My First Campaign Part 4

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Our brigade comprised the Second Maryland, the Ninth New Hamps.h.i.+re, the Seventh and Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, and the Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania regiments, and were under the command of Gen. Naglee. The Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania were a.s.signed to Lexington, to do provost duty, and were left behind. By the way, while at Newport News we had an abundance of all things which it is possible for a soldier to expect.

The schooner Elizabeth & Helen, of Providence, R. I., which arrived at that place February 16th, laden with vegetables, added to our health and comfort, and the condition of the regiment improved very materially.

After leaving Newport News, and up to this time, April 14th, we had nothing but "marching rations," (hard crackers and salt pork,) excepting what was issued at Lexington April 6th, and what we had been able to buy.

The commissary department of the First Brigade was now in working order, and ready to issue rations, April 13th, but our regimental commissary was tardy again, as at Lexington, and our officers slumbered. We had plenty of "hard crackers," but these had become a drug with us, consequently we were tempted to buy what was brought into camp, for which we paid exorbitant prices. The Kentuckians here were aware of our coming, and seemed determined to make the most of us. Some of our officers, whose business it was to attend to these matters, did not consider that the soldier in the ranks might be obliged to study economy, and consequently desire the prompt issue of rations, and some little degree of care and ingenuity in their preparation; thereby saving them the expense of paying out here and there so much for these luxuries. They did not seem to consider the responsibility resting upon them. Perhaps they did not care. The thing was just here. In each company were from fifty to seventy-five men, whose case was made better or worse, according as their officers were watchful or slumbering. If they had been awake, rations would have been drawn with promptness, and properly cooked; and the consequence would have been that having enough to eat from their own kitchen, the men would have bought the less outside; thereby saving in the aggregate, a large sum which in many instances was needed at home.

Chickens, weighing two and three pounds, were sold here a year ago for one dollar per dozen. This year they sell for two dollars per dozen.

Poultry brought into camp in small quant.i.ties, sold readily at prices varying from twenty-five cents to one dollar and fifty cents apiece.

This included the chicken of two pound and the turkey of eighteen pounds. Small quant.i.ties of eggs were brought into camp, and sold at prices varying from fifteen to forty cents per dozen. They were in demand and commanded any price. Pies were brought on in great abundance; they were made of peaches and apples, and sold for twenty-five cents apiece. Some, having a little mercy on the soldier, sold for ten and fifteen cents. Peaches are very plenty in this part of Kentucky, and are preserved and dried in large quant.i.ties.

The morning of April 15th finding nothing to eat but hard crackers and pork, and no coffee cooking, I determined to act as commissary for one day at least. I called on A. W., of Company H, and together, at seven, A.M., we left camp, and started off across the fields. We pa.s.sed the houses nearest camp, and after going about a mile, stopped at a log shanty. This was occupied by a negro family, who were owned by the occupant of a house adjoining. The owner was absent, and the negroes had no authority to sell any thing. We were hoping to have found something to eat here, but having nothing on hand cooked, we concluded to go farther. However, we prevailed on them to cook us some cakes, which we were to call for on our return. Half a mile further on, we came to a large house. The only person we could find here was a negro woman. She could sell us nothing. The next place we called at was owned by one Dr.

Evans. Here we found the family at home and busy, preparing to go to camp, with a load of pies, cakes, chicken pies, &c. We intended to have got a breakfast at this place, but the family being very much engaged in their speculation, we continued on.

Espying a house to the right, off some half a mile from this place, we made for it. We were greeted upon our arrival by about half a dozen negro children, who looked upon us with as much curiosity as boys would at home upon the "horned owl" on exhibition. We asked for the woman of the house. She happened to be out of doors at the time, and was pointed out to us. We introduced ourselves, and asked her if she could get us a breakfast. She answered in the affirmative, and asked us into the house.

This was a large log-house, and was the one occupied by the owner of the premises. The negroes occupied two or three smaller ones in the same yard, and some five rods distant from the main building.

This is the way the buildings are arranged by the country farmers in this part of the State. The negroes all occupy log-houses. Some of the owners have nothing better, and inhabit the same; but most of them have frame houses, and many of these are large and elegant. The negro women have charge of all the children, both white and black, and the cooking for all is done in the out-houses. We were well entertained at this place. The woman of the house was apparently about seventy-five years of age, and was very intelligent and sociable. Her husband owns a large farm, and some fourteen or fifteen negroes. They raise hemp, keep sheep, spin and weave, as our folks did at home fifty years ago. They have suffered from the raids of the enemy, in the loss of horses, not having enough left to cultivate their farms. This is indeed a serious loss to them.

After the lapse of half an hour, our breakfast was brought to us. We had hot biscuit, fried bacon, johnny-cake, b.u.t.ter and milk. We bought five pounds of b.u.t.ter at this place for twenty-five cents a pound, and four dozen of eggs, for which we paid twenty-five cents per dozen. We went beyond here one mile, and procured three dozen eggs more. From here we started on our return to camp. Stopped at a house, and finding the owner absent on an expedition to camp, I prevailed on the negroes to bake us some cake. Here we stopped three-quarters of an hour, during which time the women cooked enough to fill my haversack, for which they charged me twenty-five cents. Leaving here, we called at the place we first stopped at in the morning, and found our bread awaiting us--one large johnny-cake, and one loaf of white bread. This finished our load, and at one, P.M., we arrived in camp, prepared to live again.

We had a most beautiful camp at this place. It was situated in a grove, at a spot where we had every convenience necessary in the shape of wood and water, with plenty of gra.s.s to roll and tumble upon. The trees in this grove were perhaps forty feet apart from one another on an average.

These consisted of maple, cherry, black walnut, and the common sh.e.l.l-bark, and many of them were of large size. The ground underneath was swept clean, and all brush, chips, &c., removed.

We had "brigade guard mounting" here at nine, A.M. The band would strike up at precisely nine o'clock, and as we watched the movements of the guard as they approached simultaneously from their different regiments to take the place a.s.signed them, we were struck with the beauty of the scene. The guard approaching, take their places, and the music ceases. The "camp guard" upon the right of the line, with nothing but gun and equipments; the "picket" upon the left, with canteen, haversack and blanket, in addition. The line being formed, the sergeant-major, who arranges it, makes a "present" to the officer commanding, and immediately takes his place upon the left. After he gets his position, the order is given "front." Upon this, the commissioned officers march twelve paces in front of the line, the sergeants eight, and the corporals four. The officer in command advances and gives special instructions to all the officers in person. He then returns to his position, and gives the order, "officers and non-commissioned officers, about face," "inspect your guards." The officers return; the corporals take their places in line; the lieutenants inspect the front rank, the sergeants the rear. The band play during inspection.

Inspection over, the music ceases, and the officers take their places in line again. Then comes the order, "music, beat off." The band commences playing a "slow march," and, coming to the front, proceed the length of the line. After going through the manoeuvres, which bring them to an "about face," they return playing a quickstep, and take their former position. Then the order, "by platoons! right wheel! march!" Immediately upon the completion of the half wheel, which brings them from line of battle into column, the order is given, "pa.s.s in review! column forward!

guide right! march!" The band strike up, the first platoon make a left half wheel, and march forward, preceded by the band. The other platoons coming up, wheel upon the same spot of the first. After marching forward a certain distance, another left half wheel is made. Marching straight forward from this, they pa.s.s the "officer of the day," who takes the position directly in front of the centre of the line, as it was before moving vacated by the officer in command of the guard, who places himself upon the right of the first platoon, and directs the movement of the column. As each platoon in front of the "officer of the day,"

the officers in charge of their respective platoons come to a "present,"

saluting, and pa.s.s on,--the "camp guard" to the relief of the "old guard," the "picket" to the place a.s.signed them--the band cease playing, and the review ends. The brigade guard mounting, of which I have endeavored to give a description, is a beautiful and imposing spectacle.

Although the soldier endures many hards.h.i.+ps and privations, still there are many pleasant scenes and a.s.sociations connected with a soldier's life; and I think that should the war continue, many of the men, looking back upon the pleasant side of their campaign, will have a yearning for the scenes and a.s.sociations in connection with it, and again enter the ranks.

G.o.d grant they may! and with willing hearts and hands, and with the a.s.surance of the righteousness of the cause for which they contend, may they consecrate themselves anew to the cause of Freedom.


Thursday, 16th. At five, P.M., we received marching orders, with instructions to "pack knapsacks," and be ready to march immediately. At six, P.M., we struck tents, and in half an hour were marching, in company with the rest of the brigade, in the direction of Boonesboro'; and, after a short march of five miles, encamped for the night on the heights which form the banks of the Kentucky River, at nine o'clock in the evening.

Friday, 17th. We did not move from our camp until ten, A.M., owing to the delay necessary in crossing the river. The cavalry accompanying us commenced crossing early in the morning, and at ten, the Twelfth were ordered to fall in. After a march of a mile, we came upon the edge of the river, at the place of crossing, in time to see the last of the cavalry pa.s.s over. The river at this place was, perhaps, fifty rods in width, and the convenience for crossing were two scows, in each of which forty men could be taken over at once, and so shaped that our teams could drive on or off at either end. The river was not deep at this place, and the mode of propelling was by pus.h.i.+ng with poles.

Some very amusing incidents occurred in connection with our pa.s.sing over the Kentucky River. Some of the teams, consisting of a government wagon and four mules each, were in readiness, and crossed at the same time with our regiment. This was accomplished by ending the scow on sh.o.r.e, and driving the team on and into the forward part of the boat. The remaining s.p.a.ce was filled with soldiers. The scow was pushed across, and, landing end on, the team was driven off. The manner of driving a mule team is this: The driver sits upon the near wheel mule, uses one rein, and by dint of some little hallooing,--understood only by those versed in muleology,--manages his team. The scows were barely wide enough to admit the wheels of the carriages, and it required no little degree of skill to drive on and off without accident. While driving one of the teams off, the near wheel mule, being crowded, jumped off the scow, throwing his rider head and ears under water. The man, upon gaining the surface, was soon ash.o.r.e; and the mule, after floundering awhile, got a foothold on sh.o.r.e, and the wagon was drawn off. No harm done as we could see to either the mule or his driver.

The next team that crossed, the rider, hoping to profit by the misfortunes of the one in advance, dismounted and attempted to lead his team off. This time, crowding again, over goes one of the mules into the stream, back downwards, hanging in the harness, its head just out of water. This looked like a desperate case of broken legs, and death by drowning. After some little effort, however, the mule was loosed from the harness, the carriage was drawn off by the remaining three, and the unlucky one, through the combined efforts of half a dozen men, was finally drawn from the river, thoroughly drenched, otherwise, to all appearance, not damaged at all.

Ours was the third company across, and pa.s.sing up the bank, we continued on half a mile, and rested there until the rest of the regiment joined us.

The Kentucky River at this place is bounded upon either side by a range of hills, near akin to mountains. As we approached the river previous to crossing, many novel and interesting scenes presented themselves to our view, reminding us of our journey across the Alleghanies, our first experience in such mountainous regions. From our camp, where we pa.s.sed the night, upon the heights, the road to the ferry wound along the sides of the hills, and through ravines. In this way the river was gained by gradual and easy descent. As we left camp, the beautiful fields, the green hills, and vales, disappeared; giving place to rough, precipitous hills, whose rocky sides presented quite a contrast to the scenes we left behind. As we neared the river, directly in front of us, and to the left upon the opposite side, was a ledge of limestone, rising from the surface of the water which washes its base, to a height of three hundred feet, in a nearly perpendicular line, its surface, with the exception of seams and _creva.s.ses_, smooth and white as marble. This was an approximation to the grand and sublime, and to us, inexperienced in such scenes, a beautiful spectacle. The river rolling sluggishly along at this place, deeply imbedded in the hills, could not be seen by us until we were upon its very edge. At the place of crossing the road terminates; and at the opposite side is the terminus of the road, which approaches from the opposite direction. As we came upon the river, upon the same side are two or three houses, with barely arable land enough adjoining to make a garden spot for the occupants. Upon the other side, we found more buildings, and in the immediate vicinity of the ferry considerable land under cultivation.

While here, I learned we were in the immediate vicinity of where Daniel Boone lived. And it was here the first settlement of Kentucky by the whites commenced. I saw the spot where he built his fort, and where he managed to resist the attacks of the Indians, who had determined to eject him from his hermitage. I also filled my canteen from Boone's Spring, so called in honor of the old hero. And as I took a draught from its clear waters, I thought how often he had visited the spot for a similar purpose, and wondered at the courage and perseverance of the man, who could exist in this lonely place, surrounded by hostile Indians; dependent alone upon his own resources, even for his own existence, with no other earthly reliance than his own strong arm, and felt I could do homage to the undaunted bravery and perseverance of the Kentucky pioneer.

We stopped one hour for the rest of the regiment to join us, and then began the slow and toilsome work of ascending the hills. It was a very warm day, and though resting often, the march was a tedious one. Before reaching the top, we halted for the rest of the brigade to come up. This was about two, P.M. Starting again, we soon reached the summit of the hills, and emerged once more into a country beautiful as the one we had left behind us. At the junction of the river road with the Lexington and Richmond pike, we rested two hours. At this place, Gen. Naglee and staff pa.s.sed in advance of us, and selected our camp ground for the night. The spot selected was about three miles from this place, and four from Richmond. We reached it at seven, P.M. At six, P.M., while on our way, the Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry pa.s.sed us, begrimed with dust, and looking like war-worn veterans, as they really are. Their experience has been with the guerrillas that invest this State, and whom they fight with a vengeance. They had a look of determination, and I have no doubt rebels falling into their hands, find themselves in a tight place., the 18th, at seven in the morning, we started again, pa.s.sing through Richmond at ten, A.M., and at eleven were resting on our camping ground, two miles beyond. Upon this ground, and in the vicinity, the battle of Richmond was fought, August 30, 1862, in which the Federals were defeated, losing 150 killed and 350 wounded. Gen. Munson was taken prisoner, and Gen. Nelson was severely wounded in this engagement. The trees about here bore marks of the struggle which ensued. Many of the branches were torn off, and in the trunk of one large cherry tree, I counted seven ball holes. It was a desperate struggle against odds, the enemy outnumbering us four to one. One of the boys, while we were here, brought a sh.e.l.l in, which he picked up in the vicinity of our camp. It was quite a curiosity, suggestive of the time when it was sent on its murderous errand, eight months before. We were pleasantly situated here, and enjoyed ourselves.

Just after our arrival here, two sutlers commenced visiting us, and in the absence of compet.i.tion, charged exorbitant prices. One day seeing a large crowd around one of the teams, I went up. Found the owner busy selling oranges at ten cents a piece, and cider at ten cents a gla.s.s.

Apples in the same proportion. And while delivering from the front of the wagon, the soldiers, unbeknown to him, at the same time had tapped a barrel in the rear, and were doing a brisk business, filling canteens, &c. Soon after I heard an uproar, and was just in time to see his wagon tipped over, and his groceries distributed. Knowing the other sutler was in camp with gingerbread, the price of which was twenty-five cents for three pieces, about the size of my hand, I felt anxious to learn his fate. I had not long to wait, as I soon saw one side of a wagon rise in the air, the owner jump from it, and gingerbread flying in all directions. This had a tendency to lower the prices, and since then no outrages of the kind have been perpetrated, as it has not been necessary to repeat the experiment.


How often at home, when with the toil and care incident upon the life of those who "earn their bread by the sweat of the brow," have we as night approached, and with it the labors of the week were to cease, looked forward to a day of rest. A thousand miles from home, the plough exchanged for the sword, the awl for the bayonet, in the face of a desperate enemy, and the thing is changed.

The Sabbath comes as at home, but unfortunately, is more "honored in the breach than the observance," and seems to be a day specially appointed by military authorities, for fighting and marching. We received marching orders, 2d, and were to be in readiness to march the following morning. As is usual with us the night before a march, all was bustle and confusion. Some were busy packing their effects, others talking, each man having to express his opinion as to where we were to go, the chances for a fight, &c. Another portion, who at other times deny themselves, were indulging in liquor, the result of which was a general howling, extending into the small hours of the night.

The night before our march from Lexington, a portion of the men went to the city, had a plenty to drink, and some of them returned with canteens filled. The consequence was, a riotous night, and but little sleep was to be had. The men quarrelled among themselves, and to cap the climax, at two in the morning, one of the men from the company adjoining, visited Company F, and indulged in a little s.h.i.+llalah practice. Swinging to the right and left, much to the discomfiture of one of our men, who received a blow on the top of his head, which, judging from the sound, might have felled an ox. He was rendered _hors de combat_, and taken to the surgeon; and after this salutary lesson, the boys thinking best to keep still, we got a few hours sleep. The noisy ones of Company F were christened "lions." The name originated in Camp Casey, where they occupied two of our Sibley tents, on the left of the line, and by their continual howling, made "night hideous.", May 2d, at nightfall, the uproar commenced as usual. At ten I turned in. I kept napping, waking, and sleeping by turns, until two in the morning. At this time, a party in front of my tent were having an altercation which threatened to terminate in a fight. I thought best to see what was going on. Looking out of my hotel, I saw J. R., the same individual who officiated at Lexington, with club raised, threatening to lay it about the ears of his opponent, who was daring him to come on.

Friends interfered, preventing them from coming to blows, and after a bad amount of cursing and hard talk, during which the whole regiment were disturbed, they were separated, and quiet reigned again. The immediate results of this night's carousal, were visible to all in the person of one of our drummers, who had indulged beyond his strength, and was found lifeless in his tent, the morning of the 3d, having "shuffled off this mortal coil" in the melee.

The morning of the 3d of May found us busy, preparing for the march, regardless of the storm, which was evidently about to open upon us. At eight we were on our way. It commenced raining slightly before we left camp, and after our first rest outside of Richmond at ten, A.M., it commenced in earnest. We hurried on, and at one, P.M., were encamped at Point Lick Creek, having marched a distance of thirteen miles in four hours. Some of the time while on this march, the rain poured in torrents, and we reached camp thoroughly soaked. Soon after our arrival the sun came out, the clouds pa.s.sed away, and we had a pleasant afternoon. This gave us a chance to roll and tumble upon the gra.s.s, dry ourselves, and put up tents at our leisure. Our camp was situated on the road which runs from Richmond to Lancaster, and was about midway between the two places. It was evident our stay here would be short, as the usual care in laying out camps was not observed here, our tents being pitched in all conceivable ways. Our general formed his head-quarters some twenty rods east of our camp, close by a church. This edifice had been built but a short time, was small, of modern style, without a steeple, and very much resembled a New England school-house.

From the time of our arrival here, up to the 9th, the weather was very disagreeable. Considerable rain fell, and for six days we were enveloped in clouds and fog. But in spite of all this, our general and his staff had frequent visits from the fair ones of Richmond, whose acquaintance they formed during our short sojourn there. They came in groups of half a dozen at a time. The band was called on to serenade the fair visitors, who forming with our officers upon the green in front of the church, joined in the mazy dance, and "tripped the light fantastic toe."


Sunday, the 10th, at three o'clock in the morning, we again received orders to march. At eight, A.M., the brigade was moving in the direction of Lancaster. Our company this time were detailed as rear guard, and having to wait until all the teams were under way, did not start until ten, A.M. The day was very warm, but having the advantage, as guard, of stopping often, we made an easy march of it. At two, P.M., we arrived in sight of our camp; the brigade encamping upon a hill, within one-half mile of the village of Lancaster--a situation commanding a view of the country for many miles around.

A source of amus.e.m.e.nt heretofore denied us, we had the privilege of indulging in here. A small pond in the same enclosure with our camp, abounded in fish, some of which, when full grown, reach the enormous weight of one-fourth of a pound. Hooks and lines were in demand, and piscatorial pursuits were the order of the day.

_The Twelfth Regiment in white gloves, through the generosity of our Sutler!_--_Three cheers for H. S. Patterson!_--On the afternoon of May 18th, each man was called in front of his orderly's tent, and received a pair, and at dress parade the Twelfth were encased in white gloves. Some suggested the old saying that "puss in gloves catches no mice." From our improved appearance others prophesied the speedy downfall of the rebellion. Much querying occurred in the regiment, about this time, as to when our term of service would expire. One of our men claiming his time as up, it being nine months since his enlistment, hoping to find out when the regiment were to start for home, went to the colonel and thus accosted him:

"Well, Colonel, I suppose my time is out."

Says the colonel, "What are you going to do about it; are you going home now, or are you going to wait for the rest of the boys?"

Says the fellow, somewhat abashed, "I think I will go home with the rest of the boys."

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