Hypolympia Part 23

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Shall we recollect this little episode when we walk up the golden street presently to our houses?


I cannot think so, mother. That refinement of memory of which Phoebus was speaking will seem the most ridiculous of illusions there.


Yes; to cultivate illusion, to live in the past, to resuscitate experience, may be the amus.e.m.e.nts of mortality, but they mean nothing now to us. When Selene re-enters her orb, she will not disquiet herself about the disorders of its interregnum.

PALLAS [_hastily reascending_].

I have left Pandora's jewel behind me. I must fetch it.

HERMES [_the last to descend_].

Let me confess that I took it from you. One of the barbarians was weeping, and I wished, I cannot tell why, to see her smile. I gave your jewel to her.


It is of no moment. It would be an inconspicuous ornament in that blaze of the heart's beauty to which the white s.h.i.+ps are about to carry us.


Come, then, Pallas, and let us linger here no more.

[_They descend and disappear._]


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