Captain Bayley's Heir Part 40

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"Mr. Henty has probably not published a more interesting story than _The Lion of St. Mark_. He has certainly not published one in which he has been at such pains to rise to the dignity of his subject."--_The Academy._


A Tale of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion. By G. A. HENTY. With 12 full-page Ill.u.s.trations by JOHN SCHoNBERG. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, $150.

In this story Mr. Henty gives the history of the first part of the Thirty Years' War, a struggle unprecedented in length, in the fury with which it was carried on, and in the terrible destruction and ruin which it caused. The issue had its importance, which has extended to the present day, as it established religious freedom in Germany. The army of the chivalrous King of Sweden, the prop and maintenance of the Protestant cause, was largely composed of Scotchmen, and among these was the hero of the story. The chief interest of the tale turns on the great struggle between Gustavus and his chief opponents Wallenstein, Tilly, and Pappenheim.

"As we might expect from Mr. Henty the tale is a clever and instructive piece of history, and as boys may be trusted to read it conscientiously, they can hardly fail to be profited as well as pleased."--_The Times._

"A praiseworthy attempt to interest British youth in the great deeds of the Scotch Brigade in the wars of Guatavus Adolphus. Mackay, Hepburn, and Munro live again in Mr. Henty's pages, as those deserve to live whose disciplined bands formed really the germ of the modern British army."--_Athenaeum._

"A stirring story of stirring times. This book should hold a place among the cla.s.sics of youthful fiction."--_United Service Gazette._


"Mr. Henty's books never fail to interest boy readers."--_Academy._


A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem. By G. A. HENTY.

With 10 full-page Ill.u.s.trations by S. J. SOLOMON: and a coloured Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, $150.

Mr. Henty here weaves into the record of Josephus an admirable and attractive story. The troubles in the district of Tiberias, the march of the legions, the sieges of Jotapata, of Gamala, and of Jerusalem, form the impressive and carefully studied historic setting to the figure of the lad who from the vineyard to the service of Josephus, becomes the leader of a guerrilla band of patriots, fights bravely for the Temple, and after a brief term of slavery at Alexandria, returns to his Galilean home with the favour of t.i.tus.

"Mr. Henty's graphic prose pictures of the hopeless Jewish resistance to Roman sway add another leaf to his record of the famous wars of the world."--_Graphic._

"The story is told with all the force of descriptive power which has made the author's war stories so famous."--_Church Times._


Or the Beginnings of an Empire. By G. A. HENTY.

With 12 full-page Ill.u.s.trations by GORDON BROWNE, in black and tint. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, $150.

The period between the landing of Clive as a young writer in India and the close of his career was critical and eventful in the extreme. At its commencement the English were traders existing on sufferance of the native princes. At its close they were masters of Bengal and of the greater part of Southern India. The author has given a full and accurate account of the events of that stirring time, and battles and sieges follow each other in rapid succession, while he combines with his narrative a tale of daring and adventure, which gives a lifelike interest to the volume.

"In this book Mr. Henty has contrived to exceed himself in stirring adventures and thrilling situations. The pictures add greatly to the interest of the book." Review._

"Among writers of stories of adventure for boys Mr. Henty stands in the very first rank, and Mr.

Gordon Browne occupies a similar place with his pencil. . . . Those who know something about India will be the most ready to thank Mr. Henty for giving them this instructive volume to place in the hands of their children."--_Academy._

"He has taken a period of Indian History of the most vital importance, and he has embroidered on the historical facts a story which of itself is deeply interesting. Young people a.s.suredly will be delighted with the volume."--_Scotsman._


"Surely Mr. Henty should understand boys' tastes better than any man living."--_The Times._


A Story of the Times of Hannibal. By G. A. HENTY.

With 12 full-page Ill.u.s.trations by C. J.

STANILAND, R.I. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, $150.

Boys reading the history of the Punic Wars have seldom a keen appreciation of the merits of the contest. That it was at first a struggle for empire, and afterwards for existence on the part of Carthage, that Hannibal was a great and skilful general, that he defeated the Romans at Trebia, Lake Trasimenus, and Cannae, and all but took Rome, represents pretty nearly the sum total of their knowledge.

To let them know more about this momentous struggle for the empire of the world Mr. Henty has written this story, which not only gives in graphic style a brilliant description of a most interesting period of history, but is a tale of exciting adventure sure to secure the interest of the reader.

"The effect of an interesting story, well constructed and vividly told, is enhanced by the picturesque quality of the scenic background. From first to last nothing stays the interest of the narrative. It bears us along as on a stream, whose current varies in direction, but never loses its force." Review._

"Ought to be popular with boys who are not too ill instructed or too dandified to be affected by a graphic picture of the days and deeds of Hannibal."--_Athenaeum._


Or, The Winning of a Continent. By G. A. HENTY.

With 12 full-page Ill.u.s.trations by GORDON BROWNE.

Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, $150.

In the present volume Mr. Henty gives an account of the struggle between Britain and France for supremacy in the North American continent. On the issue of this war depended not only the destinies of North America, but to a large extent those of the mother countries themselves. The fall of Quebec decided that the Anglo-Saxon race should predominate in the New World; that Britain, and not France, should take the lead among the nations of Europe; and that English and American commerce, the English language, and English literature, should spread right round the globe.

"It is not only a lesson in history as instructively as it is graphically told, but also a deeply interesting and often thrilling tale of adventure and peril by flood and field."--_Ill.u.s.trated London News._

"A model of what a boy's story-book should be. Mr.

Henty has a great power of infusing into the dead facts of history new life, and his books supply useful aids to study as well as amus.e.m.e.nt."--_School Guardian._


"The brightest of all the living writers whose office it is to enchant the boys."--_Christian Leader._


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