A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 147

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+Myrie+, _adj._ pleasant, W2; see +Mery+.

+Myrk+, _adj._ dark, S2, H; see +Merke+.

+Myrk+, _v._ to darken, H.

+Mys-+, _prefix_; _see both_ +Mis-+ _and_ +Mes-+.

+Mysteir+, _v._ to be necessary, B; +mysters+, _pr. s._ is needful, WA.

+Myster+, _sb._ trade, occupation, PP; see +Mester+.

+Myster+, _sb._ need, want, C, WA, B; see +Mester+.

+Mystir+, _adj._ lacking, needful, B.

+Mystyrit+, _pp._ injured by loss (of blood), S3.

+Myteyne+, _sb._ cuff, glove, Prompt., S3; +miteyn+, C3; +mytane+, Cath.; +myttan+, Voc.--OF. _mitaine_ (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. _mitana_ (Ducange).

+My?t+, _sb._ power, S2; see +Myght+.

+My?te+, _pt. s._ might, S2; see +Mahte+.


+Na+, _adv._ not, S; see +No+.

+Na+, _adj._ no, S; see +Nan+.

+Nabben+, _v._ not to have; +naue+, _1 pr. s._, PP; +nauest+, _2 pr.

s._, S; +nauestu+, thou hast not, S; +nastu+, S; +naue+, _pr. s._, S; +na+, S, PP, S2; +ne+, S2; +nabbe+, _pl._, S2; +naue+, S2; +nadde+, _pt. s._, S; +nad+, PP; +nedde+, PP, S2; +nauedes+, _2 pt. s._, S; +naeueden+, _pl._, S.--AS. _nabban_ (= _ne habban_).

+Nabod+, _for_ +Ne abod+, abode not, S. See +Abiden+.

+Nacioun+, _sb._ nation, C; +nacion+, Cath., WA.--AF. _nacioun_, _naciun_; Lat. _nationem_.

+Naddren+, _pl._ adders, S; +nadres+, S; see +Nedder+.

+Nadrinke+, _for_ +Ne adrinke+, let (it) not drown, S.

+Naht+, _sb._ night, SD; see +Nyght+.

+Naht+, _adv._ not, S; see +Nought+.

+Nahte+, _pt. s._ had not, S; see +Owen+.

+Naked+, _adj._ naked, bare, undefended by body-armour, PP, C3; +naket+, PP, S; +nakid+, S2; +nakit+, S2. _Phr._: +in naked bedde+, _au lict couche tout nud_, Palsg., HD, ND.--AS. _nacod_; cp. OHG. _nakot_ (Otfrid), Icel. _naktr_.

+Naken+, _v._ to lay bare, SkD (s.v. _naked_).--ONorth. _(ge)nacian_ (Mk. 2. 4).

+Naker+, _sb._ kettle-drum, S2, C, HD.--OF. _nacre_, also _nagaire_, _nacaire_, _naquaire_, _anacaire_ (cp. Byzantine Gr. ????a???); a word borrowed from the Turks; cp. Kurdish _nakara_, see Ducange, Diez.

+Naknen+, _v._ to strip; +nacnes+, _pr. s._, S; +nakned+, _pp._, HD.

+Nale+; _in phr_. +Atte nale+ for +At ten ale+ (+at en ale+), at the ale, P. See +Ale+.

+Nam+, _1 pr. s._ am not, S, S2, P, C; +naem+, S; +nart+, _2 pr. s._, S, S2; +nis+, _pr. s._, is not, S, C, C2; +nys+, S; +nas+, _pt. s._, S, S2, HD, PP; +nes+, S, S2; +nere+, _pl._, S, S2, C; +neoren+, S; +nare+, S.--ONorth. _nam_ (= _ne am_).

+Nam+, _pt. s._ took, S; see +Nimen+.

+Nameliche+, _adv._ especially, S2, C; see +Nomeliche+.

+Nan+, _adj._ none, no, S; see +Non+.

+Nap+, _sb._ cup, S; +neppe+, _dat._, S.--AS. _hnaep_ (Voc.); cp. OHG.

_hnapf_, OF. _hanap_ (Bartsch), Low Lat. _nappus_ (Ducange).

+Nappen+, _v._ to nap, slumber, nod, PP, C3, W. _Der._: +napping+, slumber, W2; +nappy+, sleep-inducing, S3, ND.--AS. _hnaeppian_.

+Nap.r.o.n+, _sb._ ap.r.o.n, SkD; +naprun+, Prompt.--OF. _naperon_, from _nape_, a cloth; Low Lat. _napa_; Lat. _mappa_ (Punic word).

+Narde+, _sb._ nard, an unguent, W.--Lat. _nardus_ (Vulg.); Gr. ?a?d??

(Persian word).

+Narwe+, _adj._ narrow, C; +narewe+, S; +nareu+, S; +narw?+, W; +nearowe+, S; +neruwe+, S; +narwe+, _adv._, closely, PP.--AS. _nearu_, adv. _nearwe_.

+Nas+, _pt. s._ was not, S, S2; see +Nam+.

+Nat+, _for_ +Ne at+, nor at, S2.

+Na+, _pr. s._ has not, S, PP, S2; see +Nabben+.

+Natiuite+, _sb._ nativity, S2, C2.--OF. _nativite_ (Cotg.); Lat.


+Natte+, _sb._ mat, _scorium_, _buda_, Voc., Cath.; +natt+, HD, Voc.; +nat+, Palsg.--OF. _natte_ (Cotg.); Late Lat. _natta_; Lat. _matta_ (probably a variant of _mappa_). See +Nap.r.o.n+.

+Naue+, +Nauest+; see +Nabben+.

+Nau?ty+, _adj._ having nothing, very poor, P. See +Nought+.

+Nauele+, _sb._ navel, PP; +nawle+, W2; +naule+, PP; +navyle+, Voc.; +nawelle+, Voc.; +nawylle+, Voc.--AS. _nafela_.

+Nay+, _adv._ nay, PP, S3, WA; +nai+, S, S2. _Phr._: +nay whan+, nay when? i.e. not so, when (will you do it), S3; +withoute nay+, without denial, G; +it is no nay+, there is no denying it, G, C2.--Cp. Icel.


+Nayl+, _sb._ nail, finger-nail, S, C2; +nayle+, Voc.; +neil+, S; +nayles+, _pl._, PP.--AS. _naegel_ cp. Icel. _nagl_.

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