Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 62

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=Mixture, Pur'gative.= _Syn._ MISTURA CATHARTICA, M. LAXATIVA, M. PURGANS.

L. _Prep._ 1. From any of the purging salts (Epsom, Glauber, tasteless, &c.), 2 oz.; infusion of senna, 5 fl. oz.; syrup of orange peel, 1 fl.

oz.; tincture of ginger, 1/2 fl. oz.; spirit of pimento, 2 fl. dr.; mix.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 table-spoonfuls, early in the morning; as an aperient in stomach complaints, &c.

2. (Dr Copland.) Manna, 1-1/2 oz.; cream of tartar, 1/2 oz.; whey, 1 quart. By wine-gla.s.sfuls, as an aperient drink, in fevers, &c.

3. (Corvisart.) Borotartrate of (soluble tartar), 1 oz.; tartar emetic, 1/2 gr.; sugar, 2 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; dissolve. By wine-gla.s.sfuls, until it begins to operate. This has been called 'NAPOLEON'S MEDICINE,' from its having been frequently taken by Napoleon I. See MIXTURES OF SCAMMONY, SENNA, &c.

=Mixture of Quinine and Coffee.= _Syn._ MISTURA QUINIae ET CAFFEae; CAFe QUININE. Prepare 5 oz. of infusion from 4 dr. of ground coffee by percolation, and add 24 gr. of neutral sulphate of quinine and 4 dr. of sugar.--_Dose._ A tablespoonful. The coffee conceals the bitterness of the quinine.

=Mixture of Quinine with Iron.= _Syn._ MISTURA QUINIae c.u.m FERRO. Sulphate of quinine, 1 gr.; sulphate of iron, 2 gr.; dilute sulphuric acid, 5 minims; water, 1 oz. For 1 dose.

=Mixture of Rhubarb with Magnesia.= (St Thom. Hosp.) _Syn._ MISTURA RHEI c.u.m MAGNESIA. _Prep._ Rhubarb, 7-1/2 gr.; carbonate of magnesia, 15 gr.; peppermint water, 1-1/2 oz. For 1 dose.

=Mixture, Saline.= _Syn._ MISTURA SALINA, L. See DRAUGHT and LEMONADE.

=Mixture, Scam'mony.= _Syn._ SCAMMONY MILK; MISTURA SCAMMONII (B. P.), L.

_Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Resin of scammony, 7 gr.; unskimmed milk, 3 fl. oz.: gradually mix, triturating all the time, so as to form an emulsion.

Purgative.--_Dose._ One half.

2. (Planche's PURGATIVE POTION.) To the last add of white sugar, 1/4 oz.; cherry-laurel (or bitter-almond) water, 4 or 5 drops. The above are the most tasteless and pleasant purgatives of an active character known.

3. (B. P.) Resin of scammony, 4 gr.; fresh milk, 2 oz.; triturate and form an emulsion.--_Dose._ The quant.i.ty of the formula for an adult, half for a child.

=Mixture, Senega, with Ammonia.= (St Th. H.) _Syn._ MISTURA SENEGae c.u.m AMMONIA. _Prep._ Infusion of senega, 1 oz.; carbonate of ammonia, 4 gr.

For 1 dose.

=Mixture, Sen'na (Compound).= _Syn._ BLACK DRAUGHT, ABERNETHY'S D., CATHARTIC MIXTURE; MISTURA SENNae COMPOSITA (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. Infusion of senna, 3/4 pint; tincture of senna, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; Epsom salts, 4 oz.; carbonate of ammonia, 1/2 dr.; sugar, 3 oz.; agitate until the solids are dissolved.

2. Senna, 13 oz.; boiling water, 2 quarts; digest for 4 hours in a hot place, then press out the liquor in a tincture press, and add, of compound tincture of senna, 3/4 pint; Epsom salts, 1 lb.

3. East India senna, 2 lbs.; boiling water, 9 quarts; tincture of senna and Epsom salts, of each 3-1/4 lbs.; as the last.

4. Senna, 8 lbs.; boiling water, 9 galls.; Epsom salts, 16 lbs.; tincture of senna, 1-1/2 galls.; treacle and colouring, of each 1 quart.

5. (Guy's Hosp.) Senna and mint, of each 1-1/4 oz. (say 1-1/2 oz.); boiling water, 1 quart; Epsom salts, 7-1/2 oz. (say 1/2 lb.).

6. (Redwood.) Infusion of senna, 18 oz.; tincture of senna, 3 oz.; sulphate of magnesia, 6 oz.; extract of liquorice and spirit of sal volatile, of each 3/4 oz.; oil of cloves, 6 drops.

7. (B. P.) Infusion of senna, 14; sulphate of magnesia, 4; extract of liquorice, 1/2; tincture of senna, 2-1/2; compound tincture of cardamoms, 1-1/4: dissolve and mix.--_Dose_, 1 to 1-1/2 oz.

_Obs._ As the above mixture contains very little spirit, and from its great consumption being made in large quant.i.ties at a time, it frequently spoils before the whole is sold especially in hot weather. To avoid this, 1-1/2 dr. of cloves, and 3 dr. of mustard seed, both bruised, may be added to every gall. of the strained liquor at the same time with the salts, spirit, and colouring, after which it must be shaken up repeatedly for a few days, and then allowed to repose for a few days more when it will become quite clear. It may be filtered through a flannel bag, but there is much loss and delay, owing to the consistence of the liquid. It is purgative in doses of 1 to 1-1/2 fl. oz.

It is a singular circ.u.mstance, that although an enormous quant.i.ty of this preparation is consumed in these countries, there is no standard formula for it in the British Pharmacopias. See MIXTURE, APERIENT, &c.

=Mixture, Steel.= _Syn._ MISTURA FERRI COMPOSITA (B. P.), MISTURA CHALYBEATA, L. Two compounds of this cla.s.s are officinal:--

1. (GRIFFITH'S MIXTURE, COMPOUND IRON M.; MISTURA FERRI, M. F. PROTOXYDI, M. F. COMPOSITA--Ph. L. E. & D.) _Prep._--_a._ (Ph. L. & E.) Carbonate of, 1 dr.; powdered myrrh, 2 dr.; spirit of nutmeg, 1 fl. oz.; triturate together, and whilst rubbing, add gradually, of sugar, 2 dr.; rose water, 18 fl. oz.; mix well; then add of sulphate of iron (powdered), 50 gr.; and place it at once in a bottle, which must be kept closely corked.

_b._ (Ph. D.) Powdered myrrh and sugar, of each 1 dr.; carbonate of, 1/2 dr.; essence of nutmeg, 1 fl. dr.; rose water, 7 fl. oz.; sulphate of iron, 1/2 dr.; (dissolved in) rose water, 1 fl. oz.;--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz., 3 or 4 times a day, as a mild and genial chalybeate tonic and stimulant; in amenorrha, chlorosis, debility, &c., when there is no determination of blood to the head.

2. (HEBERDEN'S MIXTURE, H.'S INK; ATRAMENTUM HEBERDII; MISTURA FERRI AROMATICA--Ph. D.) Pale cinchona bark, 1 oz.; calumba root, 3 dr. (both in coa.r.s.e powder;) cloves (bruised), 2 dr.; iron filings, 1/2 oz.; peppermint water, 16 fl. oz.; digest in a close vessel for 3 days, agitating frequently, then strain, and add of tincture of cardamoms (comp.), 3 fl.

oz.; tincture of orange peel, 3 fl. dr. Bitter, stomachic, and aromatic.--_Dose_, 1 or 2 table-spoonfuls, or more, 3 or 4 times a day. It is very slightly chalybeated. See also MIXTURE, AROMATIC IRON.

3. Sulphate of iron, 25 gr.; carbonate of potash, 30 gr.; myrrh, 60 gr.; sugar, 60 gr.; spirit of nutmegs, 4 dr.; rose water, 9-1/2 oz. Reduce the myrrh to powder, add the carbonate of potash of sugar, and triturate them with a small quant.i.ty of rose water so as to form a thin paste, then gradually add more rose water, and the spirit of nutmegs, continuing the trituration and further addition of rose water until about eight fluid ounces of milky liquid is formed, then add the sulphate of iron previously dissolved in the remainder of the rose water and cork the bottle immediately.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz. as a stimulating tonic.

=Mixture of Sulphuric Acid.= (Ph. G.) _Syn._ MISTURA ACIDI SULPHURICI; HALLER'S ELIXIR. _Prep._ To 3 oz. (by weight) of rectified spirit add gradually 1 oz. (by weight) of pure sulphuric acid.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 drops diluted.


_Prep._ 1. Infusion of cascarilla, 5 fl. oz.; tincture of orange peel, 7 fl. dr.; aromatic sulphuric acid, 2 fl. dr.

2. (Collier.) Decoction of bark, 5-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of do., 3 fl.

dr.; aromatic confection, 20 gr.; aromatic spirit of ammonia, 1 fl. dr.

3. (Thomson.) Infusion of calumba, 5-1/2 fl. oz.; compound tincture of cinnamon and syrup of orange peel, of each 2 fl. dr.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 table-spoonfuls, 2 or 3 times a day; in debility of the digestive organs, loss of appet.i.te, to check nausea and vomiting, &c.

=Mixture of Wine.= (Guy's Hosp.) _Syn._ MISTURA VINI. White wine, 6 fl.

oz.; yolks of 2 eggs; sugar, 1/2 oz.; oil of cinnamon, 3 drops.--_Dose_, 1 oz.

=Mixture, Worm.= _Syn._ MISTURA ANTHELMINTICA, M. VERMIFUGA, L. _Prep._ 1.

(Collier.) Sulphate of iron, 20 gr.; infusion of qua.s.sia, 8 fl.

oz.--_Dose._ Two table-spoonfuls every morning fasting.

2. (Copland.) Valerian, 2 dr.; worm-seed, 4 dr.; boiling water, 8 fl.

oz.; macerate 1 hour, strain, and add of a.s.saftida, 1 dr., previously triturated with the yolk of one egg. As the last.

3. (Richard.) Root of male fern, 1 oz.; water, 9 fl. oz.; boil to 6 fl.

oz., strain, and add, of sulphuric ether, 1 dr.; syrup of tansy, 1 fl. oz.

In tapeworm; as above.

=Mixture, Zinc.= _Syn._ MISTURA ZINCI, M. Z. SULPHATIS, L. _Prep._ (Collier.) Sulphate of zinc, 5 gr.; sulphate of quinine, 10 gr.; compound infusion of roses, 2 fl. oz. Tonic.--_Dose._ A teaspoonful 2 or 3 times a day, in a gla.s.s of water. Said to be very efficacious in the cure of coughs of a spasmodic character.

=MIXTURES (Arithmetic of).= The constantly recurring necessity in business and chemical manipulations of determining the value of mixtures, and of producing articles and preparations of different strengths or prices to those already in stock, has rendered a ready means of making such calculations an indispensable qualification in almost every department of trade and industrial art. As we address ourselves to the intelligent operative and busy tradesman, as well as to those more blessed by education and leisure, we feel we are bestowing a boon on many of our readers in giving a short, but sufficient, outline of this useful branch of commercial arithmetic, which is most intimately connected with the objects of the present work.

1. To determine the price of a mixture from the value and quant.i.ty of each ingredient of which it is composed.--RULE. Divide the 'gross value' by the 'gross saleable' or 'useful quant.i.ty,' the quotient is the value or cost per gallon, pound, &c., as the case may be.--_Example._ Required, the value per gallon of a hogshead of wine containing--

_s._ _d._ _s._ _d._

30 gallons @ 10 6 = 15 15 0 20 " " 12 6 = 12 10 0 13 " " 14 6 = 9 8 6 -- --------------- 63 divide into 37 13 6 --------------- Cost per gallon 0 11 11-1/2

2. To determine the proportions of substances or articles of different values or strengths which must be taken to prepare a mixture of any other value or strength.--RULE. Arrange the 'prices' or 'strengths of the ingredients' in a column, and link them together in pairs; each of those above the required price being always connected with another below it.

Then set the difference between the required price and these numbers, alternately against those they are linked to; when they will indicate the quant.i.ties to be taken, as in the following examples:--_a._ Required the proportions of tea at 3_s._, 4_s._, 6_s._, and 7_s._, that must be taken to produce a mixture 5_s._ the pound. Here--

{ 3--+ 1, or 1 lb. @ 3_s._ { 4-- --+ 2, " 2 " " 4_s._ 5 { 6--+ 2, " 2 " " 6_s._ { 7-----+ 1, " 1 " " 7_s._

_b._ (When the number of the ingredients or prices is odd.) Required the proportions of teas at 3_s._, 5_s._, and 6_s._, the pound, to sell at 4_s._ Here the odd number must be taken a second time:--

{ 3--+--+ 1 + 2 or 3 lbs @ 3_s._ 4 { 5--+ 1, " 1 " " 6_s._ { 6-----+ 1, " 1 " " 6_s._

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