Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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2. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM SCILLae ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--P. Cod.) From the tincture prepared with proof spirit, by distillation and evaporation.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 3 gr., as an expectorant and diuretic, twice or thrice a day. In larger doses it is nauseant and emetic.
3. (Acetic; EXTRACTUM SCILLae ACETIc.u.m.) Digest powder of squills, 1 lb., in acetic acid, 3 oz.; and distilled water, 1 pint, with a gentle heat, for 48 hours.
Express strongly, and without straining; evaporate to a proper consistence. (One grain of this is said to equal three of the powder.)
=Extract (fluid) of Stillingiae.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM STILLINGae FLUIDUM (Ph.
U. S.). _Prep._ Stillingia, in fine powder, 16 oz. (troy); macerate with 12 oz. (old measure) of rectified spirit; 3 oz. (old measure) of glycerin; and 1 oz. (old measure) of water, for four days in a closed percolator, and proceed as for FLUID EXTRACT OF COTTON-ROOT. (Ph. U. S.)
=Extract of Stor'ax.= See STYRAX.
=Extract of Stramo"nium.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF THORN-APPLE; EXTRACTUM STRAMONII, (Ph. L. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Pack stramonium seeds, coa.r.s.ely powdered, in a percolator, and pa.s.s about their own weight of washed ether slowly through them, remove the ether, and set aside. Now pour over them proof spirit until the seeds are exhausted; distil off the spirit, and evaporate the residue by a water bath to a proper pill consistence.--_Dose_, 1/4 gr., gradually increasing.
2. (Ph. L.) Seeds of thorn-apple (_Datura stramonium_), 15 oz.; boiling distilled water, 1 gall.; macerate for 4 hours in a vessel lightly covered, near the fire; afterwards take out the seeds, bruise them in a stone mortar, and return them to the liquor; then boil down to 4 pints, strain whilst hot, and evaporate. The Ph. D. is similar. _Product._ (About) 12%, Anodyne and narcotic.--_Dose_, 1/4 gr. to 1/2 gr., gradually increased, twice or thrice a day; neuralgia, rheumatism, tic doloureux, spasmodic asthma, epilepsy, worms, &c.
3. (P. Cod. & Ph. U. S.) From the expressed juice of the fresh leaves, heated to boiling, and filtered. The P. Cod. also orders it to be prepared as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L. Anodyne and narcotic.--_Dose_, 1/2 gr. to 1 gr.
_Obs._ On the large scale, this extract is prepared by expressing the juice of the fresh herb, and boiling the remainder in water; the juice and decoction are then mixed, filtered, and evaporated. 1-1/2 cwt. of stramonium yielded 37 lbs. of juice, and this, with the decoction, gave 31 lbs. of extract. (Gray.)
4. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM STRAMONII--Ph. E., E. S. ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.)--_a._ (Ph. E. & Ph. U. S.) From the seeds (ground in a coffee-mill), by percolation with proof spirit. _Product._ (About) 14%; 1 lb. yielded 2-1/4 oz. (Recluz.)
_b._ (P. Cod.) From the leaves, as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--P. Cod.--_Dose_, 1/4 gr. gradually increased. (See _above_.)
=Extract of Suc'cory.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CHICORII, L. _Prep._ (Guibourt.) From the fresh root, as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L. Aperient, deobstruent, and tonic.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr.
=Extract of Sweet Flag.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM ACIDI, E. CALAMI AROMATICI, L.
_Prep._ From the rhizomes, as EXTRACT OF RHUBARB--Ph. L. See SWEET FLAG.
=Extract of Tan'sy.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM TANACETI, L. _Prep._ 1. From the herb (_Tanacetum vulgaris_), as EXTRACT OF HOP--Ph. L.
2. (Giordano.) As EXTRACT OF h.o.r.eHOUND--Ph. Lusitan.
_Obs._ This extract is said to be tonic, stomachic, anthelmintic, emmenagogue, and febrifuge. Dr Clark says that in Scotland it was found to be serviceable in various cases of gout. The infusion is, however, preferable.--_Dose_, 5 gr. to 20 gr.
=Extract of Taraxac.u.m.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF DANDELION; EXTRACTUM TARAXACI (Ph. L. & E.), E. T. HERBae ET RADICIS (Ph. D. 1826), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Crush fresh dandelion root, press out the juice, and allow it to deposit; heat the clear liquor to 212 F., and maintain the temperature for 10 minutes; then strain and evaporate by a water bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160 F. to a proper consistence.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 grains.
2. (Ph. L.) From the recent root of dandelion (_Leontodon Taraxac.u.m_), as EXTRACT OF HOP--Ph. L. The formulae of the Ph. E. & U. S. are nearly similar.
3. (Ph. D.) From the herb and root, as the other simple extracts (EXTRACTA SIMPLICIORA).
4. (P. Cod.) From the expressed juice, as EXTRACT OF STRAMONIUM--P. Cod.)
5. (Ph. Bor.) As EXTRACT OF SENNA--Ph. Bor. (nearly).
6. (Ph. Baden.) By displacement with cold water.
7. (Wholesale.) From the decoction.
8. (Fluid.) See LIQUOR OF TARAXAc.u.m.
_Obs._ The extract of the shops is usually prepared by exhausting the root by coction with water. The products of the first two of the above formulae, when recent, have a faint and agreeable odour, and a sweet bitter taste; those of Nos. 4, 5, and 6, smell strongly of the recent root, have a pale and lively brownish-yellow colour, and a bitter acidulous taste, without any trace of sweetness; that of the last one is devoid of odour, and possesses a coffee-brown colour, and a sweetish, burnt taste, not much unlike a solution of burnt sugar. The medicinal virtue of this extract is greatest when the aroma and bitter taste of the recent root is well developed; and when sweet, its efficacy as a remedy is impaired. (Squire.)
Taraxac.u.m root should be gathered during the winter months, when the quant.i.ty of the product is looked at; as then a given weight of the juice yields more extract; but in summer and autumn it possesses more bitterness and aroma. 4 lbs. of juice from roots gathered in November and December yielded 1 lb. of extract, while it took from 6 to 9 lbs. of juice from the root, gathered in spring or summer, to yield a like quant.i.ty. (Squire.) The herb yields by the evaporation of its expressed juice about 5% of extract. According to Mr Jacob Bell, the average yield of 1 cwt. of root is about 7-1/8 lbs. ('Pharm Journ.,' x, 446.)
Good extract of taraxac.u.m should be wholly soluble in water.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr.; as a resolvent, aperient, and tonic, in liver and stomach complaints, &c.
=Extract of Tea.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM THEae, L. _Prep._ 1. From an infusion of any of the rougher kinds of black tea. Astringent. Has been recommended in diarrha; formed into pills.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr. A hard, black-looking substance, smelling and tasting faintly of tea, is imported under the same name from China.
2. (Pidding's.) The joint products of distillation and infusion combined.
Proposed to be made in China, and exported as a condensed preparation of tea. (ESSENCE OF TEA; ESSENTIA THEae); to be used as a subst.i.tute for the leaves, in order to save the expense of freight, &c.
=Extract of Thorn-Apple.= See EXTRACT OF STRAMONIUM.
=Extract of Tobac'co.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM TABACI, E. NICOTIANae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Chippendale.) From decoction of tobacco. Proposed as an external application in neuralgia, &c.
2. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM TABACI ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--Ph. Bor.) Tobacco leaves, 1 lb.; spirit (sp. gr. 900), 2 lbs.; digest in a warm place for some days, express strongly, and again digest in a mixture of water and spirit (900), of each, 1 lb., for 24 hours; again press out the liquor, and evaporate the strained and mixed liquors into a vapour bath, at a temperature not exceeding 167 Fahr.
=Extract of Tor'mentil.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM TORMENTILLae, L. _Prep._ (Ph.
Amst.) From the root of _Potentilla Tormentilla_, as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph.
L. The Ph. Baden directs its preparation by displacement with cold water.
Astringent and febrifuge.--_Dose_, 15 to 30 gr.; in diarrha. It was formerly regarded as a specific in syphilis. (Lindley.)
=Extract of U'va Ur'si.= See EXTRACT OF WHORTLEBERRY.
=Extract of Valer'ian.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM VALERIANae, L. _Prep._ 1. From valerian root, as EXTRACT OF HOP--Ph. L.; but using a covered vessel.
2. (Ph. Bor. and Baden.) As EXTRACT OF CINCHONA--Ph. L. (nearly), employing strong force in the expression of the liquor, and only evaporating to the consistence of syrup.
_Obs._ It is usual to add to this extract a little of the ESSENTIAL OIL OF VALERIAN, dissolved in a small quant.i.ty of rectified spirit, just before removing it from the evaporating-pan, and when nearly cold. Anti-spasmodic and nervine.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr. In hysteric and spasmodic diseases. Valerian yields about 40% of soft extract.
3. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM VALERIANae ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--P. Cod.) As EXTRACT OF BOX.--P. Cod.
4. (Fluid; EXTRACTUM VALERIANae FLUIDUM, L.--Ph. U. S.). Rectified spirit, 12 fl. oz.; mix, add of valerian (in coa.r.s.e powder), 8 oz. digest and percolate, adding, subsequently, spirit (at or near proof) until 16 fl.
oz. of tincture have pa.s.sed through; let this evaporate spontaneously, in a shallow vessel, until reduced to 5 fl. oz.; in the meantime add fresh spirit to the ma.s.s in the percolator, until 10 fl. oz. more of tincture are obtained, which add to the above residuum of the evaporation, observing to dissolve any oleo-resinous deposit in a little rectified spirit, and add to it to the rest; lastly, filter, and add of rectified spirit, q. s. to make the whole measure 16 fl. oz.
=Extract of Vanil'la.= See LIQUOR OF VANILLA.
=Extract of Wall Pel'litory.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PARIETARIae, L. _Prep._ From fresh wall-pellitory (_Parietaria officinalis_), as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L. Aperient, diuretic, and pectoral.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr.
=Extract of Wal'nut.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS IMMATURae, L. _Prep._ 1.
From unripe walnuts (_Juglans regia_), as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L.
2. From the decoction of the green Vermifuge.--_Dose_, 20 to 30 gr. in cinnamon water.
=Extract of Walnut Leaves.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS FOLIORUM, L.
_Prep._ 1. From the decoction of dried walnut leaves.
2. (Soubeiran.) By displacement with tepid water. Diaph.o.r.etic and alterative.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 gr., twice or thrice a day; in scrofula, scirrhus, &c.
3. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS FOLIORUM ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--Ph. Bor.) From walnut leaves (cut), as ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF TOBACCO--Ph. Bor.