The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 103

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83. SEVERTZOW, Dr. NICOLAS. _Etudes de Geographie historique sur les anciens itineraires a travers le Pamir, Ptolemee, Hiouen-Thsang, Song-yuen, Marco Polo_. (_Bul. Soc. Geog._, 1890, pp. 417-467, 553-610.)

(Marco Polo, pp. 583 seqq.)

84. AMENT, W.S. _Marco Polo in Cambaluc: A Comparison of foreign and native Accounts_. (_Journ. Peking Orient. Soc._, III. No. 2, 1892, pp.


85. COLLINGRIDGE, GEORGE. _The Early Cartography of j.a.pan. By George Collingridge_. (_Geographical Journal_, May, 1894, pp. 403-409.)--_j.a.pan or Java? An Answer to Mr. George Collingridge's Article on_ "The Early Cartography of j.a.pan," _by F.G. Kramp_. Overgedrukt uit het "Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Jaargang 1894." Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1894, 8vo, pp. 14. _The Early Cartography of j.a.pan. By H. Yule Oldham._ (_Geographical Journal_, Sept. 1894, pp.


86. HIRTH, FRIED. _Ueber den Schiffsverkehr von Kinsay zu Marco Polo's Zeit_. (_T'oung Pao_, Dec. 1894, pp. 386-390.)

87. DRAPEYRON, LUDOVIC.--_Le Retour de Marco Polo en 1295. Cathay et Sypangu_. (_Revue de Geographie_, Juillet, 1895, pp. 3-8.)

88. CORDIER, HENRI. _Centenaire de Marco Polo_. Paris, 1896, 8vo.

A Lecture with a Bibliography which is the basis of the list of this edition of Marco Polo.

89. MANLY.--_Marco Polo and the Squire's Tale_. By John Matthews Manly.

(_Publications of the Modern Language a.s.sociation of America_, vol. xi.

1896, pp. 349-362.)

Cf. our Introduction, p. 128.

90. SUEZ, IUMING C. _Marco Polo_. (_St. John's Echo_, Shangha, Nov. 1899.)

91. NORDENSKIoLD, A.E.--_Om det inflytande Marco Polos reseberattelse utofvat p Gastaldis kartor ofver Asien_. (_ur Ymer, Tidskrift utgifven af Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi och Geografi_, rg. 1899, H. 1, pp. 33 to 42).

---- _The Influence of the "Travels of Marco Polo" on Jacobo Gastaldi's Map of Asia_. (_Geog. Journal_, April, 1899, pp. 396 to 406.)

See _Introduction_, p. 137.

92. CHAIX, PAUL. _Marco Polo_. (_Le Globe_, Soc. Geog. Geneve, fev.-avril, 1900, pp. 84-94.)

93. LE STRANGE, GUY. _The Cities of Kirman in the time of Hamd-Allah Mustawfi and Marco Polo_. (_J. R. As. Soc._, April, 1901, pp. 281-290.)

94. MURET, ERNEST. _Un fragment de Marco Polo_. Paris, 1901, 8vo., pp. 8.

From _Romania_, tom. x.x.x. See p. 547, _App. F._, 65.

95. GREAT EXPLORERS.--Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, Mungo Park, Sir John Franklin, David Livingstone, Christopher Columbus, etc., etc. Thomas Nelson, London, 1902, 8vo, pp. 224.

Marco Polo, pp. 7-21.

[1] [Sir Henry Yule expressed his regret to me that he had not the facility at Palermo to undertake this Bibliography which I consider as a legacy from the first and ill.u.s.trious editor of this book.--H.C.]

APPENDIX I.--_t.i.tles of Works which are cited by abbreviated References in this Book_.

ABDALLATIF. _Relation de l'Egypte_. Trad. par M. Silvestre de Sacy.

Paris, 1810.

ABULPHARAGIUS. _Hist. Compend. Dynastiarum_, etc., _ab_ Ed.

Poc.o.c.kio. Oxon. 1663.

ABR. ROGER. See _La Porte ouverte_.

ACAD. _Mem. de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres_.

AIN-I-AKBARI or AIN. AKB. BL. refers to Blochmann's Translation in _Bibliotheca Indica_. Calcutta, 1869, seqq.

ALEXANDRIADE, _ou Chanson de Geste d'Alexandre-le-Grand, de_ Lambert Le Court _et_ Alex. de Bernay. Dinan et Paris, 1861, 12mo.

ALPHABETUM TIBETANUM _Missionum Apostolicarum commodo editum_; A.A.

Georgii. Romae, 1762, 4to.

AM. EXOT. Engelbert Kaempfer's _Amoenitatum Exoticarum Fasciculi V_.

Lemgoviae, 1712.

AMYOT. _Memoires concernant les Chinois_, etc. Paris v. y.

ARABS., ARABSHAH. _Ahmedis Arabsiadis Vitae .... Timuri .... Historia.

Latine vert.i.t ... _S.H. Manger. Franequerae, 1767.

ARCH. STOR. ITAL. _Archivio Storico Italiano_. Firenze, v. y.

a.s.sEMANI, _Bibliotheca Orientalis_. Romae, 1719-28.

ASTLEY. _A New General Collection of Voyages, etc._ London, 1745-1747.

AVA, MISSION TO, Narrative of Major Phayre's. By Capt. H. Yule. London, 1858

AYEEN AKBERY refers to Gladwin's Transl., Calcutta, 1787.

BABER, Memoir of. Transl. by Leyden and Erskine. London, 1826.

BABER, E. COLBORNE. _Travels and Researches in Western China_.

London, 1882, 8vo.

Vol. i. Pt. I. _Supp. Papers R. Geog. Society_.

BACON, ROGER. _Opus Majus_. Venet. 1750.

BAER UND HELMERSEN. _Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, etc._ St. Petersburg, 1839, seqq.

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