The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 136

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Monasteries of Idolaters (Buddhists).

Money, paper.

---- values.

Mongol conquests, capture Soldaia; Bolghar; treachery and cruelty; their inroads; Bakh city; invade Balakhshan; invasion of Poland and Silesia.

Mongon Khan, _see_ Mangu.

Mongotay (Mangkutai), a Mongol officer.

Monkeys, pa.s.sed off as pygmies.

Monks, idolatrous. (_See_ Monasteries.).

Monnier, Marcel, his visit to Karakorum, on the Ch'eng-tu Suspension Bridge.

Monoceros and Maiden, legend of.



Montecorvino, John, Archbishop of Cambaluc.

Monte d'Ely.

Montgomerie, Major T.G. (R.E.) (Indian Survey), on fire at great alt.i.tudes; position of Kashgar and Yarkund.

Monument at Si-ngan fu, Christian.

Moon, Mountains of the.

Moore, _Light of the Harem_.

Moplas, _see_ Mapillas.

Morgan, E. Delmar.

Mortagne, siege of.

_Morus alba_, silk-worm tree.

Moscow, Tartar Ma.s.sacre at.

Mosolin, or Muslin (Mosolini), _Mo-sze_, Arab Maucili.

Mossos, a tribe.

Mosta'sim Billah, last Abbaside Khalif of Baghdad, story of his avarice and death.


Mosul (Mausul).

Motapalle, _see_ Mutfili.

Motawakkil, Khalif.

Moule, Bishop G.E.

Mount, Green, in Palace grounds at Peking.

---- St Thomas.

---- D'Ely, _see_ Monte d'Ely.

Mountain, Old Man of the, _see_ Old Man of the.

---- Miracle of the.

---- Road in Shensi, extraordinary.

Mourning customs, at Hormuz; in Tangut; at Kinsay.

Mozambique Channel.

Muang, term applied in Shan countries (Laos and W. Yunnan) to fortified.

towns, as:-- Muang-Chi; Muang, or Maung Maorong; Muang Shung; Muang Yong.

Mulahidah (Mulehet, Alamut, Chinese Mulahi), epithet of Ismaelites.

Mulberry Trees.


Muller, F.W.K.

Muller, Professor Max, on _Couvade_; on stories of Buddha and St. Josafat.


Munal pheasant (_Lopophorus impeya.n.u.s_), described by Aelian.

Mung (_Nicaea_).

Mungasht, hill fort, stronghold of the Atabegs.

Mungul, name applied to Tartars. (_See_ Mongol.).

Mungul-Temur and Mongo-Temur, _see_ Mangu-Temur.

Murad Beg, of Kunduz.

Murghab River.

Murray, Dr. J.A.H., on _Couvade_.

---- Hugh.

Murus Ussu (Brius, Upper Kiang).

Mus, Merdin (Mush, Mardin).

Musa'ud, Prince of Hormuz.

Musk, animal (Moschus).

---- earliest mention of and use in medicine.

Muslin, _see_ Mosolin.

Mutfili (Motapalle for Telingana), its diamonds; identified.




Mystic number, _see_ Numbers.

Nac, Nasich, Naques (Nakh), a kind of brocade.

_Nachetti_, silk stuff interwoven with gold.

_Nakhut_, gold brocade.

Nakkara (Naccara, Nacaires), the great kettledrum signalling action.



Nan-Chao, formerly Ai-Lao, Shan dynasty in Yun-nan.


Nanghin (Ngan-king).

Nangia.s.s, Mongol name of Manzi.

Nankau, archway in Pa.s.s of, with polyglot inscription.

Nanking, not named by Polo.




Naphtha in the Caucasian country.

---- Fire used in war by the Karaunahs.

Napier, Sir C.

Napoleon III., his researches and experiments on mediaeval engines of war.


Narin-Kaleh, fortress.

Narkandam, volcanic island.

Narsinga, King of.

Narwhal tusk, mediaeval Unicorn's Horn.

Nasich, _see_ Nac.

Nasruddin (Nescradin), officer in the Mongol Service.

Na.s.sir-uddin, Mahmud, Sultan of Delhi.

Natigay, Tartar idol.

Nava-Khanda, or Nine Divisions of Ancient India.

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