Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 222

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=Solution of I'odide of Ar'senic.= _Syn._ LIQUOR a.r.s.eNICI PERIODIDI, L.

_Prep._ (Wackenroder.) Each drachm contains 1/8 gr. of teriodide of a.r.s.enic; equivalent to 1/48 gr. of metallic a.r.s.enic, and 1/10 gr. (nearly) of iodine.

=Solution of Iodide of Mer'cury and Potas'sium.= _Syn._ LIQUOR IODOHYDRARGYRATIS POTa.s.sII IODIDI, L. _Prep._ (Dr Channing.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 3-1/2 gr.; binoxide of mercury, 41/2 gr.; distilled water, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve.--_Dose_, 2 to 5 or 6 drops, three times a day, much diluted; in dyspepsia, indurations, enlargement of the spleen, dropsy, &c.

=Solution of Iodide of Potas'sium (Compound).= _Syn._ IODURETTED WATER, COMPOUND SOLUTION OF IODINE; LIQUOR POTa.s.sII IODIDI COMPOSITUS (Ph. L. & D.), LIQUOR IODINEI COMPOSITUS (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L. & D.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 10 gr.; iodine, 5 gr.; water, 1 pint; dissolve.--_Dose_, 1 to 6 dr.; in the usual cases where iodine is employed.

2. (Ph. E.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 oz.; iodine, 2 dr.; water, 16 fl. oz.

This is 30 times as strong as the preceding.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 drops.

=Solutions of Iodine.= _Syn._ LIQUOR IODI (B. P.). _Prep._ Dissolve 20 gr.

of iodine and 30 gr. of iodide of pota.s.sium in 1 oz. of distilled water.

(Lugol's.) _Syn._ SOLUTIONES IODINII VEL IODURETae. _Prep._ Ioduretted waters, Nos. 1, 2, and 3; iodine, 1-1/2 gr., 2 gr., and 2-1/2 gr.; water, 1 pint. _Drops._--Iodine, 1 scruple; iodide of pota.s.sium, 2 scruples; water, 9 dr. _Lotions, &c._--Iodine, 1-1/2 gr. to 3 gr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 3 gr. to 6 gr.; water, 1 pint. _Rubefacient._--Iodine, 1 pint; iodide of pota.s.sium, 2 parts; water, 12 parts. _Caustic._--Iodine, 1 part; iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 part; water, 2 parts.

=Solution of Iodide of Iron.= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI IODIDI. (Ph. U. S.).

_Prep._ Mix 2 oz. (troy) of iodine with 5 oz. of water, and add 1 oz.

(troy) of iron filings, stir frequently, and heat the mixture gently till it a.s.sumes a greenish colour; then filter into a gla.s.s bottle containing 12 oz. of powdered sugar, and after it has pa.s.sed, pour distilled water on the filter, until the filtered liquor, including the sugar, measures 20 oz., last shake the bottle till the sugar is dissolved.--_Dose_, 15 minims to 1 dr.

=Solution of Iodine with Hemlock.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO IODINII c.u.m CONIO. Dr SCUDAMORE'S SOLUTION. For inhaling. Iodine, 6 gr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 6 gr.; rectified spirit, 2 dr.; water, 5 oz. 6 dr. From 1/2 dr. to 5 dr. of this solution, with 1/2 dr. of tincture of hemlock to be added to warm water at 120 F. in a gla.s.s inhaler, and used twice a day. Two thirds of the ingredients are first put into the inhaler, and the rest added when half the time for inhaling has elapsed.

=Solution of I'ron (Alkaline).= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI ALKALINI, L. _Prep._ (Ph. L. 1824.) Iron filings, 2-1/2 dr.; nitric acid, 2 fl. oz.; water, 6 fl. oz.; dissolve, decant, gradually add of solution of carbonate of potash 6 fl. oz., and in 6 hours decant the clear portion. This was intended as an imitation of Stahl's Tinctura Martis Alkalina. It is tonic, emmenagogue, &c.--_Dose_, 20 to 60 drops.

=Solution of Iron and Alum.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO FERRI ALUMINOSA. (Swediaur.) Calcined sulphate of iron, 10 scruples; alum, 5 scruples; water sufficient to dissolve them; sulphuric acid, 15 drops.--_Dose_, 10 to 15 drops. Once a celebrated nostrum in Germany, under the name of _Tinctura nervosa_.


=Solution, Labarraque's.= See SOLUTION OF CHLORINATED SODA.

=Solution of Lime.= _Syn._ LIME WATER; SOLUTIO CALCIS HYDRATIS, LIQUOR CALCIS (Ph. L. & D.), AQUA CALCIS (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Upon the lime, 1/2 lb., first slaked (by sprinkling it) with a little of the water, pour the remainder of water, 12 pints, and shake them well together (for 5 minutes--Ph. D.); immediately cover the vessel, and set it aside for three hours; then keep the solution with the remaining lime (equally divided) in stoppered gla.s.s vessels, and, when it is to be used, decant the required portion from the clear solution (replacing it with more water, and agitating briskly, as before--Ph. E.).

LIQUOR CALCIS (B. P.). _Syn._ Lime water. Put 2 oz. of slaked lime into a stoppered bottle containing 1 gall. of distilled water, and shake well for two or three minutes. After 12 hours the excess of lime will have subsided, and the clear solution may be drawn off with a siphon as it is required for use, or transferred to a green gla.s.s bottle furnished with a well-ground stopper.

_Obs._ Cold water dissolves more lime than hot water. 1 pint of water at 32 Fahr. dissolves 13-1/4 gr., at 60 it dissolves 11-1/2 gr., but at 212 only 6-1/2 gr. (Phillips.)

_Uses, &c._ Lime water is antacid, astringent, antilithic, tonic and vermifuge.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful, or more, 2 or 3 times a day, in milk or broth; in dyspepsia, diarrha, calculous affections, &c.; and, externally, as a detersive and discutient lotion.

=Solution of Lime (Saccharated).= (B. P.) _Syn._ LIQUOR CALCIS SACCHARATUS. _Prep._ Slaked lime, 1; refined sugar (in powder), 2; distilled water, 20; digest for some hours and strain.--_Dose_, 15 to 60 minims in milk.

=Solution of Lithia, Effervescing.= _Syn._ LIQUOR LITHIae EFFERVESCENS. (B.

P.) _Prep._ Mix 10 gr. of carbonate of lithia and 1 pint of water in a suitable apparatus, and charge with carbonic acid gas under a pressure of 7 atmospheres. Keep in bottles securely corked.

=Solution, Mackenzie's.= _Prep._ From nitrate of silver, 20 gr., dissolved in distilled water, 1 fl. oz. Used to wash the throat and fauces, and to sponge the trachea, in affections of those parts.

=Solution of Magne'sia.= _Syn._ AERATED MAGNESIA WATER, CARBONATED M. W., FLUID MAGNESIA, CONDENSED SOLUTION OF M., CONCENTRATED S. OF M.; LIQUOR MAGNESIae CARBONATIS, AQUA M. C., L.; EAU MAGNESIENNE, Fr. _Prep._ (Dinneford's.) Water and Howard's heavy carbonate of magnesia, in the proportion of 17-1/2 gr. of the latter to every fl. oz. of the former, are introduced into a cylindrical tinned copper vessel, and carbonic acid, generated by the action of sulphuric acid on whiting, is forced into it by steam power for 5-1/2 hours, during the whole of which time the cylinder is kept in motion. Sir J. Murray's is similar. The Paris Codex orders recently precipitated carbonate of magnesia to be used while still moist.

Antacid and laxative. See FLUID MAGNESIA.

=Solution, Min'eral.= See SOLUTION OF a.r.s.eNITE OF POTa.s.sA.


=Solution of Myrrh, Alkaline.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO MYRRHae ALKALINA. (Swediaur.) _Prep._ Carbonate of soda, 1 dr.; myrrh, 2 oz.; boiling water, 8 oz.

Digest in a water bath for 2 days, frequently stirring, and strain.

=Solution of Nitrate of Mercury (Acid).= _Syn._ LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS ACIDUS (B. P.). _Prep._ Mercury, 4; nitric acid, 5; distilled water, 1-1/2; mix the nitric acid with the water in a flask, and dissolve the mercury in the mixture without the application of heat. Boil gently for 15 minutes, cool, and preserve the solution in a stoppered bottle. Used alone, as a caustic; 1 to 2 minims to 1 oz. of water, as a gargle; and 1 minim to 2 oz. of water, as an injection in gonorrha.

=Solution of Nitrate of Mercury and Ammonia.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO HYDRARGYRI ET AMMONIae NITRATIS. WARD'S WHITE DROP. _Prep._ Nitrate of ammonia and mercury in crystals, 1 part; rose water, 3 parts; digest till dissolved.

=Solution of Nitrate of Sil'ver.= _Syn._ LIQUOR ARGENTI NITRATIS (Ph. L.), SOLUTIO A. N. (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Nitrate of silver (cryst.), 1 dr. (40 gr.--Ph. E.); distilled water, 1 fl. oz. (1600 gr.--Ph. E.); dissolve. Used as an escharotic, &c. It should be kept from the light. See LOTION, NITRATE OF SILVER, &c.

=Solution of O'pium (Sed'ative).= See LIQUOR.

=Solution of Oxysulphate of Iron.= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI OXYSULPHATIS, L.

_Prep._ From sulphate of iron (in powder) and nitric acid, of each 3 dr.; triturated together for 15 minutes, and then dissolved in distilled water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.--_Dose_, 5 or 6 to 12 drops.

=Solution of Perchloride of Iron.= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI PERCHLORIDI (B.

P.). _Prep._ Stronger solution of perchloride of iron (see _below_), 1; distilled water, 3.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 minims.

=Solution of Perchloride of Iron (Stronger).= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI PERCHLORIDI FORTIOR (B. P.). _Prep._ Iron wire, 2 oz.; hydrochloric acid, 12 oz.; nitric acid, 9 dr.; distilled water, 8 gr. Mix 8 of the hydrochloric acid with the water, and pour the mixture on the iron wire, applying a gentle heat, so that the whole of the metal may be dissolved; filter the solution, and add to it the remainder of the hydrochloric and nitric acids; heat the mixture briskly, until, on the sudden evolution of red fumes, the liquid becomes of an orange-brown colour, then evaporate by the heat of a water bath until it is reduced to 10 fl. oz. Used as an application to diphtheritic patches, for injecting naevi, as a powerful styptic, and in the preparation of SOLUTION OF PERCHLORIDE OF IRON. (See _above_.)

=Solution of Perchloride of Mercury.= _Syn._ LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI PERCHLORIDI (B. P.). _Prep._ Corrosive sublimate, 10 gr.; chloride of ammonium, 10 gr.; distilled water, 20 oz.; dissolve.--_Dose_, 30 to 120 minims.

=Solution of Perchloride of Mercury (Compound).= _Syn._ LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI, PERCHLORIDI COMPOSITUS, LIQUOR MERCURIELLE NORMALE (Mialhe). _Prep._ Distilled water, 16 oz,; chloride of sodium, 16 gr.; chloride of ammonium, 16 gr.; white of 1 egg, perchloride of mercury, 4 gr. Beat the white of egg with the water, filter, dissolve the salts in the liquid and filter again.

=Solution of Permanganate of _Syn._ LIQUOR POTa.s.sae PERMANGANATIS (B. P.). _Prep._ Permanganate of, 4 gr.; distilled water, 1 oz.; dissolve. Diluted with 40 parts of water, it is used as a gargle or as a cleansing wash for diseased surface.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 dr.

=Solution of Perni'trate of Iron.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF PERSESQUINITRATE OF IRON; FERRI PERNITRAS LIQUOR (Ph. D.), SOLUTIO PERSESQUINITRAS FERRI (Kerr), L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.). Take of pure nitric acid, 3 fl. oz.; water, 16 fl. oz.; mix, add fine iron wire, 1 oz.; dissolve, and to the clear solution add as much water as will make the whole measure 1-1/2 pint. Sp.

gr. 1107.--_Dose_, 5 or 6 to 30 drops, or more; in pa.s.sive haemorrhages, mucous discharges, chronic diarrha with prostration, &c.

=Solution of Persulphate of Iron.= _Syn._ LIQUOR FERRI PERSULPHATIS.

_Prep._ Sulphate of iron, 8; sulphuric acid, 3/4; nitric acid, 3/4; distilled water, 12. Add the sulphuric acid to 10 of the water, and dissolve the sulphate of iron in the mixture with the aid of heat. Mix the nitric acid with the remaining 2 of the water, and add the dilute acid to the solution of sulphate of iron. Concentrate the whole by boiling until, by the sudden evolution of ruddy vapours, the liquid ceases to be black, and acquires a red colour. A drop of the solution is now to be tested with ferricyanide of pota.s.sium, and if a blue precipitate be formed, a few additional drops of nitric acid should be added, and the boiling renewed, in order that the whole may be converted into persulphate of iron. When the solution is cold, make up the quant.i.ty to 11 by the addition, if necessary, of distilled water. Used in making several preparations of iron; it is also a good styptic.

=Solution of Phosphoric Ether.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO PHOSPHORI aeTHEREA. _Prep._ Sliced phosphorus, 5 gr.; rectified ether, 1 oz.; mix, set the bottle in a dark place for 3 or 4 days, shaking occasionally, and decant.

=Solution for Plate.= _Syn._ PLATE LIQUOR; SOLUTIO PRO ARGENTO, L. _Prep._ From alum, cream of tartar, and common salt, of each 1 oz.; water, 1/2 gall.; dissolve. Used to increase the l.u.s.tre and whiteness of silver plate, the articles being boiled in it.

=Solution of Potas'sa.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF HYDRATE OF POTa.s.sA, LIQUOR OF POTa.s.sA, POTASH WATER, CAUSTIC P. W.; LIQUOR POTa.s.sae (B. P., Ph. L.), AQUA POTa.s.sae (Ph. E.), POTa.s.sae CAUSTICae LIQUOR (Ph. D.), AQUA KALI PURI, LIXIVIUM SAPONARUM, AQUA KALI CAUSTIc.u.m, LIXIVIUM CAUSTIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Lime (recently burnt), 8 oz.; boiling distilled water, 1 gall.; sprinkle a little of the water on the lime in an earthen vessel, and, when it is slaked and fallen to powder, add of carbonate of 15 oz., dissolved in the remainder of the water; bung down, and shake frequently, until the mixture is cold, then allow the whole to settle, and decant the clear supernatant portion into perfectly clean and well-stoppered green-gla.s.s bottles. Sp. gr. 1063. It contains 67% of pure

2. (Ph. E.) Carbonate of (dry), 4 oz.; quicklime, 2 oz.; water, 45 fl. oz.; boiling briskly for a few minutes after each addition of the milk of lime; to yield at least 35 fl. oz., by decantation, after 24 hours'

repose in a deep, narrow, gla.s.s vessel. Sp. gr. 1072.

3. (Ph. D.) Pure carbonate of, 1 lb.; distilled water, 1 gall.; dissolve, heat the solution to the boiling point in a clean iron vessel, gradually add to it of fresh quicklime, 10 oz., previously slaked with water, 7 fl. oz., and continue the ebullition for 10 minutes, with constant stirring; next allow it to cool out of contact with the air, and, when perfectly clear, decant it by means of a syphon, and bottle it as before. Sp. gr. 1068.

4. (B. P.) Carbonate of potash, 2; slaked lime, 1-1/2; distilled water, 20; dissolve the carbonate of potash in the water, and having heated the solution to the boiling point in a clean iron vessel, gradually mix the slaked lime, and continue the ebullition for 10 minutes with constant stirring; decant the clear liquid.--_Dose_, 15 to 60 minims 3 times a day in beer, milk, or _Mistura Amygdalae_.

5. (Wohler.) Nitrate of, 1 part, is mixed, in alternate layers, with clippings of sheet copper, 2 or 3 parts, and then heated to moderate redness for about 1/2 an hour in a copper or iron crucible; when cold, the is washed out with distilled water, and the solution, after repose in a closed vessel, decanted as before. Not a trace of copper can be detected in the liquid. The clippings may be again used if mixed with a little fresh metallic copper.

6. (Wholesale.) From carbonate of potash (kali), 1 lb., and quicklime, 1/2 lb., to each gall. of water.

7. (BRANDISH'S ALKALINE SOLUTION; LIQUOR POTa.s.sae BRANDIs.h.i.+.) From American pearlashes, 6 lbs.; quicklime and wood ashes (from the ash), of each 2 lbs.; boiling water, 6 galls. (old meas.); to each gall. of the clear product is added 12 or 15 drops of oil of juniper. This 'solution'

is much asked for in trade. Ordinary liquor of is generally sold for it.

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