Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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3. (Opiated--Dr Kirkland.) Sal volatile, 3-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of opium, 1/2 fl. oz.; water, 4 fl. oz. Anodyne, stimulant, and resolvent.
=Lotion, Antiphlogis'tic.= _Syn._ LOTIO ANTIPHLOGISTICA, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Copland.) Solution of diacetate of lead, 3 fl. dr.; solution of acetate of ammonia, 2 fl. oz.; distilled water, 1 pint. Refrigerant, sedative, and repellant. Used to allay inflammation, &c.
2. (A. T. Thomson.) Opium, 2 dr., distilled vinegar, 1/2 pint. Anodyne and refrigerant; in swelled joints, &c.
=Lotion of Ar'nica.= _Syn._ LOTIO ARNICae, L. _Prep._ 1. Tincture of arnica, 1 fl. dr.; rose water, 2-1/2 fl. oz. In contusions, bruises, extravasations, &c.
2. (Niemann.) Arnica flowers, 1/2 oz.; hot vinegar, 3 fl. oz.; boiling water, 5 fl. oz., infuse until cold, and strain. In acute hydrocephalus; or with water, q. s. to measure a pint, as a common lotion.
=Lotion, a.r.s.enical.= _Syn._ LOTIO a.r.s.eNICALIS, L. ACIDI a.r.s.eNIOSI, L.
_Prep._ 1. a.r.s.enious acid, 5 gr.; water, 1 pint. In psoriasis, &c.
2. (Compound--M. le Febre.) a.r.s.enious acid, 8 gr.; boiling water, 16 fl.
oz.; dissolve, and add of extract of hemlock, 1 oz.; solution of diacetate of lead, 3 fl. oz.; tincture of opium, 1 fl. dr. Every morning, in cancer.
=Lotion, Barlow's.= _Prep._ From sulphuret of pota.s.sium (in powder), 3 dr.; soap (sliced), 1-1/2 dr.; lime water, 7-1/2 fl. oz.; proof spirit, 2 fl. oz. In itch, ringworm, &c.
=Lotion, Bateman's.= _Prep_. From b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 2 gr.; compound spirit of lavender, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve, and add of distilled water, 4 fl.
oz. In obstinate cutaneous eruptions, more especially those of a papular character.
=Lotion of Belladon'na.= _Syn._ LOTIO BELLADONNae, L. _Prep._ (Graefe.) Extract of belladonna, 1/2 dr.; dilute solution of diacetate of lead, 1/2 pint. Applied to tumours and glandular enlargements.
=Lotion of Benzoin.= LOTIO BENZOINI. Tincture of benzoin, 1; rose water, 40. A nice lotion to protect the face from the heat of the sun.
=Lotion of b.i.+.c.hlo"ride of Mercury.= _Syn._ LOTIO HYDRARGYRI b.i.+.c.hLORIDI, L. H. CHLORIDI CORROSIVI, L. _Prep._ 1. Corrosive sublimate, 5 to 10 gr.; distilled water, 1 pint. The addition of 5 or 6 gr. of hydrochlorate of ammonia, or as many drops of hydrochloric acid, increases the solvent action of the water, and renders the preparation less liable to change.
Some persons dissolve the sublimate in 1 or 2 fl. dr. of rectified spirit before adding it to the water; but this is unnecessary. In obstinate eruptions, glandular swelling, obstinate sores, &c.; also as an injection.
2. (Good.) Corrosive sublimate, 1 dr.; sal ammoniac, 2 dr.; nitre, 4 dr.; water, 6 fl. oz.; dissolve. In itch, &c. For use, it should be diluted with about 3 times its bulk of water.
3. (LOTIO HYDRARGYRI AMYGDALINA--St B. Hosp.) Blanched bitter almonds, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; make an emulsion, and add of b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury (dissolved in a little rectified spirit), 10 gr. This resembles GOWLAND'S LOTION, and may be used for it.
=Lotion of LOTIO BIs.m.u.tHI. Nitrate of, 6 gr.; corrosive sublimate, 1/2 gr.; spirits of camphor, 1-1/2 minim; water, 1 oz. A soothing lotion in chronic skin affections.
=Lotion, Black.= See LOTION, MERCURIAL.
=Lotion of Borax.= _Syn._ LOTIO BORACIS, L. BORACICA, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Abercrombie.) Borax, 2-1/2 dr.; distilled vinegar, 1/4 pint. In ringworm.
2. (Copland.) Borax (in powder), 1 dr.; rose water and orange-flower water, of each 3 fl. oz.; dissolve. A fragrant and effective application to sore gums, sore nipples, excoriations, &c.
3. (Dr Johnson.) Borax, 2 dr.; precipitated chalk, 1 oz.; rose water and rectified spirit, of each 3 oz. For sore nipples.
4. (Dr Meigs.) Borax, 1/2 oz.; sulphate of morphia, 6 gr.; rose water, 8 fl. oz. To allay itching and irritation, especially pruritus
5. Borax, 1; rose water, 24. Cosmetic.
=Lotion, Bro'mine.= _Syn._ LOTIO BROMINII, L. _Prep._ (Dr Glover.) Bromine, 1 dr.; water, 1 pint. As an application to scrofulous ulcers.
=Lotion for Burns.= See LINIMENT.
=Lotion, Camphora'ted.= See LOTION, EVAPORATING.
=Lotion of Cap'sic.u.m.= _Syn._ LOTIO CAPSICI, L. _Prep._ (Griffith.) Tinctures of capsic.u.m and camphor, of each 4 fl. oz.; liquor of ammonia, 2 fl. oz. A powerful rubefacient and counter-irritant.
=Lotion of Carbolic Acid.= (Mr Lister.) _Syn._ LOTIO ACIDI CARBOLICI.
_Prep._ 1 part of acid in 20 of water is used to promote the healing of wounds, abscesses, ulcers and burns. A weaker solution of 1 in 40 is in common use in the London hospitals. 5 drops to 1 fl. oz. of glycerin forms a good application to eruptions of the skin.
=Lotion of Car'bonate of So'da.= _Syn._ LOTIO SODae CARBONATIS, L. _Prep._ From carbonate of soda, 1/2 oz.; water, 1 pint. To allay itching and irritation. See LOTION, ALKALINE.
=Lotion of Cher'ry Laurel.= _Syn._ LOTIO LAURO-CERASI, L. _Prep._ 1.
Cherry-laurel water (distilled), 1-1/2 fl. oz.; distilled water, 1/2 pint.
Anodyne; useful to allay irritation, &c. Some persons with delicate skin employ it as a wash after shaving.
2. Cherry-laurel water (distilled), 4 oz.; rectified spirit and ether, of each 1 fl. oz.; extract of belladonna, 2 dr.; agitate well together in the cold. An excellent application in neuralgia, painful tumours, &c.
=Lotion for Chilblains.= See CHILBLAIN, LINIMENT, &c.
=Lotion of Chlo"rate of Soda.= _Syn._ LOTIO SODae CHLORATIS, L. _Prep._ (Darling.) Chlorate of soda, 5 dr.; water, 1/2 pint. In pruritus, &c.
=Lotion of Chlo"ride of Ammonium.= LOTIO AMMONII CHLORIDI. Chloride of ammonium, 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 oz.; water, 10 oz. To this vinegar is sometimes added. Used as a dressing for bruises. See also LOTION OF HYDROCHLORATE OF AMMONIA.
=Lotion of Chlo"ride of Lead.= _Syn._ LOTIO PLUMBI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ (Tuson.) Chloride of lead, 1 dr.; hot distilled water, 1 pint; dissolve.
In cancerous ulcerations, painful neuralgic tumours, &c.
=Lotion of Chloride of Tin.= _Syn._ LOTIO STANNI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ (Nauche.) Chloride of tin, 1 gr.; distilled water, 2 to 3 fl. oz. In cancerous ulcerations.
=Lotion of Chloride of Zinc.= _Syn._ LOTIO ZINCI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ 1.
Chloride of zinc, 10 gr. (or solution, 1/2 fl. dr.); water, 1 pint. As a disinfectant and preventive lotion.
2. (Voght.) Chloride of zinc, 8 gr.; extract of aloes, 40 gr.; distilled water, 4 fl. oz. In atonic and foul ulcers.
=Lotion, Chlorina'ted.= _Syn._ LOTIO CHLORINATA, L. _Prep._ 1. (LOTIO CALCIS CHLORINATae.)--_a._ From chloride of lime, 3 dr.; water, 1 pint; agitate together for some time, and strain through muslin.
_b._ (Derheims.) Chloride of lime, 1 oz.; water, 1 quart; triturate and filter.
2. (LOTIO SODae CHLORINATae.) From chloride of soda, as the last. They are both excellent washes for foul ulcers, the itch, &c.; and, when diluted for the teeth, to sweeten the breath, remove the smell of tobacco smoke, to prevent infection, and for various purposes. When intended for application to very tender or abraded surfaces, they must be largely diluted with water.
=Lotion of Chlo"roform.= _Syn._ LOTIO CHLOROFORMI, L. _Prep._ Chloroform (pure), 1-1/2 fl. oz.; rectified spirit and cold distilled water, of each 1/2 pint. Anodyne. A piece of oiled silk should be laid over the rag to prevent evaporation. The lotion made with water, as commonly prescribed, is inert.
=Lotion for Corns.= See CORN.
=Lotion of Crea'sote.= _Syn._ LOTIO CREASOTI, L. _Prep._ 1. Creasote, 2 fl. dr.; liquor of, 3 fl. dr.; water, 1/2 pint.
2. Creasote, 3 fl. dr.; vinegar and water, of each 1/2 pint. In burns, itch, phagedenic ulcerations, ringworm, chancre, &c.
=Lotion of Cy'anide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ LOTIO POTa.s.sI CYANIDI, L.