Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Lozenges, Magne'sia.= _Syn._ HEARTBURN LOZENGES; TROCHISCI MAGNESIae (Ph.
E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Carbonate of magnesia, 6 oz.; powdered white sugar, 3 oz.; oil of nutmeg, 20 drops; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to mix.
2. (Ph. U. S.) Calcined magnesia, 4 oz.; sugar, 12 oz.; nutmeg, 1 dr.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s.; for 10-gr. lozenges.
3. (Wholesale.) Calcined magnesia, 3 oz.; powdered gum tragacanth, 1 oz.; double refined lump sugar, 3/4 lb.; rose or orange-flower water, q. s. to make a lozenge ma.s.s.
_Obs._ Magnesia lozenges are very useful in heartburn, acidity, and indigestion. The confectioners generally omit the nutmeg, and make their mucilage with either rose or orange-flower water, or else add the dry gum to the ma.s.s, and then mix up the powders with one or other of these liquids. It is also an improvement to use calcined magnesia, which is about twice as strong as the carbonate, and consequently less need be employed.
=Lozenges, Manna.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MANNae, L. _Prep._ (Van Mons.) Powdered tragacanth, 1 dr.; white sugar, 12 oz.; manna, 3 oz.; orange-flower water, q. s. to mix. Demulcent, and in large numbers slightly laxative.
=Lozenges, Marshmallow.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI ALTHaeae, L.; TABLETTES DE GUIMAUVE, Fr. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Marshmallow root (decorticated and finely powdered), 2 oz.; sugar, 14 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth (made with orange-flower water), q. s. Demulcent and expectorant. Useful to allay the irritation in cough, &c. The preparations of marshmallow have always been highly esteemed as pectorals by the vulgar.
=Lozenges, Min'ium.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MINII (Ph. E. 1744), L. _Prep._ From red lead, 1 dr.; corrosive sublimate, 2 dr.; crumb of bread, 1 oz.; rose water, q. s.; to be made up into oat-like grains. For external use only.
=Lozenges, Morphia.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MORPHIae (B. P., Ph. E.), T. M.
HYDROCHLORATIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Hydrochlorate of morphia, 20 gr.; tincture of tolu, 1/2 fl. oz.; powdered white sugar, 25 oz.; dissolve the hydrochlorate in a little warm water, mix it with the tincture and the sugar, make a ma.s.s with mucilage of gum tragacanth, q. s., and divide it into 15-gr. lozenges. Each lozenge contains about 1/40 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia. Used as opium lozenges, but are pleasanter. The morphia lozenges of the shop generally contain 1/24 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia. (Pereira.)
2. (With IPECACUANHA, TROCHISCI MORPHIae ET IPECACUANHae--Ph. E.) As the last, adding of ipecacuanha, 1 dr. Each lozenge contains about 1/40 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia, and 1/13 gr. of ipecacuanha. Anodyne and expectorant; in tickling coughs, &c., and to allay pain.
3. Hydrochlorate of morphia, 20 gr.; tincture of tolu, 1/2 oz.; refined sugar, in powder, 24 oz.; gum Arabic, in powder, 1 oz.; mucilage, 2 oz., or a sufficiency; boiling distilled water, 1/2 oz. Divide the ma.s.s into 720 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/36 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia.--_Dose_, 1 or 2 occasionally, for cough.
=Lozenges, Morphia and Ipecacuanha.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MORPHIae ET IPECACUANHae (B. P.) Hydrochlorate of morphia, 20 gr.; ipecacuanha, in fine powder, 24 oz.; tincture of tolu, 1/2 oz.; refined sugar, in powder, 24 oz.; gum Arabic, in powder, 1 oz.; mucilage, 2 oz., or a sufficiency; distilled water, 1/2 oz.; divide the ma.s.s into 720 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/36 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia and 1/12 gr. of ipecacuanha.--_Dose_, 1 or 2 occasionally, for cough.
=Lozenges of Naphthalin.= (Dupasquier.) _Syn._ TROCHISCI NAPHTHALINI.
_Prep._ Naphthalin, 5 scruples; sugar, 20 oz.; oil of aniseed to flavour; form a ma.s.s with mucilage of tragacanth, and divide into lozenges of 15 gr. each. Expectorant, and may be taken to the extent of 20 a day.
=Lozenges, Ni'tre.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI NITRICI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E. 1783.) Nitre, 3 oz.; white sugar, 9 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to mix.
Diuretic; but chiefly sucked, without swallowing, to remove incipient sore throat.
2. Camphorated; TROCHISCI NITRI CAMPHORATI, L.--Chaussier. Each lozenge contains 1/8 gr. of opium, 1/2 gr. of camphor, and 1 gr. of nitre. In hoa.r.s.eness, sore throat, &c.
=Lozenges, Nut'meg.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MYRISTICae, L. From oil of nutmeg, 1 fl. dr., to each lb. of sugar, and coloured with infusion of saffron.
Carminative and stomachic; in colic, &c.
=Lozenges, O'pium.= _Syn._ ANODYNE LOZENGES; TROCHISCI OPII (Ph. E.), T.
GLYCYRRHIZae c.u.m OPIO, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P., Ph. E.) Opium (strained), 2 dr.; tincture of tolu, 1/2 oz.; triturate together, add of powdered sugar, 6 oz.; extract of liquorice (soft) and powdered gum acacia, of each 5 oz.; mix, and divide into 10-gr. lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/6 to 1/7 gr.
of opium. Used to allay tickling cough and irritation of the fauces, and as an anodyne and hypnotic.
2. (Ph. U. S.) Opium (in fine powder), 2 dr.; extract of liquorice, gum Arabic, and sugar, of each 5 oz.; oil of aniseed, 1/2 fl. dr.; water, q. s.; divide into 6-gr. lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/10 gr. of opium. As the last.
3. Extract of opium, 72 gr.; tincture of tolu, 1/2 oz.; refined sugar (in powder), 2 oz.; extract of liquorice, 6 oz.; distilled water, a sufficiency. Divide the ma.s.s into 720 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/10 gr. of extract of opium.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 lozenges.
=Lozenges, Or'ange.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI AURANTII, L. From oil of orange, 1-1/2 fl. dr. to each lb. of sugar, and infusion of saffron for colouring.
By adding nitric or tartaric acid, 3 dr. 'ACIDULATED ORANGE LOZENGES' will be formed.
=Lozenges, Orange-flow'er.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI AURANTII FLORUM, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Powdered sugar, 1 lb.; neroli, 1 dr.; orange-flower water, q. s.; make it into drops (pastilli); or, omit the water, and make it into lozenges with mucilage of tragacanth made with orange-flower water.
Delightfully fragrant.
=Lozenges, Or'ris-root.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI IRIDIS, L. _Prep._ From orris-root (in very fine powder), 1 oz.; sugar, 1 lb.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to mix. Used to perfume the breath.
=Lozenges Ox'alate of _Syn._ TROCHISCI POTa.s.sae OXALATIS, T. P.
SUPER-OXALATIS, L. As ACIDULATED LOZENGES, but using quadraoxalate of (salt of sorrel) instead of tartaric acid. (See _below_.)
=Lozenges, Oxal'ic Acid.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI ACIDI OXALICI, L. As ACIDULATED LOZENGES, but using oxalic acid instead of tartaric acid. The last two are refrigerant, but their use is objectionable, especially for patients who labour under the oxalic diathesis. In large quant.i.ties they are poisonous.
=Lozenges, Paregor'ic.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI PAREGORICI, L. Medicated with 2 fl. oz. of paregoric and 2 dr. of tartaric acid, to each lb. of sugar, and tinged of a pink colour with lake or cochineal. As a pectoral in catarrhs, &c.
=Lozenges, Paullin'ia.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI PAULLINIae, T. GUARANae, L. _Prep._ (Dr Gavrelle.) Each lozenge contains nearly 1/2 gr. of extract of garana or paullinia, and is flavoured with vanilla. 12 to 20 daily, as an alterative and tonic; in chlorosis, diarrha.
=Lozenges, Pec'toral.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI PECTORALES, T. BECHICI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Grunn.) Powdered squills, 4 parts; extract of lettuce, 8 parts; ipecacuanha, 18 parts; manna, 125 parts; sugar, 250 parts; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to mix.
2. (Magendie.) See LOZENGES, EMETINE.
4. (WHITE; T. BECHICI ALBI.) Orris root, 4 dr.; liquorice powder, 6 dr.; starch, 1-1/2 oz.; sugar, 18 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to make a lozenge-ma.s.s.
5. (YELLOW; T. BECHICI FLAVI.) Powdered orris root, 6 dr.; starch, 4 dr.; liquorice powder, 3 dr.; saffron, 2 dr.; sugar, 8 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. to mix.
_Obs._ All the above are used as demulcents in coughs, colds, &c. Nos. 1 and 2 are anodyne as well as demulcent. For other formulae see LOZENGES, COUGH, LIQUORICE, OPIUM, &c.
=Lozenges, Pel'litory.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI PYRETHRI, L. _Prep._ From pellitory, mastic, and tragacanth, of each in fine powder, equal parts; orange-flower water, q. s. to mix. In toothache.
=Lozenges, Pep'permint.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MENTHae PIPERITae, L. _Prep._ 1.
(P. Cod.) Oil of peppermint, 1 dr.; powdered sugar, 16 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s.
2. (Ph. U. S.) Oil of peppermint, 1 fl. dr.; sugar, 12 oz.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s.
3. (Wholesale.) 1 fl. dr. of the finest Mitcham oil of peppermint to each lb. of the finest double refined white sugar, with mucilage of either gum Arabic or tragacanth to mix.
_Obs._ The best peppermint lozenges are made of the very finest double refined sugar and of English oil of peppermint only; carefully mixed up with very clean mucilage. The commoner qualities are made by employing inferior lump sugar and foreign oil of peppermint, or, what is better, English oil of peppermint, but in a less proportion than for the better sorts. The addition of starch, in quant.i.ty varying from 1/6 to 2/9 of the whole ma.s.s, is also commonly made to them; and in the cheapest varieties even plaster of Paris or chalk is occasionally introduced by unprincipled makers. The addition of a very small quant.i.ty of blue smalts, reduced to an impalpable powder, is commonly made to the sugar, to increase its whiteness. 'TRANSPARENT' or 'SEMI-TRANSPARENT PEPPERMINT LOZENGES' are made from the same materials as the opaque ones; but the sugar is not reduced to quite so fine a powder, and the cake is rolled thinner before cutting it. A little oil of almonds or of olives is also occasionally mixed with the ingredients, to promote the transparency; but it tends to render the lozenges less white.
Peppermint lozenges and drops are useful in flatulency, nausea, and griping; and judging from the enormous and constantly increasing demand for them, they are more highly esteemed by the public than all other lozenges and confections.
=Lozenges, Pontefract.= These are made of the purest refined juice or extract of liquorice, and have long been esteemed as a demulcent.
=Lozenges, Pop'py.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI PAPAVERIS, L. _Prep._ From extract of poppies, 3 oz.; sugar, 15 oz.; powdered gum tragacanth, 2 oz.; rose water, q. s. to mix. Used in coughs as an anodyne and demulcent, in lieu of opium lozenges.
=Lozenges, Pulmon'ic.= See LOZENGES, COUGH, PECTORAL, WAFERS, &c.
=Lozenges, Quin'ine.= _Syn._ =Trochisci quininae sulphatis=, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Each lozenge contains about 1/10 gr. of sulphate (disulphate) of quinine. Tonic and stomachic in dyspepsia, &c.; but to render them useful, the quant.i.ty of the alkaloid should be doubled.
=Lozenges, Reduced Iron.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI FERRI REDACTI. (B. P.) Reduced iron, 720 gr.; refined sugar, in powder, 25 oz.; gum Arabic, in powder, 1 oz.; mucilage, 2 oz.; distilled water, 1 oz., or a sufficiency. Mix the iron, sugar, and gum, and add the mucilage and water to form a proper ma.s.s. Divide into 720 lozenges, and dry them in a hot-air chamber with a moderate heat. Each lozenge contains 1 gr. of reduced iron.--_Dose_, 1 to 6 lozenges.
=Lozenges, Reduced Iron, with Chocolate.= (Bouchardat.) _Syn._ TROCHISCI CHOCOLATae ET FERRI. _Prep._ Fine chocolate, 14 oz.; iron reduced by hydrogen, 1 oz. Soften the chocolate by heat, mix with the iron, and divide into lozenges of 15-1/2 gr. each. Levigated iron filings are sometimes subst.i.tuted for the reduced iron; others direct the peroxide.
=Lozenges of Rhatany.= (Th. Hosp.) _Syn._ TROCHISCI KRAMERIae. _Prep._ Extract of rhatany in powder, 1050 gr.; tragacanth, 70 gr.; sugar, 280 gr.; red currant paste, q. s. Mix, and divide into 350 lozenges, and finish as in benzoic acid lozenges.