Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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9. (Gannal.) Alum and culinary salt, of each 1/2 lb.; nitre, 1/4 lb.; water, 1 gall.
10. (Goadsby.)--_a._ From bay salt, 2 oz.; alum, 1 oz.; b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 1 gr.; water, 1 pint. For ordinary purposes.
_b._ To the last add of b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 1 gr.; water, 1 pint. For very tender tissues, and where there is a tendency to mouldiness.
_c._ From bay salt, 1/4 lb.; b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 1 gr.; water, 1 pint.
For subjects containing carbonate of lime.
_d._ From bay salt, 1/4 lb.; a.r.s.enious acid, 10 gr.; water, 1 pint; dissolve by heat. For old preparations.
_e._ To the last add of b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 1 gr. As the last, when there is a tendency to the softening of parts; and, diluted, for mollusca.
These solutions are approved of by Prof. Owen.
11. (M. Reboulet.) Nitre, 1 part; alum, 2 parts; chloride of lime, 4 parts; water, 16 or 20 parts; to be afterwards diluted according to circ.u.mstances. For pathological specimens. 12. (Dr Stapleton.) Alum, 2-1/4 oz.; nitre, 1 dr.; water, 1 quart. For pathological specimens.
13. (For FEATHERS--Beasley.) Strychnia, 16 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 pint.
_Obs._ These fluids are used for preserving ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS, OBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, &c., by immersing them therein, in close vessels; or, for temporary purposes, applying them by means of a brush or piece of rag. The presence of corrosive sublimate is apt to render animal substances very hard. See PUTREFACTION.
=Solution, Antiseptic.= (See _above_.)
=Solution of a.r.s.eniate of Ammonia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR a.r.s.eNIATIS AMMONIae.
(Hosp. Of St Louis.) _Prep._ a.r.s.eniate of ammonia, 4 gr.; distilled water, 4 oz.; spirit of angelica, 2 dr.--_Dose_, 12 to 30 minims. There are other formulae for the solution, differing in strength from the above.
Dr Neligan gives us Biett's:--a.r.s.eniate of ammonia, 1-1/2 gr.; distilled water, 3 oz.; spirit of angelica, 6 dr.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 dr.
Bouchardat says 6 gr. to 8 oz. of distilled water.--_Dose._ From 12 drops to 1 dr.
=Solution of a.r.s.eniate of Soda.= _Syn._ LIQUOR a.r.s.eNIATIS SODae. PEARSON'S a.r.s.eNICAL SOLUTION. _Prep._ a.r.s.eniate of soda, 4 gr.; distilled water, 4 oz.--_Dose_, 12 minims to 30.
=Solution of a.r.s.eniate of Soda.= (B. P.) _Syn._ LIQUOR SODae a.r.s.eNIATIS.
_Prep._ Dissolve a.r.s.eniate of soda (rendered anhydrous by a heat not exceeding 300 Fahr.) 4 gr. in distilled water, 1 oz.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 minims.
=Solution, a.r.s.enical.= _Syn._ MINERAL SOLUTION; SOLUTIO a.r.s.eNICALIS, SOLUTIO MINERALIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (Devergie.) As SOLUTION OF a.r.s.eNITE OF POTa.s.sA, Ph. L., but of only 1-50th the strength, and flavoured with compound spirit of balm, and coloured to a deep rose with cochineal.
2. (Pearson.) a.r.s.eniate of soda, 4 gr.; water, 4 fl. oz.; dissolve.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 drops during the day. (See _below_.)
=Solution of a.r.s.e"nious Acid.= See DROPS, AGUE, and a.r.s.eNIOUS ACID.
=Solution of Ar'senite of Potas'sa.= _Syn._ FOWLER'S MINERAL SOLUTION; LIQUOR POTa.s.sae a.r.s.eNITIS. (Ph. L.), LIQUOR a.r.s.eNICALIS (B. P., Ph. E., D., & U. S.), L. _Prep._ (B. P., Ph. L., & E.) a.r.s.enious acid, coa.r.s.ely powdered, and carbonate of, of each 80 gr.; distilled water, 1 pint; boil until dissolved, and add, to the cold solution, compound tincture of lavender, 5 fl. dr.; water, q. s. to make the whole exactly measure a pint. Tonic, antiperiodic, and alterative.--_Dose_, 4 or 5 drops, gradually and cautiously increased; in agues and various scaly skin diseases. It is preferably taken soon after a meal. See a.r.s.eNIOUS ACID, &c.
=Solution of Atropia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR ATROPIae (B. P.). _Prep._ Atropia, 4 gr.: rectified spirit, 1 dr.; dissolve, and add water, 7 dr.; mix.--_Dose_, 1 minim.
=Solution of Auro-Chloride of Gold.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO AURI AMMONIO-CHLORIDI.
(Furnari.) _Prep._ Ammonio-chloride of gold, 8 gr.; distilled water and rectified spirit, of each 10 oz.--_Dose._ A teaspoonful morning and evening in sugared water for dysmenorrha and amenorrha.
=Solution of Bimeconate of Morphiae.= SOLUTIO MORPHIae BIMECONATIS. There is no standard formula for this preparation. It is made about the same strength as tincture of opium. The following contains 1 gr. in 84 minims:--Bimeconate of morphia, 10 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 dr.; distilled water, 13 dr.
=Solution of and Citrate of Ammonia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR BIs.m.u.tHI ET AMMONIae CITRATIS (B. P.). Purified, 1; nitric acid, 2; citric acid, 2; solution of ammonia, a sufficiency; mix the nitric acid with an ounce of distilled water, and add the in successive portions. When effervescence has ceased, apply for ten minutes a heat approaching that of ebullition, and decant the solution from any insoluble matter. Evaporate the solution until it is reduced to 2, then add the citric acid previously dissolved in 4 of distilled water, and afterwards the solution of ammonia in small quant.i.ties at a time, until the precipitate formed is redissolved, and the solution is neutral or slightly alkaline to test paper; dilute with distilled water to the volume of 20.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr.
=Solution of Bromine.= _Syn._ LIQUOR BROMINII. (Pourche.) _Prep._ Bromine, 1 part; distilled water, 40 parts.--_Dose_, 5 or 6 drops, 3 times a day. A stronger solution (1 part to 10) is sometimes used externally.
=Solution of Carbon (Detergent).= _Syn._ LIQUOR CARBONIS DETERGENS. This name is applied to an alcoholic solution of coal tar. Properly diluted it is used externally in skin diseases.
=Solution, Brandish's.= See SOLUTION OF POTa.s.sA.
=Solution, Burnett's.= A solution of chloride of zinc. See SOLUTION FOR ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS (_above_), also DISINFECTING COMPOUNDS.
=Solution of Camphor, Carbonated.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO CAMPHORae CARBONICA.
(Swediaur.) _Prep._ Water saturated with carbonic acid gas, 2 lbs.; powdered camphor, 3 dr.
=Solution of Camphor and Chloroform.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO CAMPHORae ET CHLOROFORMI. (Messrs Smith.) _Prep._ Camphor, 3 dr.; chloroform, 1 fl. dr.
Dissolve. For exhibiting camphor with yolk of egg in emulsions.
=Solution of Carbolic Acid.= FOR THE TOILETTE. _Prep._ Crystallised carbolic acid, 10 parts; essence of millefleur, 1 part; tincture of Quillai Saponaria, 50; water, 1000 parts. Mix. The saponine replaces soap with advantage. The above should be employed diluted with 10 times its bulk of water, for disinfecting the skin, for was.h.i.+ng the hands, after any risk of contagion, inoculation, &c.
=Solution of Car'bonate of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF SESQUICARBONATE OF AMMONIA, CARBONATE OF AMMONIA WATER; LIQUOR AMMONIae SESQUICARBONATIS (Ph. L.), AQUA AMMONIae CARBONATIS (Ph. E.). _Prep._ (Ph. L. & E.) Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 4 oz.; distilled water, 1 pint; dissolve.
Stimulant and antacid.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 fl. dr., in water.
=Solution of Carbonate of Magnesia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR MAGNESIae CARBONATIS (B.
P.) _Prep._ Dissolve separately, each in 1/2 a pint of distilled water, sulphate of magnesia, 2 oz.; and carbonate of soda, 2-1/2 oz. Heat the solution of sulphate of magnesia to the boiling point, add the solution of carbonate of soda, and boil together until carbonic acid ceases to be evolved. Collect the precipitated carbonate of magnesia, and wash until what ceases to give a precipitate with chloride of barium. Mix the precipitate with a pint of distilled water, and in a suitable apparatus, charge with pure washed carbonic acid gas. Retain excess of carbonic acid under pressure for 24 hours. Filter to remove undissolved carbonate, and again pa.s.s carbonic acid into the solution. Keep in a bottle securely closed. (This contains about 13 gr. of carbonate of magnesia in each fluid ounce.)
=Solution of Carbonate of Potas'sa.= _Syn._ OIL OF TARTAR, WATER OF SUBCARBONATE OF POTASH; LIQUOR POTa.s.sae CARBONATIS (Ph. L. & D.), L. P.
SUBCARBONATIS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Carbonate of, 20 oz. (10 oz.--Ph. D.); water, 1 pint; dissolve and filter (or decant). Sp. gr.--Ph.
L., 1473; Ph. D., 1310.--_Dose_, 10 drops to 1 dr., as an antacid, &c.
=Solution of Carbonate of So'da.= _Syn._ SUBCARBONATE OF SODA WATER; SODae CARBONATIS LIQUOR (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.) Carbonate of soda (in crystals), 1-1/2 oz.; distilled water, 1 pint. Sp. gr. 1026.--_Dose_, 1/4 to 1-1/2 fl. oz., as an antacid; in heartburn, dyspepsia, &c.
=Solution of Chloride of Antimony.= _Syn._ ANTIMONII CHLORIDI LIQUOR (B.
P.). _Prep._ Dissolve black sulphide of antimony in boiling hydrochloric acid. Used as an escharotic, and in the preparation of oxide of antimony.
=Solution of Chlo"ride of Ar'senic.= _Syn._ LIQUOR a.r.s.eNICI HYDROCHLORICUS (B. P.), LIQUOR a.r.s.eNICI CHLORIDI (Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1.
(Ph. L.) a.r.s.enious acid (in coa.r.s.e powder), 1/2 dr.; hydrochloric acid, 1-1/2 fl. dr.; distilled water, 1 fl. oz.; boil until the solution of the a.r.s.enious acid is complete, and, when cold, add enough distilled water to make the whole exactly measure a pint.--_Dose_, 4 to 5 drops.
2. (B. P.) a.r.s.enious acid, 80 gr.; hydrochloric acid, 2 dr.; distilled water, 20 oz.; boil the two acids with 4 oz. of the water until a solution is effected, then add sufficient distilled water to make up 20 oz.--_Dose_, 2 to 8 minims.
_Prep._ (Ph. L. & E.) Dissolve chloride of barium, 1 dr. (1 oz.--Ph. D.), in water, 1 fl. oz. (8 oz. Ph. D.), and filter the solution. Sp. gr. (Ph.
D.) 1088.--_Dose_, 5 drops, gradually increased to 10 or 12, twice or thrice daily; in scrofula, scirrhous affections, and worms; _externally_, largely diluted, as a lotion in scrofulous ophthalmia.
=Solution of Chloride of Cal'cium.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF MURIATE OF LIME; CALCII CHLORIDI LIQUOR (Ph. D.), CALCIS MURIATIS SOLUTIO (Ph. E.). _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L. 1836.) Fused chloride of calcium, 4 oz. (crystals, 8 oz.--Ph.
E.); water, 12 fl. oz.; dissolve, and filter.
2. (Ph. D.) Fused chloride of calcium, 3 oz.; water, 12 oz. Sp. gr.
1225.--_Dose_, 10 drops to 1 dr., or more; in scrofulous and glandular diseases, &c.
=Solution of Chloride of Zinc.= _Syn._ LIQUOR ZINCI CHLORIDI (B. P.).
_Prep._ Granulated zinc, 8; hydrochloric acid, 22; solution of chlorine, q. s.; carbonate of zinc, 1/4; distilled water, 10. Mix the acid and water in a porcelain dish, add the zinc, and apply a gentle heat to promote the action until gas is no longer evolved; boil for half an hour, supplying the water lost by evaporation, and allow the product to cool. Filter it into a bottle, and add solution of chlorine by degrees, with frequent agitation until a brown sediment appears. Filter the liquid into a porcelain basin, and evaporate until it is reduced to the bulk of 20.