Dio's Rome Volume I Part 5

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b.u.t.tNER-WOBST.--An account of Dio in the Cod. Peir. (Berichte der kgl.

sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., part 3.)

C.G. COBET.--Emendations. (Mnemos. N.S., Vol. 21, p. 395.)

B. HEISTERBERGK.--An emendation in XLVIII, 12. (Philol., Vol. 50, part 4.)

J.J.H.--An emendation of LXVII, 12. (Mnemos., Vol. 21, part 4.)

MAISEL.--A review of _Melber_. (Dio, Vol. 1.--Phil. Rundsch., March 4.)

S.A. NABER.--Four emendations. (Mnemos., Vol. 21, part 4.)


K. BURESCH.--A comment on Dio, LIV, 30, 3. (W. Kl. Ph., Jan. 24.)


AD. BAUER.--Dio's account of the war in Dalmatia and Pannonia (6-9 A.D.). (Archaologisch-Epigraphische Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich-Ungarn, 17th year, book 2.)

U. PH. BOISSEVAIN.--A review of _Maisel_ (Beitrage zur Wurdigung der Hdss. des Ca.s.sius Dio). (B.P.W., Apr. 13.)

K. JACOBY.--A review of _Maisel_. (Do. do.--W. Kl. Ph., July 3.)

Id.--A review of _Melber_. (Dio, Vol. 2.--Ibid.)

TH. MOMMSEN.--The miracle of the rain on the column of Marcus Aurelius. (Dio as a source.) (Hermes, Vol. 30, part 1.)

---- A review of _E. Kyhnitzsch_ (De contionibus quas Ca.s.sius Dio historiae suae intexuit, c.u.m Thucydideis comparatis). (Litt. Cbl., Oct.



U. PH. BOISSEVAIN.--A review of _E. Kyhnitzsch_. (t.i.tle just above.--B.P.W., Jan. 18.)

P. ERCOLE.--A review of _M.A. Micallela_ (La Fonte di Dione Ca.s.sio per le guerre galliche di Cesare). (Riv. di. Fil. e d'Istr. Cla.s.s., 25th year, part 1.)

PH. FABIA.--The statement of Dio about Nero and Pappaea shown to be parallel with that of Tacitus (Hist. I, 13). (Rev. de Phil., de Litt., et d'Hist. anciennes, Vol. 20, part 1.)

K. KUIPER.--De Ca.s.sii Dionis Zonaraeque historiis epistula critica ad Ursulum Philippum Boissevain. (Mnemos., N.S. Vol. 24.)

B. NIESE.--Dio's contributions to the history of the war against Pyrrhus. (Hermes, Vol. 31, part 4.)

F. VOGEL.--Dio worthless for facts regarding Caesar's second expedition into Britain. (N. JB. f. Ph. u. Pa., 1896, books 3 and 4.)

---- Dio LIII, 23, compared with inscription discovered at Philae, Egypt. (Philol., Vol. 55, part 1.)


D. DETLEFSEN.--Dio LIV, 32, as a sample of ancient knowledge in regard to the North Sea. (Hermes, Vol. 32, part 2.)

PH. FABIA.--_Ofonius_ rather than _Sophonius_ (Dio MSS.) for the gentile name of Tigillinus. (Rev. de Phil., de Litt., et d'Hist.

anciennes, Vol. 21, book 3.)

P. GAROFOLO.--A citation of Dio. (Jhrb. of I. Muller, 1897.)

B. KuBLER.--A review of _Melber_. (Dio, Vol. 2.--Deutsche LZ., March 6.)

Id.--A review of _Boissevain_. (Edition of Dio.--B.P.W., May 15.)

---- A mention of three articles by _Melber_.

1.) Der Bericht des Dio Ca.s.sius uber d. gall.

Kriege Casars.

2.) Des Dio Ca.s.sius Bericht uber d. Seeschlacht d. D. Brutus geg. d. Veneter.

3.) Dio Ca.s.sius uber d. letzten Kampfe geg.

S. Pompejus, 36 v. Chr.

(Jhrb. of I. Muller, 1897.)

---- Mention of a rearrangement favored by _Boissevain_ ("Ein verschobenes Fragment des Ca.s.sius Dio") who holds that a certain fragment, old style LXXV, 9, 6, properly belongs to the year 116 A.D.

and to Trajan's expedition against the Parthians.


b.u.t.tNER-WOBST.--Dio corrected in regard to an episode in the siege of Ambracia, 189 B.C. (Philol., Vol. 57, part 3.)

PH. FABIA.--An emendation and a change of order in Dio, LXI, 6, 6.

(Rev. de Phil., de Litt., et d'Hist. anciennes, 1898, book 2.)

J. KROMAYER.--Studies in the Second Triumvirate (Dio as a source).

(Hermes, Vol. 33, part 1.)

B. KuBLER.--A review of _Boissevain_. (Dio, Vol. 2.--B.P.W., Nov. 26 and Dec. 3.)

J. VAHLEN.--Varia. (Dio LV, 6 and 7, for date of death of Maecenas).

(Hermes, Vol. 33, part 2.)


WILH. CRoNERT.?-A study of 34 pp. on the transmission of the text of Dio. (Wiener Studien, 1899, book 1.)

K. JACOBY.--A review of _Boissevain_. (Dio, Vol. 1.--W. Kl. Ph., March 22.)

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