Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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_Obs._ This tincture is a powerful sedative, diuretic, and narcotic. The commencing dose should be 10 drops, gradually and cautiously increased to 30, or even 40; in asthmas, dropsies, fevers, phthisis, &c. "If 40 fl. oz.
of spirit be allowed to pa.s.s (percolate) through the sp. gr. will be 944; and the solid contents of 1 fl. oz. will amount to 24 gr." (Ph. E.)
=Tincture of Galanga.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GALANGae. (Ph. Amst.) _Prep._ Galangal root, 1 oz.; proof spirit, 6 oz.--_Dose_, 30 to 60 drops.
=Tincture of Gal'banum.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GALBANI, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.
1826.) Galbanum, 2 oz.; proof spirit, 32 fl. oz.; digest 7 days. Stimulant and antispasmodic.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 fl. dr. "If less nauseous than tincture of a.s.saftida, it is also less powerful." (Dr A. T. Thomson.)
=Tincture of Galls.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GALLae (B. P., Ph. L. & D.), TINCTURA GALLARUM (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1 (B. P.) Galls, bruised, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate for 48 hours with 6 of the spirit, agitating occasionally, pack in a percolator, let it drain, and then pour on the remaining spirit; when it ceases to drop, wash the marc with spirit to make up 8.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.
2. (Ph. L.) Galls, in powder, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (14 days--Ph. D.; or percolate--Ph. E.); then express the liquid, and filter it. Astringent and styptic.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr. It is chiefly used as a test for iron.
=Tincture of Garden Marigold.= _Syn._ TINCTURA CALENDULae. _Prep._ A saturated tincture of the leaves and flowers of the garden marigold is prepared with whisky, and is reputed to be of service as an application for lacerated wounds.
=Tincture of Garden Nightshade (Ethereal).= _Syn._ TINCTURA SOLANI aeTHEREA. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Powdered leaves of garden nightshade, 4 oz.; sulphuric ether, 16 oz. (by weight). Make by percolation.
=Tincture of Gentian (Ammo"niated).= _Syn._ TINCTURA GENTIANae AMMONIATae, L.; ELIXIR ANTISCROFULEUX, Fr. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Gentian, 1 oz.; sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 1/4 oz.; proof spirit, 32 fl. oz. As the last; but preferred in acidity and low spirits.
=Tincture of Gen'tian (Compound).= _Syn._ BITTER STOMACHIC TINCTURE; TINCTURA GENTIANae COMPOSITA (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.), TINCTURA AMARA, L.
_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Gentian, bruised, 1-1/2; bitter orange peel, bruised, 3/4; cardamom seeds, bruised, 1/4; proof spirit, 20; macerate for 48 hours with 15 of the spirit, agitating occasionally, pack in a percolator, let it drain, and then pour on the remaining spirit; when it ceases to drop, wash the marc with spirit to make up 20.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr.
2. (Ph. L.) Gentian root, sliced and bruised, 2-1/2 oz.; dried orange peel, 10 dr.; cardamoms, bruised, 5 dr.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (or percolate--Ph. E.). The Edinburgh College subst.i.tutes canella for cardamoms, and adds of cochineal, 1/2 dr.
3. (Ph. D.) Gentian root, 3 oz.; dried bitter orange peel, 1-1/2 oz.; cardamoms, 1/2 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 14 days.
4. (Wholesale.) Gentian, 2-1/2 lbs.; dried orange peel, 1-1/4 lb.; bruised cardamoms, 2-1/2 lbs.; proof spirit, 4 galls. (or rectified spirit and water, of each 2 galls.); digest as last.
_Obs._ This is an excellent and popular stomachic bitter and tonic--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl dr.; in dyspepsia, loss of appet.i.te, &c.
=Tincture of Geranium.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GERANII. _Prep._ Dried roots of _Geranium maculatum_, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 2 pints. Astringent. Used chiefly in gargles.
=Tinc'ture of Gin'ger.= _Syn._ TINCTURA ZINGIBERIS (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.). _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Ginger, bruised, 1; rectified spirit, 8; macerate the ginger 48 hours in 6 of the spirit, agitating occasionally; pack in a percolator, let it drain, pour on the remaining spirit, and when it ceases to drop press, filter, and add spirit to make 8.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 minims.
2. (Ph. L.) Ginger, bruised, 2-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (or percolate--Ph. E.).
3. (Wholesale.) Coa.r.s.ely powdered unbleached Jamaica ginger, 1-1/4 lb.; rectified spirit (or spirit distilled from the essence), 1-1/2 gall.; water, 1/2 gall.; digest as above. Stimulant and carminative.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. dr.
_Obs._ The formula of the Ph. D. 1826 resembles the above; that of the last Ph. D. orders 8 oz. of ginger to 1 quart of rectified spirit. The product is, consequently, of fully 3 times the strength of that of the others, and is similar to the common ESSENCE OF GINGER of the shops.
=Tincture of Ginger (Stronger).= _Syn._ TINCTURA ZINGIBERIS FORTIOR. (B.
P.) Pack tightly in a percolator, ginger in fine powder, 10 oz., and pour over it carefully 1/2 pint of rectified spirit. After two hours more add more spirit, and let it percolate slowly until 1 pint of tincture has been collected.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 minims.
=Tincture of Gold-Thread.= _Syn._ TINCTURA COPTIS. (Dr Wood.) _Prep._ Gold-thread, 1 oz.; proof spirit, 16 oz.--_Dose_, 1 dr. Tonic.
=Tincture, Gout.= _Syn._ TINCTURA ANTARTHRITICA, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr.
Graves's.) Take of dried orange peel and powder of aloes and canella, of each 2 oz.; rhubarb, 1 oz.; French brandy (or proof spirit), 1 quart; digest a week, and strain, with expression.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls night and morning.
2. (Dr Wilson's.) Tincture of colchic.u.m flowers.
3. Tincture of colchic.u.m.
=Tincture of Green h.e.l.lebore Root.= _Syn._ TINCTURA VERATRI VIRIDIS. (B.
P.) _Prep._ Green h.e.l.lebore root, in coa.r.s.e powder, 4 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint. Prepared as tincture of aconite. (B. P.)
=Tincture of Gua'iac.u.m.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GUAIACI (Ph. E. & D.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. E. & Ph. L. 1836.) Guaiac.u.m resin (powdered), 7 oz. (8 oz.--Ph. D.); rectified spirit, 1 quart; digest for 14 days, and filter. An excellent sudorific; in chronic gout and rheumatism.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 fl. dr., taken in milk.
=Tincture of Guaiac.u.m (Alkaline).= _Syn._ TINCTURA GUAIACI ALKALINI. (Dr Dewees.) _Prep._ Guaiac.u.m, 5 oz.; carbonate of potash or of soda, 3 dr.; pimento, 2 oz.; proof spirit, 2 pints.--_Dose._ A teaspoonful 3 times a day in dysmenorrha.
=Tincture of Guaiac.u.m (Compound).= _Syn._ AMMONIATED TINCTURE OF GUAIAc.u.m, VOLATILE T. OF G., RHEUMATIC DROPS; TINCTURA GUAIACI COMPOSITA (Ph. L.), T. G. AMMONIATA (B. P., Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Guaiac resin, in fine powder, 4; aromatic spirit of ammonia, 20; macerate 7 days, filter, and wash the filter with the spirit to make up 20.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr., with 1 dr. of mucilage or yolk of egg, to form an emulsion.
2. (Ph. L.) Guaiac.u.m, in coa.r.s.e powder, 7 oz.; aromatic spirit of ammonia (spirit of ammonia--Ph. E.), 1 quart; digest for 7 days, and decant or filter. A powerful, stimulating sudorific and emmenagogue; in chronic rheumatism, gout, amenorrha, &c.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. dr. in milk, or some viscid liquid.
=Tincture of Guaiac.u.m Wood.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GUAIACI LIGNI. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ One part of the rasped wood to 5 parts by weight of proof spirit.
Digest 10 days and strain.
=Tincture of Guarana.= _Syn._ TINCTURA PAULLINIae. (Dorvault.) _Prep._ Alcoholic extract of guarana, 1 oz.; proof spirit, 16 oz. Dissolve.
=Tincture, Haffenden's Balsam'ic.= _Syn._ DE COETLOGON'S BALSAMII TINCTURE. This is a nostrum, of many virtues, prepared from tincture of serpentary (of double strength), 1-1/2 fl. oz.; compound of tincture of benzoin, 1 fl. oz.; tinctures of Tolu and opium, of each 1/2 fl. oz.; with rectified spirits, q. s. to render the mixture 'bright,' should it turn milky. ('Anat. of Quackery.')
=Tincture, Hatfield's.= _Prep._ From gum guaiac.u.m and soap, of each 2 dr.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest for a week. Used as TINCTURE OF GUAIAc.u.m; also externally.
=Tincture of Hedge-Hyssop.= _Syn._ TINCTURA GRATIOLae. (Reece.) _Prep._ Dried hedge-hyssop, 4 oz.; proof spirit, 32 oz.
=Tincture of Hel'lebore.= _Syn._ TINCTURE OF BLACK h.e.l.lEBORE; TINCTURA h.e.l.lEBORI (Ph. L.), L. TINCTURA h.e.l.lEBORI NIGRI. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Black h.e.l.lebore root, bruised, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate 7 days, then strain, with expression.
_Obs._ This tincture is a powerful emmenagogue, and was a favourite remedy with Dr Mead in uterine obstructions and certain cutaneous affections.--_Dose_, 20 drops to 1 fl. dr. See TINCTURE OF VERATRUM.
=Tincture of Hem'lock.= _Syn._ TINCTURA CICUTae, T. CONII (Ph. L. & E.), T.
CONII MACULATI, L. _Prep._ 1, (Ph. L.) Dried hemlock leaves, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; digest a week, press, and filter. In the Ph. L. 1836, cardamom seeds, 1 oz., was added.
2. (Ph. E.) Fresh hemlock leaves, 12 oz.; express the juice, bruise the residuum, and treat it, by percolation, first with tincture of cardamoms, 10 fl. oz., and next with rectified spirit, 1-1/2 pint; mix the liquids, and filter. Deobstruent and narcotic.--_Dose_ of the Ph. L., 20 to 60 drops; that of the Ph. E. tincture is less, it being a much stronger and certain preparation. See HEMLOCK.
3. (B. P.) Hemlock fruit, bruised, 2-1/2 oz.; proof spirit, 1 pint.
Proceed as for tincture of aconite (B. P.).
=Tincture of Hemp.= Tincture of Indian Hemp.
=Tincture of Hen'bane.= _Syn._ TINCTURA HYOSCYAMI (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.). _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Hyoscyamus leaves, dried and bruised, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate 48 hours with 6 of the spirit, pack in a percolator, and when it has drained pour on the remaining spirit, and when it ceases to drop, press, and wash the marc with spirit to make up 8.--_Dose_, 15 to 60 minims.
2. (Ph. L.) Dried leaves of henbane, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (14 days--Ph. D.; or percolate--Ph. E.), then press, and filter. Anodyne, sedative, soporific, and narcotic.--_Dose_, 20 drops to 2 fl. dr.
_Obs._ This, as well as the TINCTURES OF FOXGLOVE, HEMLOCK, HOPS, JALAP, LOBELIA INFLATA, RHATANY, SAVINE, SQUILLS, SENNA, VALERIAN WORMWOOD, &c., is usually prepared by the druggists with 1 lb. of the dried leaves (or dried drugs) to each gall. of a mixture of equal parts of rectified spirit and water.
=Tincture of Hops.= _Syn._ TINCTURA LUPULI (B. P., Ph. L. & E.), TINCTURA HUMULI, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Hop, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate 48 hours in 6 of the spirit, agitating occasionally, pack in a percolator, let it drain, add the remaining spirit, and when fluid ceases to drop, wash the marc, filter, and make up 8.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.
2. (Ph. E.) Hops, 6 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; digest 7 days, then press, and filter. Anodyne, sedative, and soporific.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr.
For the formula of the Ph. E. and D., see TINCTURE OF LUPULIN.
=Tincture of Hops (Compound).= _Syn._ TINCTURA LUPULI COMPOSITA, LIQUEUR DES TEIGNEUX. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Hops, 1 oz.; smaller centaury, 1 oz.; orange peel, 2 dr.; carbonate of potash, 12 gr.; proof spirit, 18 oz. (by weight).