._ niece, PP; +neipce+, granddaughter, S3; +neece+, WW (p. 417).--AF. _nece_, _niece_; Late Lat. _neptia_; in the place of Lat.
_neptis_, a granddaughter, a niece; see BH, -- 32.
+Nedde+, _pt. s._ had not, S; see +Nabben+.
+Nedder+, _sb._ adder, snake, H; +neddyr+, Cath., Prompt.; +neddere+, Cath. (_n_); +neddre+, S; +nedyr+, Voc.; +nedyre+, Voc.; +naddren+, _pl._, S; +nadres+, S; +nedris+, HD; +neddren+, S. _Comb._: +nedyrcopp+, spider, Voc.--AS. _naedre_: Goth. _nadrs_; cp. OHG. _natra_ (Tatian).
+Nede+, _sb._ need, peril, business, also as _pred. adj._ necessary, needful, C2, W, PP; +neode+, PP, S; +niede+, S; +neod+, S, S2, PP; +ned+, S; +need+, C2; +neid+, B; +nedes+, _pl._, S2, PP; +nede+, _adv._, necessarily, S, C2, PP; +nedes+, needs, of necessity, S2, C, PP; +nedis+, W; +neodes+, S2, PP; +needely+, C; +nedelich+, W. _Der._: +nedful+, needy, necessary, S; +nedfol+, S2, PP; +neodful+, S, PP; +needles+, needlessly, C2; +neidwais+, of necessity, S2, B.--OMerc.
_ned_ (VP), AS. _nd_: Goth. _nauths_; cp. OS. _nod_, OHG. _not_ (Tatian).
+Neden+, _v._ to force, compel, to need, S; +neid+, B; +nede+, _pr.
s._, there is need, it is necessary, PP, C; +neode+, S, PP.--AS.
_nedan_ (OET).
+Nedle+, _sb._ needle, C3, P; +nedele+, PP; +nedel+, PP; +nelde+, PP; +neelde+, PP.--_Der._: +nedelere+, needle-seller, PP; +neldere+, PP.--AS. _n?dl_: OHG. _nadela_, also _nalda_ (Tatian).
+Neer+, _adj. comp._ nearer, C2; see +Nerre+.
+Neet+, _sb._ ox, cattle, PP, S, S2, C; +net+, S; +niatt+, S; +nowt+, S; +nete+, H, PP. _Comb._: +neet-hirde+, _sb._ neat-herd, Prompt.--AS.
_neat_, ox, cattle: Icel. _naut_; cp. OHG. _noz_, 'jumentum' (Tatian).
+Nefen+, _v._ to name, S2; see +Neuenen+.
+Ne-for-thi+, _adv._ nevertheless, S2.--AS. _ne for _.
+Neghen+, _num._ nine, S2; see +Nyne+.
+Nehlechen+, _v._ to approach, S; +neolechin+, S.--AS. _neal?can_ from _neah_. See +Neih+.
+Neih+, _adv._ nigh, nearly, almost, PP, S; +neyh+, G; +neh+, S, S2; +ney+, PP, S; +ne?+, S; +negh+, PP; +ny+, PP, Prompt.; +ni?+, W; +ny?+, W, W2; +neigh+, S2; +nei?e+, P; +neighe+, PP; +ny?e+, PP. _Comb._: +neyhebour+, neighbour, G; +neighebor+, C2; +neighburgh+, S2; +nehgebur+, S; +neihhond+, close at hand, S.--AS. _neah_; cp. OHG. _nah_ (Tatian).
+Neihen+, _v._ to be nigh to, to approach, PP; +neighen+, PP; +neghen+, PP, H, S2; +nei?en+, PP, W; +ne?en+, S2; +ne?h+, S2; +ney?hen+, S2.--AS.
_nehwan_: Goth. _nehwjan_, from _nehwa_, nigh. See +Neih+.
+Neipce+, _sb._ granddaughter, S3; see +Nece+.
+Neither+, _neg. p.r.o.n._ and _conj._ neither, SD; +neyer+, S; +noither+, P; +neithyr+, Prompt.; +nethir+, not, W.--AS. _ne_ + _?ghwaeer_. See +Eier+.
+Nei?+, _in phr._ +no nei?+ _for_ +non ei?+, i.e. no eggs, S2. See +Ey+.
+Nekke+, _sb._ neck, S, C, PP. _Comb._; +nekke-boon+, neck-bone, S2, C2; +nekke-bon+, PP.--AS. _hnecca_ (OET.).
+Nelle+, _1_ and _3 pr. s._ will not, PP, S; +nell+, S; +nel+, S; +nele+, S; +nulle+, S, PP; +nule+, S; +nul+, PP, S2; +nile+, S, PP; +nil+, PP, C2; +nullich+, I will not, S; +nulich+, S; +nuly+, S2; +nult+, _2 pr. s._, wilt not, S; +neltu+, thou wilt not, S; +neltow+, P; +nultu+, S; +nelle+, _pl._, S; +nolle+, S2; +nollen+, PP; +nulle+, S; +nulen+, S; +nolde+, _pt. s._, would not, S, PP; +nalde+, S.--AS.
_nyllan_. See +Wille+.
+Nemnen+, _v._ to name, mention, call, S, S2, S3; +nempnen+, PP, S2.--AS. _nemnan_: Goth. _namnjan_. Cf. +Neuenen+.
+Neod+, +Neodes+; see +Nede+.
+Neode+, _pr. s._ is needful, S; see +Neden+.
+Neomen+, _v._ to take, receive, S; see +Nimen+.
+Neomenye+, _sb._ feast of the new moon, W.--Lat. _neomenia_ (Vulg.); Gr. ??????a, ?e????a.
+Neowcin+, _sb._ harm, injury, S.--Icel. _nausyn_, need, impediment, see SkD (s.v. _essoin_, p. 802).
+Neowe+, _adj._ new, S; see +Newe+.
+Neowel+, _adj._ deep; +niwel+, SD; +nuel+, SD. _Der._: +neowelnesse+, the deep, abyss, S.--AS. _neowol_, _neol_, _niwol_, p.r.o.ne, deep (GET, Grein).
+Neo?e+, _num._ nine, S2; see +Nyne+.
+Neppe+, _sb._ turnip, _rapa_, Voc.; +nepe+, Alph.--AS. _n?p_; Lat.
+Nercotyk+, _sb._ narcotic, C.--Late Lat. _narcotic.u.m [medicamen]_, (SB); Gr. ?a???t????, benumbing.
+Nere+, _sb._ kidney, Voc.; +neere+, Prompt.; +neres+, _pl._, reins, H; +nerys+, _ren_, Voc. _Comb._: +kidnere+, kidney, SkD; +kydney+, Voc.--Icel. _nra_, pl. _nru_: OHG. _niero_; cp. Gr. ?ef??? see Curtius, ii. 93.
+Nere+, _pt. pl._ were not, S, S2, C; see +Nam+.
+Nerre+, _adj._ and _adv. comp._ nearer, H, PP; +narre+, H; +nere+, PP; +ner+, PP, C2, C; +nier+, S; +neer+, W, C2. _Comb._: +nerhand+, nearly, H.--AS. _nearra_ (_neara_), adj.; _near_, adv.
+Neruwe+, _adj._ narrow, S; see +Narwe+.
+Nes+, _pt. s._ was not, S, S2; see +Nam+.
+Nesche+, _adj._ tender, soft, S; +nesshe+, S; +neshe+, Voc.; +nesh+, ND; +nasche+, S2; +neische+, W2; +nesse+, HD. _Der._: +nesshede+, tenderness, S2.--AS. _hnesce_.
+Neschen+, _v._ to soften, SD; +nesshen+, S; +nessen+, H; +neyssen+, H.--AS. _hnescian_.
+Nese+, _sb._ nose, S, S2, Prompt., PP, Voc.; +neose+, PP; +nose+, Voc.; +noose+, W A. _Comb._: +nosebleed+, the plant yarrow, Alph.; +noseblede+, _millifolium_, Alph.; +nese-hende+, _purulus_, Voc.; +nese-thirl+, nostril, H; +nes-thyrylle+, Voc.; +nose-thirl+, W2; +nose-thurl+, C; +noyss-thyrlys+, _pl._, S3.--AS. _nosu_; cp. OHG.
_nasa_; see Kluge, and Sievers, 274.
+Nesen+, _v._ to sneeze; +nesyn+, Prompt.; +neese+, WW.--Cp. Icel.