Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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2. (Cazenave.) Carbonate of, 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz. In psoriasis, lepra, and s...o...b..tic eruptions.
3. (Devergie.)--_a._ From carbonate (not sesquicarbonate) of soda, 10 to 15 gr.; lard, 1 oz. In lichen.
_b._ From carbonate of soda, 20 to 30 gr.; lard, 1 oz. In ichthyosis, lepra, psoriasis, and some other scaly skin diseases.
_c._ From carbonate of soda, 1/2 to 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz. In porrigo favosa, especially when occurring in adults.
4. (Soubeiran.) Carbonate of soda, 1 to 2 dr.; wine of opium, 1 fl. dr.; lard, 1 oz. In any of the above affections, when there is much pain or irritation.
_Obs._ Carbonate of is thought to be preferable to carbonate of soda, when the above affections occur in s...o...b..tic habits. A little camphor is also occasionally added.
=Ointment of Aloes.= See OINTMENT FOR WORMS.
=Ointment of Aloes, Compound.= See OINTMENT FOR WORMS.
=Ointment of Al'um.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ALUMINIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Alum, in very fine powder, 1 dr.; lard, 1-1/2 oz. In piles.
2. To the last add of powdered opium, 7 gr. In piles, when there is much pain. See OINTMENT, BANYER'S.
=Ointment, Ammoni'acal.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM AMMONIACALE, U. AMMONIae, L.; LIPAROLE D'AMMONIAQUE, POMMADE DE GONDRET, Fr. _Prep._ 1. (P. Cod.) Suet and lard, of each 1 oz.; melt in a strong wide-mouthed bottle, add of liquor of ammonia (sp. gr. 923), 2 oz., at once close the bottle, and agitate it until its contents concrete. As little heat as possible should be employed, to prevent unnecessary loss of ammonia.
2. (Gondret.) Lard, 3 parts; suet, 2 parts; almond oil, 1 part; strong solution of ammonia, 6 parts; mix, as before. Rubefacient, vesicant, and counter-irritant. Smeared over the skin and covered so as to prevent evaporation, it raises a blister in 5 or 6 minutes. Its general effects and uses are similar to those of compound liniment of ammonia.
=Ointment of Car'bonate of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM AMMONIae CARBONATIS, U. A. SESQUICARBONATIS, L. _Prep._ From carbonate of ammonia, 1 dr.; lard, 9 dr. An excellent application to painful joints, indolent tumours, scrofulous sores, &c.
=Ointment of Ammo'niated Mercury.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI AMMONIATI (B. P.). Ammoniated mercury, 62 gr.; simple ointment, 1 oz.; mix. See next preparation.
=Ointment of Ammo"nio-chloride of Mercury.= _Syn._ WHITE PRECIPITATE OINTMENT; UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI AMMONIO-CHLORIDI (Ph. L.), U. H.
D. 1826), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Ammonio-chloride of mercury, 2 dr.; lard, 3 oz.; triturate together.
2. (Ph. E.) As the last, but employing heat.
_Uses, &c._ Alterative; detergent; stimulant. In itch, scald-head, and various other skin diseases; in inflammation of the eyes; as an application to scrofulous and cancerous tumours; to destroy vermin on the body, &c. It "may be safely used" (in small quant.i.ties) "on infants." (A.
T. Thomson.)
=Ointment, An"glo-Saxon.= _Prep._ Heat olive oil, 1 pint, and beeswax, 1/4 lb., until the mixture acquires a reddish-brown colour; then add red lead (levigated), 1/4 lb., and continue the heat, with constant stirring; when the union appears complete, add of amber and burnt alum, of each, in fine powder, 1/2 oz.; lastly, when considerably cooled, add of powdered camphor, 3 dr. As a dressing to foul ulcers.
=Ointment, An'odyne.= See OINTMENT OF OPIUM, HEMLOCK, &c.
=Ointment of An'thrac.o.ka'li.= _Syn._ POMADE DE ANTHRAc.o.kALI, Fr. _Prep._ (Dr Polya.) Anthrac.o.kali, in very fine powder, 1 part; lard, 30 parts. See ANTHRAc.o.kALI.
=Ointment, Antiherpet'ic.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ANTIHERPETIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Alibert.) Red sulphide of mercury, 3 dr.; powdered camphor, 1 dr.; lard, 3 oz.
2. (Chevallier.) 'Subsulphate of mercury' (Turpeth mineral), 2 dr.; chloride of lime, 3 dr.; almond oil, 6 dr.; lard, 2 oz. In herpes or tetters.
=Ointment, Antimo'nial.= See OINTMENT OF POTa.s.sIO TARTRATE OF ANTIMONY.
=Ointment, Antiperiod'ic.= _Syn._ AGUE OINTMENT; UNGUENTUM ANTIPERIODIc.u.m, U. FEBRIFUGUM, L. _Prep._ 1. Disulphate of quinine, 1-1/2 dr.; saccharine carbonate of iron, 1 dr.; oil of cajeput, 30 drops; fresh b.u.t.ter, 1 oz.
2. (Antonini.) Sulphate of quinine, 1 oz.; rectified spirit and sulphuric acid, of each q. s.; lard, 1 oz.
_Uses, &c._ About 1/4 oz. of either of the above to be rubbed on the vertebral regions once every 2 or 3 hours for 3 or 4 days, in intermittent fevers, more especially in those accompanied by vomiting; or, into the epigastrium, in cholera, diarrha, or dysentery.
=Ointment of Araroba.= See ARAROBA.
=Ointment, Aromat'ic.= _Syn._ BALSAMUM STOMACHALE WACKERI, UNGUENTUM AROMATIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Austr. 1836.) Simple ointment, 2-1/2 lbs.; yellow wax and oil of laurel, of each 3 oz.; melt together, and, when considerably cooled, add of oils of juniper, mint, lavender, and rosemary, of each 2 dr. Anodyne, balsamic, and stimulant.
=Ointment, a.r.s.en'ical.= _Syn._ OINTMENT OF WHITE a.r.s.eNIC; UNGUENTUM a.r.s.eNICALE, U. a.r.s.eNICI, U. ACIDI a.r.s.eNIOSI, L. _Prep._ 1. a.r.s.enious acid (levigated), 3 gr.; lard or simple ointment, 1 oz. In lepra, psoriasis, malignant whitlows, &c.
2. (Hosp. F.) Levigated white a.r.s.enic, 15 to 20 gr.; lard, 1 oz. As a dressing for cancerous sores.
2. (Soubeiran.) White a.r.s.enic, 1 dr.; lard, and spermaceti ointment, of each 6 dr. In malignant cancer. The above must be carefully prepared, and used with great caution. See CERATE.
=Ointment of a.r.s.e"niate of I'ron.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM FERRI a.r.s.eNIATIS, L.
_Prep._ 1. (Carmichael.) a.r.s.eniate of iron, 1/2 dr.; phosphate of iron, 2 dr.; spermaceti ointment, 6 dr.
2. (Dr Pereira.) a.r.s.eniate of iron, 1/2 dr.; lard, 1-1/2 oz. In cancer.
=Ointment of a.r.s.eniate of Soda.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM SODae a.r.s.eNIATIS. _Prep._ a.r.s.eniate of soda, 1 dr.; lard, 2 oz. Mix.
=Ointment, Astrin'gent.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ASTRINGENS, L. _Prep._ Triturate powdered catechu, 1-1/2 dr., with boiling water, 2 fl. dr., add, gradually, of spermaceti ointment (melted), 1-1/4 oz., and continue the trituration until the ma.s.s concretes. An excellent dressing for ill-disposed sores and ulcers, especially during hot weather. See the several LEAD OINTMENTS, OINTMENT OF GALLS, &c.
=Ointment of Atro"pia.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ATROPIae (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1.
Atropia, 1-1/2 gr; simple ointment, 1 dr.; mix by careful trituration.
2. (Dr Brookes.) Atropia, 5 gr.; lard, 3 dr.; otto of roses, 1 drop. In neuralgia, rheumatic pains, &c., when the affection is not deeply seated.
3. (B. P.) Atropia, 8 gr.; rectified spirit, 1/2 dr.; lard, 1 oz.; dissolve the atropia in the spirit and mix with the lard.
=Ointment, Bailey's.= See OINTMENT, ITCH.
=Ointment of Bal'sam of Peru.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BALSAMI PERUVIANI, L.
_Prep._ 1. Lard or spermaceti ointment, 1 oz.; balsam of Peru, 1 dr.; melt together by the heat of boiling water, stir for 5 or 6 minutes, allow it to settle, and pour off the clear portion. In chaps and abrasions.
2. (Compound; UNG. B. P. COMPOSITUM--Copland.) Lard, 1 oz.; white wax, 1/4 oz.; balsam of Peru, 1 dr,; melt as before, and when nearly cold, add of oil of lavender, 10 or 12 drops. As the last, and to restore the hair.
=Ointment, Banyer's.= _Syn._ COMPOUND ALUM OINTMENT; UNGUENTUM ALUMINIS COMPOSITUM, U. CALOMELANOS, U. BANYERI, L. _Prep._ From burnt alum and calomel, of each 1-1/2 oz.; carbonate of lead, or litharge (levigated), 2 oz.; Venice turpentine, 1/2 lb.; lard, 2 lbs.; carefully triturated together. In milk-scald, porrigo, &c.
=Ointment of Bark.= See OINTMENT OF CINCHONA.
=Ointment, Basil'icon.= _Syn._ BASILICON, YELLOW B.; UNGUENTUM BASILIc.u.m; U. B. FLAVUM, L. _Prep._ (Ph. L. 1746.) Olive oil, 16 fl. oz.; yellow wax, yellow resin, and Burgundy pitch, of each 1 lb.; melt, remove the vessel from the fire, and stir in of common turpentine, 3 oz. This form is still occasionally employed in some shops, but is generally superseded by the resin cerate and resin ointment of the Pharmacopias. A nearly similar preparation under the name of 'basilicon ointment,' is contained in the Ph. Bor. 1847. (See _below_.)
=Ointment, Basilicon (Black).= See OINTMENT OF PITCH.
=Ointment, Basilicon (Green).= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BASILIc.u.m VIRIDE, L.
_Prep._ (Ph. L. 1746). Prepared verdigris, 1 oz.; yellow basilicon, 8 oz.; olive oil, 3 fl. oz. Detergent. Used to keep down fungous growths, to dress syphilitic ulcers, &c. See CERATE and OINTMENT OF VERDIGRIS.