The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 116

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_Basmuls_ (Guasmuls), half-breeds.

Basra (Bastra), noted for its date-groves.


Baths, natural hot, near Hormuz, in Cathay; public at Kinsay.

Batigala, Batticalla.


Bats, large, in India.

Battas of Sumatra, and cannibalism.

Batthala, Bettelar (Patlam in Ceylon).

Battles, Kublai _v._ Nayan, Tartars _v._ king of Mien; Caidu _v._ Khan's forces; Borrak and Arghun; Arghun and Ahmad; Hulaku and Barka; Toktai and Nogai.

Batu, Khan of Kipchak, founder of Sarai, invades Russia; made by Polo into two kings--Sain and Patu; his character and cruelty.

Baudas, _see_ Baghdad.

_Baudekins_ (baldacchini), brocades made at Baghdad.

_Bauduin de Sebourc_.

Bavaria, Duke Ernest of, a mediaeval Romance.

Bawarij, corsairs.

Bayan Chingsian, Kublai's greatest Captain, prophecy connected with his name; his conquest of Manzi or South China; his history and character; his exceptional cruelty at Chang-chau.

Bayan, Khagan of the Avars.

Bayan (Baian), Kublai's Master of the Hounds.

Bayan, son of Nasruddin.

Bayezid Ilderim.


Beads, Hindu.

Bears, white in Far North.

Beast and bird patterns, _see_ Patterns.

Beaten gold.

Beaujeu, William de, Master of the Temple.

Beauty of--Georgians, Khorasan women; Kashmir women; Sinju women; _Argons_, or half-breeds; the Ungrat or Kungurat tribe; people of Coloman; Kinsay women; Kaidu's daughter; Arghun Khan; the Russians.

Beds, their arrangement in India.

Beef, not eaten in Maabar, except by the Govi, formerly eaten in India.

Bejas of the Red Sea Coast.

Belgutai, Chinghiz's stepbrother.

"Belic" for "Melic".

Bell at Cambaluc, great.

Bellal Rajas.

_Belledi, balladi_, ginger so called, Spanish use of the word.

Benares, brocades of.

Bendocquedar, _see_ Bundukdari, Bibars.

Benedict XII., Pope.

Bengal (Bangala), king of Mien (Burma) and; why Polo couples these; relations between Burma and; claim a.s.serted by king of Burma to; alleged Mongol invasion of; its distance from Caugigu; its currency; confused with Pegu by Polo.

Beni Buya dynasty.

Benjamin of Tudela, on Alexander's Rampart, on the Gryphon.

Benzoin, etymology of.

Berard, Thos., Master of the Temple.

Berbera, Sea of.

Berchet, G.

Bereke, Batu Khan's brother.

Bernier, on Kashmir women's beauty.

_Berrie_, the Arabic Bariya, a desert.

Bettelar, rendezvous of Pearl Fishers.

_Beyamini_, wild oxen of Tibet.

Bezant, value of.


Bhamo, and River of.

Bhartpur, prophecy about.

Bhattis, the.


"Bhim's Baby," colossal idol at Dhamnar caves.

Bianco's, Andrea, maps.


Bibars Bundukdari, _see_ Bundukdari.

Bielo Osero.

_Bigoncio_, a firkin.

Biluchis, their robber raids; Lumri or Numri.

Binh Thuan (Champa).


Bintang (Pentam).

Birch-bark vessels, books.

Bir-dhul, or Bujardawal, cap. of Ma'bar.


Birdwood, Sir G.

Birhors of Chuta Nagpur.

Bir-Pandi, or Pira-Bandi.

Birthday, celebration of Kublai's.

Bishbalik (Urumtsi).

Bishop, of Male Island, story of an Abyssinian.

Bitter bread.

---- water.

Blac, Blachia (Lac, Wallach).

_Black-bone_, Chinese name for Lolos.

Black Crane (Kara Togoru).

---- Saints, White Devils in India.

---- Sea, M. Maurum v. Nigrum.

---- Sect of Tibet.

Blacker, the more beautiful.

Blaeuw, map.

Blochmann, Professor H.

Block-books, supposed to have been introduced from China,.

Block-printing in Persia..

Blood-sucking, Tartar.

_Blous, bloies_.

Boar's tusks, huge (Hipp.).


Bode, Baron de.

Bodhisatva Avalok.

Bodleian MS. of Polo, list of miniatures in.

Boeach, mistake for Locac, and its supposed position.

Boemond, Prince of Antioch and Tripoli, letter of Bibar to.

Boga (Buka), a great Mongol officer, delivers Arghun.

Boghra Khan.

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