Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People Part 12

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" N. HALL, Dorchester.

" J.I.T. COOLIDGE, Boston.

" G.W. BRIGGS, Plymouth.

" A.A. LIVERMORE, Keene.

" J. WHITMAN, Lexington.

" J.W. THOMPSON, Salem.

" H.W. BELLOWS, New York.

" E.S. GANNETT, D.D., Boston.

" A.P. PEABODY, Portsmouth.

" J. WALKER, D.D., Cambridge.

" C. ROBBINS, Boston.

" G.E. ELLIS, Charlestown.

" G. PUTNAM, D.D., Roxbury.

" J.H. MORISON, Milton.

" A. YOUNG, D.D., Boston.

" E.B. HALL, D.D., Providence.

" S.G. BULFINCH, Nashua.

" O. DEWEY, D.D., New York.

" S. OSGOOD, Providence.

" A. HILL, Worcester.

" W.H. FURNESS, D.D., Philadelphia.

" N.L. FROTHINGHAM, D.D., Boston.

" E. PEABODY, Boston.


" C.A. BARTOL, "

" A.B. MUZZEY, Cambridge.

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This work is designed for families and Sunday Schools, and contains a comparison of each Gospel with the education, life, and character of its author, and with the purpose which he had in view in its composition; as also an account of the transmission of the Gospels down to our time, and the evidence of their uncorrupted preservation.

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Bringing into a simple and popular form, and small compa.s.s, information not hitherto accessible, except to a limited number of persons, the 'Gospel Narratives' will be interesting to the general reader, whether youthful or adult. It must, without doubt, be introduced in all our Sunday Schools, and will rank among the most important manuals."

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The first edition of this popular book was exhausted within a month after its publication.

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"We have been exceedingly interested in this book, and recommend it as a beautiful picture of female piety and quiet heroism, set in a frame of history and tradition, that cannot fail to please every one connected, however remotely, with the land of the Puritans. The accomplished author of 'The Life of Jean Paul' has produced an American novel which we should like to see followed by others ill.u.s.trative of the facts and manners of the olden time."--_Christian Inquirer._

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"We would express a high opinion of the book, and can a.s.sure the Christian reader who will compare it carefully with our common version, that he will rise up from the joint perusal of the two with a better understanding of Paul than he had before."--_Christian Register._


118. Price, 37-1/2 cents.

"Mr. Mountford is full of warm religious feeling. He brings religion home to the heart, and applies it as the guide of the life."--_London Inquirer._

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"The publishers have done good service by bringing forward an American edition of this work. It may be most unreservedly recommended, especially to the young."--_Daily Advertiser._

"Your gift of 'Self-Formation' is truly a welcome one, and I am greatly obliged to you for it. It is a work of quite original character, and I esteem it (in common with all I know of, who have read it) as possessed of very rare merit. I am glad, for the cause of good education and sound principle, that you have republished it, and I wish every young man and woman in the community might be induced to read it carefully. It is several years since I looked into it in the English edition,--but I yet retain a vivid impression of the great delight it afforded me, and I shall gladly avail of the opportunity of renewing it."--_Extract from a Letter._

"This is emphatically a good book, which may be read with profit by all, but more especially by young men, to whose wants it is admirably adapted. The American editor is no doubt right in saying, that it is almost without a question the most valuable and useful work on self education that has appeared in our own, if not in any other language."--_New York Tribune._


Second Edition, revised. 16mo. pp. 302. Price, 62-1/2 cents.

This book has met with a ready sale in this country, and has been republished in England. A London periodical, in reviewing it, says:--"We will venture to predict that it will soon take its place on the shelves of our religious libraries, beside Ware 'On the Christian Character,' Greenwood's 'Lives of the Apostles,' and other works to which we might refer as standard publications, the value of which is not likely to be diminished by the lapse of time or the caprices of fas.h.i.+on."

"The sense of duty in parents and teachers may be strengthened and elevated by contemplating the high standard which is here held up to them. The style has the great merit of being an earnest one, and there are many pa.s.sages which rise into genuine eloquence and the glow of poetry."--_N.A. Review._

"The Lecture 'On the Best Means of exerting a Moral and Spiritual Influence in Schools,' no teacher, male or female, possessed of any of the germs of improvement, can read without benefit."--_Hon. Horace Mann, Secretary of the Board of Education._

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pp. 272. Price, 75 cents.

"We are glad to see this book. It is a work of great and peculiar excellence. It is not a compilation from other books of devotion; nor is it made up of conventional phrases and Scripture quotations, which have been so long employed as the language of prayer, that they are repeated without thought and without feeling. It is admirably adapted to the purpose for which it was written; and it may be read again and again with great interest and profit by any one, who desires to enrich his mind with the purest sentiments of devotion, and with the language in which it finds its best expression. Here we have the genuine utterances of religious sensibility,--fresh, natural, and original, as they come from a mind of singular fertility and beauty, and a heart overflowing with love to G.o.d and love to man. They seem not like prayers made with hands, to be printed in a book, but _real praying_, full of spirit and life.... So remarkable is their tone of reality and genuineness, that we cannot bring ourselves to regard them as compositions written for a purpose, but rather as the actual utterances of a pure and elevated soul in reverent and immediate communion with the Infinite Father."--_Christian Examiner._

LAYS FOR THE SABBATH. A Collection of Religious Poetry. Compiled by EMILY TAYLOR. Revised, with Additions, by JOHN PIERPONT. 16mo. pp.

288. Price, 75 cents.

"It is simple and unpretending: and though some of the pieces are probably familiar to most readers, they all breathe a pure and elevated spirit, and here and there is an exquisite effusion of genius, which answers to the holiest wants of the soul.

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