Rising Tide. Part 32

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FRENCH DOMINATION: George Reynolds, George Reynolds, Machine Politics in New Orleans, 1904-1926 Machine Politics in New Orleans, 1904-1926, p. 11.

faux stone fronts: S. Frederick Starr, Southern Comfort Southern Comfort, p. 261.

Modern poker: S. Frederick Starr, New Orleans Unmasqued New Orleans Unmasqued, pp. 79, 142.

their own symphony: Starr, New Orleans Unmasqued New Orleans Unmasqued, p. 127.

Women lowered baskets: Oral history of Marc Antony, FC.

"delight": Sherwood Anderson, "Certain Things Last," reprinted in NYT NYT, December 29, 1992.

Billy Cabildo's: Oral history of Albert Goldstein, FC.

lavish parties: Oral history of Leon Mann, FC.

Well-dressed doormen: Oral history of Virginia Barnett, FC.

"Yeah, music": Quotations from Louis Armstrong exhibit, New Orleans Museum of Art, January to April 1996.

"without a doubt": David Cohn, Where I Was Born and Raised Where I Was Born and Raised, pp. 61-62.

"Jazz is all": Quotations from Louis Armstrong exhibit.

"It was only": Quoted in Al Rose, Storyville, New Orleans Storyville, New Orleans (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1974), p. 94. (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1974), p. 94.

a drugstore sold cocaine: Ibid.

"Mardi Gras runs": Interview with Mrs. Ford T. Hardy, February 11, 1993.

"There is perhaps": Perry Young, The Mistick Krewe The Mistick Krewe, pp. 212-213.

"[Carnival] queens are": Walker Percy, "New Orleans, Mon Amour," Harper's Magazine Harper's Magazine, September 1968, p. 90.

"Yet he values": Interview with Walter Barnett, January 28, 1993.

"Often the men": Interview with Mrs. F. Evans Farwell, January 23, 1993.

Every Rex since 1888: Phyllis Raabe, "Status and Its Impact: New Orleans Carnival, the Social Upper Cla.s.s, and Upper Cla.s.s Power," Ph.D. diss., p. 63.

the disease had killed: John R. Kemp, ed., Martin Behrman of New Orleans, Memoirs of a City Boss Martin Behrman of New Orleans, Memoirs of a City Boss, p. 270.

"were largely formulated": Quoted in Landry, History of the Boston Club History of the Boston Club, pp. 115, 211; Angelo Miceli, The Pickwick Club of New Orleans The Pickwick Club of New Orleans, p. 70.

"he spoke": Interview with Ruth Dreyfous, January 5, 1993.

"Mother used": Ibid.

Rex went right on by: Oral history of Charles Kahn, FC.

Baron de Rothschild: Robert Tallant, Mardi Gras as It Was Mardi Gras as It Was, pp. 179-180.

"spirit of n.o.blesse oblige": Landry, p. 7.

"The aggregated amount": LP to Charles Claiborne, April 9, 1917, PFP.

"there is a discrepancy": M. Waterman to LP, January 9, 1923, PFP.

New Orleans had nearly: As measured by debits to individual accounts, cited in a.s.sociation of Commerce News Bulletin a.s.sociation of Commerce News Bulletin, January 23, 1923, ACP.

"a compulsory reduction": LP to L. M. Pool, October 12, 1926; LP to Fenner, October 14, 1926, PFP.

payments on bonds absorbed: a.s.sociation of Commerce News Bulletin a.s.sociation of Commerce News Bulletin, January 9, 1923, ACP; Bureau of Governmental Research (a local group), 1936 report, Special Collections, Earl Long Library, University of New Orleans.

the city could issue: The Sewerage and Water Board had the legal authority to issue bonds, but members of the Board of Liquidation automatically sat on it also, so in practice their approval was needed even for these bonds.

Twenty-four of: Raabe, "Status and Its Impact," pp. 140-141.

"ultra-exclusive": Young, p. 208.

the photograph of the Mystic Club queen: NOT-P NOT-P, February 27, 1927.


"Flood Water Is": SBV SBV, January 1, 1927.

"Thomson was an": Interview with Charles Dufour, December 20, 1992.

a dinner was given: NOI NOI, February 11, 1927.

The weakest levees: Memo from the Mississippi River Flood Control a.s.sociation to Army Liaison Office and Red Cross, April 23, 1927, RC.

"it offers protection": See undated report (probably late January or early February 1927) for the National Flood Commission, NOCA.

"was based on": See Kemper to Walter Parker, February 1, 1927; Kemper to Thomson, February 4 and March 27, 1927, NOCA; report on levees, unsigned, March 16, 1927, NOCA; Kemper speech to Round Table Club, April 8, 1937, Kemper Collection, Louisiana State Museum, Historical Division, New Orleans.

"Serious settlements": Report by S. Young, chief engineer of the Dock Board, to Garsaud, March 12, 1927, NOCA.

"decided improvement": Klorer to Thomson, April 10, 1927, NOCA. The date is misleading; the report covers an earlier inspection.

twenty-four-hour patrols: SBV SBV, April 9, 1927.

the Red Cross began: Henry Baker to Robert Bondy, May 3, 1927; two undated reports by Mrs. Charles Buck, General Chairman Women's Division Emergency Flood Relief; Ben Beekman to W. P. Simpson, July 22, 1927; all in RCP.

"the most insatiable": Schoot, "John M. Parker of Louisiana," Ph.D. diss., p. 104; Dabney, One Hundred Great Years One Hundred Great Years, p. 462.

"to refrain from publis.h.i.+ng": Reports of the Publicity Department, December 16, 1924; December 18, 1925; October 10, 1926; March 6, 1927; Charles Dunbar to three publishers, October 12, 1926; all in ACP.

"to avoid": Thomson general letter to members of the Safe River Committee, April 8, 1927.

"River Warning": See NOT, NOI, NOT-P NOT, NOI, NOT-P, and NOS NOS, April 9, 1927.

"The next boat": NOT-P NOT-P, April 23, 1927.

news, and fear, spread: Interview with Dufour.

Estimates of the number of dead: John Weems, A Weekend in September A Weekend in September (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993), pp. 114-115. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993), pp. 114-115.

He had refused: Cline, p. 114.

"You're jeopardizing lives": Ibid., pp. 197-200.

"Heavy Rains Raise River": NOI NOI, April 14, 1927.

Thomson had talked: NOT NOT, April 28, 1928.

"The Emergency Committee": Guy Deano to John Klorer, April 14, [1927?], NOCA.

Albert Baldwin Wood: Sebastian Junger, "The Pumps of New Orleans," Invention and Technology Invention and Technology (Fall 1992), p. 47. (Fall 1992), p. 47.

"I have been in": Kemper to Garsaud, December 24, 1925, NOCA.

"If the levees up river": Minutes of Orleans Levee Board, April 20, 1927.

the U.S. Surgeon General refused: Kemp, p. 143.

Dr. William Mercer: Landry, p. 105.

"You all make": Pierce Butler, The Unhurried Years The Unhurried Years, p. 128, 162.

"really quite off": Pierce Butler, Laurel Hill and Later Laurel Hill and Later, p. 102.

Butler almost never: Interview with Laura Bayon, February 10, 1993.

Butler's wife: Ibid.

Butler grew tired: Interview with Harry Kelleher, December 1, 1992; Kelleher himself was both Rex and president of the Boston Club; his daughter was Queen of Comus.

"He was an unattractive": Interview with Herman Kohlmeyer, December 10, 1992.

"I really want": Ibid.

"elegant": NOT-P NOT-P, January 12, 1996.

Butler turned to the men: The account of this meeting comes from several interviews, including those with Pearl Pool Amos, January 27, 1993; Meyer Dressner, February 2, 1993; and Charles Dufour, November 26, 1992. Another account is found in a transcript of the Proceedings of the Mississippi River Commission for 1926-1928 Proceedings of the Mississippi River Commission for 1926-1928, pp. 4355-4411, at the Humphreys Engineering Center, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. See also minutes of the meetings about the flood emergency and what became Jim Butler's quasi-official role, kept by Harry Caplan, secretary to the president of the Ca.n.a.l Bank, in the Caplan Papers.

The Caplan Papers, hereafter CP, are careful minutes of the executive committee of the Citizens Flood Relief Committee. The papers also include minutes of the full committee and minutes of other related meetings, as well as doc.u.ments, correspondence, and news clippings. Occasionally, the minutes provide actual stenographic transcripts of the most important meetings.

The Illinois Central: See ongoing fight between Hecht and Bernhard related in a.s.sociation of Commerce minutes-for example, April 21, 1927, and July 20, 1927, ACP. Also Walter Parker to Alfred Danziger, July 27, 1927, NOCA.

"The people of New Orleans": Interview with Pearl Pool Amos, January 27, 1993; see also Isaac Cline, Storms, Floods and Suns.h.i.+ne Storms, Floods and Suns.h.i.+ne, pp. 197-200.

As a boy: Butler, The Unhurried Years The Unhurried Years, p. 73.

"I believe": See above, note for p. 353 regarding account of this meeting.

"This is a wonderful": Interview with Charles Dufour, April 1, 1993.

As soon as O'Keefe: John Legier to Arthur O'Keefe, May 12, 1926, NOCA.

the levee board had just: CP.

A large Pythian convention: Testimony of Leondard Kieffer, HFCCH HFCCH, p. 255.

"more than five inches": See NOT NOT and and NOT-P NOT-P, April 16, 1927.

"Mr. and Mrs. James": NOT NOT, April 16, 1927.


In St. Bernard: Background on St. Bernard comes chiefly from interviews with William Hyland, January 4, 1993; Matthew Reuter, February 11, 1993; Lena Torres and Manny Fernandez, December 10, 1992; and Herman Kohlmeyer, December 30, 1992.

544 were swamp or marsh: "Historical Sketch, Inventory of the Parish Archives," 1938, p. 6, NOCA.

Louisiana produced more fur: Saxon, p. 331; SBV SBV, August 21, 1926, cited in Glenn Jeansonne, Leander Perez Leander Perez, p. 32.

150 pelts a day: Description of trapping and Delacroix Island come chiefly from interviews with Joseph Campo, November 23, 1992; Lily Silvera Lopez Raiborn, November 18, 1992; William Hyland, January 4, 1993; and Matthew Reuter, February 11, 1993.

"Meraux had a studied": Interview with William Hyland, January 4, 1993.

the 1905 yellow fever: NOT-P NOT-P, October 7, 1938; NOI NOI, October 7, 1938; SBV SBV, October 9, 1938.

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