Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 36

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HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Each lozenge contains 1 gr. of calomel. Alterative, &c. They afford a simple way of introducing mercury into the system. During their use salt food and acid liquors should be avoided. When given for worms they should be followed, in a few hours, by a purge.

=Lozenges, Cam'phor.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CAMPHORae, L. Each lozenge contains 3/4 gr. of (finely powdered) camphor. They must be kept in a well-corked bottle.

=Lozenges of Carbolic Acid.= (Th. Hosp.) _Syn._ TROCHISCI ACIDI CARBOLICI.

_Prep._ Carbolic acid, 350 gr.; gum Arabic, 220 gr.; refined sugar, 12-1/2 oz.; mucilage, 1 oz.; distilled water q. s. to make 1 lb. Divide into 350 lozenges, and finish as with benzoic acid lozenges.

=Lozenges, Car'bonate of Lime.= See LOZENGES, CHALK.

=Lozenges, Cat'echu.= _Syn._ CACHOU LOZENGES; TROCHISCI CATECHU (B. P.), T. DE TERRA j.a.pONICA, L.; TABLETTES DE CACHOU, Fr. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.

1744.) Catechu, 2 oz.; tragacanth, 1/2 oz.; white sugar, 12 oz.; rose water, q. s.

2. (P. Cod.) Extract of catechu, 4 oz.; sugar, 16 oz.; mucilage of gum tragacanth q. s.; for 10-gr. lozenges.

3. (TRO. CATECHU ET MAGNESIae--P. Cod.) Magnesia, 2 oz.; powdered catechu, 1 oz.; sugar, 13 oz.; mucilage of gum tragacanth (made with cinnamon water), q. s. to mix.


5. (B. P.) Pale catechu, in powder, 720 gr.; refined sugar, in powder, 25 oz.; gum Arabic, in powder, 1 oz.; mucilage, 2 oz.; distilled water, a sufficiency; divide into 720 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1 gr. of catechu.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 lozenges.

_Obs._ All the above are taken in diarrha, in relaxation of the uvula, in irritation of the larynx, and as cosmetics to fasten the teeth, and disguise a fetid breath. The one containing magnesia (No. 3) is also sucked in dyspepsia, acidity, and heartburn.

=Lozenges, Cayenne'.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CAPSICI, L. Flavoured with essence or tincture of capsic.u.m or cayenne, with a very concentrated Chili vinegar, or a little pure soluble cayenne pepper.

2. (ACIDULATED.) To each lb. add of tartaric acid, 1/2 oz. Both are used in dyspepsia, and to promote digestion and create an appet.i.te. They have also been recommended in temporary deafness arising from exposure to cold.

They are generally tinged of a light pink or red colour.

=Lozenges, Chalk.= _Syn._ HEARTBURN LOZENGES; TROCHISCI CRETae; (Ph. E.), T. CARDIALGICI, TABELLae CARDIALGICae, L. _Prep._ (Ph. E.) Prepared chalk, 4 oz.; gum Arabic, 1 oz.; nutmeg, 1 dr.; white sugar, 6 oz.; rose or orange-flower water, q. s. Antacid and absorbent. 3 or 4 sucked _ad libitum_; in heartburn, dyspepsia, diarrha, acidity of the stomach and bowels, &c.

=Lozenges, Char'coal.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CARBONIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (P. Cod.) Prepared charcoal, 4 oz.; white sugar, 12 oz., mucilage, q. s. to mix. In diarrha, cholera, dyspepsia, &c.

2. (TRO. CARBONAS c.u.m CHOCOLATa--M. Chevallier.) Charcoal and white sugar, of each 1 oz.; chocolate, 3 oz.; mucilage of gum tragacanth, q. s. to mix.

Nutritious; used as the last.

=Lozenges, Ching's Worm.= _Prep._ 1. (YELLOW.) From saffron, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse, strain, add, of calomel, 1 lb.; powdered white sugar, 28 lbs.; mix well, make a ma.s.s with mucilage of tragacanth, and divide it into 7000 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1 gr. of calomel.

2. (BROWN.) From calomel, 7 oz.; resinous extract of jalap, 3-1/2 lbs.; white sugar, 10 lbs.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s.; mix, and divide into 6125 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 1/2 gr. of calomel and 3-1/2 gr. of resinous extract of jalap. 1 to 6 of the yellow lozenges over night, as a vermifuge, followed by an equal number of the brown ones the next morning fasting.

=Lozenges, Chlo"rate of _Syn._ TROCHISCI POTa.s.sae CHLORATIS, L.

_Prep._ 1. Each lozenge contains 1-1/2 gr. of chlorate of In phthisis, sore throat, &c. 6 to 12 a day.

2. (B. P.) Chlorate of potash, in powder, 3600 gr. (8-1/4 oz.); refined sugar, in powder, 25 oz.; gum acacia, in powder, 1 oz.; mucilage, 2 oz., distilled water, 1 oz., or a sufficiency; mix the powders, and add the mucilage and water to form a proper ma.s.s; divide in 720 lozenges. Each lozenge contains 5 gr. of chlorate of potash.--_Dose_, 1 to 6 lozenges.

=Lozenges, Chloride of Ammonium.= Each lozenge contains 2 to 3 gr. of chloride of ammonium. Used in bronchitis.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 lozenges.

=Lozenges, Chlo"ride of Gold.= 1. (TROCHISCI AURI CHLORIDI, L.) Each lozenge contains 1/40 gr. of neutral chloride of gold. 2 to 4 daily; in scrofula, cancer, &c.

2. (With SODA; TROCHISCI AURI ET SODII CHLORIDI, T. SODII AURO-CHLORIDI, L.--Chrestien.) Each lozenge contains 1/16th gr. of soda-chloride of gold.

Two daily; as the last.

=Lozenges, Chloride of Lime.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CALCIS CHLORIDI, T. C.

CHLORINATae, L. Each lozenge contains 1/4 gr. of dry chloride of lime. They are frequently tinged with a little carmine. Used to sweeten the breath and whiten the teeth. They do not keep well.

=Lozenges of Chlorinated Soda.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI SODae CHLORINATae. _Prep._ Solution of chloride of soda, 1 fl. dr.; sugar, 10 dr.; gum Arabic, 2 dr.; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s. (1/2 dr. of camphor may be added). To be held in the mouth during infection.

=Lozenges, Choc'olate.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CHOCOLATae, L. From vanilla chocolate pressed into sheets, and cut into pieces whilst hot.

=Lozenges, Cincho'na.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CINCHONae EXTRACTI, L. Each lozenge contains 1-1/2 gr. of dry extract of bark. A little cinnamon or nutmeg is often added. See BARK LOZENGES.

=Lozenges, Cin'namon.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CINNAMONI, L. From cinnamon (in fine powder), 1 oz., or the essential oil, 1 fl. dr., to each lb. of sugar. Carminative and stomachic. Ca.s.sIA LOZENGES are made in the same way, and are frequently subst.i.tuted for them.

=Lozenges, Ci'trate of Iron.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI FERRI CITRATIS, L. Each lozenge contains 1-1/2 gr. of ammonio-citrate of iron. As a mild chalybeate tonic. They are sometimes made with equal parts of sugar and vanilla chocolate.

=Lozenges, Citrate of Magne'sia.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI MAGNESIae CITRATIS, L.

Each 15-gr. lozenge contains 5 gr. of pure citrate of magnesia. Laxative.

=Lozenges, Cit'ric Acid.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI ACIDI CITRICI, L. _Prep._ (P.

Cod.) Citric acid, 3 dr.; sugar, 16 oz.; essence of lemon, 16 drops; mucilage of tragacanth, q. s.; mix, and divide into 12-gr. lozenges. In coughs, hoa.r.s.eness, &c.

=Lozenges, Clove.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CARYOPHILLI, L. From cloves (powdered along with sugar), 2 oz., or essential oil, 1 fl. dr., to each lb. of sugar. They are frequently coloured. Carminative and stomachic; also used as a restorative after fatigue, added to chocolate to improve its flavour, and sucked to sweeten the breath.

=Lozenges, Cough.= _Syn._ PECTORAL LOZENGES, PULMONIC L.; TROCHISCI ANTICATARRHALES, L. _Prep._ 1. Black-currant lozenge-ma.s.s, 1 lb.; ipecacuanha (in very fine powder), 2 dr. For 12-gr. lozenges.

2. To the last add of powdered opium and camphor, 1-1/2 dr.

3. To either No. 1 or 2 add of oil of aniseed, 1-1/2 fl. dr.

4. (TABLETTES DE TRONCHIN.) From powdered gum Arabic, 8 oz.; oil of aniseed, 16 drops; extract of opium, 12 gr.; kermes mineral, 1 dr.; pure extract of liquorice, 2 oz.; white sugar, 32 oz.; water, q. s.; mix, and divide into 10-gr. lozenges.

5. (TABLETTES DE VANDAMME.) From benzoic acid, 1 dr.; orris powder, 2 dr.; gum Arabic (powdered), 1 oz.; starch, 2 oz.; sugar, 16 oz.; water, q. s.; mix and divide into 15-gr. lozenges.

6. Each lozenge contains 1/2 gr. of lactucarium, 1/8 gr. of powdered ipecacuanha, and 1/12 gr. of powdered squills, together with 1/3rd of their weight of pure extract of liquorice.

_Obs._ To render the above serviceable in coughs, hoa.r.s.eness, &c., the bowels should be kept gently open with some mild aperient, and a light diet adopted, with abstinence from stimulating liquors. See LOZENGES, EMETINE, IPECACUANHA, &c.

=Lozenges, Cro'ton Oil.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CROTONIS, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Croton oil, 5 drops; powdered starch, 40 gr.; white sugar, 1 dr.; chocolate, 2 dr.; divide into 30 lozenges; 5 or 6 generally prove cathartic.

=Lozenges, Cu'bebine.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CUBEBINI, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Hamb.) Copaiba and extract of cubebs, of each 6 oz.; yolks of 3 eggs; mix, add of powdered marshmallow root, 6 oz.; make it into pipes of 12 gr. each, and roll them in sugar. In gleet, &c., and in affections of the mucous membranes of the throat and fauces. Lablonye orders them to be made of sugar, and flavoured with oil of peppermint.

=Lozenges, Cu'bebs.= _Syn._ TROCHISCI CUBEBae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Spitta.) Cubebs, 2 dr.; balsam of tolu, 6 gr.; mix, and add of extract of liquorice, 1 oz.; syrup of tolu, 1 dr.; powdered gum, q. s.; divide into 10-gr. lozenges. One of these, allowed to melt gradually in the mouth, is said to alleviate the obstruction in the nose, in coryza.

2. (U. S.) _Prep._ Oleoresin of cubebs, 1/2 fl. oz. o. m.; oil of sa.s.safras, 1 fl. dr.; extract of liquorice in powder, 4 oz.; gum Arabic in powder, 3 oz.; sugar in fine powder, 3 oz.; syrup of tolu, q. s. Divide into 480 lozenges.

=Lozenges of Cyanide of Gold.= (Chrestien.) _Syn._ TROCHISCI AURI CYANIDI.

_Prep._ Cyanide of gold, 2 gr.; chocolate paste, 1 oz. Made into 24 lozenges. From 1 to 4 in the day.

=Lozenges, D'Arcet's.= See LOZENGES, VICHY.

=Lozenges, Diges'tive.= See LOZENGES, RHUBARB, GINGER, CANDY, DIGESTIVE, &c.

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