Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 288

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=Infusion of Daf"fodil.= _Syn._ INFUSUM NARCISSI PSEUDO-NARCISSI, L.

_Prep._ (Dufresnoy.) Flowers of daffodil (_Narcissus pseudo-Narcissus_), 3 to 16 in no.; boiling water, 1 pint. Expectorant, nauseant, and emetic. In hooping-cough.

=Infusion of Dah"lia Pe'tals.= From the violet or blue varieties. Used for its colour and as a test.

=Infusion of Dandeli'on.= _Syn._ INFUSION OF TARAXAc.u.m; INFUSUM TARAXACI, L. 1. From the sliced root. Stimulant, resolvent, and tonic.

2. (Concentrated; INFUSUM TARAXACI CONCENTRATUM, L.) From the root (sliced), 1 lb.; exposed to a current of warm dry air until crisp, then coa.r.s.ely pulverised, and digested for a week in a mixture of rectified spirit, 12 fl. oz.; cold water, 1-1/2 pint. 8 times the usual strength.

3. (Compound; INFUSUM TARAXACI COMPOSITUM, L.--Meigs.) Infusion of dandelion, 4 fl. oz.; extract of do., 2 dr.; sesquicarbonate of soda, 1/2 dr.; tartrate of, 3 dr.; tincture of rhubarb, 3 fl. dr.; tincture of henbane, 20 drops. In dropsical and visceral affections.--_Dose._ One third part thrice daily. See DECOCTION, EXTRACT, &c.

=Infusion of Digita'lis.= See INFUSION OF FOXGLOVE.

=Infusion, Diuret'ic.= _Syn._ INFUSUM DIURETIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ 1. Broom tops, 1 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse 1 hour, strain, cool, and add of sweet spirits of nitre, 3 fl. dr.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful every other hour.

2. Infusion of foxglove, 1 fl. oz.; tincture of foxglove, 1/2 fl. dr.; acetate of, 1 dr.; laudanum, 10 drops.--_Dose_, 1 table-spoonful twice or thrice a day, carefully watching the effects.

3. Juniper berries, 2 oz.; aniseed, 1/4 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse 1 hour; strain, and when cold, add of compound spirit of juniper, 2 fl.

oz.; tincture of squills, 1 fl. dr.; nitre, 1 dr.--_Dose_, 1/2 a teacupful frequently. All the above are used as diuretics in dropsy. See INFUSIONS OF BROOM, FOXGLOVE, and JUNIPER.

=Infusion of Dog'wood.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CORNUS FLORIDae, L. From the bark of American dogwood (_Cornus Florida_). See DECOCTION.

=Infusion of Dulcamara= (B. P.). _Syn._ INFUSUM DULCAMARae. _Prep._ Infuse bruised dulcamara, 1 oz.; in 10 fluid ounces of boiling water in a covered vessel for 1 hour; and strain.--_Dose_, 1 oz. to 2 oz.

=Infusion of El'der Flowers.= _Syn._ ELDER-FLOWER TEA; INFUSUM SAMBUCI FLORUM, L. From the picked flowers, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint.

Pectoral, expectorant, and diaph.o.r.etic, either alone or sweetened with honey.

=Infusion of Elecampane.= _Syn._ INFUSUM INULae. _Prep._ Elecampane root, 5 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse for two hours, and strain.

=Infusion of Elm-bark.= _Syn._ COMPOUND INULae, L. Diaph.o.r.etic, expectorant, and tonic. FUSION OF ELM-BARK; INFUSUM ULMI COMPOSITUM, L.

_Prep._ (Cadet.) Elm-bark, bitter-sweet, burdock, and fumitory, of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest for 4 hours, strain, and add of syrup of sarsaparilla, 1 oz. The whole to be taken in 24 hours, in divided doses in the chronic exanthemata. See DECOCTION.

=Infusion of Er'got of Rye.= _Syn._ INFUSUM ERGOTae (B. P.). L. _Prep._ 1.

(B. P.) Ergot, 1, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 oz.; boiling distilled water, 40 oz.; infuse 1/2 an hour in a covered vessel, and strain. Should be made fresh when required.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz. every 1/2 hour or hour, as a parturient. Also as an injection for gleet.

2. (Concentrated.) See LIQUOR OF ERGOT.

=Infusion of Eucalyptus.= (Griffiths.) _Syn._ INFUSUM EUCALYPTI GLOBULI.

_Prep._ Cut leaves of Eucalyptus globulus, 2 dr.; boiling water, 4 oz.; infuse and strain. Take morning and evening.

=Infusion of Fen'nel.= _Syn._ FENNEL TEA; INFUSUM FNICULI, L. _Prep._ From sweet fennel-seeds, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint. In griping and windy colic of infants; a few drops to 1/2 a teaspoonful for a dose, or a little by way of enema.

=Infusion of Flax-seed.= See INFUSION OF LINSEED.

=Infusion of Fleabane.= _Syn._ INFUSUM ERIGEROMIS CANADENSIS. _Prep._ Canadian fleabane, 1 oz.; boiling water, 16 oz. Diuretic and astringent.

=Infusion of Fox'glove.= _Syn._ INFUSUM DIGITALIS (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1.

(B. P.) Digitalis, dried, 30 gr.; distilled water, 10 oz.; infuse 1 hour, and strain.--_Dose_, 1/4 to 1/2 oz.

2. (Ph. E.) Foxglove (dried), 2 dr.; boiling water, 18 fl. oz.; spirit of cinnamon, 2 fl. oz.

3. (Ph. D.) Foxglove (dried and reduced to a coa.r.s.e powder), 1 dr.; boiling water, 9 fl. oz.; infuse 1 hour. The product should measure about 8 fl. oz. The last two are of double the strength of the infusion Ph. L., and the dose must consequently be only 2 to 4 fl. dr. "I believe this, when properly made, to be the most effectual of the preparations of foxglove." (Pereira.) See FOXGLOVE.

=Infusion of Fu'mitory.= _Syn._ INFUSUM FUMARIae, L. From the herbaceous portion of common fumitory (_Fumaria officinalis_). Aperient and diaph.o.r.etic; in obstinate skin diseases and chronic obstructions of the liver.

=Infusion of Galls.= _Syn._ INFUSUM GALLae, L. 1. From Aleppo galls, coa.r.s.ely powdered. In diarrha, haemorrhages, &c.; also freely, in cases of poisoning by the alkaloids; and diluted with 3 or 4 times its volume of water, for injections, embrocations, gargles, &c.

2. (Compound; INFUSUM GALLae COMPOSITUM, MISTURA GALLae, L.--Ellis.) Infusion of galls, 4 fl. oz.; prepared chalk, 1/2 oz.; powdered gum, 1 dr.; tincture of opium, 1/2 fl. dr.--_Dose_, 1 table-spoonful every 2 hours, in diarrha, &c.

=Infusion of Gar'lic.= _Syn._ INFUSUM ALLII, L. _Prep._ (White.) Garlic (recent), 1/2 lb.; water, 4 lbs.; place them in a covered pot, set it in a very slow oven for 3 or 4 hours, and when cold, express the fluid portion.--_Dose._ In epilepsy, 2 teaspoonfuls before and after every meal; in chronic diarrha, a teaspoonful after every motion.

=Infusion of Gen'tian.= _Syn._ INFUSUM GENTIANae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Beral.) Gentian (bruised), 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse 5 or 6 hours, and strain. Stomachic.


_Prep._ _a._ (B. P.) Gentian, sliced, 1 oz.; orange peel, cut small, 1 oz.; lemon peel (fresh), 2 oz.; boiling distilled water, 1 pint; infuse for an hour in a covered vessel, and strain.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz.

_b._ (Ph. E.) Sliced gentian root, 1/2 oz.; bitter orange peel (dried and bruised) and coriander seeds, of each 1 dr.; proof spirit, 4 fl. oz.; digest for 3 hours, then add of cold water, 16 fl. oz., and in 12 hours more strain.

_c._ (Ph. D.) Gentian and dried orange peel, of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 1/2 pint; macerate 1 hour, and strain.--_Dose_ of the last two, 1/2 to 1 fl. oz.

3. (Concentrated Compound; INFUSUM GENTIANae COMP. CONCENTRATUM, L.)--_a._ Gentian root (bruised), 4-1/2 lbs.; boiling water, q. s. to cover it; infuse with occasional agitation for 2 hours, express the liquor, wash the marc with a little boiling water, and evaporate to 13 quarts; when cold, strain through flannel, add of rectified spirit, 1 gall., and pour the mixed fluids on dried orange peel, 4-1/2 lbs., and fresh lemon peel, 9 lbs.; macerate for 1 week, then express the liquor in a powerful press, and filter through paper.

_b._ Gentian and dried orange peel, of each 4-1/2 lbs.; fresh lemon peel, 9 lbs.; cold distilled water, 13 quarts; rectified spirit, 1 gall.; macerate for 14 or 15 days, with frequent agitation, then express the liquid, add 1 dr. each of the essential oils of lemon and orange, agitate well, and filter through paper.

_c._ Gentian, 1-1/4 lb.; essence of lemon, 1 dr.; essence of orange, 1/2 dr.; essence of cedrate, 15 drops; rectified spirit, 1 quart; cold water, 3 quarts; digest for 10 days and filter.

4. (With RHUBARB; INFUSUM GENTIANae ET RHEI, MISTURA STOMACHICA, L.) From gentian and rhubarb (bruised), of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest 1 hour, and strain; to the cold infusion add of sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 1 dr. An admirable medicine in dyspepsia, hysteria, loss of appet.i.te, constipation, chronic rheumatism, &c.

=Infusion of Gin'ger.= _Syn._ GINGER TEA; INFUSUM ZINGIBERIS, L. From the best unbleached Jamaica ginger, freshly bruised or grated. In flatulence, colic, and indigestion.

=Infusion of Gin'seng.= _Syn._ GINSENG TEA; INFUSUM GINSENG, I. RADICIS G., L. _Prep._ Ginseng (the root of _Panax Schinseng_), 1/2 oz.; ginger (grated), 1 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; macerate 1 hour, then add of cinnamon (bruised), 1/2 dr.; infuse for another hour, and strain. Ginseng tea, made according to the above formula, has a wonderful reputation in China, as a stimulant, restorative, and aphrodisiac. In Europe, however, it is merely regarded as an aromatic demulcent.

_Obs._ American ginseng (the root of _Panax quinquefolium_) may be subst.i.tuted for the Asiatic product.

=Infusion of Gold'thread.= _Syn._ INFUSUM COPTIS, L. From the root of _Coptis trifolia_. Bitter, stomachic; in dyspepsia, and as a mouth-wash in thrush.

=Infusion of Gua'co.= _Syn._ INFUSUM GUACO, L. From the bruised leaves and stems of guaco or huaco (_Mikania guaco_). Sudorific and vulnerary; reputed in South America to be a powerful remedy for the bites of venemous serpents and for hydrophobia, but the trials in this country do not show it to be of any value in such cases.

=Infusion of Guaiac'um.= _Syn._ COMPOUND INFUSION OF GUAIAc.u.m, I. OF THE WOODS; INFUSUM GUAIACI COMPOSITUM, AQUA BENEDICTA COMPOSITA, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D. 1826.) Guaiac.u.m shavings, 6 oz.; bruised liquorice root, 1 oz.; sa.s.safras bark, 1/2 oz.; coriander seeds, 3 dr.; lime water, 96 fl. oz.

(say 5 pints); infuse for 2 days, and strain. _Dose_, 3 to 4 fl. oz., twice or thrice a day, in scrofula, rheumatism, gout, eruptions, &c.

=Infusion of Gum.= _Syn._ INFUSUM ACACIae, L. From gum acacia and lump sugar, of each 2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; macerate until dissolved, then cool, and add of orange-flower water, 1/2 fl. oz. A pleasant demulcent in coughs, hoa.r.s.eness, &c.

=Infusion of Hedge Hys'sop.= _Syn._ INFUSUM GRATIOLae, L. _Prep._ (A. T.

Thomson.) Hedge hyssop (_Gratiola officinalis_), dried, 2 dr.; boiling water, 8 fl. oz. Cathartic, diuretic, emetic, and vermifuge.--_Dose_, 3 to 6 fl. dr.; in dropsies, gout, jaundice, &c. See EXTRACT.

=Infusion of Hem'lock.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CONII, I. CONII MACULATI, L.

_Prep._ (Guy's Hosp.) Dried leaves of hemlock, and coriander seeds, of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 8 oz.; infuse for 2 hours. Combined with acetate of ammonia, tincture of henbane, and syrup of poppies, in pulmonary complaints, &c.

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