The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 173

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6.--The most n.o.ble and famous Travels of Marco Polo one of the n.o.bility of the State of Venice, into the east Parts of the World, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with many other Kingdoms and Provinces. The translation of Marsden revised by Thomas Wright, F.S.A.--London: George Newnes; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904, 16mo, pp. x.x.xix-461, Portrait and maps.

7.--Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo, With an Introduction by Henry Morley. Ca.s.sell and Company, London, Paris, New York and Melbourne, MCMIV, 16mo, pp. 192, front.

8.--Everyman's Library, edited by Ernest Rhys--Travel and Topography--Marco Polo's Travels with an Introduction by John Masefield.

The Travels of Marco Polo the Venetian. London: Published by J.M. Dent & Co., and in New York by E.P. Dutton & Co., 16mo, pp. xvi-461, n. d.


9.--[Russian: Shemyakin', A.N.--Puteshestviya Venetsiantsa Marko Polo v'

XIII stod'tii, natsegatann'iya v' perv'iy raz' vpodi' na n'metskom' po duchs.h.i.+m' ietsaniyam' i s' ob'yasneniyami Avg. Byurkom' S' dopodneniyami i popravkami K.F. Nenmanna. Perevots' C' n'mstskago. Moskva, 1863.]

Had been published in [Russian: 'Iteniyakh' v' Nmn. Obsch. Istorii i Drevnostey Rossiiskikh' nri Mosk. Universitet']

Mentioned by Barthold in Minaev's _Marco Polo_.

10.--*Marco Polo's Resa i Asien ([Folkskrifter] allm. hist. No. 32) Stockholm, 1859, P.G. Berg.

11.--Venetianaren Marco Polos Resor i det XIII. rhundraded oversattning samt inledning och anmarkningar av Bengt Thordeman.--Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Forlag, n. d. [1917], 2 vol. 8vo, pp. xx-248, 249 to 490, genealogical table of the Tartars, Map.

Pages 345-480 are devoted to notes.

12.--There is a j.a.panese piratical edition of the second edition of Yule's Marco Polo brought out by the firm Kyoyekishosha in 1900 and costing 8 _yen_. Cf. _Bulletin Ecole franc. Ext. Orient_, IV, p. 769, note.

[1] See II., pp. 554 seq.


1.--_Histoire des etabliss.e.m.e.nts europeens aux Indes orientales par_ A. CHARDIN, suivie d'un extrait de l'article sur _Marco Polo_, de M. WALKENAER, Membre de l'Inst.i.tut; d'un extrait de la vie de Jonh [sic] Mandeville, par Was.h.i.+ngton Irving; et d'une notice sur le Camoens, par Mme de Stael.--Paris, Rue et Place Saint-Andre des Arts, no. 30--1832, 12mo, pp. 104.

Marco Polo, p. 87.--John Mandeville, p. 94.

Marco Polo, after la _Biographie universelle_; Mandeville, after _l'Histoire de Christophe Colomb._, de W. Irving.

Fait partie de la _Bibliotheque populaire ou l'Instruction mise a la portee de toutes les et de toutes les intelligences par_ MM. ARAGO ... et AJa.s.sON de GRANDSAGNE, charge de la Direction.

2.--MAYERS, W.F.--_Marco Polo's Legend concerning Bayan. (Notes and Queries on China and j.a.pan_, Nov., 1868, p. 162.)

3.--PALLADIUS' _Elucidations_. See II., p. 579, No. 63.

Notice in _Magazin fur die Litteratur des Auslandes_, 1876, p.


4.--_Marco Polo und die Anianstra.s.se_. Von Prof. S. RUGE, Dresden.

(_Globus_, LXIX., 1896, pp. 133-137.)

5.--_Un capitaine du regne de Philippe le Bel_ Thibaut de Chepoy _par_ Joseph PEt.i.t. (_Le Moyen Age_, Paris, 1897, pp.


6.--[Russian: Kommentarii Arkhimandrita Paddadiya Katharova na putemestvie Marko Polo no s'vernomu Kitayu s' tsrsdisloviem' N.I. Besedobskago.

Sankpeterburg', Tip. Imp. Akad. Nauk'] 1902, 8vo, pp. 47, portrait.

7.--MOULE, Rev. G.E.--_Notes on Col._ YULE'S _Edition of Marco Polo's_ "Quinsay." (_Jour. North-China Br. R. As. Soc._, N.

S., IX., 1875, pp. 1-24.)

8.--_The_ Tarikh-i-Ras.h.i.+di _of_ MIRZA MUHAMMAD HAIDAR, DUGHLaT _A History of the Moghuls of Central Asia_, An English Version Edited, with Commentary, Notes, and Map by N. ELIAS. The Translation by E. Denison Ross ... London, Sampson Low, 1895, 8vo.

9.--A. Slieptsov.--[Russian: Mark' Polo i ego stranstbobaniya no tsarstvu Mongol'skomu, po Kitayu i Indii.]--small 8vo, pp. 83, fig. [St.

Petersb., 1901.]

[Russian: "Knizhka za knizhkoi," ki. 108-aya.]

10.--STEIN, Sir Aurel.--_Preliminary Report of a Journey of Archaeological and Topographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan_.

London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1901, 4to.

---- _Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan_. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1903, 8vo, pp. xliii-524.

---- _Ancient Khotan_. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1907, 2 vols., 4to.

---- _Ruins of Desert Cathay_. Personal Narrative of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. With numerous Ill.u.s.trations, Colour Plates, Panoramas, and Maps from Original Surveys. Macmillan and Co., 1912, 2 vols. 8vo.

---- _Les Doc.u.ments chinois decouverts par_ Aurel STEIN _dans les sables du Turkestan oriental publies et traduits par_ Edouard CHAVANNES. Oxford, Imprimerie de l'Universite, 1913, 4to.

---- _Explorations in Central Asia_ (1906-1908). (_Geographical Journal_, July and Sept., 1909.)

---- _Expedition in Central Asia. (Geog. Journ._, May, 1915.)

---- _Expedition in Central Asia. (Geog. Journ._, Oct., 1915.)

---- _Expedition in Central Asia. (Geog. Journ._, May, 1916.)

---- _A Third Journey of Exploration in Central Asia_, 1913-16.

(_Geog. Journ._, Aug. and Sept., 1916.)

---- _Marco Polo's Account of a Mongol Inroad into Kashmir. (Geog.

Journ._, Aug., 1919, pp. 92-103.)

11.--H.A. GILES' _Dictionary_, Part III., pp. 1378-9.

List of Places mentioned by Marco Polo and identified by Yule.

12.--E.H. PARKER.--_Some New Facts about Marco Polo's Book.

(Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review_, Jan., 1904, pp. 125-149.)

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