Present Irish Questions Part 14

Present Irish Questions -

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5. Executive power in Ireland.

_Const.i.tution of Legislature._

6. Composition of Irish Legislative Council.

7. Composition of Irish Legislative a.s.sembly.

8. Disagreement between two Houses, how settled.

_Irish Representation in House of Commons._

9. Representation in Parliament of Irish counties and boroughs.


10. As to separate Consolidated Fund and taxes.

11. Hereditary revenues and income tax.

12. Financial arrangements as between United Kingdom and Ireland.

13. Treasury Account (Ireland).

14. Charges on Irish Consolidated Fund.

15. Irish Church Fund.

16. Local loans.

17. Adaptation of Acts as to Local Taxation Accounts and Probate, etc., duties.

18. Money bills and votes.

19. Exchequer judges for revenue actions, election pet.i.tions, etc.

_Post Office, Postal Telegraphs, and Savings Banks._

20. Transfer of post office and postal telegraphs.

21. Transfer of savings banks.

_Irish Appeals and Decision of Const.i.tutional Questions._

22. Irish appeals.

23. Special provision for decision of const.i.tutional questions.

_Lord-Lieutenant and Crown Lands._

24. Office of Lord-Lieutenant.

25. Use of Crown lands by Irish Government.

_Judges and Civil Servants._

26. Tenure of future judges.

27. As to existing judges and other persons having salaries charged on the Consolidated Fund.

28. As to persons holding Civil Service appointments.

29. As to existing pensions and superannuation allowances.


30. As to police.


31. Irish Exchequer Consolidated Fund and Audit.

32. Law applicable to both Houses of Irish Legislature.

33. Supplemental provisions as to powers of Irish Legislature.

34. Limitation on borrowing by local authorities.

_Transitory Provisions._

35. Temporary restriction on powers of Irish Legislature and Executive.

36. Transitory provisions.

37. Continuance of existing laws, courts, officers, etc.

38. Appointed day.

39. Definitions.

40. Short t.i.tle.


_A Bill to amend the provision for the Government of Ireland._ [A.D. 1893.

Whereas it is expedient that without impairing or restricting the supreme authority of Parliament, an Irish Legislature should be created for such purposes in Ireland as in this Act mentioned: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament a.s.sembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:--


_Legislative Authority._

[Sidenote: Establishment of Irish Legislature.]

=1.= On and after the appointed day there shall be in Ireland a Legislature consisting of Her Majesty the Queen and of two Houses, the Legislative Council and the Legislative a.s.sembly.

[Sidenote: Powers of Irish Legislature.]

=2.= With the exceptions and subject to the restrictions in this Act mentioned, there shall be granted to the Irish Legislature power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of Ireland in respect of matters exclusively relating to Ireland or some part thereof.

[Sidenote: Exceptions from powers of Irish Legislature.]

=3.= The Irish Legislature shall not have power to make powers of laws respect of the following matters or any of them:--

(1) The Crown, or the succession to the Crown, or a Regency; or the Lord-Lieutenant as representative of the Crown; or

(2) The making of peace or war or matters arising from a state of war; or

(3) Naval or military forces, or the defence of the realm; or

(4) Treaties and other relations with foreign States, or the relations between different parts of Her Majesty's dominions, or offences connected with such treaties or relations; or

(5) Dignities or t.i.tles of honour; or

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