Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 213

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=Essence of Chiret'ta.= See INFUSION (Concentrated).

=Essence of Cin'namon.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CINNAMOMI, SPIRITUS C.

CONCENTRATUS, L. _Prep._ 1. From oil of cinnamon, as ESSENCE OF ALLSPICE or ALMONDS.

2. Cinnamon, 5 oz.; rectified spirit, 3/4 pint; water, 1/4 pint; digest a week, and strain. Inferior to the last. Essence of ca.s.sia is commonly sold for it.

=Essence of Civ'et.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ZIBETHI, L. _Prep._ 1. Civet (cut small), 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; as ESSENCE OF MUSK.

2. Instead of rectified spirit use spirit of ambrette. Both are used in perfumery; chiefly in combination with other substances.

=Essence of Cloves.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CARYOPHILLI, L. _Prep._ 1. (White.) From oil of cloves, as ESSENCE OF ALLSPICE. Used as a 'flavouring.'

2. (Coloured.) Cloves (bruised), 3-1/2 oz. proof spirit, 3/4 pint; water, 1/4 pint; digest a week, and strain. Inferior to the last. It is 8 times as strong as INFUSION OF CLOVES (Ph. L.). Chiefly used in dispensing.

=Essence of Cof'fee.= See COFFEE.

=Essence of Co'gnac.= (kone'-yak). _Syn._ BRANDY ESSENCE. _Prep._ From brandy oil, 2 fl. oz.; rectified spirit, 18 fl. oz. For flavouring malt spirit to imitate brandy. See OIL.

=Essence of Cologne.= _Syn._ CONCENTRATED EAU DE COLOGNE; ESSENTIA COLONIENSIS, AQUA C. CONCENTRATA, L. _Prep._ 1. By taking 8 times the quant.i.ty of the ingredients ordered for COLOGNE WATER, and using the strongest rectified spirit.

2. Oils of lemon and cedrat, of each, 2 dr.; oil of rosemary, 1 dr.; oil of bergamotte, 1 oz.; spirit of neroli, 2 fl. oz.; purest rectified spirit, 5 fl. oz. Used as a condensed perfume.

=Essence of Colts'foot.= _Prep._ 1. (Ryan.) Balsam of tolu, 1 oz.; rectified spirit and compound tincture of benzoin, of each 3 oz.; dissolve, and in a few days decant the clear portion.

2. (Paris.) Equal parts of balsam of tolu and compound tincture of benzoin, with double the quant.i.ty of rectified spirit.

3. Tincture of tolu, 5 fl. oz.; compound tincture of benzoin, 3 fl. oz.; powdered sugar (quite dry), 1 oz.; hay saffron, 1 dr.; digest a week, with frequent agitation.

_Obs._ Pectoral and stimulant. A quack remedy for consumption and most other diseases of the lungs, but unless a.s.sisted by occasional aperients, and in the absence of fever, it is more likely to kill than cure in these complaints. The last is the best formula.

=Essence of Cu'bebs.= _Syn._ CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CUBEBS; ESSENTIA CUBEBae, E. C. CONCENTRATA, L. _Prep._ 1. Cubebs (bruised, or preferably ground in a pepper mill), 1/2 lb.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest 14 days, press, and filter.

2. (Wholesale.) Cubebs, 4-1/4 lbs.; rectified spirit, 1 gall. This essence has a very large sale, and if carefully prepared from a good sample of the drug, is a most excellent preparation. Every fl. oz. represents 2-1/2 dr.

of cubebs.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 dr.

=Essence of Cubebs (Oleo-resinous).= _Prep._ (Dublanc.) Oleo-resinous extract of cubebs, 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 3 oz.; dissolve. A very active and concentrated form of administering cubebs, which must not be confounded with the preceding preparation, which is the one always meant when 'Essence of Cubebs' is ordered.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 1 dr.

=Essence of Dill.= _Syn._ DILL DROPS; ESSENTIA ANETHI, L. _Prep._ 1. From oil of dill, as ESSENCE OF ALLSPICE.

2. Oil of dill, extract of dill, and salt of tartar, of each 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest, and strain. Both the above are aromatic and anti-flatulent. The first is commonly used as an adjunct to other medicines, especially to purgatives for children. The second is a popular tonic and stomachic in the flatulent colic, dyspepsia, &c., of women and children.--_Dose._ A few drops, on sugar.

=Essence of Er'got.= See LIQUOR or ERGOT OF RYE.

=Essence of Ergot (Ethereal).= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ERGOTae ETHEREA, E. SECALIS CORNUTI E., L. _Prep._ 1. (Mr Lever.) Ergot (powdered), 2 oz.; rectified sulphuric ether, 2 fl. oz.; digest a week, express the tincture, filter, and abandon the liquid to spontaneous evaporation; lastly, dissolve the residuum in ether, 1 fl. oz. This is an expensive and troublesome formula.

The following modification of it is both simpler and less expensive.

2. Ergot (ground), 8 oz.; ether, 16 fl. oz.; prepare a tincture as before, and by a gentle heat distil off the ether in a retort connected with a well-cooled refrigerator, until 15 fl. oz. shall have pa.s.sed over; continue the evaporation at a reduced heat until the remainder of the ether has pa.s.sed off; lastly, dissolve the residuum, as soon as cold, in ether, 4 fl. oz.

_Obs._ Each fl. oz. represents 2 oz. of ergot.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 drops as a parturifacient, taken on sugar; 3 to 5 drops as a haemostatic and emmenagogue, in haemorrhages, floodings, &c. It possesses all the acrid, narcotic principle of the ergot, but less of the haemostatic principle than the ordinary essence, whilst it is much more costly.

=Essence of Fen'nel.= _Syn._ ESSENCE OF SWEET FENNEL; ESSENTIA FNICULI, L. _Prep._ From oil of fennel (_Fniculum dulce_), as ESSENCE OF ALLSPICE.

=Essence of Gen'tian.= See INFUSION OF GENTIAN (Concentrated).

=Essence of Gin'ger.= _Syn._ CONCENTRATED TINCTURE OF GINGER, ESSENTIA ZINGIBERIS, TINCTURA Z. CONCENTRATA, L. _Prep._ 1. Unbleached Jamaica ginger (bruised), 5 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest a fortnight, press, and filter.

2. (Oxley's 'CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER,' The same as the preceding, with the addition of a very small quant.i.ty of essence of cayenne. The above possess only about 4 times the strength of tincture of ginger (Ph. L.); and though vended in the shops as essence of ginger, scarcely deserves the name.

3. As No. 1 (next article, _below_), but using double the quant.i.ty of spirit. Very fine.

4. (Kitchener's.) Ginger (grated), 3 oz.; yellow peel of lemon (fresh), 2 oz.; brandy, 1-1/2 pint; digest 10 days. For culinary purposes, &c. See _below_.

=Essence of Ginger (Concentrated).= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ZINGIBERIS CONCENTRATA. _Prep._ 1. Jamaica ginger (best unbleached, in coa.r.s.e powder) and siliceous sand, equal parts, are sprinkled with rectified spirit of wine, q. s. to perfectly moisten them, and after 24 hours the ma.s.s is placed in a 'percolator,' and after returning the first runnings 2 or 3 times, the receiver is changed, and more rectified spirit poured on gradually, and at intervals, as required, until as much essence is obtained as there has been ginger employed.

_Obs._ The quality of the product of the above formula is excellent, but the process is somewhat difficult to manage. The ma.s.s remaining in the percolator is treated with fresh spirit until exhausted, and the tincture so obtained is employed, instead of spirit, for making more essence with fresh ginger. The last portion of spirit in the waste ma.s.s may be obtained by adding a little water. Coa.r.s.ely powdered charcoal is frequently used instead of sand, in which case the product has less colour; at the same time, however, a little of the flavour is lost.

2. (Wholesale.)--_a._ Best unbleached Jamaica ginger (as last), 12 lbs.; rectified spirit, 2-1/2 galls., are digested together for 14 days, and the expressed and strained tincture reduced by distillation, in a steam or water bath, to exactly 1 gall.; it is next cooled, and transferred as quickly as possible into stoppered bottles, and the next day filtered.

_Obs._ The product of the last formula is a most beautiful article, of immense strength, and the richest flavour. The a.s.sertion made by a recent writer on pharmacy, that 'the product is very strong, but has lost some of the flavour of the ginger,' is evidently made in ignorance of the preparation. "We were the first to introduce and publish this formula, and have employed it for years on the most extensive scale, and can conscientiously a.s.sert that, for inexpensiveness, and the quality of the essence produced by it, it is unequalled by any other. The process, though apparently complicated is, in reality, easily performed. The spirit distilled over contains none of the fragrant or aromatic principles of the ginger; on the contrary, the little flavour it has received (apparently from a species of ethereal oil) is rather disagreeable than otherwise, and is better got rid of than retained in the essence. The spirit is used with advantage for preparing the common tincture of ginger, and several other articles. The cause of failure when this process is adopted is careless or awkward manipulation. When possible, hydraulic pressure should be employed to express the tincture, 2 oz. of this essence are regarded as equivalent to 3 oz. of the finest ginger, being fully twenty times as strong as the 'TINCTURE OF GINGER' (Ph. L.). A single drop, swallowed, will almost produce suffocation." Cooley.

_b._ From ginger (as last), 24 lbs.; rectified spirit, 6 gall.; make a tincture, as before, and reduce it by distillation to 1 gall.; then cool as quickly as possible out of contact with the air and add, of the strongest rectified spirit of wine, 1 gall.; lastly, filter, if required.

Quality resembles No. 2, _a_ (nearly). "We are in the habit of applying the method developed in the last two formulae to the preparation of the essences of several other substances, the active principles of which are not volatile at a low temperature." Cooley.

=Essence of Grape.= _Prep._ From grape oil, as ESSENCE OF ALMONDS. It is used to flavour brandy and wines. See OIL (Volatile).

=Essence of Guaiac'um.= _Syn._ FLUID EXTRACT OF GUAIAc.u.m; ESSENTIA GUAIACI, EXTRACTUM GUAIACI FLUIDUM, L. _Prep._ Recent guaiac.u.m shavings, from which the dust has been sifted, 3 cwt., are exhausted by coction in water, as in the preparation of an extract, using as little of that fluid as is absolutely necessary; the decoction is evaporated to exactly 1-3/4 gall.; it is next stirred until cold, to prevent the deposit of resinous matter, when it is put into a bottle, and spirit of wine, 5 pints, is added; the whole is then repeatedly agitated for a week, after which it is allowed to settle for 7 or 8 days, and the clear portion is decanted into another bottle.

_Obs._ This preparation is frequently subst.i.tuted for guaiac.u.m shavings in the preparation of compound decoction of sarsaparilla. 1 pint of this essence is considered equivalent to 19 lbs. of guaiac.u.m in substance. See DECOCTION OF SARSAPARILLA (Comp.).

=Essence for the Handkerchief.= See ESSENTIA ODORATA, &c.


_Prep._ 1. Oil of lavender (Mitcham), 1 dr.; camphor, 1 oz.; liquor of ammonia, 4 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; dissolve. Very fragrant and powerful.

2. (Beasley.) Spirit of camphor, 2 lbs.; strong water of ammonia, 4 oz.; essence of lemon, 1/2 oz.

3. (Redwood.) Camphor and liquor of ammonia, of each 2 oz.; oil of lavender, 4 dr.; rectified spirit, 14 oz. Very fragrant. Stimulant and rubefacient. Used as a counter-irritant lotion in local pains, as headache, earache, colic, &c. Compound camphor liniment is usually sold for it. See LINIMENT.

=Essence of Henbane.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA HYOSCAMI, L. See ESSENCE (Anodyne), No. 2.

=Essence of Hop.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA LUPULI, E. HUMULI, TINCTURA LUPULI CONCENTRATA, L. _Prep._ 1. New hops (rubbed small), 26-1/2 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; digest 24 hours, then distil over (quickly) 1 pint, and set the distillate (_spiritus lupuli_) aside in a corked bottle; to the residuum add water, 1 pint; boil 15 minutes, cool, express the liquor, strain, and evaporate it as quickly as possible to dryness by the heat of a water bath, powder the residuum, and add it to the distilled spirit; digest a week, and filter.

2. Lupulinic grains (yellow powder or lupulin of the strobiles), 5 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest 10 days; express, and filter. Both the above are powerfully bitter, and loaded with the aroma of the hop. They are fully 8 times as strong as the 'TINCTURA LUPULI' of the Ph. L. A few drops added to a gla.s.sful of ale or beer render it agreeably bitter and stomachic.

3. (BREWER'S E. OF HOPS.) Several noxious preparations under the name of extract of hops are sold by the brewer's druggist. They are mostly semi-fluid extracts of qua.s.sia, gentian, and like powerful bitters. Of three of these articles which we have examined, one (for PALE ALE) consisted of the mixed extracts of qua.s.sia and chamomile; another was a preparation of picric acid; whilst a third ('strongly recommended for PORTER') consisted of about equal parts of the extracts of bitter aloes, cocculus indicus, and wormwood. A few years ago one of these vile compounds was publicly advertised, and 'warranted' as being equal to 100 times its weight in hops (1 oz. to 5-1/2 lbs.).

=Essence of Jargonelle' Pear.= _Syn._ PEAR ESSENCE, ESPRIT DE JARGONELLE, &c. _Prep._ From pear oil (acetate of oxide of amyl), as ESSENCE OF ALMONDS. This is now largely employed to flavour confectionery and liqueurs. See AMYL and OIL (Volatile).

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