Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Pills, Stomach.= _Syn._ PILULae STOMACHICae, L. _Prep._ 1. Ipecacuanha, 10 gr.; sumbul and extract of rhubarb, of each 30 gr.; powdered qua.s.sia, 20 gr.; oil of sa.s.safras, 6 drops; beaten up with essence of ginger (strongest), q. s. For 3-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, thrice daily; in loss of appet.i.te, flatulence, dyspepsia, &c.
2. (Dr Hugh Smith's.) From aloes, rhubarb, ginger (all powdered), and sagapenum, of each 1 dr.; oils of peppermint and cloves, of each 10 drops; balsam of Peru, q. s. to mix. For 5-gr. pills--_Dose_, 2 or 3 nightly; or 1 to 2 before dinner. For other formulae, see DINNER, APERIENT, COMPOUND RHUBARB, ALOES AND MASTIC PILLS, &c.
=Pills of Sto'rax (Compound).= _Syn._ STORAX PILLS; PILULA STYRACIS COMPOSITA (Ph. L.), PILULae STYRACIS (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Prepared storax, 6 dr.; saffron and powdered opium, of each 2 dr. beat them together to a uniform ma.s.s. Contains 1-5th of its weight of opium.
2. (Ph. E.) Opium and saffron, of each 1 part; extract of styrax, 2 parts; beat them to a uniform ma.s.s, and divide this into 4-gr. pills. Contains 1/4th part of opium.
_Obs._ The storax is here chiefly employed to disguise the odour and taste of opium. The name of the preparation has been chosen so that the word 'opium' may not appear in the prescription, a point highly necessary with certain patients.--_Dose_, 3 to 10 gr.; as compound soap pill, and as an anodyne and expectorant in chronic coughs, &c.
=Pills of Stramo"nium.= _Syn._ PILULae STRAMONII, L. _Prep._ 1. Stramonium seeds (in powder), 12 gr. (or leaves, 25 gr.); powdered camphor and extract of seneka root, of each 1 dr.; powdered savine, 1-1/2 dr.; oil of cajeput, 15 drops. For 2-1/2-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 4, thrice daily; in rheumatism, &c.
2. (Sir H. Halford.) Extract of stramonium and liquorice powder, of each 1 dr.; powdered Castile soap, 2 dr.; mucilage, q. s. to mix. For 60 pills.--_Dose_, 1 night and morning; in asthmas, &c.
=Pills of Strych'nine.= _Syn._ PILULae STRYCHNIae, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Strychnine, 2 gr.; conserve of hips, 36 gr. (liquorice powder, q. s.); mix very carefully, divide the ma.s.s into 24 pills, and silver them.--_Dose_, 1 pill night and morning; in amaurosis, impotence, paralysis, &c.
=Pills of Sulphate of Copper.= (Brande.) _Syn._ PILULae CUPRI SULPHATIS.
_Prep._ Sulphate of copper, 3 gr.; bread crum, 1 dr. Mix, for 24 pills; 1, three or four times a day.
=Pills of Sul'phate of I'ron.= _Syn._ PILULae FERRI SULPHATIS (Ph. E.), L.
_Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Dried sulphate of iron and conserve of red roses, of each 2 parts; extract of dandelion, 5 parts. For 5-gr. pills. A useful chalybeate tonic. _Dose_, 1 to 2, twice or thrice daily; in dyspepsia, chlorosis, amenorrha, &c.
2. (Ph. E. 1817.) Sulphate of iron (dried), 1 oz.; extract of chamomile, 1-1/2 oz.; oil of peppermint, 1 dr.; syrup, q. s. As the last.
3. (Ph. U. S.) As No. 1, but subst.i.tuting extract of gentian for extract of dandelion. For other formulae, see PILLS, HOOPER'S FEMALE, &c.
=Pills of Sulphate of Quinine'.= _Syn._ PILULae QUINIae SULPHATIS, P. Q.
DISULPHATIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Sulphate of quinine, 20 gr.; extract of gentian, 40 gr. For 20 pills.
2. (Ph. U. S.) Sulphate of quinine, 2 dr.; powdered gum, 1/2 dr.; strained honey, q. s. For 120 pills. Each pill contains 1 gr. of the sulphate or disulphate of quinine.--_Dose_, 1 or 2 twice a day, as a tonic and stomachic; 6 to 12, every two or three hours during the remissions of agues.
3. (B. P.) Mix 60 gr. of sulphate of quinine, and 20 gr. of confection of hips to a uniform ma.s.s.--_Dose_, 2 gr. to 10 gr.
_Obs._ Various additions are often made to the above formulae, according to the indications, by which numerous other useful pills are produced. Thus, pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony is frequently added in obstinate intermittents; iodide of pota.s.sium, in scrofulous affections; foxglove, in the hectic fever of phthisis; bitter tonics and aromatics, in dyspepsia, flatulence, &c.; carbonate of soda or magnesia, in acidity and heartburn; calomel, mercurial pill, in bilious affections; rhubarb and aloes, in bowelly affections; sulphate of iron and other chalybeates, in debility, amenorrha, and chlorosis; calomel, as an alterative, &c., &c.
=Pills of Sulphate of Zinc.= _Syn._ PILULae ZINCI SUPHATIS, P. Z. S.
COMPOSITae, L. _Prep._ 1. Sulphate of zinc, 12 gr.; extract of gentian, 1/2 dr.; liquorice powder, q. s. For 20 pills. In dyspepsia, epilepsy, and various convulsive diseases.
2. (Dr Paris.) Sulphate of zinc, 10 gr.; powdered myrrh, 1-1/2 dr.; conserve of roses, q. s. For 30 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, twice or thrice daily; in hooping-cough, &c.
=Pills of Sulphuret of Iron.= (Biett.) _Syn._ PILULae FERRI SULPHURETI.
_Prep._ Sulphuret of iron, 1/2 dr.; marshmallow powder, 10 gr.; syrup, q. s. Make into 20 pills; 1 to 4 pills daily, in scrofulous eruptions.
=Pills, Syph'ilis.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTISYPHILITICae, L. See the various pills of mercury, gold, &c. The pills of corrosive sublimate commonly pa.s.s under this name.
=Pills, Tangore.= See PILLS, a.r.s.eNICAL.
=Pills of Tan'nic Acid.= _Syn._ PILULae TANNINI, P. ACIDI TANNICI, L.
_Prep._ From tannic acid or tannin and powdered sugar, of each 1/2 dr.; conserve of roses, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 1 or 2 pills, thrice daily, in diarrha; or 2 every three hours, in internal haemorrhages, spitting of blood, &c.
=Pills of Tar.= _Syn._ PILULae PICIS LIQUIDae, L. _Prep._ From tar, 1 dr.; powdered gentian, 1/2 dr., or q. s. For 24 pills. Stimulant, diuretic, and sudorific.--_Dose_, 1 to 4, thrice a day; in dropsies, worms, ichthyosis, and several other skin diseases, &c.
=Pills of Tarax'ac.u.m.= _Syn._ PILULae TARAXACI, L. _Prep._ 1. Extract of dandelion, 1 dr.; powdered rhubarb, q. s.; divide into 3-1/2-gr. pills. In dyspepsia, &c., complicated with congestion of the liver.
2. (St Marie.) Extract of dandelion and Castile soap, equal parts; liquid acetate of, q. s. to mix. For 4-gr. pills. As a diuretic in dropsy.
3. Extract of dandelion, 1 dr.; mercurial pill, 20 gr.; powdered digitalis, 15 gr.; liquorice powder, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 1, afterwards increased to 2 or 3; in dropsy connected with liver disease.
=Pills, Thomson's Stomach and Liver.= _Prep._ From extract of dandelion, 1 dr.; scammony and rhubarb, of each 15 gr. For 14 pills.--_Dose_, 2 pills, night and morning; in hysteria, hypochondriasis, and chronic inflammation of the liver or kidneys.
=Pills of Tobacco.= (Augustin.) _Syn._ PILULae TABACI. _Prep._ Powder of tobacco, 24 gr.; confection of roses, q. s. Mix, and form 72 pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 daily, till nausea is produced. In dropsy.
=Pills, Tonic.= _Syn._ PILULae TONICae, L. _Prep._ 1. Sulphate of iron, ginger, and myrrh (all in powder), equal parts; conserve of roses, q. s.; mix, and divide into 4-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1, twice a day; in debility, chlorosis, &c.
2. Powdered myrrh and sulphate of iron, of each 1 dr.; disulphate of quinine, 1/2 dr., powdered capsic.u.m, 15 gr.; conserve of roses, q. s. to mix. For 60 pills.--_Dose_, 1 or 2, twice or thrice a day; in debility, dyspepsia, ague, &c.
3. (Dr Collier.) Tartrate of iron and extract of gentian, of each 1 dr.; oil of cinnamon, 2 drops. For 30 pills.--_Dose_, 3 to 6, three or four times a day. A good stomachic tonic.
4. (Dr Collier.) Oxide of zinc, 1/2 dr. (or sulphate of zinc, 20 gr.); myrrh, 2 dr.; camphor, 20 gr.; confection of hips, to mix. For 40 pills.--_Dose_, 1 or two pills, three times a day; in epilepsy, ch.o.r.ea, and other nervous disorders, debility, &c.
5. (Dr A. T. Thomson.) Rhubarb and ginger, of each 1/2 dr.; extract of chamomile, 1 dr.; divide into 30 pills.--_Dose_, 2 or 3, twice a day; in dyspepsia and chlorosis.
6. (Dr A. T. Thomson.) Sesquioxide of iron and extract of hemlock, of each 1 dr.; mix, and divide into 20 pills.--_Dose_, 1 or 2, twice a day; in fluor albus, scrofula, &c. Several other formulae for tonic pills will be found under the names of the leading ingredients, &c. (See _above_.)
=Pills of Turpentine.= (P. Cod.) _Syn._ PILULae TEREBINTHINae. _Prep._ Venice turpentine, 1-1/2 oz.; carbonate of magnesia, 1 oz. Make into 200 pills.
=Pills of Vale"rian (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae VALERIANae COMPOSITae, L.
_Prep._ (Dupuytren.) Powdered valerian, 1/2 dr.; castor and white oxide of zinc, of each 20 gr.; syrup, q. s.; to mix. For 18 pills.--_Dose_, 2 or 3, thrice daily; in hysteria, hypochondriasis, chlorosis, hemicrania, &c.
=Pills of Vale"rianate of Zinc.= _Syn._ PILULae VALERIANAS, L. _Prep._ From valerianate of zinc and powdered gum, of each 15 gr.; conserve of hips, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 18 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, twice daily; in nervous headache, neuralgia, hysteria, &c.
=Pills, Vallet's.= See PILLS OF CARBONATE OF IRON.
=Pills, Vance's.= See PILLS, APERIENT.
=Pills of Vera'trine.= _Syn._ PILULae VERATRINae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Magendie.) Veratrine, 1/2 gr.; powdered gum Arabic and syrup of gum, of each q. s. to form 6 pills. (See _below_.)
2. (Turnbull.) Veratrine, 1 gr.; extract of henbane and liquorice powder, of each 12 gr.; mix, and divide into 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, every 3 hours; in dropsy, epilepsy, hysteria, paralysis, nervous palpitations, &c.
This should be prepared and used with great caution.
=Pills, Ward's Red.= _Syn._ WARD'S ANTIMONIAL PILLS. _Prep._ From gla.s.s of antimony (finely levigated), 4 oz.; dragon's blood, 1 oz.; mountain wine, q. s.; to form a ma.s.s. For 1-1/2-gr. pills. Emetic. "They are recommended in obstinate rheumatism affections, in foulness of the stomach and bowels, &c. Their action is often of a very unpleasant character." ('Anat. of Quackery.')
=Pills, Lady Webster's.= See PILLS, DINNER.
=Pills, Whitehead's Essence of Mustard.= Balsam of tolu, with resin. (Dr Paris.)
=Pills, Whytt's.= _Prep._ (Radius.) Aloes, chloride of iron, and extract of h.o.r.ehound, of each 1/2 dr.; a.s.saftida, 1-1/2 dr. For 2-gr.
pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 5, thrice daily; in leucorrha, chlorosis, hysteria, &c., with constipation.