Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Powder, Compound Ceruse.= (Ph. L. 1788.) _Syn._ PULVIS CERUSae COMPOSITUS.
_Prep._ Carbonate of lead, 5 oz.; sarcocol, 1-1/2 oz.; tragacanth, 1/2 oz.; mix. For outward use.
=Powder, Compound, of Cyanide of Zinc.= (Guibourt.) _Syn._ PULVIS ZINCI CYANIDI COMPOSITUS. _Prep._ Cyanide of zinc, 2 gr.; calcined magnesia, 27 gr.; cinnamon, 10 gr.; mix. For 6 doses, in cramp of the stomach.
=Powder, Compound Fennel.= (Brunsw. Ph.) _Syn._ PULVIS FNICULI COMPOSITUS. _Prep._ Carbonate of magnesia, 1 oz.; fennel seeds, 1-2 oz.; orange peel, 2 dr.; white sugar, 2 dr. Reduce each to a fine powder and mix.
=Powder, Compound Musk.= (Russ. Ph.) _Syn._ PULVIS MOSCHI COMPOSITUS.
_Prep._ Musk, 8 parts; valerian, 10 parts; camphor, 3 parts.
=Powder, Compound Opium.= (B. P.) _Syn._ PULVIS OPII COMPOSITUS. _Prep._ Mix thoroughly 1-1/2 oz. of opium, in powder, with 2 oz. of powdered black pepper, 5 oz. of ginger, 6 oz. of caraways, and 1/2 oz. of tragacanth.
Pa.s.s the powders through a fine sieve, rub them lightly in a mortar, and keep the powder in a stoppered bottle. This powder nearly represents the dry ingredients of confection of opium, L.--_Dose_, 2 to 5 gr.
=Powder, Compound Silver.= (Serre.) _Syn._ PULVIS ARGENTI COMPOSITUS.
_Prep._ Chloride of silver, 1 gr.; washed orris powder, 2 gr. Used in frictions, the same as COMPOUND GOLD POWDER.
=Powder, Compound of Sulphate of Soda.= _Syn._ PULVIS SODae SULPHATIS COMPOSITUS. SEL DE GUINDRE. _Prep._ Dried sulphate of soda, 18 dr.; nitrate of potash, 1/2 dr.; pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony, 1 gr. A third part to be taken in water or herb broth.
=Powder, Compound Sulphur.= _Syn._ PULVIS SULPHURIS COMPOSITUS.
RATIER:--Sulphur, 1 oz.; cream of tartar, 1 oz.; white sugar, q. s. VAN MONS (antidysenteric powder):--Sulphur, 1 oz.; fennel seed, 1 dr.; white sugar, 2 oz.; gum Arabic, 2 oz.; mix. SWEDIAUR (pectoral powder):--Sulphur, 1/2 oz.; liquorice, 1 oz.; orris, 2 dr.; benzoic acid, 1 scruple; white sugar, 2 oz.; oil of anise and fennel, of each 10 drops.
=Powder of Contrayer'va (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS CONTRAYERVae COMPOSITUS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. L. 1824.) Powdered contrayerva root, 5 oz.; prepared oyster, 1-1/2 lb.; mix. A tonic absorbent or antacid.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr., as required.
=Powder, Cooling.= (G. Ph.) _Syn._ PULVIS TEMPERANE. _Prep._ Nitrate of potash, 1 oz.; cream of tartar, 3 oz.; sugar, 6 oz.
=Powder, Corn.= See CORN SOLVENT and POWDER, WART (_below_).
=Powder, Cosmet'ic.= _Syn._ PULVIS COSMETICUS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Hann.
1831.) Blanched sweet almonds and beans, of each 18 oz.; orris root, 8 oz.; white Spanish soap, 6 oz.; spermaceti, 1-1/2 oz.; dried carbonate of soda, 1 oz.; oils of lavender, bergamot, and lemon, of each 6 dr.; mix, and beat them to a powder. See POWDER, HAIR, and HAND (_below_), PASTE (Almond), POWDERS (Scented), &c.
=Powder of Cryst'al.= From quartz, like POWDERED GLa.s.s (page 805). Used to make fine gla.s.s; also for a dryer for paints, and sold under the name of 'diamond dust' for razor strops.
=Powder of Cubebs with Alum.= (Matthieu.) _Syn._ PULVIS CUBEBae c.u.m ALUMINE. _Prep._ Cubebs, 2 oz.; alum, 4 dr.; mix. For 9 doses. Three daily, in gonorrha.
=Powder, Cur'ry.= _Syn._ INDIAN CURRY POWDER. The samples of this compound prepared by different houses vary so greatly from each other in the proportions of the ingredients, that it is difficult to regard any one as a standard. The following are therefore merely given as examples:--
_Prep._ 1. Corianders, 1 lb.; turmeric, 3/4 lb.; black pepper, 1/2 lb.; scorched mustard, 1/4 lb.; ginger, 2 oz.; c.u.min seed, 1 oz.;, 3/4 oz.; mace, 1/4 oz. (all in powder); mix well.
2. Coriander seeds and black pepper, of each 8 lbs.; turmeric and c.u.min seeds, of each 4 lbs., allspice, 3/4 lb.; mace, 1 oz. (all in powder); mix. This receipt is employed by an eminent wholesale house that does very largely in curry powder.
3. (See page 524.)
Used as a condiment and flavouring ingredient. The addition of a few heads of garlic gives it an increased zest for Indian veterans.
=Powder, Cust'ard.= _Prep._ From sago meal, 2 lbs.; powdered turmeric, 1/2 oz.; bitter-almond powder, ca.s.sia, and mace, of each 1/2 dr.
=Powder, Cyprus.= From _Cladonia rangiferina_, or reindeer moss. It has a very agreeable smell, and, being extremely retentive of odours, is much used as a basis for scent-powders, sachets, &c. The lichen known as the ragged h.o.a.ry evernia also possesses nearly similar properties, and is often subst.i.tuted for it. See POWDERS (Scented).
=Powder, Diapente.= (Ed. Ph. 1744.) _Syn._ PULVIS DIAPENTE. _Prep._ Aristolochia root, gentian, bay berries, myrrh, ivory dust, of each 2 oz.; mix.
=Powder, Disinfect'ing.= _Syn._ PULVIS DISINFECTANS, L. _Prep._ (Keist.) Bisulphate of, 41 parts; sugar of lead, 7 parts; binoxide of manganese, 3 parts, reduce them separately to a fine powder, and, when wanted for use, mix a proper quant.i.ty in any suitable vessel. For other formulae, see DISINFECTING COMPOUNDS. The name is generally applied to hypochlorite of lime.
=Powder, Diuretic.= (P. Cod.) _Syn._ PULVIS DIURETICUS. _Prep._ Gum Arabic, 6 oz.; sugar of milk, 6 oz.; nitrate of potash, 1 oz.; marshmallow root, 1 oz.; liquorice root, 2 oz.; mix.
=Powder, Dover's.= _Syn._ PULVIS DOVERI, L. _Prep._ (Original formula.) Nitre and sulphate of, of each 4 oz.; melt them together in a red-hot crucible, reduce the cold fused matter to powder, and add powdered ipecacuanha, liquorice, and opium, of each 1 oz. This is the formula adopted in the Paris Codex. COMPOUND IPECACUANHA POWDER is now sold under this name. (See _below_.)
=Powder, Duke of Portland's.= _Syn._ PULVIS ANTIARTHRITICUS. _Prep._ Round birthwort, gentian, tops of lesser centaury, tops of ground pine, and germander, of each equal parts.--_Dose_, 1 dr.
=Powder, Egg.= See POWDER, BAKING.
=Powder of Elaterium, Compound.= (B. Ph.) PULVIS ELATERII COMPOSITUS.
_Prep._ Elaterium, 10 gr.; sugar of milk, 90 gr. Rub them together to fine powder.--_Dose_, 1/2 gr. to 5 gr.
=Powder, Emmen'agogue.= _Syn._ PULVIS EMMENAGOGUS, P. HaeMATINUS, P. CONTRA AMENORRHAM, L. _Prep._ 1. Saccharine carbonate of iron, 3 parts; powdered myrrh, ginger, and nutmeg, of each 1 part; divide into 1/2-dr. papers. One for a dose, twice or thrice daily.
2. (Augustin.) Myrrh, 12 gr.; saffron, 3 gr.; oil of cloves, 1 drop. For a dose, as the last.
3. (Klein.) Calomel, 4 gr.; extract of yew, 10 gr.; powdered savine, 1 dr.; Quevenne's iron, 1/2 dr.; loaf sugar, 2 dr. For 6 powders; as before.
=Powder, Emulsive, of Gluten.= (Taddei.) _Syn._ PULVIS GLUTENIS EMULSIVUS.
_Prep._ Fresh vegetable gluten, 10 oz.; soap, 2 oz.; water, 1 pint.
Dissolve, evaporate the solution, dry it on plates, and reduce to powder.
As an antidote to corrosive sublimate.
=Powder, Escharot'ic (a.r.s.enical).= _Syn._ PULVIS ESCHAROTICUS a.r.s.eNICALIS, L.; POUDRE DU FReRES COSME, Fr. _Prep._ 1. (Original formula.) From white a.r.s.enic, 12 gr.; burnt hartshorn, 1/2 dr.; cinnabar, 1 dr.
2. (P. Cod.) Red sulphuret of mercury and powdered dragon's blood, of each 2 parts; levigated a.r.s.enious acid, 1 part; carefully mixed together. See CAUSTIC, a.r.s.eNICAL.
=Powder of Extract of Col'ocynth (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS EXTRACTI COLOCYNTHIDIS COMPOSITI, L. _Prep._ From compound extract of colocynth (Ph. L. 1836), dried by a gentle heat, and powdered.
_Obs._ This, like many other articles employed by lazy dispensers, does not represent the preparation for which it is used as a subst.i.tute; whilst, from its peculiar character, it is very open to sophistication--a practice, we regret to say, very general with certain druggists. Indeed, some of these parties make this article by simply throwing the ingredients of the extract into a pan along with a little water, and, when they have become soft, stirring them together with a spatula, after which they are desiccated and powdered. This is then labelled by certain houses, "Pulv.
Ext. Coloc. co.--P. L.," and sold to their unfortunate customers as such, although no such an extract has been in the Ph. L. since that of 1836.
=Powder, Faynard's.= The charcoal of beechwood, finely powdered. (Paris.) Used in piles, and as a styptic.
=Powder, Fe'ver.= See POWDER, ANTIMONIAL (_above_).
=Powder of Flint.= _Syn._ SILEX CONTRITUS (Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ As powdered gla.s.s. (See page 805.) It is ordered in the Ph. L. to be employed, instead of magnesia, for the purpose of mechanically dividing the essential oils used in the preparation of distilled water. It is also used as an escharotic.
=Powder, Fly.= _Prep._ From white a.r.s.enic, 5 oz.; white sugar, 6 lbs.; rose pink, 2 oz.; mix, and put 6 dr. in each paper. Used to kill flies. It is poisonous, and should be employed with great caution, particularly where there are children.
=Powder, Fu"migating.= _Syn._ PULVIS FUMALIS, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Russ.) Amber, mastic, and olibanum, of each 3 parts; storax, 2 parts; benzoin and labdanum, of each 1 part; reduce them to coa.r.s.e powder, and mix them well.
=Powder, Galls of (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS GALLae COMPOSITUS, L. See POWDER, ASTRINGENT.
=Powder, Gascoign's.= _Syn._ PULVIS ECHELIS COMPOSITUS. _Prep._ Prepared crab, 1 lb.; prepared chalk, 3 oz.; prepared coral, 3 oz.; mix.
=Powder, Goelis's Antihec'tic.= _Prep._ From burnt hartshorn, powdered nutmeg, black pepper, and roasted laurel berries, of each 1 part; liquorice powder, 3 parts.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr; in the hectic fever of scrofulous subjects.