Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Syrup of Rhubarb (Spliced).= _Syn._ SYRUPUS RHEI AROMATICUS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. U. S.) Rhubarb, 2-1/2 oz.; cloves and cinnamon, of each 1/2 oz.; nutmeg, 1/4 oz. (all bruised); proof spirit, 32 fl. oz.; macerate for 14 days (or percolate), strain, gently evaporate to 16 fl. oz., filter whilst hot, and mix the liquid with simple syrup (gently warmed), 4-3/4 pints. A cordial laxative.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful; in infantile constipation, diarrha, &c.
=Syrup of Ros"es.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS ROSae (Ph. L.), SYRUPUS ROSae CENTIFOLIae (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Dried petals of damask roses (_Rosa centifolia_), 7 oz.; boiling water, 3 pints; macerate for 12 hours, filter, evaporate in a water bath to 1 quart, and add of white sugar, 6 lbs.; and, when cold, rectified spirit, 5-1/2 fl. oz.
2. (Wholesale.) From rose leaves, 1 lb.; sugar, 19 lbs.; water, q. s.; as the last. Gently laxative.--_Dose_, 1/4 to 1 fl. oz. It is usual to add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid, to brighten the colour. Alkalies turn it green.
=Syrup of Rue.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS RUTae, L. _Prep._ Take of oil of rue, 12 to 15 drops; rectified spirit, 1/2 fl. oz.; dissolve, and add it to simple syrup, 1 pint.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful; in the flatulent colic of children. An infusion of 1/2 oz. of the herb is sometimes subst.i.tuted for the solution of the essential oil.
=Syrup of Saf'fron.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS CROCI (Ph. L., E., & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Hay saffron, 5 dr. (10 dr.--Ph. E; 1/2 oz.--Ph. D.); boiling water, 1 pint; macerate in a covered vessel for 12 hours, then strain the liquor, and add of white sugar, 3 lbs., q. s., and rectified spirit, 2-1/2 fl. oz., or q. s. in the manner directed under SYRUP OF COCHINEAL. The Ph.
E. & D. omit the spirit.
2. (Wholesale.) Hay saffron, 6 oz.; boiling water, 6 quarts; white sugar, 24 lbs.; as the last. Used for its colour and flavour; the first is very beautiful.
=Syrup of Salicin.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SALICINI. _Prep._ Salicin, 1 dr.; boiling water, 1 oz.; sugar, 2 oz.
=Syrup of Santonate of Soda.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SODae SANTONATIS. This formula is recommended because of the adaptability of its administration to children; the syrup being of very pleasant taste. It is made as follows:--Powdered santonate of soda, 5 grams; simple syrup, 900 grams; syrup of orange flower, 100 grams. Suspend the santonate in 250 grams of the syrup, and heat it over a spirit-lamp until dissolved; add the remainder of the syrup, then the syrup of orange flower, and mix carefully. A tablespoonful or 20 grams of this syrup will contain 10 centigrams of santonate, or the equivalent of 5 centigrams of santonin.
For adults the dose might be double, or a syrup made containing 20 centigrams to the tablespoonful.
=Syrup of Sarsaparil'la.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SARZae (Ph. L. & E.), SYRUPUS SARSAPARILLae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Take of sarsaparilla (sliced), 3-1/2 lbs.; boil it in water, 2 galls., down to one half; pour off the liquor, and strain it whilst hot; again boil the sarsaparilla. in another gall. of water down to one half, and strain; evaporate the mixed liquors to 1 quart, and in these dissolve of white sugar, 8 oz.; lastly, when the syrup has cooled, add to it of rectified spirit, 2 fl. oz.
2. (Ph. E. & Ph. L. 1836.) Sarsaparilla (sliced), 15 oz.; boiling water, 1 gall.; macerate for 24 hours, boil to 2 quarts, strain, add of sugar, 15 oz., and boil to a syrup.
3. (Wholesale.) Take of extract of sarsaparilla, 3 lbs.; boiling water, 3 quarts; dissolve, strain, and add of white sugar, 12 lbs. Alterative and tonic.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 dr. See SARSAPARILLA.
=Syrup of Sarsaparil'la, Compound.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SARZae COMPOSITUS, L.; SYROP DE CUISINIER, Fr. _Prep._ (Ph. U. S.) Sarsaparilla (bruised), 2 lbs.; guaiac.u.m wood, rasped, 3 oz; damask roses, senna, and liquorice root, bruised, of each 2 oz.; diluted alcohol (proof spirit), 10 wine pints (1 gall. imperial); macerate for 14 days, express, filter through paper, and evaporate in a water bath to 4 wine pints (3-1/4 pints, imperial); then add of white sugar, 8 lbs.; and, when cold, further add of oils of sa.s.safras and aniseed, of each 5 drops, and oil of partridge berry (_Gaultheria proc.u.mbens_), 3 drops, previously triturated with a little of the syrup.
_Obs._ This is an excellent preparation; but the rose leaves might be well omitted.--_Dose_, 1/2 fl. oz. 3 or 4 times a day, as an alterative, tonic, and restorative. The syrup of the P. Cod. is made with water instead of spirit, and is inferior as a remedy to the preceding.
=Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Ioduretted.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SARSae IODURETI.
(Ricord.) _Prep._ Syrup of sarsaparilla, 31 parts; iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 part.
=Syrup of Senega.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SENEGae. (U. S.) _Prep._ Senega in moderately fine powder, 4 troy oz.; sugar, 15 troy oz.; proof spirit, 2 pints (o. m.) Introduce the senega into a percolator and pour on the proof spirit; when finished, evaporate the percolate by a water bath at 160 F.
to 8 oz. (o. m.); filter, add the sugar, dissolve by a gentle heat, and strain whilst hot.
=Syrup of Sen'na.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SENNae (B. P., Ph. L. & E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Take of senna, 3-1/2 oz.; fennel seed (bruised), 10 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; macerate for 6 hours, with a gentle heat; then strongly press out the liquid through linen, and dissolve in it of manna, 3 oz.; next add this solution to treacle, 3 lbs., previously evaporated over a water bath until a little of it, on being cooled, almost concretes, and stir them well together.
2. (Ph. E.) Senna, 4 oz.; boiling water, 24 fl. oz.; infuse, strain, add of treacle, 48 oz., and evaporate to a proper consistence.
Aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 dr.
3. (B. P.) Senna, broken small, 8 oz.; oil of coriander, 4-1/2 minims; refined sugar, 12 oz.; distilled water, 50 oz.; or a sufficiency; rectified spirit, 1 oz.; digest the senna in 3/4 of the water twenty-four hours at a temperature of 120, press, and strain; digest the marc in the remainder of the water six hours, press, and strain; evaporate the mixed liquors to 5 oz.; when cold add the rectified spirit containing the oil of coriander; filter, and wash the filter with water to make up to 8 oz.; add the sugar, and dissolve with gentle heat. The product should weigh 21 oz., and measure 16 oz. Sp. gr. 1310.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr.
=Syrup of Senna with Manna.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SENNae c.u.m MANNA. (Ph. G.) _Prep._ Infuse 10 oz. of senna leaves and 1 oz. of bruised fennel seeds for some hours in 205 pints of hot water; strain, and dissolve in the strained liquor 15 oz. of manna. Pour off 5-1/2 oz. (by weight) of liquid from the sediment, and dissolve it in 3 lbs. 2 oz. of sugar.
=Syrup, Simple.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS (B. P., Ph. L.), SYRUPUS SIMPLEX (Ph. E. & D.), L.
1. (Ph. L.) White sugar, 3 lbs.; distilled water, 1 pint; dissolve by a gentle heat.
2. (Ph. E. & Ph. L. 1836.) Pure sugar, 10 lbs.; boiling water, 3 pints.
3. (Ph. D.) Refined sugar (in powder--crushed), 5 lbs.; distilled water, 1 quart.
4. (B. P.) Refined sugar, 6; distilled water, 3; dissolve the sugar in the water with the aid of heat, and when cool add water to make the product weigh 9 and measure very nearly 7. Sp. gr. 133.
5. (Wholesale.) Finest double refined sugar, 44 lbs.; distilled water, 2-3/4 gall.; make a syrup.
_Obs._ This preparation should be as white and transparent as water. Used as capillaire, &c., and to give cohesiveness and consistence to pulverulent substances in the preparation of electuaries, pills, &c.
=Syrup of Snails.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LIMACIBUS (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Vine snails, deprived of their and of the black portions, and cut up, 2 oz.; wash in cold water and then boil with 10 oz. of water to 7 oz.; then add 10 oz. of sugar.
=Syrup of Soap Wort.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SAPONARIae. From the root, the same as syrup of coltsfoot.
=Syrup of Squills.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SCILLae (B. H., Ph. E. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Vinegar of squills, 3 pints; white sugar (in powder), 7 lbs.; dissolve by a gentle heat.
2. (Ph. D.) Vinegar of squills, 8 fl. oz.; refined sugar (in powder), 1 lb.; dissolve.
3. (B. P.) Vinegar of squills, 20; refined sugar, 40; dissolve with the aid of heat.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr.
4. (Wholesale.) Take of vinegar of squills (perfectly transparent), 14 lbs.; double refined sugar, 28 lbs.; dissolve in a stoneware vessel, in the cold, or at most by a very gentle heat.
_Obs._ This syrup, like the last, should be as clear as water, and nearly colourless.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. dr., as an expectorant; in chronic coughs and asthma. In large doses it proves emetic.
=Syrup of Squills, Compound.= =Syn.= HIVE SYRUP; SYRUPUS SCILLae COMPOSITUS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. U. S.) Squills and senega, of each, bruised, 5 oz.; water, 1/2 gall.; boil to a quart; add of sugar, 4-1/2 lbs.; evaporate to 3 pints, or a proper consistence, and dissolve in it, whilst hot, of pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony (in powder), 1 dr.
_Obs._ This syrup is a popular expectorant in the U. S., where it is known as hive syrup.--_Dose._ As an expectorant, 20 to 30 drops, for adults; for children, 5 to 10 drops; in croup, 10 drops to 1/2 fl. dr., repeated until it vomits.
=Syrup of Stinking h.e.l.lebore.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS h.e.l.lEBORI FTIDI. _Prep._ Sprinkle the fresh leaves of bear's foot with vinegar, and express the juice. Boil this with twice its weight of sugar.
=Syrup of Stramonium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS STRAMONII. From the tincture as syrup of belladonna.
=Syrup of Strychnia.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS STRYCHNIae. (P. Cod.) The Paris Codex orders a syrup containing 1/4 gr. of sulphate of strychnia in 1000 gr. of syrup.
=Syrup, Sudorific.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SUDORIFICUS. (Foy.) Sarsaparilla, 6 oz.; guaiac.u.m raspings, 6 oz.; water, 3 pints. Macerate for 24 hours, evaporate to 1-1/2 pint; strain, and make into a syrup with 2-1/2 lbs. of sugar.
=Syrup of Sulphate of Iron.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI SULPHATIS. (Willis.) _Prep._ Sulphate of iron, 1 dr.; water, 2 dr.; syrup, 16 oz.
=Syrup of Sulphate of Quinine.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS QUININae SULPHATIS. (P.
Cod.) _Prep._ Dissolve 30 gr. of sulphate of quinine in 4 dr. of water, with 1/2 dr. of dilute sulphuric acid, and mix the solution with 13 oz. of white syrup.
=Syrup of Sulphuret of Pota.s.sium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS POTa.s.sII SULPHURETI. (P.
Cod.) _Prep._ Liver of sulphur, 8 gr.; water, 16 gr.; syrup, 1 oz.
=Syrup of Superphosphate of Iron.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI-SUPERPHOSPHATIS.
(Mr Greenish.) _Prep._ Superphosphate of iron, 2 scruples; simple syrup, 1 fl. oz.
=Syrup, Symphytic.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SYMPHYTI; BOYLE'S SYRUP. (Ph. E. 1745.) _Prep._ Fresh comfrey root, 1/2 lb.; plantain leaves, 1/2 lb.; bruise, express the juice, boil to half, and make a syrup with an equal weight of sugar.
=Syrup of Tannin.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS TANNINI. (Foy.) _Prep._ Tannin, 2 oz.; water, 16 oz.; sugar, 32 oz.
=Syrup of Tar.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS PICIS. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Tar water, 5-1/4 oz.; sugar, 10 oz. Dissolve by water bath, and filter through paper.