Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Injection of Hydrocyan'ic Ac'id.= _Syn._ INJECTIO ACIDI HYDROCYANICI, L.
_Prep._ Medicinal hydrocyanic acid, 1 fl. dr.; soft water or almond emulsion, 1 pint. Anodyne; to allay excessive irritability, both in chronic ophthalmia and gonorrha, and to relieve chordee; but in all cases it must be used with caution, and at first largely diluted with water.
=1. Hypodermic Injection of Ergotine.= (Dr Hildebrandt.) Aqueous extract of ergotine, 3 parts; distilled water and glycerin, of each 7-1/2 parts; for uterine fibroid tumours (Dr Drasch), 5 gr. of ergotine in 1 dr. of glycerin; 1/5th to be injected, according to circ.u.mstances, once or twice a day, in the region of the pectoral muscles; in internal haemorrhage, haemoptysis, and epistaxis.
=2. Hypodermic Injection of Iodic Acid.= Dr Luton uses this in goitre, 1/2 dr. of solution containing 1/5th of acid injected at once into the midst of the tumour.
=3. Hypodermic Injection of Perchloride of Mercury.= (Dr Staub.) Perchloride of mercury and chloride of ammonium, of each 20 gr.; chloride of sodium about 62 gr.; distilled water, 20 gr. After filtration the whole is mixed with solution of the white of one egg, and 4-1/2 dr. of water.
The solution contains 1/33rd of a gr. of perchloride to every 20 drops.
1/6th of a grain of perchloride to be injected each day.
=4. Hypodermic Injection of Morphia.= (B. P.) Hydrochlorate of morphia 88 gr.; solution of ammonia, acetic acid, distilled water of each, q. s.
Dissolve the hydrochlorate in 2 oz. of distilled water by a gentle heat, then add the solution of ammonia, so as to precipitate the morphia, and render the liquid slightly alkaline; allow it to cool; collect the precipitate on a filter, wash with distilled water, and allow it to drain; then transfer the morphia to a porcelain dish, and add acetic acid until the morphia is dissolved, and a very slightly acid solution is formed. Now add distilled water, q. s. to make the solution measure 2 fl. oz. For subcutaneous injection, 1 to 6 minims.
5. Sulphate of morphia is a very good soluble salt.
=6. Hypodermic Injection of Quinine.= Three to 6 gr. of _neutral_ sulphate of quinine placed on a watch gla.s.s, previously warmed, without acid; to this add 12 minims of distilled water, and apply a moderate heat by a spirit lamp for a second, or two. The syringe should be warmed before being used.
Dr Rosenthal advocates the use of glycerin as a medium for the solution of various substances used for subcutaneous injection. The glycerin must be very pure. By gradual elevation of temperature it can be made to take up a large number of certain alkaloids and salts, and will retain them dissolved for a year. 1 fl. dr. will dissolve one scruple of sulphate of quinine, and 10 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia. Dr Rosenthal states that the injection of quinine has been found very useful in intermittents.
=Injection of Io'dide of I'ron.= _Syn._ INJECTIO FERRI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ricord.) Iodide of iron, 6 gr.; water, 5 fl. oz. In gonorrha, gradually increasing the quant.i.ty of iodide.
2. (Soubeiran.) Iodide of iron, 3 to 4 dr.; water, 1 pint. In suppressed and painful menstruation, leucorrha, &c. Both are astringent and well adapted to scrofulous patients.
=Injection of I'odide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ INJECTIO POTa.s.sII IODIDI, L.
_Prep._ (Foy.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 3 gr.; pure water, 1 pint. As a stimulant to fistulous sinuses and ulcers in persons of scrofulous habits.
IODINII, L. _Prep._ 1. (M. Ameuille.) Tincture of iodine, 1 part; water, 5 or 6 parts. In refractory fistulae.
2. (M. Bonnet.) Iodine, 1 part; iodide of pota.s.sium, 2 parts; water, 10 parts. In scrofulous hydrarthrosis, &c.
3. (Bransby Cooper.) Compound tincture of iodine, 2 fl. dr.; water, 6 fl.
dr. In hydrocele.
4. (Guibourt.) Iodine, 4 gr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 8 gr.; water, 1 pint.
To stimulate fistulous sinuses.
5. (Velpeau.) Tincture of iodine, 1 fl. dr.; water, 3 fl. dr. In hydrocele.
=Injection, Lithontrip'tic.= _Syn._ INJECTIO LITHONTRIPTICA, I. VESICALIS, L. _Prep._ (Dr Hoskins.) Nitro-saccharate of lead, 1 gr.; saccharic acid, 5 drops; rub together, then add of distilled water, 1 fl. oz. As a solvent for phosphatic calculi. See INJECTION ALKALINE.
=Injection, Mercu"rial.= _Syn._ INJECTIO MERCURIALIS, I. HYDRARGYRI, L.
_Prep._ 1. Quicksilver, 1 dr.; gum mucilage, 1-1/2 oz.; triturate until the globules disappear, and gradually add of water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.
2. (Hosp. F.) Quicksilver and balsam of copaiba, of each 4 dr.; yolk of an egg; rose water, 1/2 pint. An awkward and useless preparation.
=Injection of Mor'phia.= _Syn._ INJECTIO MORPHIae, L. _Prep._ (Brera.) Morphia, 2 gr.; oil of almonds (warm), 1 oz.; triturate together until united. Anodyne and emollient. To ease the pain in ear-ache, acute gonorrha, piles, &c.
=Injection of Night Shade, Black.= (P. C.) _Syn._ INJECTIO FOLIARUM SOLANI NIGRUM. _Prep._ Dried leaves of black night shade, 1-3/4 oz.; boiling water, 36 oz. Infuse 1 hour, and strain.
=Injection of Nitrate of Sil'ver.= _Syn._ INJECTIO ARGENTI NITRATIS, L.
_Prep._ 1. (Acton.) Nitrate of silver, 3 gr.; distilled water, 1/2 pint; dissolve.
2. (Dr Arnott.) Nitrate, 12 gr.; water, 1 fl. oz.
3. (Dr Collier.) Nitrate, 2 gr.; rose water, 1 fl. oz.
4. (Dr Culverwell.) Nitrate, 20 to 30 gr.; water, 1 fl. oz.
5. (Dr Jewell.) Nitrate, 12 gr.; water, 6 fl. oz.
6. (Ricord.) Nitrate, 8 gr.; water, 1 fl. oz.
7. (West. Hosp.) Nitrate, 1-1/2 gr.; diluted nitric acid, 1-1/4 minim; distilled water, 1 fl. oz.
_Obs._ The weaker solutions are used in chronic gonorrha, gleet, and leucorrha; those of an intermediate strength to prevent an attack of gonorrha following the incipient symptoms of that disease; and the strongest, chiefly in spermatorrha. Their use requires great caution.
=Injection of Oak Bark.= _Syn._ INJECTIO QUERCUS. _Prep._ (Univ. Hosp.) Alum, 6 gr.; decoction of oak bark, 1 fl. oz. For the v.a.g.i.n.a. Astringent.
=Injection, Oleaginous.= _Syn._ INJECTIO OLEOSA. _Prep._ Oil of almonds, 4 oz.; liquid subacetate of lead, 8 drops.
=Injection of O"pium.= _Syn._ INJECTIO OPII, I. OPIATA, L. _Prep._ 1.
Tincture of opium or wine of opium, 1 to 2 fl. dr. (according to circ.u.mstances); water, 5 fl. oz. As an anodyne, in gonorrha.
2. (Foy.) Extract of opium, 6 gr.; extract of belladonna, 1-1/2 dr.; decoction of wild lettuce, 16 fl. oz. In neuralgia and haemorrhages.
=Injection of Opium with Lead.= (Wendt.) _Syn._ INJECTIO PLUMBI OPIATA.
_Prep._ Extract of opium, 1-1/2 gr.; distilled water, 2 oz.; mucilage, 2 dr.; liquid subacetate of lead, 4 drops.
=Injection of Pancreas.= (Merkel.) _Syn._ INJECTIO PANCREATINI. _Prep._ One bullock's pancreas; glycerin, 8 oz. Rub the finely minced pancreas with the glycerin, mix one third of this mixture with from 4 to 5 oz. of finely minced meat, and inject into the r.e.c.t.u.m. Said to be easily digested.
=Injection of Platino-Chloride of Soda.= (Hffer.) _Syn._ INJECTIO PLATINO-CHLORIDI SODII. _Prep._ Decoction of poppy, 8 oz.; chloride of platinum and sodium, 1/2 dr.
=Injection, Sed'ative.= _Syn._ INJECTIO SEDATIVA, L. _Prep._ (Hosp. F.) Oil of almonds, 1 oz.; solution of diacetate of lead, 20 drops. Cooling, sedative, and emollient.
2. (Wendt.) Aqueous extract of opium, 1-1/2 gr.; mucilage, 2 dr.; solution of diacetate of lead, 4 drops; water, 2 fl. oz. Cooling, sedative, and anodyne.
3. (Ga.s.sincourt.) Simple emulsion, 5 fl. oz.; decoction of poppies, 16 fl.
oz.; white of 1 egg; mix. In acute gonorrha.
=Injection, Stim'ulating.= _Syn._ INJECTIO STIMULANS, L. _Prep._ (St.
Marie.) Myrrh, 1 oz.; quicklime, 2 oz.; water, 1 quart; digest for 2 or 3 days, and decant the clear portion. In fistulous ulcers.
=Injection of Sul'phate of Cop'per.= _Syn._ INJECTIO CUPRI SULPHATIS, L.
_Prep._ 1. Sulphate of copper, 5 gr.; rose water, 4 fl. oz. In chronic gonorrha.
2. (Hunter.) Sulphate of copper, 3 gr.; water, 4 fl. oz. As the last.