Present Irish Questions Part 13

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(2) Any regulations so made shall, in so far as they concern the procedure of the Legislative Body, be subject to alteration by Standing Orders of that Body, and so far as they concern other matters, be subject to alteration by the Legislature of Ireland, but shall, until alteration, have the same effect as if they were inserted in this Act.

[Sidenote: Saving of powers of House of Lords.]

=36.= Save as in this Act provided with respect to matters to be decided by Her Majesty in Council, nothing in this Act shall affect the appellate jurisdiction of the House of Lords in respect of actions and suits in Ireland, or the jurisdiction of the House of Lords to determine the claims to Irish peerages.

[Sidenote: Savings of rights of Parliament.]

=37.= Save as herein expressly provided, all matters in relation to which it is not competent for the Irish Legislative Body to make or repeal laws shall remain and be within the exclusive authority of the Imperial Parliament, whose power and authority in relation thereto, save as aforesaid, shall in no wise be diminished or restrained by anything herein contained.

[Sidenote: Continuance of existing laws, courts, officers, etc.]

=38.=--(1) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, all existing laws in force in Ireland, and all existing courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction, and all existing legal commissions, powers, and authorities, and all existing officers, judicial, administrative, and ministerial, and all existing taxes, licence, and other duties, fees, and other receipts in Ireland shall continue as if this Act had not been pa.s.sed; subject, nevertheless, to be repealed, abolished, or altered in manner and to the extent provided by this Act; provided that, subject to the provisions of this Act, such taxes, duties, fees, and other receipts, shall, after the appointed day, form part of the public revenues of Ireland.

(2) The Commissioners of Inland Revenue and Commissioners of Customs, and the officers of such Commissioners respectively, shall have the same powers in relation to any articles subject to any duty of excise or customs, manufactured, imported, kept for sale, or sold, and any premises where the same may be, and to any machinery, apparatus, vessels, utensils, or conveyance used in connection therewith, or the removal thereof, and in relation to the person manufacturing, importing, keeping for sale, selling, or having the custody or possession of the same as they would have had if this Act had not been pa.s.sed.

[Sidenote: Mode of alteration of Act.]

=39.=--(1) On and after the appointed day this Act shall not, except such provisions thereof as are declared to be alterable by the Legislature of Ireland, be altered except--

(_a_) By Act of the Imperial Parliament and with the consent of the Irish Legislative Body testified by an address to Her Majesty, or

(_b_) By an Act of the Imperial Parliament, for the pa.s.sing of which there shall be summoned to the House of Lords the peerage members of the first order of the Irish Legislative Body, and if there are no such members then twenty-eight Irish representative peers elected by the Irish peers in manner heretofore in use, subject to adaptation as provided by this Act; and there shall be summoned to the House of Commons such one of the members of each const.i.tuency, or in the case of a const.i.tuency returning four members such two of those members, as the Legislative Body of Ireland may select, and such peers and members shall respectively be deemed, for the purpose of pa.s.sing any such Act, to be members of the said Houses of Parliament respectively.

(2) For the purposes of this section, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty by Order in Council to make such provisions for summoning the said peers of Ireland to the House of Lords and the said members from Ireland to the House of Commons as to Her Majesty may seem necessary or proper, and any provisions contained in such Order in Council shall have the same effect as if they had been enacted by Parliament.

[Sidenote: Definitions.]

=40.= In this Act--

The expression 'the appointed day' shall mean such day after the _thirty-first day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven_ as may be determined by order of Her Majesty in Council.

The expression 'Lord-Lieutenant' includes the lords justices or any other chief governor or governors of Ireland for the time being.

The expression 'Her Majesty the Queen,' or 'Her Majesty in Council,'

or 'the Queen,' includes the heirs and successors of Her Majesty the Queen.

The expression 'Treasury' means the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.

The expression 'Treaty' includes any convention or arrangement.

The expression 'existing' means existing at the pa.s.sing of this Act.

The expression 'existing const.i.tuency' means any county or borough, or division of a county or borough, or a University returning at the pa.s.sing of this Act a member or members to serve in Parliament.

The expression 'duties of excise' does not include a duty received in respect of any licence whether for the sale of intoxicating liquors or otherwise.

The expression 'financial year' means the twelve months ending on the _thirty-first day of March_.

[Sidenote: Short t.i.tle of Act.]

=41.= This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Irish Government Act, 1886.



First order of the Irish Legislative Body.

------------------------------------------------- Electoral Districts. Number of Members. Rotation.


Provisions relating to the first order of the Irish Legislative Body.


Boundaries of divisions of the City of Cork for the purpose of returning members to the second order of the Legislative Body.


Provisions as to superannuation allowances of persons in the Permanent Civil Service.


Transitory provisions.




_Legislative Authority._


1. Establishment of Irish Legislature.

2. Powers of Irish Legislature.

3. Exceptions from powers of Irish Legislature.

4. Restrictions on powers of Irish Legislature.

_Executive Authority._

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