Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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3. (Ph. D. 1826.) As the Ph. L., except that treacle is subst.i.tuted for syrup.
_Obs._ These pills are stimulant, expectorant, antispasmodic, and emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr.; in hysteria, chronic coughs, chlorosis, amenorrha, &c.
=Pills of Galbanum with Iron.= _Syn._ PILULae GALBANI c.u.m FERRO, L. _Prep._ (Guy's Hosp.) Compound galbanum pill, 2 parts; precipitated sesquioxide of iron, 1 part; water, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 4-1/2-gr. pills. An excellent tonic emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr.; in chlorosis, amenorrha, &c., when chalybeates are not contra-indicated.
=Pills of Gam'boge (Compound).= _Syn._ GAMBOGE PILLS, FORDYCE'S P.; PILULae CAMBOGIae COMPOSITA (PH. L.), P. CAMBOGIae. (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Powdered Socotrine or hepatic aloes, 3 dr.; powdered gamboge, 2 dr.; powdered ginger, 1 dr.; soft soap (Ph. L.), 4 dr.; mix, and beat them to a pill-ma.s.s. The formulae of the Ph. L. 1836 and Ph. D. 1826 are precisely similar.
2. (Ph. E.) Gamboge, East Indian or Barbadoes aloes, and aromatic powder, of each (in powder) 1 part; Castile soap, 2 parts; syrup, q. s.
_Obs._ All the above are active cathartics.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr., at bedtime; in obstinate constipation, &c.
=Pills of Gen'tian (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae GENTIANae COMPOSITae, L.
_Prep._ (W. Cooley.) Extract of gentian, 1 dr.; powdered rhubarb and cardamoms, of each 1/2 dr.; ipecacuanha, 12 gr. For 3-gr. pills.
Stomachic.--_Dose_, 2 or 3, twice or thrice daily, to improve the appet.i.te and digestion.
=Pills, Gout.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTARTHRITICae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Bouchardat.) Extract of colchic.u.m and compound extract of colocynth, of each 1 dr.; aqueous extract of opium, 3 gr.; mix, and divide into 3-gr.
pills.--_Dose_, 1 or 2, according to their purgative action, as required.
2. (Sir H. Halford's.) From acetic extract of colchic.u.m, 1/2 dr.; Dover's powder and compound extract of colocynth, of each 18 gr. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill.
3. (Lartigue's.) From compound extract of colocynth, 20 gr.; alcoholic extract of colchic.u.m seeds and alcoholic extract of digitalis, of each 1 gr. For 2-gr. pills.--_Dose, &c._ As the last.
4. (St George's Hosp.) Acetic extract of colchic.u.m, 12 gr.; Dover's powder, 30 gr. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 2 pills.
5. (Sir C. Scudamore's.) From acetic extract of colchic.u.m, 1 dr.; powdered marshmallow root, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 40 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, or more, with caution, as required.
6. (Trousseau & Reveil.) Powdered colchic.u.m seeds, 1/2 dr.; powdered digitalis and sulphate of quinine, of each 15 gr.; calomel and extract of colocynth, of each 8 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 20 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 4, during the day, at the commencement of an attack of gout. Other formulae for gout pills will be found under the respective names.
=Pills, Dr Griffith's.= Powdered rhubarb, 1-1/2 dr.; sulphate of iron, 1/2 dr.; Castile soap, 40 gr.; water, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 48 pills. An excellent remedy in costiveness, with loss of tone of the bowels.--_Dose_, 2 to 4, at bedtime.
=Pills, of Gu'aiac.u.m (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae GUAIACI COMPOSITae, L.
_Prep._ 1. Powdered resin of guaiac.u.m, 1 dr.; oxysulphide of antimony, 40 gr.; oil of cajeput, 12 drops; extract of gentian, q. s. to form a ma.s.s.
For 4-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 3 to 6, thrice daily; in gout, rheumatism, secondary syphilis, various obstinate cutaneous affections, &c.
2. (St B. Hosp.) Guaiac.u.m, 30 gr.; ipecacuanha and opium, of each 3 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3. As the last.
=Pills, Halford's.= See PILLS, GOUT.
=Pills, Dr Hamilton's.= The same as the colocynth and henbane pill of the Ph. E. The compound pills of gamboge, now vended under the t.i.tle of 'MORISON'S NO. 2 PILLS,' were long known in Scotland as Dr Hamilton's Pills.
=Pills, Head'ache.= _Syn._ CEPHALIC PILLS; PILULae CEPHALICae, P.
ANTICEPHALALGICae, L. _Prep._ 1. Caffeine, 15 gr.; aloes, 20 gr.; conserve of hips, q. s. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, occasionally; when only one side of the head is affected.
2. (Broussais.) Extract of opium, 6 gr.; extracts of belladonna and henbane, of each 15 gr.; extract of lettuce, 30 gr.; b.u.t.ter of cacao, 4 dr. For 120 pills.--_Dose_, 1, twice or thrice daily; in headache, accompanying spasmodic affections, &c.
3. (Dr Wilson Philip.) Powdered nutmeg and rhubarb, of each 20 gr.; extract of chamomile, 20 gr.; oil of peppermint, 10 or 12 drops. For 30 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, thrice daily; in nervous headaches.
=Pills, Helvetius's.= _Syn._ PILULae ALUMINIS HELVETII, L. _Prep._ Alum, 2 dr.; dragon's blood, 1 dr.; honey of roses, to mix. For 48 pills.
=Pills of Hem'lock (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae CONII COMPOSITA (B. P., Ph.
L.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Extract of hemlock, 5 dr.; powdered ipecacuanha, 1 dr.; treacle, q. s. Antispasmodic, expectorant, and narcotic.--_Dose_, 4 to 8 gr. (B. P. 5 to 10 gr.), twice or thrice daily; in hooping-cough, bronchitis, incipient phthisis, &c.
=Pills of Henbane (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae HYOSCYAMI ET ZINCI, L.; PILULES DE MEGLIN, Fr. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Extracts of henbane and Valerian, and oxide of zinc, equal parts. For 3-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 10; as an anodyne or sedative in neuralgia, nervous attacks, &c.
=Pills, Lady Hesketh's.= See PILLS, DINNER.
=Pills, Holloway's.= See PATENT MEDICINES.
=Pills, Hooper's Female.= _Prep._ 1. (Gray.) Sulphate of iron and water, of each 8 oz.; dissolve, add, Barbadoes aloes, 2-1/2 lbs.; white canella, 6 oz.; myrrh, 2 oz.; opopanax, 1 oz.
2. (Phil. Coll. of Pharm.) Barbadoes aloes, 8 oz.; dried sulphate of iron, 2-1/4 oz.; myrrh, extract of black h.e.l.lebore, and Castile soap, of each 2 oz.; canella and ginger, of each 1 oz.; water, q. s.; divide the ma.s.s into 2-1/2- or 3-gr. pills, and put 40 in each box. Cathartic and emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 2, or more. "If we omit the soap, lessen the quant.i.ty of extract of h.e.l.lebore, and increase that of the aloes, we think the form will be nearer that of the original." (Cooley.)
=Pills of Hound's-tongue.= (P. Cod.) _Syn._ PILULae c.u.m CYNOGLOSSo. _Prep._ Root-bark of hound's-tongue, 4 dr.; henbane seeds, 4 dr.; extract of opium, 4 dr.; myrrh, 6 dr.; olibanum, 4 dr. and 48 gr.; saffron, 96 gr.; castor, 96 gr.; syrup of honey, 14 dr. Mix. Contains 1 gr. of extract of opium in 10 gr. The original form of NICOLANS contained styrax, and seems to have been the origin of the compound styrax pill, as well as of this compound.
=Pills, Humphrey's.= See PILLS, PECTORAL.
=Pills, Hunter's.= See PILLS, RENAL.
=Pills, Hydragogue.= See BONTIUS'S PILLS, &c.
=Pills, Hydropho'bia.= _Syn._ PILULae AD RABIEM, L. _Prep._ (Werlhoff.) Cantharides (in very fine powder), 2 gr.; belladonna and calomel, of each 4 gr.; camphor, 8 gr.; mucilage, q. s. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 3, twice daily.
=Pills of Iatropha.= (Dr Barham.) _Syn._ PILULae IATROPHae. _Prep._ Decorticated seeds of _Jatropha gossypifoli_, 3 dr.; gamboge, extract of colocynth and scammony, of each 1 dr. Make into 90 pills.--_Dose_, 1, 2, or more.
=Pills of In'dian Hemp.= _Syn._ PILULae CANNABIS INDICae, L. _Prep._ From alcoholic extract of Indian hemp, 1/2 dr.; sugar of milk, 1 dr.; mucilage, q. s. For 48 pills. An excellent pill for soothing pain and quieting the system, acting without causing headache or constipation of the bowels.--_Dose_, 1 pill, increased to 2 or more, as necessary.
=Pills of In'digo.= See PILLS, EPILEPSY.
=Pills of I'odide of a.r.s.enic.= _Syn._ PILULae a.r.s.eNICI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Neligan.) Iodide of a.r.s.enic, 2 gr.; manna, 40 gr.; mucilage, q. s.; mix, and divide into 12 pills.
2. (Gardner.) Iodide of a.r.s.enic, 1 gr.; extract of hemlock, 20 gr. For 20 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, twice or thrice daily; in lepra, psoriasis, and some other scaly skin diseases.
=Pills of Iodide of Iron.= _Syn._ PILULae FERRI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ 1.
Unoxidised iron filings (recently levigated), 20 gr.; iodine, 40 gr.; distilled water, 1/2 dr.; mix in a cold wedgwood-ware mortar, and triturate them together until the red colour of the mixture has entirely disappeared; then add, of powdered gum, 20 gr.; powdered sugar, 1 dr.; liquorice powder, q. s. to form a ma.s.s, and divide it into 48 pills. Each pill contains 1 gr. of dry iodide of iron.--_Dose_, 1 to 6 pills, twice or thrice a day.
2. (B. P.) Fine iron wire, 40 gr.; iodine, 80 gr.; refined sugar, in powder, 70 gr.; liquorice root, in powder, 140 gr.; distilled water, 50 minims. Agitate the iron with the iodine and the water in a strong stoppered ounce phial until the froth becomes white. Pour the fluid upon the sugar in a mortar, triturate briskly, and gradually add the liquorice.--_Dose_, 3 to 8 gr.
3. (Ph. U. S.) Protosulphate of iron, 60 gr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 80 gr.
(both in fine powder); mix, add of powdered tragacanth, 10 gr.; powdered sugar, 30 gr.; and form the whole into a ma.s.s with syrup, q. s. For 40 pills. Each pill contains nearly 2 gr. of the dry iodide, or about 2-1/2 gr. of the common hydrated iodide of the shops.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, as the last.
_Obs._ The above pills are reputed alterative, tonic, and emmenagogue, and are found peculiarly useful in indurations, scrofula, chlorosis, leucorrha, &c., when the administration of chalybeates is not contra-indicated.
=Pills of Iodide of Lead.= _Syn._ PILULae PLUMBI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ From iodide of lead, 15 gr.; powdered sugar, 1-1/2 dr.; mucilage, q. s. For 60 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, gradually increased to 3, or more, twice a day; in scrofula, scirrhus, &c.
=Pills of Iodide of Mer'cury.= _Syn._ PILULae HYDRARGYRI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L. 1836.) Green iodide of mercury and powdered ginger, of each 1 dr.; conserve of hips, 3 dr.--_Dose_, 2 to 5 gr., twice or thrice daily, as an alterative in scrofula and scrofulous syphilis, &c.